- Anatomy of a WebRTC SDP
- The Ultimate Guide to WebRTC
- Docs about MONIBUCA Monibuca is an open source streaming media server development framework for rapid development of custom streaming media server, you can dock CDNmanufacturers, as back to the source server, you can also build their own cluster deployment environment. Gihub repo
- ZLMediaKit A lightweight ,high performance and stable stream server and client framework based on C++11. English README
- Medooze Media Server WebRTC Media Server. Take a look to all repos. Also, API documentation available here. Proprietary products site.
- A Guide to: WebRTC Media Servers & Open Source Options
- Опыт использования WebRTC. Лекция Яндекса Статья на Хабр.
- Pion WebRTC A pure Go implementation of the WebRTC API
- Серверный WebRTC в 2020 году — обзор возможностей Статья на Хабр.
- libdatachannel C/C++ WebRTC network library featuring Data Channels, Media Transport, and WebSockets
- Violet Violet - Lightweight STUN/TURN server. Violet is a lightweight STUN/TURN server (RFC8489 and RFC8656) written in C without dependencies, based on libjuice.
- LibSourcey LibSourcey is a collection of cross platform C++14 modules and classes that provide developers with an arsenal for rapidly developing high performance network based p2p and media streaming applications. Think of it as the power and performance of libuv combined with the features of FFmpeg, OpenCV and WebRTC, all integrated with the ease and readability of the stl (C++ Standard Library). Also, WebRTC Native Media Streamer demo WebRTC server project. Sourcey's repositories
- libcrtc WebRTC C++ library built on top of chromium webrtc.