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Michael Higgins edited this page Dec 9, 2016 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster wiki!

Here is a step by step guide to flashing and getting the script up and running.

  1. Download the firmware (a .bin file) from here:

Filename should be ESP8266Basic.cpp.bin

  1. NodeMCU-flasher software

  2. Wire the board and your IR Receiver and LED as below


  1. Connect your ESP8266 via USB to your computer

  2. Determine your COM port by opening device manager after the device has been connected.


In this case its COM4, look for the same text in your device manager

  1. Extract NodeMCU Flasher and Run ESP8266Flasher.exe (found in /Win32/Release or /Win64/Release)

  2. Point to your ESP8266Basic.cpp.bin file and set offset to 0x00000



  1. Set your baud rate to 9600 and your flash size to 4M


  1. Flash (this may take 5-10 minutes). Reboot the device by unplugging and replugging or pressing reset button.


  1. Connect to the WiFi network being broadcast by your ESP8266, starts with ESP**


  1. Navigate in your browser to


  1. Paste the code from default.bas on Github into your textbox for default.bas in the browser


  1. Click [RUN] which should bring you to the following page


  1. Point your remote at the IR receiver and press whichever button you wish to capture. The code should appear in the first text box. Name this code and save it to one of the 6 slots


  1. Connect you ESP8266 to your wireless router. This will change the IP address of the ESP8266 and you will need to enter a different address in the URL to access it. Your router should be able to display a list of wireless clients to get you this IP address, or you could hard code it in the settings panel.


  1. Execute IR commands using the http://[IPAddress]/msg?code# where the # corresponds to one of the 6 slots you previously saved.


  1. Add pulse/repeat options as needed (see Readme)

  2. To set this up with Alexa you will need to forward an external port to this device and make an IFTTT trigger that points to the device. For example I'm forwarding port 8081 to my device and then pointing IFTTT to my external IP address.


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