- Write JavaScript to create a snowflake and make it fall inside the snow globe. The snowflake should have a random starting position, animation duration, and size.
- See index.css
- Give some variety to your snowflakes, so they are not all the same. Perhaps every 25th one could be a snowman ☃️?
- Remove each snowflake after a set time - this will stop the scene from being lost in a blizzard!
- Add a button that makes the snow start falling, it could trigger a CSS-animated shake of the snow globe. Then make the snow become less frequent until it slowly stops - until the button is pressed again.
- Change the direction of the snowflakes so they don’t all fall vertically.
- Make the style your own!
.snowflake {
position: absolute;
top: -10px;
user-select: none;
pointer-events: none;
animation: fall linear infinite;
z-index: 4;
left: 50%; /* Posición base */
transform: translateX(-50%);
@keyframes fall {
to {
transform: translateY(100vh) translateX(calc(var(--drift, 0) * 100%));
// Initialize a flag to track if snow is currently falling
let isSnowing = false
// Create a toggle button to start or stop the snow
const toggleButton = document.createElement('button')
toggleButton.textContent = 'Start Snow' // Initial button text
document.body.appendChild(toggleButton) // Add the button to the body
let intervalId // Variable to store the interval ID for snowflake creation
// Add an event listener to toggle the snow effect
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (isSnowing) {
// If snowing, stop creating snowflakes and update the button text
toggleButton.textContent = 'Start Snow'
} else {
// If not snowing, start creating snowflakes and update the button text
intervalId = setInterval(createSnowflake, 100) // Create snowflakes every 100ms
toggleButton.textContent = 'Stop Snow'
isSnowing = !isSnowing // Toggle the snowing state
let snowflakeCount = 0 // Counter to track the number of snowflakes created
// Function to create a snowflake
function createSnowflake() {
snowflakeCount++ // Increment the snowflake counter
// Create a new div element for the snowflake or snowman
const snowflake = document.createElement('div')
snowflake.classList.add('snowflake') // Add the snowflake CSS class
snowflake.textContent = snowflakeCount % 25 === 0 ? '☃️' : '❄️' // Snowman every 25th snowflake
// Generate random properties for the snowflake
const size = Math.random() * 10 + 10 // Random size between 10px and 20px
const position = Math.random() * snowGlobe.offsetWidth // Random horizontal position within the snow globe
const duration = Math.random() * 5 + 2 // Random animation duration between 2s and 7s
const drift = Math.random() * 0.5 - 0.25 // Random horizontal drift (-0.25 to 0.25)
// Apply the random properties to the snowflake
snowflake.style.fontSize = `${size}px` // Set font size
snowflake.style.left = `${position}px` // Set horizontal position
snowflake.style.animationDuration = `${duration}s` // Set animation duration
snowflake.style.setProperty('--drift', drift) // Set custom drift property for CSS
// Append the snowflake to the snow globe
// Remove the snowflake after its animation ends
setTimeout(() => {
}, duration * 1000) // Remove after `duration` milliseconds
Toggle Button Functionality:
- A button allows the user to start or stop the snowfall effect.
- It uses a setInterval to continuously call createSnowflake() every 100 milliseconds when snowing starts.
- When the snow stops, clearInterval() halts snowflake creation, and the button text updates accordingly.
Snowflake Creation:
- Each snowflake is represented by a with the class snowflake.
- Every 25th snowflake is replaced by a snowman emoji (☃️) for variety.
- Random properties are applied:
- Size: Between 10px and 20px for visual variety.
- Position: Based on the width of the snow globe to ensure they fall inside it.
- Duration: Animation lasts between 2 to 7 seconds for natural variation.
- Drift: Adds a slight horizontal movement to simulate realistic falling snow.
- Each snowflake is represented by a
Dynamic Removal:
- Snowflakes are removed from the DOM using setTimeout() after their animation ends to prevent a buildup of unnecessary elements.
CSS Integration:
- The --drift custom property is used in CSS to control the horizontal drifting animation of each snowflake.
Performance Optimization:
- By removing snowflakes after their animation, the DOM stays clean and the application runs smoothly even during extended snow periods.