- Install DC/OS Packages with Ansible and use Kubernetes as the first example
- Added Ansible module for package installation (https://github.com/dcos-labs/ansible-dcos-module)
- Removed instructions for the SSH tunnel (it's not really needed anymore for the current versions of the Kubernetes package)
- Separate installation of dcos cli and kubectl
- Dedicated Kubernetes role roles/package/kubernetes/ that is using the package install module
- Installs ifconfig to address issues with MESOS-6822
- Update Kubernetes to framework version 1.2.0-1.10.5
- Add support for 6443 port in Terraform
- Replace unsupported docker-py with current docker module.
- Added yum-utils to common tasks
- Bumps docker version to 17.06.2.ce
- Removes Docker live restore because of issues with MESOS-6480
- Update Kubernetes framework to GA
- Bump Kubernetes version to v1.9.6
- Add Kubernetes upgrade doc
- Other docs improvements
- Major refactoring around ansible variables and removal of code duplication
- Removing Terraform and referencing https://github.com/dcos/terraform-dcos for setting up the infrastructure
- Adds support for GCP and Azure
- Enables IPv6
- Support of Fault Domain Awareness
- Support of License Keys (in DC/OS Enterprise 1.11)
- Bumps Docker version to 17.05.0.ce
- Adopts Makefile approach for easy setup
- Docs improvements
- #8 On-Premises: added possibility to use other device names for existing network interface
- Installs and disables dnsmasq
- Disables source/dest for AWS instances check in order to get CNI/Calico working properly
- Tested with DC/OS 1.10.2
- Migrated repo to https://github.com/dcos-labs/terraform-ansible-dcos
- #5 Adds Dynamic Inventory to read from Terraform state
- Simplified directory structure for variables
- Moves Docker to it's own Ansible role, set sane defaults and makes the version configurable
- Installs firewalld in order to proper disable it afterwards
- Tested with DC/OS 1.10
- Updated configuration for rexray 0.9.0
- Removed rarely used scripts and plays
- Adds support for public ip detection on aws
- Fixes uninstall script and sets temporary nameserver
- Fix for #8 Default bootstrap folder is not part of /tmp
- Terraform: New AMIs for Centos 7.3
- Tested with DC/OS 1.9
- Install Docker 1.13
- Improved documentation
- Restructure Terraform with modules
- Support for Availability Zones
- Spread Private Agents across different AZ
- Keep Masters in the same AZ
- Create Internal LoadBalancer for Masters
- Create External LoadBalancer for Masters
- Create External LoadBalancer for Public Agents
- Put in name prefix in front of every AWS entity
- Adds Security Groups for each Roles instances, elbs
- Delete EBS volumes after instance termination
- Read Availability Zone and set Mesos attribute for each agent
- Support for internal Master LoadBalancer
- Adds fix for DCOS-12332 Certificate did not match expected hostname CERT, ELB master_http_loadbalancer
- Use prefix for the file name inside of S3 Bucket
- Removed support for exhibitor backends: NFS and ZooKeeper
- Preview for service deployment: Marathon-LB
- Preview for DC/OS configuration: LDAP
- Preview of automated upgrades for DC/OS 1.9 using the new upgrade API
- Tested with DC/OS 1.8
- Now works with Enterprise or OSS
- Parameterized setup file for Ansible (custom download location, cluster name, etc)