Audiowaveform binary compiled to run on latest (3.18) alpine base image.
Used within the Medleybox project to extract waveform data and display within the wavesurfer.js player.
To use audiowaveform within your image, copy the compiled binary from repo and install some packages required to run audiowaveform on alpine.
COPY /bin/audiowaveform /bin/audiowaveform
# Install minimal runtime dependencies
RUN apk --no-cache add gcc zlib-static libpng-static boost-static
RUN /bin/audiowaveform --version;
This image can also be used to run the audiowaveform
binary via docker run
docker run --rm -it --help
docker run --rm -it --version
Images are built and published to the Github docker repository.
Github actions builds are tagged with master
and published when new commits are pushed to this repo.
You can view all avalible images here
Use the
script to build and push image tags
docker build -t .