Releases: megai2/d912pxy
Beta v0.9.7.1
-added realtime pck files saving
-better pck files name hashing
-fixed stackwalker not loading project's pdb
-removed P7 exceptional flush due to double crashing
-added basic shader cache to release
Beta v0.9.7
Summary changelog from "Alpha v0.9"
- Tons of crashfixes!
- New install utility
- Installation and troubleshooting instructions moved to public wiki. Want a translation or extra manuals or typo fix? Do it!
- Shader cache and shader profiles single file packing with memcache
- Fullscreen support (Do Ctrl+Alt+Del->Logout/Logoff if you catch videofeed stall!)
- Unlocked FPS in windowed mode
- Better screen mode switching / fullscreen focus handling
- Full ArcDPS support
- Better logging
- Better crash logging
- Multithread optimizations
- General optimizations
- GPU-CPU memory conflict fixes
- AMD Radeon hardware compatibility fixes
- Source code release
- Visual error fixes
- -umbra_gpu switch hack-support
- Metric code rewrite
- Benchmark build for comparsion of dx9 vs dx12 performance
- Screenshot support
- Discord residence @ GW2 Development community for small and big talks!
- Custom shaders support! Details
Special thanks
Throne3d - for debugging AMD problems
/u/deltaconnected - for collaboration on ArcDPS support
moriz1 - for showcase video and critics
handsomematt - for original code inspection and help on auto-builds
Alpha v0.9.6.9
-MT issue crashfix
Alpha v0.9.6.8
-Disabled P7 crash handlers
-Fixed crashlog writing
-Added more dx9 api extenders
-Updated imgui patch
Alpha v0.9.6.7
-Added crash handler with stack backtrace
-Added support for custom shaders
-Crashfix in dheap cleanup
-Better logging
Alpha v0.9.6.6
-fixed crash on settings change
-fixed fullscreen multithread lockup
-optimized heap cleanup
-fixed shader cleanup crash
-workaround for sm 1_x shaders recompilation crash
Alpha v0.9.6.5 special
-fixed problems with AMD hardware
Alpha v0.9.6.4
-Added more DXGI logs
-Added log entry to detect what build is running
-Added Release_pb build for dx9-dx12 comparsion benching
This build is PERFORMANCE_GRAPH enabled.
This build will run dx9 API if performance_graph_dx9.png file is not present in game root folder, otherwise it will run dx12
Running dx9 API will result in performance_graph_dx9.png file created upon exiting the game
-Now project have a discord residence @ GW2 Development community
-Debug build now properly redirects DXGI and DX12 debug layer output to logs
If you can't run debug build, you need to install this
-Added a fallback for variable refresh rate monitors soft crash on uncapped fps behaivour
-Minor code cleanup & optimization
-Added more promts, warnings and notes to installer
-README is now refers to public wiki, so you are free to contribute various typo fixes, translations and other things without PR's.
Alpha v0.9.6.3
-additional loggin for hardware info
-pp version now write performance graph on clean shutdown
-install utility to manage all things with easy
-added empty shader cache to keep things in order anyway
-updates to appveryor script: now there is one build artifact contatining all configurations
Alpha v0.9.6.2
-additional loggin for DXGI problems
-shader cache removal from release, please DO clean install
-screenshot support
-fix for HLSL nrm opcode translation
-testing appveyor autodeploy feature