Model 1 (disjunctive_knapsack milp):
Usage: python3 src/ <input_file>
Model 2 (relax the kp constraint and find the best u):
Usage: python3 src/ <input_file> <e>
Where <e> (optional) is the epsilon value. Less is <e> more precise will be u.
Default value is 0.001.
Model 3 (relax the disjunctive constraint and find the best v):
Usage: python3 src/ <input_file> <e>
Where <e> (optional) is the epsilon value. Less is <e> more precise will be v.
Default value is 0.01.
Model 4 (dynamic programming):
Usage: python3 src/ <input_file>
Benchmark for model 1 (the initial milp) (don't forget to chmod u+x
Usage: ./ <dataDir> <solDir> <model>
Dependencies are in the pyproject.toml