This repository contains the dataset reproduction scripts for Noisy Pairing and Partial Supervision for Stylized Opinion Summarization.
title = "Noisy Pairing and Partial Supervision for Stylized Opinion Summarization",
author = {Iso, Hayate and Wang, Xiaolan and Suhara, Yoshi},
booktitle = "INLG",
year = "2024",
url = "",
- We can install most of the dependencies with the following commands.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- We also need to download the fasttext language identification model to filter out non-English reviews
- We can download the Yelp review dataset from this link.
- We will use this review set for the ProSum and FewSum datasets.
- Move the file to data/yelp and uncompress it there.
- We used the publicly available Amazon reviews. Following the previous studies, we used the following four categories of reviews for the experiment:
mkdir -r ./data/amazon && cd ./data/amazon
wget -P data/amazon
wget -P data/amazon
wget -P data/amazon
wget -P data/amazon
- After preparing the raw dataset, we can run the following to obtain the train/dev/test sets.
- Note that with this script, we will obtain the "paired" training set, but it is only used for supervised upperbound settings.
python ./scripts/
- Using the user-generated raw review dataset and desired style of the summaries, we also create the pseudo-reviews-summary pairs and noisy reviews-summary pairs.
- This script also gives the token-level alignment annotations with a different granularity from word-exact matching to synonym-based matching.
python ./scripts/
- We firstly pre-train the opinion summarization system with pseudo-reviews-summary pairs to teach how to summarize the information in the source reviews into a single passage.
python \
--train_path ./data/michelin/pseudo.json \
--default_root_dir ./log/michelin/ss \
--accumulate_grad_batches 8 \
--max_steps 100000 \
--gradient_clip_val 1.0 \
--model_name facebook/bart-large \
--precision 16 \
--gpus 1
- After pre-training the model with self-supervision, we can fine-tune the model with noisy-reviews-summary pairs.
- To do so, we need to specify the self-supervised checkpoint to initialize the model to be fine-tuned.
- For the token alignment we obtained in the pre-processing phase, we can specify the appropriate training dataset for each purpose.
python \
--train_path ./data/michelin/noisy_syn.json \
--default_root_dir ./log/michelin/noisy_syn_ft \
--ckpt ./log/michelin/ss/lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/ \
--accumulate_grad_batches 8 \
--max_steps 2000 \
--gradient_clip_val 1.0 \
--model_name facebook/bart-large \
--precision 16 \
--gpus 1
- After fine-tuning the model, we can generate the summary with the desired style. In this case, we can generate Michelin-like-summary with the following script:
python \
--test_path ./data/michelin/test.json \
--ckpt ./log/michelin/noisy_syn_ft/lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/ \
--gpus 1 \
--output_path michelin_noisy-syn_test.txt
- Finally, we can evaluate the quality of the generated summaries based on ROUGE, BERTScore, and CTC scores.
python \
./michelin_noisy-syn_test.txt \