- add new enries at top!
- update version number in pyproject.toml
- add tag v{major}.{minor}.{patch} and push to github
- adding a new function requires a new minor version
- removing a function or adding a new mandatory arg requires a new major version
* 2.0.0:
+ NOTE! API change without legacy stubs!
+ discover.py:
Use metadata-lib 1.1.0 insecure_requests_session
for consistent page fetching across components!!!
Wrap in NewsDiscoverer class (takes user_agent).
(web-search pulls in via explicit git tag)
+ crawl.py: Crawler now requires user_agent
* 1.1.1:
+ no API changes
+ use mcmetadata.requests_arcana.insecure_requests_session
+ pre-commit cleanup/reformatting (removed unused imports)
+ add Makefile to build dev environment, run pre-commit on all files
+ add .flake8 (from story-indexer), increased max-line-length
+ add .pre-commit-config.yaml from story-indexer
+ new .pre-commit-run.sh
* 1.1.0:
+ parser.py:: give ...UnexpectedTag("html?" for suspected html
+ docstrings
+ ran autopep8
+ discover.py: test _unique_feeds when run as script
* 1.0.0:
+ discover.py updates:
- removed unused `page_exists` (breaking change),
- add timeout argument to many functions
- deduplicate find_gnews_fast output
- ran thru autopep8
+ pyproject.toml: add mypy settings
+ ran mypy on all files, fixed missing return type in crawl.py
* 0.2.1: have find_gnews_fast union robots & "unpublished" URLS
add requirements to pyproject.toml
* 0.2.0: add crawl.py with full_crawl_gnews_urls
parser.py: fixed autopep8 induced mypy error
* 0.1.0: add discover.py, this file!
* 0.0.3: added py.typed
* 0.0.2: fix project name in pyproject.toml
* 0.0.1: initial checkin