During this lesson, you will learn how to authorize yourself as a user, get motor power control and send basic commands to Spot.
As and all serious robots, Boston Dynamics Spot has a protection mechanism — E-Stop service (Emergency Stop) that should always be active during the operation of the spot to avoid potential physical damage. Turning on E-Stop instantly freezes all joints (this happens without turning off the engines if the robot was turned on).
First of all, we should lease control over robot. There are two ways to do it — acquire or take. Acquire means asking for control in a gentle way, if anybody controls the robot now, your request will be declined. On the other hand, take means forcefully taking control, it doesn't matter if the current operator exists.
Be careful. Forcefully taking control from other operator saves the robot state (standing, moving, etc.)
So, to make any movements, you should follow the scheme:
In this lesson you will learn how to control robot rotation by changing its yaw, roll and pitch. In the picture bellow the body frame coordinate system is shown:
The angles in a code are represented in radians.
As a result of the lesson, you’ll draw a first letter of your name in the air with Spot’s face. Let start the setup!
If you have scheduled lesson with our Spot, check connection section of course readme. We will take care of E-Stop for this lesson.
If you have your own Spot, you should activate E-Stop by yourself. The easiest way to do it via Spot's tablet. Alternatively, check Lesson 2 E-stop section and try run E-Stop non-gui version from terminal.
Now we will make a simple script for Spot for drawing on screen using its head movements. Copy the following to program file (do not forget read through comments):
# Import Spot Control modules
import bosdyn.client
from bosdyn.client.robot_command import RobotCommandClient, RobotCommandBuilder, blocking_stand
from bosdyn.geometry import EulerZXY
import time
# Start with registering out SDK
sdk = bosdyn.client.create_standard_sdk('LessonOneClient')
# Create instance of robot and auth with credentials
robot = sdk.create_robot(ROBOT_IP)
robot.authenticate(SPOT_USERNAME, SPOT_PASSWORD)
# Create lease client and take exclusive control over Spot.
lease_client = robot.ensure_client('lease')
lease = lease_client.take()
lease_keep_alive = bosdyn.client.lease.LeaseKeepAlive(lease_client)
# Try to power on the robot
if robot.is_powered_on():
print("Powered On")
# If everything went smooth, Spot face lights should turn green
# In case of some problems, e.g. somebody stole control over robot
# Synchronize Spor inner time with ours - to avoid outdated commands
# To execute robot movement, create command client through which orders are sent
command_client = robot.ensure_client(RobotCommandClient.default_service_name)
# Start movement with simple stand up
blocking_stand(command_client, timeout_sec=10)
# Rotate robot body:
# 1. Build command for body rotation. It’s not an easy task to control robot motion with commands on low level.
# Bosdyn Client allow as to use a shortcut - RobotCommandBuilder. It contains a number of predefined commands,
# you need just to choose one of your liking and insert parameters
footprint_R_body = EulerZXY(yaw=0.1, roll=0.1, pitch=0.1)
cmd = RobotCommandBuilder.synchro_stand_command(footprint_R_body=footprint_R_body)
# 2. Execute builded command
# Return robot to default stance
command_client.robot_command(RobotCommandBuilder.synchro_stand_command(footprint_R_body=EulerZXY(yaw=0, roll=0, pitch=0)))
# Make robot change it's height
cmd = RobotCommandBuilder.synchro_stand_command(body_height=0.1)
# Now we are ready to draw letter.
def draw_letter(command_client, points_yaw_pitch_roll):
for yaw, pitch, roll in points_yaw_pitch_roll:
footprint_R_body = EulerZXY(
cmd = RobotCommandBuilder.synchro_stand_command(footprint_R_body=footprint_R_body)
# Choose points to draw (yaw, pitch, roll) in radians. Check angle explaining image above in lesson to understand
points_yaw_pitch_roll = (
(0.375, 0.375, 0),
(0.125, -0.375, 0),
(0, 0, 0),
(0.25, 0, 0),
(0, 0, 0),
(0.125, 0.375, 0),
# In the example above, we tried to draw letter A.
# For our purposes, roll is not that important. But you can try to experement if with!
draw_letter(command_client, points_yaw_pitch_roll)
# Turn off the robot gracefully
The limits of angles are recommended to be in limits of [-0.45, 0.45]
for yaw, [-0.4, 0.4]
for pitch and [-0.2, 0.2]
for roll.
Create a Python script that controls robot’s body position with a sequence of motions:
- Stand-up
- Trace your initials with it's face (one letter, at least 3 points) To do it, change coordinate tuples in code example
- Sit down
Now, you know how to:
- connect to the Spot
- start to work with Spot SDK
- construct a basic standing command
- rotate robot body
And even how to draw a letter. Congratulations!