DoctrineSolrBundle provides a console command for flexible indexing of entities. It can be useful if you need to index a bunch entities of particular entity class. To run use the following command:
app/console doctrine-solr:index
By default if no any arguments specified the command will index all instances of entity classes specified in config.yml at "indexed_entities" section.
You can specify which entity class exactly you want to be indexed. For example if you have the following config:
class: AppBundle\Entity\Page
class: AppBundle\Entity\News
You can run:
app/console doctrine-solr:index article
app/console doctrine-solr:index news
So in first case the all "AppBundle\Entity\Page" instances will be indexed (fulfilled "filters" section). In the second example all "AppBundle\Entity\News" instances will be indexed
Also you can take a look at "help" of this command to see all possible entity options:
app/console doctrine-solr:index -h
doctrine-solr:index [<entity-type>] [<id>]
entity-type Specify type of entity to be indexed. Possible values are "all", "article","news [default: "all"]
id Specify id of entity to be indexed. Value must be integer. Also entity-type must be specify
Beside this you can specify the "id" of particular enitity:
app/console doctrine-solr:index news 2