Send an email to and tell us where you want to start your meet.js chapter. Try to get an idea of the number of people in your city interested in JS/CSS
meet.js is a non-commercial recurring event for people interested in JS and Front-end in general.
You only need to fulfill the conditions necessary to fulfill that sentence above.
- First and foremost: meet.js belongs to the community and cannot be organized for profit nor by a company. Local meet.js organizer can only be a person and they should not get paid to organize meet.js. *Obviously, we use the help of sponsors on regular basis. IT's just that we call them sponsors,partners or hosts, but never the organizers of a meet.js event.
- A local meet.js is supposed to be recurring, not a one-time event.
- Local organizers are welcome to join the communication across cities and be open to participating in it.
- Local organizers use the meet.js brand correctly (logo remains the same, no changes to colors, reuse existing designs)
After you get in touch, before you can organize your first meet.js, there's a few things to get done first:
- get added to github, slack and FB
- set up a README in your city's github repo in the meetjspl org
- find a communication channel for your local community - other than our main FB page and github - eg. mailing list or
- find a venue for your first event