namespace Mediapart\Selligent;
Open a connection to Selligent.
$connection = new Connection();
$client = $connection->open([
'login' => '*****',
'password' => '*****',
'wsdl' => 'http://emsecure/individual?wsdl',
Output lists infos.
$response = $client->GetLists();
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $response->getCode()) {
foreach ($response->lists as $list) {
"#%d \t%s - %s\n",
Register a new user.
$user = new Properties();
$user['NAME'] = 'Foo Bar';
$user['MAIL'] = 'foo@bar.tld';
$response = $client->CreateUser([
'List' => $list->getId(),
'Changes' => $user,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $response->getCode()) {
$idUser = $response->getUserId();
printf("saved with id=%d\n", $idUser);
Update user info.
$changes = new Properties();
$changes['NAME'] = 'Foo Bar';
$changes['MAIL'] = 'foo+test@bar.tld';
$response = $client->UpdateUser([
'List' => $list->getId(),
'UserID' => $idUser,
'Changes' => $changes,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $response->getCode()) {
printf("%d updated\n", $idUser);
Trigger a campaign TESTGATE to $idUser with a
custom var MESSAGE.
$nameGate = 'TESTGATE';
$nameList = 'TESTLIST';
$response = $this->client->GetListID([
'name' => $nameList,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $response->getCode()) {
$idList = $response->getId();
$inputData = new Properties();
$inputData['MESSAGE'] = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.';
$response = $client->TriggerCampaignForUserWithResult([
'List' => $idList,
'UserID' => $idUser,
'GateName' => $nameGate,
'InputData' => $inputData,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $response->getCode()) {
printf("The message has been sent to user #%d.", $idUser);
} else {
printf("Error with the '%s' list.", $nameList);
This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 8, 2023. It is now read-only.