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b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP10/README.md index 6ed29d5c9f..d7ffeb068d 100644 --- a/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP10/README.md +++ b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP10/README.md @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ # SONiC Support -As writing this proposal, metal-stack only supports Cumulus on Broadcom ASICs. Unfortunately, after the acquisition of +As writing this proposal, metal-stack only supports Cumulus on Broadcom ASICs. Unfortunately, after the acquisition of Cumulus Networks by Nvidia, Broadcom decided to cut its relationship with Cumulus, and therefore Cumulus 4.2 is the last -version that supports Broadcom ASICs. Since trashing the existing hardware is not a solution, adding support for a +version that supports Broadcom ASICs. Since trashing the existing hardware is not a solution, adding support for a different network operating system is necessary. -One of the remaining big players is [SONiC](https://sonic-net.github.io/SONiC/), which Microsoft created to scale the +One of the remaining big players is [SONiC](https://sonic-net.github.io/SONiC/), which Microsoft created to scale the network of Azure. It's an open-source project and is now part of the [Linux Foundation](https://www.linuxfoundation.org/press-release/software-for-open-networking-in-the-cloud-sonic-moves-to-the-linux-foundation/). -For a general introduction to SONiC, please follow the (https://github.com/sonic-net/SONiC/wiki/Architecture) official +For a general introduction to SONiC, please follow the (https://github.com/sonic-net/SONiC/wiki/Architecture) official documentation. ## ConfigDB @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ the frr configuration files. The SONiC community is working to remove this excep ## BGP Configuration Frr runs inside a container, and a shell script configured it on the container startup. For BGP unnumbered, we must set -the configuration variable `docker_routing_config_mode` to `split` to prevent SONiC from overwriting our configuration +the configuration variable `docker_routing_config_mode` to `split` to prevent SONiC from overwriting our configuration files created by `metal-core`. But by using the split mode, the integrated configuration mode of frr is deactivated, and we have to write our BGP configuration to the daemon-specific files `bgp.conf`, `staticd.conf`, and `zebra.conf` instead to `frr.conf`. @@ -30,35 +30,39 @@ elif [ "$CONFIG_TYPE" == "split" ]; then echo "no service integrated-vtysh-config" > /etc/frr/vtysh.conf rm -f /etc/frr/frr.conf ``` -Reference: https://github.com/Azure/sonic-buildimage/blob/202205/dockers/docker-fpm-frr/docker_init.sh#L69 +Reference: https://github.com/Azure/sonic-buildimage/blob/202205/dockers/docker-fpm-frr/docker_init.sh#L69 Adding support for the integrated configuration mode, we must at least adjust the startup shell script and the supervisor configuration: + ``` {% if DEVICE_METADATA.localhost.docker_routing_config_mode is defined and DEVICE_METADATA.localhost.docker_routing_config_mode == "unified" %} [program:vtysh_b] command=/usr/bin/vtysh -b ``` + Reference: https://github.com/Azure/sonic-buildimage/blob/202|205/dockers/docker-fpm-frr/frr/supervisord/supervisord.conf.j2#L157 ## Non-BGP Configuration For the Non-BGP configuration we have to write it into the Redis database directly or via one of the following interfaces: + - `config replace ` - the Mgmt Framework - the SONiC restapi -Directly writing into the Redis database isn't a stable interface, and we must determine the create, delete, and update -operations on our own. The last point is also valid for the Mgmt Framework and the SONiC restapi. Furthermore, the +Directly writing into the Redis database isn't a stable interface, and we must determine the create, delete, and update +operations on our own. The last point is also valid for the Mgmt Framework and the SONiC restapi. Furthermore, the Mgmt Framework doesn't start anymore for several months, and a [potential fix](https://github.com/Azure/sonic-buildimage/pull/10893) is still not merged. And the SONiC restapi isn't enabled by default, and we must build and maintain our own SONiC images. -Using `config replace` would reduce the complexity in the `metal-core` codebase because we don't have to determine the +Using `config replace` would reduce the complexity in the `metal-core` codebase because we don't have to determine the actual changes between the running and the desired configuration. The approach's drawbacks are using a version of SONiC -that contains the PR [Yang support for VXLAN](https://github.com/Azure/sonic-buildimage/pull/7294), and we must provide +that contains the PR [Yang support for VXLAN](https://github.com/Azure/sonic-buildimage/pull/7294), and we must provide the whole new startup configuration to prevent unwanted deconfiguration. #### Configure Loopback interface and activate VXLAN + ```json { "LOOPBACK_INTERFACE": { @@ -73,7 +77,8 @@ the whole new startup configuration to prevent unwanted deconfiguration. } ``` -#### Configure mtu +#### Configure MTU + ```json { "PORT": { @@ -85,6 +90,7 @@ the whole new startup configuration to prevent unwanted deconfiguration. ``` #### Configure PXE Vlan + ```json { "VLAN": { @@ -111,6 +117,7 @@ the whole new startup configuration to prevent unwanted deconfiguration. ``` #### Configure VRF + ```json { "INTERFACE": { @@ -159,6 +166,7 @@ if not port_alias: lldpcli_cmd = "lldpcli configure ports {0} lldp portidsubtype local {1}".format(port_name, port_alias) ``` + Reference: https://github.com/Azure/sonic-buildimage/blob/202205/dockers/docker-lldp/lldpmgrd#L153 ## Mgmt Interface diff --git a/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP11/README.md b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP11/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5018abc618 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP11/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +# Auditing of metal-stack resources + +Currently no logs of the ownership of resources like machines, networks, ips and volumes are generated or kept. Though due to legal requirements data centers are required to keep track of this ownership over time to prevent liability issues when opening the platform for external users. + +In this proposal we want to introduce a flexible and low-maintenance approach for auditing on top of [Meilisearch](https://www.meilisearch.com/). + +## Overview + +In general our auditing logs will be collected by a request interceptor or middleware. Every request and response will be processed and eventually logged to Meilisearch. +Meilisearch will be configured to regularly create chunks of the auditing logs. These finished chunks will be backed up to a S3 compatible storage with a read-only option enabled. + +Of course sensitve data like session keys or passwords will be redacted before logging. We want to track relevant requests and responses. If auditing the request fails, the request itself will be aborted and will not be processed further. The requests and responses that will be audited will be annotated with a correlation id. + +Transferring the meilisearch auditing data chunks to the S3 compatible storage will be done by a sidecar cronjob that is executed periodically. +To avoid data manipulation the S3 compatible storage will be configured to be read-only. + +## Whitelisting + +To reduce the amount of unnecessary logs we want to introduce a whitelist of resources and operations on those that should be logged. +Other requests will be passed directly to the next middleware or web service without any further processing. + +As we are only interested in mutating endpoints, we ignore all `GET` requests. +The whitelist includes all `POST`, `PUT`, `PATCH` and `DELETE` endpoints of the HTTP middleware except for the following (non-manipulating) route suffixes: + + - `/find` + - `/notify` + - `/try` and `/match` + - `/capacity` + - `/from-hardware` + +Regarding GRPC audit trails, they are not so interesting because only internal clients are using this API. However, we can log the trails of the `Boot` service, which can be interesting to revise the machine lifecycle. + +## Chunking in Meilisearch + +We want our data to be chunked in Meilisearch. To accomplish this, we rotate the index identifier on a scheduled basis. The index identifiers will be derived from the current date and time. + +To keep things simple, we only support hourly, daily and monthly rotation. The eventually prefixed index names will only include relevant parts of date and time like `2021-01`, `2021-01-01` or `2021-01-01_13`. + +The metal-api will only write to the current index and switches to the new index on rotation. The metal-api will never read or update data in any indices. + +## Moving chunks to S3 compatible storage + +As Meilisearch will be filled with data over time, we want to move completed chunks to a S3 compatible storage. This will be done by a sidecar cronjob that is executed periodically. Note that the periods of the index rotation and the cronjob execution don't have to match. + +When the backup process gets started, it initiates a [Meilisearch dump](https://docs.meilisearch.com/learn/advanced/dumps.html) of the whole database across all indices. Once the returned task is finished, the dump must be copied from a Meilisearch volume to the S3 compatible storage. After a successful copy, the dump can be deleted. + +Now we want to remove all indices from Meilisearch, except the most recent one. For this, we [get all indices](https://docs.meilisearch.com/reference/api/indexes.html#list-all-indexes), sort them and [delete each index](https://docs.meilisearch.com/reference/api/indexes.html#delete-an-index) except the most recent one to avoid data loss. + +For the actual implementation, we can build upon [backup-restore-sidecar](https://github.com/metal-stack/backup-restore-sidecar). But due to the index rotation and the fact, that older indices need to be deleted, this probably does not fit into the mentioned sidecar. + +## S3 compatible storage + +The dumps of chunks should automatically deleted after a certain amount of time, once we are either no longer allowed or required to keep them. +The default retention time will be 6 months. Ideally already uploaded chunks should be read-only to prevent data manipulation. + +A candidate for the S3 compatible storage is Google Cloud Storage, which allows to configure automatic expiration of objects through a [lifecycle rule](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/managing-lifecycles?hl=en#storage-set-lifecycle-config-go). + +## Affected components + +- metal-api grpc server needs an auditing interceptor +- metal-api web server needs an auditing filter chain / middleware +- metal-api needs new command line arguments to configure the auditing +- mini-lab needs a Meilisearch instance +- mini-lab may need a local S3 compatible storage +- we need a sidecar to implement the backup to S3 compatible storage +- Consider auditing of volume allocations and freeings outside of metal-stack + +## Alternatives considered + +Instead of using Meilisearch we investigated using an immutable database like [immudb](https://immudb.io/). But immudb does not support chunking of data and due to its immutable nature, we will never be able to free up space of expired data. Even if we are legally allowed or required to delete data, we will not be able to do so with immudb. + +In another variant of the Meilisearch approach the metal-api would also be responsible for copying chunks to the S3 compatible storage and deleting old indices. But separating the concerns allows completely different implementations for every deployment stage. diff --git a/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/README.md b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ff05fb823 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# Rack Spreading + +Currently, when creating a machine through the metal-api, the machine is placed randomly inside a partition. This algorithm does not consider spreading machines across different racks and different chassis. This may lead to the situation that a group of machines (that for example form a cluster) can end up being placed in the same rack and the same chassis. + +Spreading a group of machines across racks can enhance availability for scenarios like a rack loosing power or a chassis meltdown. + +So, instead of just randomly deciding the placement of a machine candidate, we want to propose a placement strategy that attempts to spread machine candidates across the racks inside a partition. + +## Placement Strategy + +Machines in the project are spread across all available racks evenly (best effort), the user can optionally pass placement tags which will be considered for spreading the machines as well (this will for example allow spreading by a cluster id tag inside the same project). + +## API + +```golang +// service/v1/machine.go + +type MachineAllocation struct { + // existing fields are omitted for readability + PlacementTags []string `json:"tags" description:"by default machines are spread across the racks inside a partition for every project. if placement tags are provided, the machine candidate has an additional anti-affinity to other machines having the same tags"` +} +``` diff --git a/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning-1.svg b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning-1.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ff9274fbe0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning-1.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +
Partition A
Partition A
Partition C
Partition C
Partition B
Partition B
storage cluster
storage clus...
storage cluster
storage clus...
storage cluster
storage clus...
Text is not SVG - cannot display
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning-2.svg b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning-2.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e05b59ed77 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning-2.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +
Partition A
Partition A
Partition C
Partition C
Partition B
Partition B
storage cluster
storage clus...
storage cluster
storage clus...
storage cluster
storage clus...
Partition A
Partition A...
Text is not SVG - cannot display
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning-3.svg b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning-3.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bd62468688 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning-3.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +
Partition A
Partition A
Partition A
Partition A...
storage cluster
storage clus...
Text is not SVG - cannot display
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning.drawio.svg b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning.drawio.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62a32cded3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning.drawio.svg @@ -0,0 +1,486 @@ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Partition A +
+ + Partition A + +
+ + + + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + + +
+ + partition-a-rack-02 + +
+ + partition-a-rack-02 + +
+ + + + + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + + +
+ + n1-medium-x86 + +
+ + n1-medium-x86 + +
+ + + +
+ + n1-medium-x86 + +
+ + n1-medium-x86 + +
+ + + +
+ + partition-a-rack-01 + +
+ + partition-a-rack-01 + +
+ + + + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + + +
+ + partition-a-rack-04 + +
+ + partition-a-rack-04 + +
+ + + + + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + c1-xlarge-x86 + +
+ + + +
+ + n1-medium-x86 + +
+ + n1-medium-x86 + +
+ + + +
+ + n1-medium-x86 + +
+ + n1-medium-x86 + +
+ + + +
+ + partition-a-rack-03 + +
+ + partition-a-rack-03 + +
+ + + + + + +
+ + + rand + + + + ( + + + + machine + + + + ( + +
+ + partition, + +
+ + size + +
+ + )) + +
+ + rand(machine(... + +
+ + + + +
+ + Partition A +
+ c1-xlarge-x86 +
+ + Partition A... + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + +
+ + + + + +
+ + storage cluster + +
+ + storage clus... + +
+ + + + + Text is not SVG - cannot display + + + +
diff --git a/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning.md b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa0740de7b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/development/proposals/MEP12/partitioning.md @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +--- +marp: true +theme: metal-stack +paginate: true +footer: Gerrit Schwerthelm – x-cellent technologies GmbH — metal-stack Training +backgroundImage: url("https://metal-stack.io/images/shape/banner.png") +--- + + +![h:200px](https://metal-stack.io/images/metal-stack-full-white-border.svg) + +--- + + +# Multi-Partition-Layout + +--- + +![bg contain](partitioning-1.svg) + +--- + +![bg contain](partitioning-2.svg) + +--- + + +# Multi-Partition-Layout Properties + + +- Fully independent locations with own storage and own node networks +- Clusters can only be created independent in every location + - Failover mechanism for deployed applications requires duplicated deployments, which can serve indepedently + - Failover through BGP +- If cluster nodes are spread across partitions (not implemented yet), nodes will not be able to reach each other + - Would require an overlay network for inter-node-communication + +--- + + +# Single-Partition-Layout + +--- + +![bg contain](partitioning-3.svg) + +--- + + +# Single-Partition-Layout Properties + +- Multiple groups of racks at multiple locations but connected to same CLOS topology +- All racks can connect to the same storage network +- Nodes in private networks can communicate +- When creating a cluster, nodes will be randomly spread across the racks + - Possible improvement of this situation, see `MEP-12: Rack Spreading` + +--- + +# MEP-12: Rack Spreading + +- Instead of selecting a machine from a machine pool randomly +- Get all existing machines in the same project and count to which rack they belong +- Place machine on the rack with the least amount of machines already allocated +- Best effort only diff --git a/docs/src/development/proposals/index.md b/docs/src/development/proposals/index.md index 6086a711d2..eff82ba58a 100644 --- a/docs/src/development/proposals/index.md +++ b/docs/src/development/proposals/index.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ This section contains proposals which address substantial modifications to metal-stack. -Every proposal has a short name which starts with *MEP* followed by an incremental, unique number. Proposals should be raised as pull requests in the [docs](https://github.com/metal-stack/docs) repository and can be discussed in Github issues. +Every proposal has a short name which starts with _MEP_ followed by an incremental, unique number. Proposals should be raised as pull requests in the [docs](https://github.com/metal-stack/docs) repository and can be discussed in Github issues. The list of proposal and their current state is listed in the table below. @@ -13,17 +13,20 @@ Possible states are: - `Declined` - `In Progress` - `Completed` +- `Aborted` Once a proposal was accepted, an issue should be raised and the implementation should be done in a separate PR. | Name | Description | State | -|:--------------------------|:-----------------------------------------------| :-------------: | +| :------------------------ | :--------------------------------------------- | :-------------: | | [MEP-1](MEP1/README.md) | Distributed Control Plane Deployment | `In Discussion` | -| [MEP-2](MEP2/README.md) | Two Factor Authentication | `In Progress` | +| [MEP-2](MEP2/README.md) | Two Factor Authentication | `Aborted` | | [MEP-3](MEP3/README.md) | Machine Re-Installation to preserve local data | `Completed` | | [MEP-4](MEP4/README.md) | Multi-tenancy for the metal-api | `Accepted` | | [MEP-5](MEP5/README.md) | Shared Networks | `Completed` | | [MEP-6](MEP6/README.md) | DMZ Networks | `Completed` | | [MEP-8](MEP8/README.md) | Configurable Filesystemlayout | `Completed` | -| [MEP-9](MEP9/README.md) | No Open Ports To the Data Center | `In Discussion` | -| [MEP-10](MEP10/README.md) | SONiC Support | `In Discussion` | +| [MEP-9](MEP9/README.md) | No Open Ports To the Data Center | `Completed` | +| [MEP-10](MEP10/README.md) | SONiC Support | `Completed` | +| [MEP-11](MEP11/README.md) | Auditing of metal-stack resources | `Completed` | +| [MEP-12](MEP12/README.md) | Rack Spreading | `In Discussion` | diff --git a/docs/src/external/csi-driver-lvm/README.md b/docs/src/external/csi-driver-lvm/README.md index 644345f1c9..69417005da 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/csi-driver-lvm/README.md +++ b/docs/src/external/csi-driver-lvm/README.md @@ -14,17 +14,21 @@ For the special case of block volumes, the filesystem-expansion has to be perfor ## Installation ## +**Helm charts for installation are located in a separate repository called [helm-charts](https://github.com/metal-stack/helm-charts). If you would like to contribute to the helm chart, please raise an issue or pull request there.** + You have to set the devicePattern for your hardware to specify which disks should be used to create the volume group. ```bash -helm install mytest helm/csi-driver-lvm --set lvm.devicePattern='/dev/nvme[0-9]n[0-9]' +helm install --repo https://helm.metal-stack.io mytest helm/csi-driver-lvm --set lvm.devicePattern='/dev/nvme[0-9]n[0-9]' ``` Now you can use one of following storageClasses: -* `csi-lvm-sc-mirror` -* `csi-lvm-sc-linear` -* `csi-lvm-sc-striped` +* `csi-driver-lvm-linear` +* `csi-driver-lvm-mirror` +* `csi-driver-lvm-striped` + +To get the previous old and now deprecated `csi-lvm-sc-linear`, ... storageclasses, set helm-chart value `compat03x=true`. ## Migration ## @@ -34,66 +38,47 @@ If you want to migrate your existing PVC to / from csi-driver-lvm, you can use [ * implement CreateSnapshot(), ListSnapshots(), DeleteSnapshot() -## Development ### -TL;DR: +### Test ### ```bash -./start-minikube-on-linux.sh -helm install mytest helm/csi-driver-lvm --set lvm.devicePattern='/dev/loop[0-1]' -``` +kubectl apply -f examples/csi-pvc-raw.yaml +kubectl apply -f examples/csi-pod-raw.yaml -### Start minikube and create dummy volumes ### -```bash -minikube start --memory 4g -minikube ssh 'for i in 0 1; do fallocate -l 1G loop${i} ; sudo losetup -f loop${i}; sudo losetup -a ; done' -``` +kubectl apply -f examples/csi-pvc.yaml +kubectl apply -f examples/csi-app.yaml -On minikube we have to copy a "real" losetup: +kubectl delete -f examples/csi-pod-raw.yaml +kubectl delete -f examples/csi-pvc-raw.yaml -In minikube losetup is a symlink to busybox. +kubectl delete -f examples/csi-app.yaml +kubectl delete -f examples/csi-pvc.yaml +``` -The busybox implentation of losetup lacks some flags on which the kubernetes currently depends on. -(see ) +## Development ### -```bash - minikube ssh 'sudo rm /sbin/losetup' - scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -i $(minikube ssh-key) /usr/sbin/losetup docker@$(minikube ip):/tmp/losetup - minikube ssh 'sudo mv /tmp/losetup /sbin/losetup' -``` +In order to run the integration tests locally, you need to create to loop devices on your host machine. Make sure the loop device mount paths are not used on your system (default path is `/dev/loop10{1,2}`). -### Build ### +You can create these loop devices like this: ```bash -make -docker build -docker push +for i in 100 101; do fallocate -l 1G loop${i}.img ; sudo losetup /dev/loop${i} loop${i}.img; done +sudo losetup -a +# use this for recreation or cleanup +# for i in 100 101; do sudo losetup -d /dev/loop${i}; rm -f loop${i}.img; done ``` -Replace metalstack/lvmplugin:latest image in helm/csi-driver-lvm/values.yaml - -### Deploy ### +You can then run the tests against a kind cluster, running: ```bash -helm install mytest helm/csi-driver-lvm +make test ``` -### Test ### +To recreate or cleanup the kind cluster: ```bash -kubectl apply -f examples/csi-pvc-raw.yaml -kubectl apply -f examples/csi-pod-raw.yaml - - -kubectl apply -f examples/csi-pvc.yaml -kubectl apply -f examples/csi-app.yaml - -kubectl delete -f examples/csi-pod-raw.yaml -kubectl delete -f examples/csi-pvc-raw.yaml - -kubectl delete -f examples/csi-app.yaml -kubectl delete -f examples/csi-pvc.yaml +make test-cleanup ``` ## Page Tree diff --git a/docs/src/external/csi-driver-lvm/helm/csi-driver-lvm/README.md b/docs/src/external/csi-driver-lvm/helm/csi-driver-lvm/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0dfa43969c..0000000000 --- a/docs/src/external/csi-driver-lvm/helm/csi-driver-lvm/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -# CSI Driver LVM Helm Chart - -## TL;DR - -``` -$ helm install my-csi-driver-lvm --namespace default csi-driver-lvm --set lvm.devicePattern='/dev/nvme[0-9]n[0-9]' -``` diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl.md index a041f58f80..2834ff35be 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl.md @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ # metalctl -a cli to manage metal devices. +a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api ## Options ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -17,9 +18,8 @@ a cli to manage metal devices. --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty -h, --help help for metalctl - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -28,29 +28,30 @@ a cli to manage metal devices. metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl completion](metalctl_completion.md) - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell +* [metalctl audit](metalctl_audit.md) - manage audit trace entities +* [metalctl completion](metalctl_completion.md) - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell * [metalctl context](metalctl_context.md) - manage metalctl context -* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayouts -* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewalls +* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayout entities +* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewall entities * [metalctl firmware](metalctl_firmware.md) - manage firmwares * [metalctl health](metalctl_health.md) - shows the server health -* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage images +* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage image entities * [metalctl login](metalctl_login.md) - login user and receive token -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl logout](metalctl_logout.md) - logout user from OIDC SSO session +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities * [metalctl markdown](metalctl_markdown.md) - create markdown documentation -* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage networks -* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partitions -* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage projects -* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage sizes -* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switches +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities +* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partition entities +* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage project entities +* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage size entities +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities * [metalctl update](metalctl_update.md) - update the program * [metalctl version](metalctl_version.md) - print the client and server version information +* [metalctl vpn](metalctl_vpn.md) - access VPN * [metalctl whoami](metalctl_whoami.md) - shows current user -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_audit.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_audit.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2dc94bd349 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_audit.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# metalctl audit + +manage audit trace entities + +## Synopsis + +show audit traces of the api. feature must be enabled on server-side. + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for audit +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl audit describe](metalctl_audit_describe.md) - describes the audit trace +* [metalctl audit list](metalctl_audit_list.md) - list all audit traces + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_free.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_audit_describe.md similarity index 70% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_free.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_audit_describe.md index 55ef6638f2..194166f0e6 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_free.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_audit_describe.md @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ -# metalctl network ip free +# metalctl audit describe -free an IP +describes the audit trace ``` -metalctl network ip free [flags] +metalctl audit describe [flags] ``` ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for free + -h, --help help for describe ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl network ip free [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl network ip free [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage IPs +* [metalctl audit](metalctl_audit.md) - manage audit trace entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_audit_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_audit_list.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..049761c1ca --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_audit_list.md @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +# metalctl audit list + +list all audit traces + +``` +metalctl audit list [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + --component string component of the audit trace. + --detail string detail of the audit trace. An HTTP method, unary or stream + --error string error of the audit trace. + --forwarded-for string forwarded for of the audit trace. + --from string start of range of the audit traces. e.g. 1h, 10m, 2006-01-02 15:04:05 (default "1h") + -h, --help help for list + --limit int limit the number of audit traces. (default 100) + --path string api path of the audit trace. + --phase string phase of the audit trace. One of [request, response, single, error, opened, closed] + -q, --query string filters audit trace body payloads for the given text. + --remote-addr string remote address of the audit trace. + --request-id string request id of the audit trace. + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: path|tenant|timestamp|user + --status-code int32 HTTP status code of the audit trace. + --tenant string tenant of the audit trace. + --to string end of range of the audit traces. e.g. 1h, 10m, 2006-01-02 15:04:05 + --type string type of the audit trace. One of [http, grpc, event]. + --user string user of the audit trace. +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl audit](metalctl_audit.md) - manage audit trace entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion.md index ec733b5daf..8514c40866 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion.md @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ # metalctl completion -generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell +Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell ## Synopsis - Generate the autocompletion script for metalctl for the specified shell. See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script. @@ -18,7 +17,8 @@ See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script. ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -29,9 +29,8 @@ See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script. --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -40,16 +39,14 @@ See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script. metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. -* [metalctl completion bash](metalctl_completion_bash.md) - generate the autocompletion script for bash -* [metalctl completion fish](metalctl_completion_fish.md) - generate the autocompletion script for fish -* [metalctl completion powershell](metalctl_completion_powershell.md) - generate the autocompletion script for powershell -* [metalctl completion zsh](metalctl_completion_zsh.md) - generate the autocompletion script for zsh +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl completion bash](metalctl_completion_bash.md) - Generate the autocompletion script for bash +* [metalctl completion fish](metalctl_completion_fish.md) - Generate the autocompletion script for fish +* [metalctl completion powershell](metalctl_completion_powershell.md) - Generate the autocompletion script for powershell +* [metalctl completion zsh](metalctl_completion_zsh.md) - Generate the autocompletion script for zsh -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_bash.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_bash.md index 7e54aeb6c6..2984a2fd4f 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_bash.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_bash.md @@ -1,26 +1,30 @@ # metalctl completion bash -generate the autocompletion script for bash +Generate the autocompletion script for bash ## Synopsis - Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell. This script depends on the 'bash-completion' package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS's package manager. To load completions in your current shell session: -$ source <(metalctl completion bash) + + source <(metalctl completion bash) To load completions for every new session, execute once: -Linux: - $ metalctl completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/metalctl -MacOS: - $ metalctl completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/metalctl + +### Linux: + + metalctl completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/metalctl + +### macOS: + + metalctl completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/metalctl You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect. - + ``` metalctl completion bash @@ -36,7 +40,8 @@ metalctl completion bash ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -47,9 +52,8 @@ metalctl completion bash --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -58,12 +62,10 @@ metalctl completion bash metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl completion](metalctl_completion.md) - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell +* [metalctl completion](metalctl_completion.md) - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_fish.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_fish.md index 765bac3f9a..bf4a2f0ed0 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_fish.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_fish.md @@ -1,17 +1,18 @@ # metalctl completion fish -generate the autocompletion script for fish +Generate the autocompletion script for fish ## Synopsis - Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell. To load completions in your current shell session: -$ metalctl completion fish | source + + metalctl completion fish | source To load completions for every new session, execute once: -$ metalctl completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/metalctl.fish + + metalctl completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/metalctl.fish You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect. @@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ metalctl completion fish [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -41,9 +43,8 @@ metalctl completion fish [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -52,12 +53,10 @@ metalctl completion fish [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl completion](metalctl_completion.md) - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell +* [metalctl completion](metalctl_completion.md) - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_powershell.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_powershell.md index fe2f9aeb58..45ab05b91f 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_powershell.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_powershell.md @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ # metalctl completion powershell -generate the autocompletion script for powershell +Generate the autocompletion script for powershell ## Synopsis - Generate the autocompletion script for powershell. To load completions in your current shell session: -PS C:\> metalctl completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression + + metalctl completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile. @@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ metalctl completion powershell [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -39,9 +40,8 @@ metalctl completion powershell [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -50,12 +50,10 @@ metalctl completion powershell [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl completion](metalctl_completion.md) - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell +* [metalctl completion](metalctl_completion.md) - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_zsh.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_zsh.md index 07e6999515..a6d2247cd5 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_zsh.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_completion_zsh.md @@ -1,22 +1,29 @@ # metalctl completion zsh -generate the autocompletion script for zsh +Generate the autocompletion script for zsh ## Synopsis - Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell. If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once: -$ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc + echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc + +To load completions in your current shell session: + + source <(metalctl completion zsh); compdef _metalctl metalctl To load completions for every new session, execute once: -# Linux: -$ metalctl completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_metalctl" -# macOS: -$ metalctl completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_metalctl + +### Linux: + + metalctl completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_metalctl" + +### macOS: + + metalctl completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_metalctl You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect. @@ -35,7 +42,8 @@ metalctl completion zsh [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -46,9 +54,8 @@ metalctl completion zsh [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -57,12 +64,10 @@ metalctl completion zsh [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl completion](metalctl_completion.md) - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell +* [metalctl completion](metalctl_completion.md) - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_context.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_context.md index e496835a34..7648bb3aa9 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_context.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_context.md @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ contexts: ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -52,9 +53,8 @@ contexts: --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -63,13 +63,11 @@ contexts: metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api * [metalctl context short](metalctl_context_short.md) - only show the default context name -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_context_short.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_context_short.md index dd81ebeb4b..4d52606e9b 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_context_short.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_context_short.md @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl context short [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl context short [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ metalctl context short [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -45,4 +44,3 @@ metalctl context short [flags] * [metalctl context](metalctl_context.md) - manage metalctl context -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout.md index b9f71b65a2..fc719b9d1b 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl filesystemlayout -manage filesystemlayouts +manage filesystemlayout entities ## Synopsis @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ a filesystemlayout is a specification how the disks in a machine are partitioned ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ a filesystemlayout is a specification how the disks in a machine are partitioned --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,18 +37,19 @@ a filesystemlayout is a specification how the disks in a machine are partitioned metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. -* [metalctl filesystemlayout apply](metalctl_filesystemlayout_apply.md) - create/update a filesystem -* [metalctl filesystemlayout delete](metalctl_filesystemlayout_delete.md) - delete a filesystem -* [metalctl filesystemlayout describe](metalctl_filesystemlayout_describe.md) - describe a filesystem -* [metalctl filesystemlayout list](metalctl_filesystemlayout_list.md) - list all filesystems +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl filesystemlayout apply](metalctl_filesystemlayout_apply.md) - applies one or more filesystemlayouts from a given file +* [metalctl filesystemlayout create](metalctl_filesystemlayout_create.md) - creates the filesystemlayout +* [metalctl filesystemlayout delete](metalctl_filesystemlayout_delete.md) - deletes the filesystemlayout +* [metalctl filesystemlayout describe](metalctl_filesystemlayout_describe.md) - describes the filesystemlayout +* [metalctl filesystemlayout edit](metalctl_filesystemlayout_edit.md) - edit the filesystemlayout through an editor and update +* [metalctl filesystemlayout list](metalctl_filesystemlayout_list.md) - list all filesystemlayouts * [metalctl filesystemlayout match](metalctl_filesystemlayout_match.md) - check if a machine satisfies all disk requirements of a given filesystemlayout * [metalctl filesystemlayout try](metalctl_filesystemlayout_try.md) - try to detect a filesystem by given size and image +* [metalctl filesystemlayout update](metalctl_filesystemlayout_update.md) - updates the filesystemlayout -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_apply.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_apply.md index 4e134d2466..df89290ad3 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_apply.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_apply.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl filesystemlayout apply -create/update a filesystem +applies one or more filesystemlayouts from a given file ``` metalctl filesystemlayout apply [flags] @@ -10,21 +10,23 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout apply [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. - Example: - # metalctl filesystem describe default > default.yaml - # vi default.yaml - ## either via stdin - # cat default.yaml | metalctl filesystem apply -f - - ## or via file - # metalctl filesystem apply -f default.yaml + Example: + $ metalctl filesystemlayout describe filesystemlayout-1 -o yaml > filesystemlayout.yaml + $ vi filesystemlayout.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat filesystemlayout.yaml | metalctl filesystemlayout apply -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl filesystemlayout apply -f filesystemlayout.yaml + -h, --help help for apply ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -35,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout apply [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -46,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout apply [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayouts +* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayout entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_create.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_create.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a5971fe01 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_create.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# metalctl filesystemlayout create + +creates the filesystemlayout + +``` +metalctl filesystemlayout create [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl filesystemlayout describe filesystemlayout-1 -o yaml > filesystemlayout.yaml + $ vi filesystemlayout.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat filesystemlayout.yaml | metalctl filesystemlayout create -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl filesystemlayout create -f filesystemlayout.yaml + + -h, --help help for create +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayout entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_delete.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_delete.md index f45579cb18..173bbfa81e 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_delete.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_delete.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl filesystemlayout delete -delete a filesystem +deletes the filesystemlayout ``` -metalctl filesystemlayout delete [flags] +metalctl filesystemlayout delete [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout delete [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout delete [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout delete [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayouts +* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayout entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_describe.md index 604b90c72b..73b62583fc 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_describe.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_describe.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl filesystemlayout describe -describe a filesystem +describes the filesystemlayout ``` -metalctl filesystemlayout describe [flags] +metalctl filesystemlayout describe [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout describe [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout describe [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout describe [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayouts +* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayout entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_remove.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_edit.md similarity index 69% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_remove.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_edit.md index 59954b1867..f7b780c650 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_remove.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_edit.md @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ -# metalctl project remove +# metalctl filesystemlayout edit -delete a project +edit the filesystemlayout through an editor and update ``` -metalctl project remove [flags] +metalctl filesystemlayout edit [flags] ``` ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for remove + -h, --help help for edit ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl project remove [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl project remove [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage projects +* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayout entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_list.md index eafd579a7a..b6705ffefc 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_list.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl filesystemlayout list -list all filesystems +list all filesystemlayouts ``` metalctl filesystemlayout list [flags] @@ -9,13 +9,15 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout list [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for list + -h, --help help for list + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: description|id|name ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +28,8 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +38,10 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayouts +* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayout entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_match.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_match.md index 2f95812a45..6b538277d6 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_match.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_match.md @@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout match [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -28,9 +29,8 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout match [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -39,12 +39,10 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout match [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayouts +* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayout entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_try.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_try.md index 14052abe8f..5e1190440f 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_try.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_try.md @@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout try [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -28,9 +29,8 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout try [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -39,12 +39,10 @@ metalctl filesystemlayout try [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayouts +* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayout entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_update.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_update.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..45d33087f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_filesystemlayout_update.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# metalctl filesystemlayout update + +updates the filesystemlayout + +``` +metalctl filesystemlayout update [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl filesystemlayout describe filesystemlayout-1 -o yaml > filesystemlayout.yaml + $ vi filesystemlayout.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat filesystemlayout.yaml | metalctl filesystemlayout update -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl filesystemlayout update -f filesystemlayout.yaml + + -h, --help help for update +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl filesystemlayout](metalctl_filesystemlayout.md) - manage filesystemlayout entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall.md index a1a8472456..efea3c842e 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall.md @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # metalctl firewall -manage firewalls +manage firewall entities ## Synopsis -metal firewalls are bare metal firewalls. +firewalls are used to establish network connectivity between metal-stack networks. firewalls are similar to machines but are managed by the provider. almost every command of the machine command subset works on firewalls, too. ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metal firewalls are bare metal firewalls. ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metal firewalls are bare metal firewalls. --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,17 +37,14 @@ metal firewalls are bare metal firewalls. metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. -* [metalctl firewall create](metalctl_firewall_create.md) - create a firewall -* [metalctl firewall describe](metalctl_firewall_describe.md) - describe a firewall -* [metalctl firewall destroy](metalctl_firewall_destroy.md) - destroy a firewall +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl firewall create](metalctl_firewall_create.md) - creates the firewall +* [metalctl firewall describe](metalctl_firewall_describe.md) - describes the firewall * [metalctl firewall list](metalctl_firewall_list.md) - list all firewalls -* [metalctl firewall reserve](metalctl_firewall_reserve.md) - reserve a firewall +* [metalctl firewall ssh](metalctl_firewall_ssh.md) - SSH to a firewall -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_create.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_create.md index bcc40f1e5d..ff7357a3ba 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_create.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_create.md @@ -1,10 +1,6 @@ # metalctl firewall create -create a firewall - -## Synopsis - -create a new firewall connected to the given networks. +creates the firewall ``` metalctl firewall create [flags] @@ -14,6 +10,16 @@ metalctl firewall create [flags] ``` -d, --description string Description of the firewall to create. [optional] + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl firewall describe firewall-1 -o yaml > firewall.yaml + $ vi firewall.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat firewall.yaml | metalctl firewall create -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl firewall create -f firewall.yaml + --filesystemlayout string Filesystemlayout to use during machine installation. [optional] -h, --help help for create -H, --hostname string Hostname of the firewall. [required] @@ -43,7 +49,8 @@ metalctl firewall create [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -54,9 +61,8 @@ metalctl firewall create [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -65,12 +71,10 @@ metalctl firewall create [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewalls +* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewall entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_describe.md index 245eac77f1..5783ce4857 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_describe.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_describe.md @@ -1,13 +1,9 @@ # metalctl firewall describe -describe a firewall - -## Synopsis - -describe a firewall in a very detailed form with all properties. +describes the firewall ``` -metalctl firewall describe [flags] +metalctl firewall describe [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -19,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl firewall describe [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl firewall describe [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl firewall describe [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewalls +* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewall entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_list.md index f3f230bf5d..4bbc5ffd55 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_list.md @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ list all firewalls -## Synopsis - -list all firewalls with almost all properties in tabular form. - ``` metalctl firewall list [flags] ``` @@ -17,18 +13,20 @@ metalctl firewall list [flags] --hostname string allocation hostname to filter [optional] --id string ID to filter [optional] --image string allocation image to filter [optional] - --mac string mac to filter [optional] + --mac strings mac to filter [optional] --name string allocation name to filter [optional] --partition string partition to filter [optional] --project string allocation project to filter [optional] --size string size to filter [optional] + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: age|event|id|image|liveliness|partition|project|size|when --tags strings tags to filter, use it like: --tags "tag1,tag2" or --tags "tag3". ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -39,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl firewall list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -50,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl firewall list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewalls +* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewall entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_prefix_add.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_ssh.md similarity index 66% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_prefix_add.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_ssh.md index 37065815e9..e397849f39 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_prefix_add.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_ssh.md @@ -1,22 +1,27 @@ -# metalctl network prefix add +# metalctl firewall ssh -add a prefix to a network +SSH to a firewall + +## Synopsis + +SSH to a firewall via VPN. ``` -metalctl network prefix add [flags] +metalctl firewall ssh [flags] ``` ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for add - --prefix string prefix to add. + -h, --help help for ssh + -i, --identity string specify identity file to SSH to the firewall like: -i path/to/id_rsa (default "~/.ssh/id_rsa") ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -27,9 +32,8 @@ metalctl network prefix add [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -38,12 +42,10 @@ metalctl network prefix add [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network prefix](metalctl_network_prefix.md) - prefix management of a network +* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewall entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware.md index bb6c68dec3..3e5b656c60 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware.md @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ list, upload and remove firmwares. ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ list, upload and remove firmwares. --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,15 +37,13 @@ list, upload and remove firmwares. metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl firmware delete](metalctl_firmware_delete.md) - delete a firmware * [metalctl firmware list](metalctl_firmware_list.md) - list firmwares -* [metalctl firmware remove](metalctl_firmware_remove.md) - remove a firmware * [metalctl firmware upload](metalctl_firmware_upload.md) - upload a firmware -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_remove.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_delete.md similarity index 74% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_remove.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_delete.md index 5fb80d8998..a0a12b1aca 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_remove.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_delete.md @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -# metalctl firmware remove +# metalctl firmware delete -remove a firmware +delete a firmware ## Synopsis -removes the specified firmware. +deletes the specified firmware. ``` -metalctl firmware remove [flags] +metalctl firmware delete [flags] ``` ## Options ``` --board string the board type (required) - -h, --help help for remove + -h, --help help for delete --kind string the firmware kind [bmc|bios] (required) --revision string the firmware revision (required) --vendor string the vendor (required) @@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ metalctl firmware remove [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -34,9 +35,8 @@ metalctl firmware remove [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ metalctl firmware remove [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -53,4 +52,3 @@ metalctl firmware remove [flags] * [metalctl firmware](metalctl_firmware.md) - manage firmwares -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_list.md index 8fa45b71f3..99b5db05b2 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_list.md @@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ metalctl firmware list [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -34,9 +35,8 @@ metalctl firmware list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ metalctl firmware list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -53,4 +52,3 @@ metalctl firmware list [flags] * [metalctl firmware](metalctl_firmware.md) - manage firmwares -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload.md index da42270348..a7dc68cc37 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload.md @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ upload a firmware ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -22,9 +23,8 @@ upload a firmware --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ upload a firmware metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -43,4 +42,3 @@ upload a firmware * [metalctl firmware upload bios](metalctl_firmware_upload_bios.md) - upload a BIOS firmware * [metalctl firmware upload bmc](metalctl_firmware_upload_bmc.md) - upload a BMC firmware -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload_bios.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload_bios.md index d4e14a10fe..37da1fbfee 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload_bios.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload_bios.md @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ metalctl firmware upload bios [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -33,9 +34,8 @@ metalctl firmware upload bios [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ metalctl firmware upload bios [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -52,4 +51,3 @@ metalctl firmware upload bios [flags] * [metalctl firmware upload](metalctl_firmware_upload.md) - upload a firmware -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload_bmc.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload_bmc.md index f0face1e00..2036172f14 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload_bmc.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firmware_upload_bmc.md @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ metalctl firmware upload bmc [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -33,9 +34,8 @@ metalctl firmware upload bmc [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ metalctl firmware upload bmc [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -52,4 +51,3 @@ metalctl firmware upload bmc [flags] * [metalctl firmware upload](metalctl_firmware_upload.md) - upload a firmware -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_health.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_health.md index de40c9cad7..ed76d68caf 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_health.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_health.md @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl health [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl health [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl health [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image.md index 93085bb4a9..248e303f1b 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl image -manage images +manage image entities ## Synopsis @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ os images available to be installed on machines. ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ os images available to be installed on machines. --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,19 +37,17 @@ os images available to be installed on machines. metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. -* [metalctl image apply](metalctl_image_apply.md) - create/update a image -* [metalctl image create](metalctl_image_create.md) - create a image -* [metalctl image delete](metalctl_image_delete.md) - delete a image -* [metalctl image describe](metalctl_image_describe.md) - describe a image -* [metalctl image edit](metalctl_image_edit.md) - edit a image +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl image apply](metalctl_image_apply.md) - applies one or more images from a given file +* [metalctl image create](metalctl_image_create.md) - creates the image +* [metalctl image delete](metalctl_image_delete.md) - deletes the image +* [metalctl image describe](metalctl_image_describe.md) - describes the image +* [metalctl image edit](metalctl_image_edit.md) - edit the image through an editor and update * [metalctl image list](metalctl_image_list.md) - list all images -* [metalctl image update](metalctl_image_update.md) - update a image +* [metalctl image update](metalctl_image_update.md) - updates the image -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_apply.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_apply.md index f9b4743ef9..201ecf4ee4 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_apply.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_apply.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl image apply -create/update a image +applies one or more images from a given file ``` metalctl image apply [flags] @@ -10,21 +10,23 @@ metalctl image apply [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. - Example: - # metalctl image describe ubuntu-19.04 > ubuntu.yaml - # vi ubuntu.yaml - ## either via stdin - # cat ubuntu.yaml | metalctl image apply -f - - ## or via file - # metalctl image apply -f ubuntu.yaml + Example: + $ metalctl image describe image-1 -o yaml > image.yaml + $ vi image.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat image.yaml | metalctl image apply -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl image apply -f image.yaml + -h, --help help for apply ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -35,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl image apply [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -46,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl image apply [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage images +* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage image entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_create.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_create.md index 9d45e6606f..8f52e2f796 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_create.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_create.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl image create -create a image +creates the image ``` metalctl image create [flags] @@ -9,17 +9,29 @@ metalctl image create [flags] ## Options ``` - -d, --description string Description of the image. [required] + -d, --description string Description of the image. --features strings features of the image, can be one of machine|firewall + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl image describe image-1 -o yaml > image.yaml + $ vi image.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat image.yaml | metalctl image create -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl image create -f image.yaml + -h, --help help for create - --id string ID of the image. [required] - -n, --name string Name of the image. [optional] + --id string ID of the image. + -n, --name string Name of the image. + --url string url of the image. ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +42,8 @@ metalctl image create [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,12 +52,10 @@ metalctl image create [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage images +* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage image entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_delete.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_delete.md index 818463ee07..f051908517 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_delete.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_delete.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl image delete -delete a image +deletes the image ``` -metalctl image delete [flags] +metalctl image delete [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl image delete [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl image delete [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl image delete [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage images +* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage image entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_describe.md index a3ed8dec58..fe109568f3 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_describe.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_describe.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl image describe -describe a image +describes the image ``` -metalctl image describe [flags] +metalctl image describe [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl image describe [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl image describe [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl image describe [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage images +* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage image entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_edit.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_edit.md index cd5b22dcc4..5a17dcc0e0 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_edit.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_edit.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl image edit -edit a image +edit the image through an editor and update ``` -metalctl image edit [flags] +metalctl image edit [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl image edit [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl image edit [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl image edit [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage images +* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage image entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_list.md index 8b2ff480d6..280341861c 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_list.md @@ -9,13 +9,22 @@ metalctl image list [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for list + --classification string Classification of this image. + --features string Features of this image. + -h, --help help for list + --id string ID of the image. + --name string Name of the image. + --os string OS derivate of this image. + --show-usage show from how many allocated machines every image is used + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: classification|description|expiration|id|name + --version string Version of this image. ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +35,8 @@ metalctl image list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +45,10 @@ metalctl image list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage images +* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage image entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_update.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_update.md index 5755c2ec24..f875c3efc2 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_update.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_image_update.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl image update -update a image +updates the image ``` metalctl image update [flags] @@ -10,21 +10,23 @@ metalctl image update [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. - Example: - # metalctl image describe ubuntu-19.04 > ubuntu.yaml - # vi ubuntu.yaml - ## either via stdin - # cat ubuntu.yaml | metalctl image update -f - - ## or via file - # metalctl image update -f ubuntu.yaml + Example: + $ metalctl image describe image-1 -o yaml > image.yaml + $ vi image.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat image.yaml | metalctl image update -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl image update -f image.yaml + -h, --help help for update ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -35,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl image update [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -46,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl image update [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage images +* [metalctl image](metalctl_image.md) - manage image entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_login.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_login.md index 3f61c89e60..4788676e73 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_login.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_login.md @@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ metalctl login [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for login - --printOnly If true, the token is printed to stdout + -h, --help help for login + --print-only If true, the token is printed to stdout ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -31,9 +32,8 @@ metalctl login [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -42,12 +42,10 @@ metalctl login [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_prefix_remove.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_logout.md similarity index 66% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_prefix_remove.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_logout.md index 0805a1e990..fba4c5dbf4 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_prefix_remove.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_logout.md @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -# metalctl network prefix remove +# metalctl logout -remove a prefix from a network +logout user from OIDC SSO session ``` -metalctl network prefix remove [flags] +metalctl logout [flags] ``` ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for remove - --prefix string prefix to remove. + -h, --help help for logout ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl network prefix remove [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -38,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl network prefix remove [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network prefix](metalctl_network_prefix.md) - prefix management of a network +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine.md index 180d12f53e..328c41ad3a 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine.md @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # metalctl machine -manage machines +manage machine entities ## Synopsis -metal machines are bare metal servers. +a machine is a bare metal server provisioned through metal-stack that is intended to run user workload. ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metal machines are bare metal servers. ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metal machines are bare metal servers. --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ metal machines are bare metal servers. metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. -* [metalctl machine console](metalctl_machine_console.md) - console access to a machine, machine must be created with a ssh public key, authentication is done with your private key. -In case the machine did not register properly a direct ipmi console access is available via the --ipmi flag. This is only for administrative access. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl machine apply](metalctl_machine_apply.md) - applies one or more machines from a given file +* [metalctl machine console](metalctl_machine_console.md) - console access to a machine * [metalctl machine consolepassword](metalctl_machine_consolepassword.md) - fetch the consolepassword for a machine -* [metalctl machine create](metalctl_machine_create.md) - create a machine -* [metalctl machine describe](metalctl_machine_describe.md) - describe a machine -* [metalctl machine destroy](metalctl_machine_destroy.md) - destroy a machine +* [metalctl machine create](metalctl_machine_create.md) - creates the machine +* [metalctl machine delete](metalctl_machine_delete.md) - deletes the machine +* [metalctl machine describe](metalctl_machine_describe.md) - describes the machine +* [metalctl machine edit](metalctl_machine_edit.md) - edit the machine through an editor and update * [metalctl machine identify](metalctl_machine_identify.md) - manage machine chassis identify LED power * [metalctl machine ipmi](metalctl_machine_ipmi.md) - display ipmi details of the machine, if no machine ID is given all ipmi addresses are returned. * [metalctl machine issues](metalctl_machine_issues.md) - display machines which are in a potential bad state @@ -59,6 +59,6 @@ In case the machine did not register properly a direct ipmi console access is av * [metalctl machine power](metalctl_machine_power.md) - manage machine power * [metalctl machine reinstall](metalctl_machine_reinstall.md) - reinstalls an already allocated machine * [metalctl machine reserve](metalctl_machine_reserve.md) - reserve a machine -* [metalctl machine update](metalctl_machine_update.md) - update a machine firmware +* [metalctl machine update](metalctl_machine_update.md) - updates the machine +* [metalctl machine update-firmware](metalctl_machine_update-firmware.md) - update a machine firmware -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_apply.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_apply.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aaf93cb427 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_apply.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# metalctl machine apply + +applies one or more machines from a given file + +``` +metalctl machine apply [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl machine describe machine-1 -o yaml > machine.yaml + $ vi machine.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat machine.yaml | metalctl machine apply -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl machine apply -f machine.yaml + + -h, --help help for apply +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_console.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_console.md index 2f9adf3871..68d6cdaf07 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_console.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_console.md @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # metalctl machine console +console access to a machine + +## Synopsis + console access to a machine, machine must be created with a ssh public key, authentication is done with your private key. In case the machine did not register properly a direct ipmi console access is available via the --ipmi flag. This is only for administrative access. @@ -20,7 +24,8 @@ metalctl machine console [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -31,9 +36,8 @@ metalctl machine console [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -42,12 +46,10 @@ metalctl machine console [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_consolepassword.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_consolepassword.md index 4413ebd2e8..ff7531f6e9 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_consolepassword.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_consolepassword.md @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ metalctl machine consolepassword [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -27,9 +28,8 @@ metalctl machine consolepassword [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -38,12 +38,10 @@ metalctl machine consolepassword [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_create.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_create.md index 82731c13c7..69b2baf969 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_create.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_create.md @@ -1,10 +1,6 @@ # metalctl machine create -create a machine - -## Synopsis - -create a new machine with the given operating system, the size and a project. +creates the machine ``` metalctl machine create [flags] @@ -17,30 +13,30 @@ machine create can be done in two different ways: - default with automatic allocation: -metalctl machine create \ - --hostname worker01 \ - --name worker \ - --image ubuntu-18.04 \ # query available with: metalctl image list - --size t1-small-x86 \ # query available with: metalctl size list - --partition test \ # query available with: metalctl partition list - --project cluster01 \ - --sshpublickey "@~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" + metalctl machine create \ + --hostname worker01 \ + --name worker \ + --image ubuntu-18.04 \ # query available with: metalctl image list + --size t1-small-x86 \ # query available with: metalctl size list + --partition test \ # query available with: metalctl partition list + --project cluster01 \ + --sshpublickey "@~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" - for metal administration with reserved machines: -reserve a machine you want to allocate: + reserve a machine you want to allocate: -metalctl machine reserve 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0cc47ae54694 --description "blocked for maintenance" + metalctl machine reserve 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0cc47ae54694 --description "blocked for maintenance" -allocate this machine: + allocate this machine: -metalctl machine create \ - --hostname worker01 \ - --name worker \ - --image ubuntu-18.04 \ # query available with: metalctl image list - --project cluster01 \ - --sshpublickey "@~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" \ - --id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0cc47ae54694 + metalctl machine create \ + --hostname worker01 \ + --name worker \ + --image ubuntu-18.04 \ # query available with: metalctl image list + --project cluster01 \ + --sshpublickey "@~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" \ + --id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0cc47ae54694 after you do not want to use this machine exclusive, remove the reservation: @@ -48,13 +44,22 @@ metalctl machine reserve 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0cc47ae54694 --remove Once created the machine installation can not be modified anymore. - ``` ## Options ``` -d, --description string Description of the machine to create. [optional] + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl machine describe machine-1 -o yaml > machine.yaml + $ vi machine.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat machine.yaml | metalctl machine create -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl machine create -f machine.yaml + --filesystemlayout string Filesystemlayout to use during machine installation. [optional] -h, --help help for create -H, --hostname string Hostname of the machine. [required] @@ -83,7 +88,8 @@ Once created the machine installation can not be modified anymore. ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -94,9 +100,8 @@ Once created the machine installation can not be modified anymore. --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -105,12 +110,10 @@ Once created the machine installation can not be modified anymore. metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_destroy.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_delete.md similarity index 66% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_destroy.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_delete.md index 72d9fe1515..a2f5f6a85b 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_destroy.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_delete.md @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ -# metalctl machine destroy +# metalctl machine delete -destroy a machine +deletes the machine ## Synopsis -destroy a machine and destroy all data stored on the local disks. Once destroyed it is back for usage by other projects. -A destroyed machine can not restored anymore +delete a machine and destroy all data stored on the local disks. Once destroyed it is back for usage by other projects. A destroyed machine can not restored anymore ``` -metalctl machine destroy [flags] +metalctl machine delete [flags] ``` ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for destroy + -h, --help help for delete --remove-from-database remove given machine from the database, is only required for maintenance reasons [optional] (admin only). ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ metalctl machine destroy [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -43,12 +42,10 @@ metalctl machine destroy [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_describe.md index 963ae7053d..314c2e44d5 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_describe.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_describe.md @@ -1,13 +1,9 @@ # metalctl machine describe -describe a machine - -## Synopsis - -describe a machine in a very detailed form with all properties. +describes the machine ``` -metalctl machine describe [flags] +metalctl machine describe [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -19,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl machine describe [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl machine describe [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl machine describe [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_edit.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_edit.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84a68ce149 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_edit.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# metalctl machine edit + +edit the machine through an editor and update + +``` +metalctl machine edit [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for edit +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify.md index 336b10328b..9bd3557a00 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify.md @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ manage machine chassis identify LED power ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -22,9 +23,8 @@ manage machine chassis identify LED power --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -33,14 +33,12 @@ manage machine chassis identify LED power metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities * [metalctl machine identify off](metalctl_machine_identify_off.md) - power off the machine chassis identify LED * [metalctl machine identify on](metalctl_machine_identify_on.md) - power on the machine chassis identify LED -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify_off.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify_off.md index 014eba0aff..9669c087a5 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify_off.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify_off.md @@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ metalctl machine identify off [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -31,9 +32,8 @@ metalctl machine identify off [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ metalctl machine identify off [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -50,4 +49,3 @@ metalctl machine identify off [flags] * [metalctl machine identify](metalctl_machine_identify.md) - manage machine chassis identify LED power -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify_on.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify_on.md index 59b31681d4..8061d16652 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify_on.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_identify_on.md @@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ metalctl machine identify on [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -31,9 +32,8 @@ metalctl machine identify on [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ metalctl machine identify on [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -50,4 +49,3 @@ metalctl machine identify on [flags] * [metalctl machine identify](metalctl_machine_identify.md) - manage machine chassis identify LED power -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_ipmi.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_ipmi.md index 3cd57e2936..572e48699a 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_ipmi.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_ipmi.md @@ -2,6 +2,22 @@ display ipmi details of the machine, if no machine ID is given all ipmi addresses are returned. +## Synopsis + +display ipmi details of the machine, if no machine ID is given all ipmi addresses are returned. + +Meaning of the emojis: + +🚧 Machine is reserved. Reserved machines are not considered for random allocation until the reservation flag is removed. +🔒 Machine is locked. Locked machines can not be deleted until the lock is removed. +💀 Machine is dead. The metal-api does not receive any events from this machine. +❗ Machine has a last event error. The machine has recently encountered an error during the provisioning lifecycle. +❓ Machine is in unknown condition. The metal-api does not receive phoned home events anymore or has never booted successfully. +⭕ Machine is in a provisioning crash loop. Flag can be reset through an API-triggered reboot or when the machine reaches the phoned home state. +🚑 Machine reclaim has failed. The machine was deleted but it is not going back into the available machine pool. +🛡️ Machine is connected to our VPN, ssh access only possible via this VPN. + + ``` metalctl machine ipmi [] [flags] ``` @@ -9,22 +25,26 @@ metalctl machine ipmi [] [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for ipmi - --hostname string allocation hostname to filter [optional] - --id string ID to filter [optional] - --image string allocation image to filter [optional] - --mac string mac to filter [optional] - --name string allocation name to filter [optional] - --partition string partition to filter [optional] - --project string allocation project to filter [optional] - --size string size to filter [optional] - --tags strings tags to filter, use it like: --tags "tag1,tag2" or --tags "tag3". + -h, --help help for ipmi + --hostname string allocation hostname to filter [optional] + --id string ID to filter [optional] + --image string allocation image to filter [optional] + --last-event-error-threshold duration the duration up to how long in the past a machine last event error will be counted as an issue [optional] (default 1h0m0s) + --mac string mac to filter [optional] + --name string allocation name to filter [optional] + --partition string partition to filter [optional] + --project string allocation project to filter [optional] + --rack string rack to filter [optional] + --size string size to filter [optional] + --state string state to filter [optional] + --tags strings tags to filter, use it like: --tags "tag1,tag2" or --tags "tag3". ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -35,9 +55,8 @@ metalctl machine ipmi [] [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -46,12 +65,11 @@ metalctl machine ipmi [] [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities +* [metalctl machine ipmi events](metalctl_machine_ipmi_events.md) - display machine hardware events -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_destroy.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_ipmi_events.md similarity index 63% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_destroy.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_ipmi_events.md index 939e3b107a..99cb44a735 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_destroy.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_ipmi_events.md @@ -1,26 +1,25 @@ -# metalctl firewall destroy +# metalctl machine ipmi events -destroy a firewall - -## Synopsis - -destroy a firewall and destroy all data stored on the local disks. Once destroyed it is back for usage by other projects. -A destroyed firewall can not restored anymore +display machine hardware events ``` -metalctl firewall destroy [flags] +metalctl machine ipmi events [flags] ``` ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for destroy + -h, --help help for events + --ipmipassword string overwrite ipmi password (admin only). + --ipmiuser string overwrite ipmi user (admin only). + -n, --last string show last log entries. (default "10") ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -31,9 +30,8 @@ metalctl firewall destroy [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -42,12 +40,10 @@ metalctl firewall destroy [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewalls +* [metalctl machine ipmi](metalctl_machine_ipmi.md) - display ipmi details of the machine, if no machine ID is given all ipmi addresses are returned. -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_issues.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_issues.md index 32f7abea52..9bdfb854f5 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_issues.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_issues.md @@ -2,31 +2,52 @@ display machines which are in a potential bad state +## Synopsis + +display machines which are in a potential bad state + +Meaning of the emojis: + +🚧 Machine is reserved. Reserved machines are not considered for random allocation until the reservation flag is removed. +🔒 Machine is locked. Locked machines can not be deleted until the lock is removed. +💀 Machine is dead. The metal-api does not receive any events from this machine. +❗ Machine has a last event error. The machine has recently encountered an error during the provisioning lifecycle. +❓ Machine is in unknown condition. The metal-api does not receive phoned home events anymore or has never booted successfully. +⭕ Machine is in a provisioning crash loop. Flag can be reset through an API-triggered reboot or when the machine reaches the phoned home state. +🚑 Machine reclaim has failed. The machine was deleted but it is not going back into the available machine pool. +🛡️ Machine is connected to our VPN, ssh access only possible via this VPN. + + ``` -metalctl machine issues [flags] +metalctl machine issues [] [flags] ``` ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for issues - --hostname string allocation hostname to filter [optional] - --id string ID to filter [optional] - --image string allocation image to filter [optional] - --mac string mac to filter [optional] - --name string allocation name to filter [optional] - --omit strings issue types to omit [optional] - --only strings issue types to include [optional] - --partition string partition to filter [optional] - --project string allocation project to filter [optional] - --size string size to filter [optional] - --tags strings tags to filter, use it like: --tags "tag1,tag2" or --tags "tag3". + -h, --help help for issues + --hostname string allocation hostname to filter [optional] + --id string ID to filter [optional] + --image string allocation image to filter [optional] + --last-event-error-threshold duration the duration up to how long in the past a machine last event error will be counted as an issue [optional] (default 168h0m0s) + --mac string mac to filter [optional] + --name string allocation name to filter [optional] + --omit strings issue types to omit [optional] + --only strings issue types to include [optional] + --partition string partition to filter [optional] + --project string allocation project to filter [optional] + --rack string rack to filter [optional] + --severity string issue severity to include [optional] + --size string size to filter [optional] + --state string state to filter [optional] + --tags strings tags to filter, use it like: --tags "tag1,tag2" or --tags "tag3". ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -37,9 +58,8 @@ metalctl machine issues [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -48,12 +68,10 @@ metalctl machine issues [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_list.md index 4a3f67f812..d5afdac161 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_list.md @@ -4,7 +4,19 @@ list all machines ## Synopsis -list all machines with almost all properties in tabular form. +list all machines + +Meaning of the emojis: + +🚧 Machine is reserved. Reserved machines are not considered for random allocation until the reservation flag is removed. +🔒 Machine is locked. Locked machines can not be deleted until the lock is removed. +💀 Machine is dead. The metal-api does not receive any events from this machine. +❗ Machine has a last event error. The machine has recently encountered an error during the provisioning lifecycle. +❓ Machine is in unknown condition. The metal-api does not receive phoned home events anymore or has never booted successfully. +⭕ Machine is in a provisioning crash loop. Flag can be reset through an API-triggered reboot or when the machine reaches the phoned home state. +🚑 Machine reclaim has failed. The machine was deleted but it is not going back into the available machine pool. +🛡️ Machine is connected to our VPN, ssh access only possible via this VPN. + ``` metalctl machine list [flags] @@ -13,22 +25,27 @@ metalctl machine list [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for list - --hostname string allocation hostname to filter [optional] - --id string ID to filter [optional] - --image string allocation image to filter [optional] - --mac string mac to filter [optional] - --name string allocation name to filter [optional] - --partition string partition to filter [optional] - --project string allocation project to filter [optional] - --size string size to filter [optional] - --tags strings tags to filter, use it like: --tags "tag1,tag2" or --tags "tag3". + -h, --help help for list + --hostname string allocation hostname to filter [optional] + --id string ID to filter [optional] + --image string allocation image to filter [optional] + --last-event-error-threshold duration the duration up to how long in the past a machine last event error will be counted as an issue [optional] (default 1h0m0s) + --mac string mac to filter [optional] + --name string allocation name to filter [optional] + --partition string partition to filter [optional] + --project string allocation project to filter [optional] + --rack string rack to filter [optional] + --size string size to filter [optional] + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: age|event|id|image|liveliness|partition|project|rack|size|when + --state string state to filter [optional] + --tags strings tags to filter, use it like: --tags "tag1,tag2" or --tags "tag3". ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -39,9 +56,8 @@ metalctl machine list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -50,12 +66,10 @@ metalctl machine list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_lock.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_lock.md index 6f485a5ea6..d2eea6c750 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_lock.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_lock.md @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ metalctl machine lock [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -32,9 +33,8 @@ metalctl machine lock [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -43,12 +43,10 @@ metalctl machine lock [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_logs.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_logs.md index 9752450eaa..11624d956d 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_logs.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_logs.md @@ -9,13 +9,15 @@ metalctl machine logs [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for logs + -h, --help help for logs + --last-event-error-threshold duration the duration up to how long in the past a machine last event error will be counted as an issue [optional] (default 168h0m0s) ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +28,8 @@ metalctl machine logs [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +38,10 @@ metalctl machine logs [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power.md index 90198a619e..620570b79e 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power.md @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ manage machine power ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -22,9 +23,8 @@ manage machine power --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -33,19 +33,17 @@ manage machine power metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities * [metalctl machine power bios](metalctl_machine_power_bios.md) - boot a machine into BIOS -* [metalctl machine power cycle](metalctl_machine_power_cycle.md) - power cycle a machine +* [metalctl machine power cycle](metalctl_machine_power_cycle.md) - power cycle a machine (graceful shutdown) * [metalctl machine power disk](metalctl_machine_power_disk.md) - boot a machine from disk * [metalctl machine power off](metalctl_machine_power_off.md) - power off a machine * [metalctl machine power on](metalctl_machine_power_on.md) - power on a machine * [metalctl machine power pxe](metalctl_machine_power_pxe.md) - boot a machine from PXE * [metalctl machine power reset](metalctl_machine_power_reset.md) - power reset a machine -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_bios.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_bios.md index be36d1c85a..6ec46eda43 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_bios.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_bios.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ boot a machine into BIOS ## Synopsis -the machine will boot into bios. +the machine will boot into bios. (machine does not reboot automatically) ``` metalctl machine power bios [flags] @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ metalctl machine power bios [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +31,8 @@ metalctl machine power bios [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ metalctl machine power bios [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -49,4 +48,3 @@ metalctl machine power bios [flags] * [metalctl machine power](metalctl_machine_power.md) - manage machine power -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_cycle.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_cycle.md index dcdb5b0be6..453880ae9d 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_cycle.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_cycle.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl machine power cycle -power cycle a machine +power cycle a machine (graceful shutdown) ## Synopsis @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ metalctl machine power cycle [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +31,8 @@ metalctl machine power cycle [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ metalctl machine power cycle [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -49,4 +48,3 @@ metalctl machine power cycle [flags] * [metalctl machine power](metalctl_machine_power.md) - manage machine power -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_disk.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_disk.md index 8d51f35ee6..e23fb358b8 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_disk.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_disk.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ boot a machine from disk ## Synopsis -the machine will boot from disk. +the machine will boot from disk. (machine does not reboot automatically) ``` metalctl machine power disk [flags] @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ metalctl machine power disk [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +31,8 @@ metalctl machine power disk [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ metalctl machine power disk [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -49,4 +48,3 @@ metalctl machine power disk [flags] * [metalctl machine power](metalctl_machine_power.md) - manage machine power -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_off.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_off.md index 4ae534d6b4..0e717cadfd 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_off.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_off.md @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ metalctl machine power off [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -32,9 +33,8 @@ metalctl machine power off [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ metalctl machine power off [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -51,4 +50,3 @@ metalctl machine power off [flags] * [metalctl machine power](metalctl_machine_power.md) - manage machine power -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_on.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_on.md index 06f2a01d86..32a2e99e02 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_on.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_on.md @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ metalctl machine power on [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +31,8 @@ metalctl machine power on [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ metalctl machine power on [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -49,4 +48,3 @@ metalctl machine power on [flags] * [metalctl machine power](metalctl_machine_power.md) - manage machine power -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_pxe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_pxe.md index de43e1c8ef..7ad9fd358d 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_pxe.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_pxe.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ boot a machine from PXE ## Synopsis -the machine will boot from PXE. +the machine will boot from PXE. (machine does not reboot automatically) ``` metalctl machine power pxe [flags] @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ metalctl machine power pxe [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +31,8 @@ metalctl machine power pxe [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ metalctl machine power pxe [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -49,4 +48,3 @@ metalctl machine power pxe [flags] * [metalctl machine power](metalctl_machine_power.md) - manage machine power -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_reset.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_reset.md index bff34ef875..227c4eccf1 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_reset.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_power_reset.md @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ metalctl machine power reset [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +31,8 @@ metalctl machine power reset [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ metalctl machine power reset [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -49,4 +48,3 @@ metalctl machine power reset [flags] * [metalctl machine power](metalctl_machine_power.md) - manage machine power -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_reinstall.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_reinstall.md index efb549a39e..6e94ef6dc0 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_reinstall.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_reinstall.md @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ metalctl machine reinstall [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -33,9 +34,8 @@ metalctl machine reinstall [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -44,12 +44,10 @@ metalctl machine reinstall [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_reserve.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_reserve.md index db0628de2d..ea6dbd6c84 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_reserve.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_reserve.md @@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ metalctl machine reserve [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -34,9 +35,8 @@ metalctl machine reserve [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -45,12 +45,10 @@ metalctl machine reserve [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update-firmware.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update-firmware.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..366bc3f071 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update-firmware.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# metalctl machine update-firmware + +update a machine firmware + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for update-firmware +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities +* [metalctl machine update-firmware bios](metalctl_machine_update-firmware_bios.md) - update a machine BIOS +* [metalctl machine update-firmware bmc](metalctl_machine_update-firmware_bmc.md) - update a machine BMC + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update_bios.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update-firmware_bios.md similarity index 74% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update_bios.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update-firmware_bios.md index 45fb4af67d..048fc8eb1f 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update_bios.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update-firmware_bios.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# metalctl machine update bios +# metalctl machine update-firmware bios update a machine BIOS @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ update a machine BIOS the machine BIOS will be updated to given revision. If revision flag is not specified an update plan will be printed instead. ``` -metalctl machine update bios [flags] +metalctl machine update-firmware bios [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ metalctl machine update bios [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -32,9 +33,8 @@ metalctl machine update bios [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -43,12 +43,10 @@ metalctl machine update bios [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine update](metalctl_machine_update.md) - update a machine firmware +* [metalctl machine update-firmware](metalctl_machine_update-firmware.md) - update a machine firmware -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update_bmc.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update-firmware_bmc.md similarity index 74% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update_bmc.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update-firmware_bmc.md index 3e2d6fe067..449333fd6e 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update_bmc.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update-firmware_bmc.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# metalctl machine update bmc +# metalctl machine update-firmware bmc update a machine BMC @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ update a machine BMC the machine BMC will be updated to given revision. If revision flag is not specified an update plan will be printed instead. ``` -metalctl machine update bmc [flags] +metalctl machine update-firmware bmc [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ metalctl machine update bmc [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -32,9 +33,8 @@ metalctl machine update bmc [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -43,12 +43,10 @@ metalctl machine update bmc [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine update](metalctl_machine_update.md) - update a machine firmware +* [metalctl machine update-firmware](metalctl_machine_update-firmware.md) - update a machine firmware -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update.md index 2d059c420b..9e031bb86c 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_machine_update.md @@ -1,17 +1,35 @@ # metalctl machine update -update a machine firmware +updates the machine + +``` +metalctl machine update [flags] +``` ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for update + --add-tags strings tags to be added to the machine [optional] + --description string the description of the machine [optional] + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl machine describe machine-1 -o yaml > machine.yaml + $ vi machine.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat machine.yaml | metalctl machine update -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl machine update -f machine.yaml + + -h, --help help for update + --remove-tags strings tags to be removed from the machine [optional] ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -22,9 +40,8 @@ update a machine firmware --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -33,14 +50,10 @@ update a machine firmware metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machines -* [metalctl machine update bios](metalctl_machine_update_bios.md) - update a machine BIOS -* [metalctl machine update bmc](metalctl_machine_update_bmc.md) - update a machine BMC +* [metalctl machine](metalctl_machine.md) - manage machine entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_markdown.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_markdown.md index 9e521f3c5c..8b546cbc07 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_markdown.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_markdown.md @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl markdown [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl markdown [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl markdown [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network.md index c8fef6ef80..9b172b83be 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network.md @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # metalctl network -manage networks +manage network entities ## Synopsis -networks for metal. +networks can be attached to a machine or firewall such that they can communicate with each other. ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ networks for metal. ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ networks for metal. --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,21 +37,20 @@ networks for metal. metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api * [metalctl network allocate](metalctl_network_allocate.md) - allocate a network -* [metalctl network apply](metalctl_network_apply.md) - create/update a network -* [metalctl network create](metalctl_network_create.md) - create a network -* [metalctl network delete](metalctl_network_delete.md) - delete a network -* [metalctl network describe](metalctl_network_describe.md) - describe a network +* [metalctl network apply](metalctl_network_apply.md) - applies one or more networks from a given file +* [metalctl network create](metalctl_network_create.md) - creates the network +* [metalctl network delete](metalctl_network_delete.md) - deletes the network +* [metalctl network describe](metalctl_network_describe.md) - describes the network +* [metalctl network edit](metalctl_network_edit.md) - edit the network through an editor and update * [metalctl network free](metalctl_network_free.md) - free a network -* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage IPs +* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage ip entities * [metalctl network list](metalctl_network_list.md) - list all networks -* [metalctl network prefix](metalctl_network_prefix.md) - prefix management of a network +* [metalctl network update](metalctl_network_update.md) - updates the network -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_allocate.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_allocate.md index 3119f5f9f0..1cd833c663 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_allocate.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_allocate.md @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ metalctl network allocate [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -33,9 +34,8 @@ metalctl network allocate [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -44,12 +44,10 @@ metalctl network allocate [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage networks +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_apply.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_apply.md index 52948cf271..ac1f82d9e9 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_apply.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_apply.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl network apply -create/update a network +applies one or more networks from a given file ``` metalctl network apply [flags] @@ -10,21 +10,23 @@ metalctl network apply [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. - Example: - # metalctl network describe internet > internet.yaml - # vi internet.yaml - ## either via stdin - # cat internet.yaml | metalctl network apply -f - - ## or via file - # metalctl network apply -f internet.yaml + Example: + $ metalctl network describe network-1 -o yaml > network.yaml + $ vi network.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat network.yaml | metalctl network apply -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl network apply -f network.yaml + -h, --help help for apply ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -35,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl network apply [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -46,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl network apply [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage networks +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_create.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_create.md index c51ea8a53c..7bef10dd7f 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_create.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_create.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl network create -create a network +creates the network ``` metalctl network create [flags] @@ -9,25 +9,37 @@ metalctl network create [flags] ## Options ``` - --annotation strings add initial annotation, must be in the form of key=value, can be given multiple times to add multiple annotations, e.g. --annotation key=value --annotation foo=bar - -d, --description string description of the network to create. [optional] - --destinationprefixes strings destination prefixes in this network. - -h, --help help for create - --id string id of the network to create. [optional] - -n, --name string name of the network to create. [optional] - --nat set nat flag of network, if set to true, traffic from this network will be natted. - -p, --partition string partition where this network should exist. - --prefixes strings prefixes in this network. - --primary set primary flag of network, if set to true, this network is used to start machines there. - --underlay set underlay flag of network, if set to true, this is used to transport underlay network traffic - --vrf int vrf of this network - --vrfshared vrf shared allows multiple networks to share a vrf + -d, --description string description of the network to create. [optional] + --destination-prefixes strings destination prefixes in this network. + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl network describe network-1 -o yaml > network.yaml + $ vi network.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat network.yaml | metalctl network create -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl network create -f network.yaml + + -h, --help help for create + --id string id of the network to create. [optional] + --labels strings add initial labels, must be in the form of key=value, use it like: --labels "key1=value1,key2=value2". + -n, --name string name of the network to create. [optional] + --nat set nat flag of network, if set to true, traffic from this network will be natted. + -p, --partition string partition where this network should exist. + --prefixes strings prefixes in this network. + --privatesuper set private super flag of network, if set to true, this network is used to start machines there. + --project string project of the network to create. [optional] + --underlay set underlay flag of network, if set to true, this is used to transport underlay network traffic + --vrf int vrf of this network + --vrfshared vrf shared allows multiple networks to share a vrf ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -38,9 +50,8 @@ metalctl network create [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -49,12 +60,10 @@ metalctl network create [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage networks +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_delete.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_delete.md index b928bab9e7..881c919db9 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_delete.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_delete.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl network delete -delete a network +deletes the network ``` -metalctl network delete [flags] +metalctl network delete [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl network delete [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl network delete [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl network delete [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage networks +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_describe.md index c36b6af199..b0a433097b 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_describe.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_describe.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl network describe -describe a network +describes the network ``` -metalctl network describe [flags] +metalctl network describe [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl network describe [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl network describe [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl network describe [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage networks +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_edit.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_edit.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5f00829859 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_edit.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# metalctl network edit + +edit the network through an editor and update + +``` +metalctl network edit [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for edit +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_free.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_free.md index 22768e92f9..e816e27f03 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_free.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_free.md @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl network free [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl network free [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl network free [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage networks +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip.md index 8cfcbff0f9..cbe06affe7 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip.md @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ # metalctl network ip -manage IPs +manage ip entities + +## Synopsis + +an ip address can be attached to a machine or firewall such that network traffic can be routed to these servers. ## Options @@ -11,7 +15,8 @@ manage IPs ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -22,9 +27,8 @@ manage IPs --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -33,18 +37,18 @@ manage IPs metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage networks -* [metalctl network ip allocate](metalctl_network_ip_allocate.md) - allocate an IP, if non given the next free is allocated, otherwise the given IP is checked for availability. -* [metalctl network ip apply](metalctl_network_ip_apply.md) - create/update an IP -* [metalctl network ip edit](metalctl_network_ip_edit.md) - edit a ip -* [metalctl network ip free](metalctl_network_ip_free.md) - free an IP +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities +* [metalctl network ip apply](metalctl_network_ip_apply.md) - applies one or more ips from a given file +* [metalctl network ip create](metalctl_network_ip_create.md) - creates the ip +* [metalctl network ip delete](metalctl_network_ip_delete.md) - deletes the ip +* [metalctl network ip describe](metalctl_network_ip_describe.md) - describes the ip +* [metalctl network ip edit](metalctl_network_ip_edit.md) - edit the ip through an editor and update * [metalctl network ip issues](metalctl_network_ip_issues.md) - display ips which are in a potential bad state -* [metalctl network ip list](metalctl_network_ip_list.md) - manage IPs +* [metalctl network ip list](metalctl_network_ip_list.md) - list all ips +* [metalctl network ip update](metalctl_network_ip_update.md) - updates the ip -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_apply.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_apply.md index f24944e5bc..460dca6b30 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_apply.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_apply.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl network ip apply -create/update an IP +applies one or more ips from a given file ``` metalctl network ip apply [flags] @@ -10,13 +10,23 @@ metalctl network ip apply [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl ip describe ip-1 -o yaml > ip.yaml + $ vi ip.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat ip.yaml | metalctl ip apply -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl ip apply -f ip.yaml + -h, --help help for apply ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -27,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl network ip apply [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -38,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl network ip apply [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage IPs +* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage ip entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_allocate.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_create.md similarity index 63% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_allocate.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_create.md index 80c0b25fcf..693822b29f 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_allocate.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_create.md @@ -1,16 +1,27 @@ -# metalctl network ip allocate +# metalctl network ip create -allocate an IP, if non given the next free is allocated, otherwise the given IP is checked for availability. +creates the ip ``` -metalctl network ip allocate [flags] +metalctl network ip create [flags] ``` ## Options ``` -d, --description string description of the IP to allocate. [optional] - -h, --help help for allocate + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl ip describe ip-1 -o yaml > ip.yaml + $ vi ip.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat ip.yaml | metalctl ip create -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl ip create -f ip.yaml + + -h, --help help for create + --ipaddress string a specific ip address to allocate. [optional] -n, --name string name of the IP to allocate. [optional] --network string network from where the IP should be allocated. --project string project for which the IP should be allocated. @@ -21,7 +32,8 @@ metalctl network ip allocate [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -32,9 +44,8 @@ metalctl network ip allocate [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -43,12 +54,10 @@ metalctl network ip allocate [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage IPs +* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage ip entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_delete.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_delete.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..950ad05037 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_delete.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# metalctl network ip delete + +deletes the ip + +``` +metalctl network ip delete [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for delete +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage ip entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_describe.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07fe5fe3da --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_describe.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# metalctl network ip describe + +describes the ip + +``` +metalctl network ip describe [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for describe +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage ip entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_edit.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_edit.md index 9be92ca820..2f35646d68 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_edit.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_edit.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl network ip edit -edit a ip +edit the ip through an editor and update ``` -metalctl network ip edit [flags] +metalctl network ip edit [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl network ip edit [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl network ip edit [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl network ip edit [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage IPs +* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage ip entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_issues.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_issues.md index 413b4b456f..4b52026c9c 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_issues.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_issues.md @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl network ip issues [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl network ip issues [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl network ip issues [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage IPs +* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage ip entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_list.md index 5adb21d863..8359c88b19 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_list.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl network ip list -manage IPs +list all ips ``` metalctl network ip list [flags] @@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ metalctl network ip list [flags] --machineid string machineid to filter [optional] --name string name to filter [optional] --network string network to filter [optional] - --prefix string prefx to filter [optional] + --prefix string prefix to filter [optional] --project string project to filter [optional] + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: description|id|ipaddress|name|network|type --tags strings tags to filter [optional] --type string type to filter [optional] ``` @@ -23,7 +24,8 @@ metalctl network ip list [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -34,9 +36,8 @@ metalctl network ip list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -45,12 +46,10 @@ metalctl network ip list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage IPs +* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage ip entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_reserve.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_update.md similarity index 60% rename from docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_reserve.md rename to docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_update.md index 15e2ab02cb..0475d6cc90 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_firewall_reserve.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_ip_update.md @@ -1,27 +1,32 @@ -# metalctl firewall reserve +# metalctl network ip update -reserve a firewall - -## Synopsis - -reserve a firewall for exclusive usage, this firewall will no longer be picked by other allocations. -This is useful for maintenance of the firewall or testing. After the reservation is not needed anymore, the reservation -should be removed with --remove. +updates the ip ``` -metalctl firewall reserve [flags] +metalctl network ip update [flags] ``` ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for reserve + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl ip describe ip-1 -o yaml > ip.yaml + $ vi ip.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat ip.yaml | metalctl ip update -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl ip update -f ip.yaml + + -h, --help help for update ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -32,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl firewall reserve [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -43,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl firewall reserve [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl firewall](metalctl_firewall.md) - manage firewalls +* [metalctl network ip](metalctl_network_ip.md) - manage ip entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_list.md index fe7e072d6f..72d901f5dd 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_list.md @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ metalctl network list [flags] --prefixes strings prefixes to filter, use it like: --prefixes prefix1,prefix2. --privatesuper privatesuper to filter [optional] --project string project to filter [optional] + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: description|id|name|partition|project --underlay underlay to filter [optional] --vrf int vrf to filter [optional] ``` @@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ metalctl network list [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -37,9 +39,8 @@ metalctl network list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -48,12 +49,10 @@ metalctl network list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage networks +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_prefix.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_prefix.md deleted file mode 100644 index 71ad894761..0000000000 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_prefix.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -# metalctl network prefix - -prefix management of a network - -## Options - -``` - -h, --help help for prefix -``` - -## Options inherited from parent commands - -``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. - -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). - Example config.yaml: - - --- - apitoken: "alongtoken" - ... - - - --debug debug output - --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. - --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project - -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") - --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. - For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. - Example for machines: - - metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - - - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. - --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) -``` - -## SEE ALSO - -* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage networks -* [metalctl network prefix add](metalctl_network_prefix_add.md) - add a prefix to a network -* [metalctl network prefix remove](metalctl_network_prefix_remove.md) - remove a prefix from a network - -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_update.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_update.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..40b847a3b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_network_update.md @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# metalctl network update + +updates the network + +``` +metalctl network update [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + --add-destinationprefixes strings destination prefixes to be added to the network [optional] + --add-prefixes strings prefixes to be added to the network [optional] + --description string the description of the network [optional] + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl network describe network-1 -o yaml > network.yaml + $ vi network.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat network.yaml | metalctl network update -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl network update -f network.yaml + + -h, --help help for update + --labels strings the labels of the network, must be in the form of key=value, use it like: --labels "key1=value1,key2=value2". [optional] + --name string the name of the network [optional] + --remove-destinationprefixes strings destination prefixes to be removed from the network [optional] + --remove-prefixes strings prefixes to be removed from the network [optional] + --shared marks a network as shared or not [optional] +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl network](metalctl_network.md) - manage network entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition.md index 524dc4cf18..8de0c29b44 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition.md @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # metalctl partition -manage partitions +manage partition entities ## Synopsis -a partition is a group of machines and network which is logically separated from other partitions. Machines have no direct network connections between partitions. +a partition is a failure domain in the data center. ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ a partition is a group of machines and network which is logically separated from ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ a partition is a group of machines and network which is logically separated from --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,20 +37,18 @@ a partition is a group of machines and network which is logically separated from metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. -* [metalctl partition apply](metalctl_partition_apply.md) - create/update a partition +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl partition apply](metalctl_partition_apply.md) - applies one or more partitions from a given file * [metalctl partition capacity](metalctl_partition_capacity.md) - show partition capacity -* [metalctl partition create](metalctl_partition_create.md) - create a partition -* [metalctl partition delete](metalctl_partition_delete.md) - delete a partition -* [metalctl partition describe](metalctl_partition_describe.md) - describe a partition -* [metalctl partition edit](metalctl_partition_edit.md) - edit a partition +* [metalctl partition create](metalctl_partition_create.md) - creates the partition +* [metalctl partition delete](metalctl_partition_delete.md) - deletes the partition +* [metalctl partition describe](metalctl_partition_describe.md) - describes the partition +* [metalctl partition edit](metalctl_partition_edit.md) - edit the partition through an editor and update * [metalctl partition list](metalctl_partition_list.md) - list all partitions -* [metalctl partition update](metalctl_partition_update.md) - update a partition +* [metalctl partition update](metalctl_partition_update.md) - updates the partition -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_apply.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_apply.md index f24c64484e..8fe645e1df 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_apply.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_apply.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl partition apply -create/update a partition +applies one or more partitions from a given file ``` metalctl partition apply [flags] @@ -10,21 +10,23 @@ metalctl partition apply [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. - Example: - # metalctl partition describe partition-a > a.yaml - # vi a.yaml - ## either via stdin - # cat a.yaml | metalctl partition apply -f - - ## or via file - # metalctl partition apply -f a.yaml + Example: + $ metalctl partition describe partition-1 -o yaml > partition.yaml + $ vi partition.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat partition.yaml | metalctl partition apply -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl partition apply -f partition.yaml + -h, --help help for apply ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -35,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl partition apply [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -46,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl partition apply [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partitions +* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partition entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_capacity.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_capacity.md index a538990c5b..f98745a8f1 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_capacity.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_capacity.md @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ metalctl partition capacity [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for capacity + -h, --help help for capacity + --id string filter on partition id. [optional] + --size string filter on size id. [optional] + --sort-by strings order by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: description|id|name ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +30,8 @@ metalctl partition capacity [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +40,10 @@ metalctl partition capacity [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partitions +* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partition entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_create.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_create.md index efe3f03a4e..afd89f43ab 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_create.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_create.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl partition create -create a partition +creates the partition ``` metalctl partition create [flags] @@ -11,6 +11,16 @@ metalctl partition create [flags] ``` --cmdline string kernel commandline for the metal-hammer in the partition. [required] -d, --description string Description of the partition. [required] + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl partition describe partition-1 -o yaml > partition.yaml + $ vi partition.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat partition.yaml | metalctl partition create -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl partition create -f partition.yaml + -h, --help help for create --id string ID of the partition. [required] --imageurl string initrd for the metal-hammer in the partition. [required] @@ -22,7 +32,8 @@ metalctl partition create [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -33,9 +44,8 @@ metalctl partition create [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -44,12 +54,10 @@ metalctl partition create [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partitions +* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partition entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_delete.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_delete.md index 6ed95d7ed9..93390a3856 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_delete.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_delete.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl partition delete -delete a partition +deletes the partition ``` -metalctl partition delete [flags] +metalctl partition delete [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl partition delete [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl partition delete [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl partition delete [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partitions +* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partition entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_describe.md index 53f8be8509..e7668302c9 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_describe.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_describe.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl partition describe -describe a partition +describes the partition ``` -metalctl partition describe [flags] +metalctl partition describe [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl partition describe [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl partition describe [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl partition describe [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partitions +* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partition entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_edit.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_edit.md index 35b0a672d0..e9929d44b3 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_edit.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_edit.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl partition edit -edit a partition +edit the partition through an editor and update ``` -metalctl partition edit [flags] +metalctl partition edit [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl partition edit [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl partition edit [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl partition edit [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partitions +* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partition entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_list.md index 194aba23ca..4b01c87936 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_list.md @@ -9,13 +9,15 @@ metalctl partition list [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for list + -h, --help help for list + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: description|id|name ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +28,8 @@ metalctl partition list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +38,10 @@ metalctl partition list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partitions +* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partition entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_update.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_update.md index 0a815e4d7e..0e19244d9d 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_update.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_partition_update.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl partition update -update a partition +updates the partition ``` metalctl partition update [flags] @@ -10,21 +10,23 @@ metalctl partition update [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. - Example: - # metalctl partition describe partition-a > a.yaml - # vi a.yaml - ## either via stdin - # cat a.yaml | metalctl partition update -f - - ## or via file - # metalctl partition update -f a.yaml + Example: + $ metalctl partition describe partition-1 -o yaml > partition.yaml + $ vi partition.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat partition.yaml | metalctl partition update -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl partition update -f partition.yaml + -h, --help help for update ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -35,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl partition update [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -46,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl partition update [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partitions +* [metalctl partition](metalctl_partition.md) - manage partition entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project.md index ce149816cf..d051f249d3 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project.md @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # metalctl project -manage projects +manage project entities ## Synopsis -a project groups multiple networks for a tenant +a project belongs to a tenant and groups together entities in metal-stack. ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ a project groups multiple networks for a tenant ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ a project groups multiple networks for a tenant --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,18 +37,17 @@ a project groups multiple networks for a tenant metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. -* [metalctl project apply](metalctl_project_apply.md) - create/update a project -* [metalctl project create](metalctl_project_create.md) - create a project -* [metalctl project describe](metalctl_project_describe.md) - describe a project -* [metalctl project edit](metalctl_project_edit.md) - edit a project +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl project apply](metalctl_project_apply.md) - applies one or more projects from a given file +* [metalctl project create](metalctl_project_create.md) - creates the project +* [metalctl project delete](metalctl_project_delete.md) - deletes the project +* [metalctl project describe](metalctl_project_describe.md) - describes the project +* [metalctl project edit](metalctl_project_edit.md) - edit the project through an editor and update * [metalctl project list](metalctl_project_list.md) - list all projects -* [metalctl project remove](metalctl_project_remove.md) - delete a project +* [metalctl project update](metalctl_project_update.md) - updates the project -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_apply.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_apply.md index 948d8c436a..dabdb55e35 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_apply.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_apply.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl project apply -create/update a project +applies one or more projects from a given file ``` metalctl project apply [flags] @@ -10,22 +10,23 @@ metalctl project apply [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. - Example project update: - - # cloudctl project describe project1 -o yaml > project1.yaml - # vi project1.yaml - ## either via stdin - # cat project1.yaml | cloudctl project apply -f - - ## or via file - # cloudctl project apply -f project1.yaml + Example: + $ metalctl project describe project-1 -o yaml > project.yaml + $ vi project.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat project.yaml | metalctl project apply -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl project apply -f project.yaml + -h, --help help for apply ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -36,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl project apply [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -47,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl project apply [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage projects +* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage project entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_create.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_create.md index c008a7a5f8..ebdec15373 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_create.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_create.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl project create -create a project +creates the project ``` metalctl project create [flags] @@ -11,19 +11,30 @@ metalctl project create [flags] ``` --annotation strings add initial annotation, must be in the form of key=value, can be given multiple times to add multiple annotations, e.g. --annotation key=value --annotation foo=bar --cluster-quota int32 cluster quota - --description string description of the project. [required] + --description string description of the project. + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl project describe project-1 -o yaml > project.yaml + $ vi project.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat project.yaml | metalctl project create -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl project create -f project.yaml + -h, --help help for create --ip-quota int32 ip quota --label strings add initial label, can be given multiple times to add multiple labels, e.g. --label=foo --label=bar --machine-quota int32 machine quota - --name string name of the project, max 10 characters. [required] + --name string name of the project, max 10 characters. --tenant string create project for given tenant ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -34,9 +45,8 @@ metalctl project create [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -45,12 +55,10 @@ metalctl project create [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage projects +* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage project entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_delete.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_delete.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5eb83e3ef9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_delete.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# metalctl project delete + +deletes the project + +``` +metalctl project delete [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for delete +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage project entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_describe.md index 075603acda..562f5dfe4e 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_describe.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_describe.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl project describe -describe a project +describes the project ``` -metalctl project describe [flags] +metalctl project describe [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl project describe [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl project describe [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl project describe [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage projects +* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage project entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_edit.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_edit.md index 3c314d50ba..1e35d6f4f7 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_edit.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_edit.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl project edit -edit a project +edit the project through an editor and update ``` -metalctl project edit [flags] +metalctl project edit [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl project edit [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl project edit [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl project edit [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage projects +* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage project entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_list.md index 12f84b363e..b5a8eb1183 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_list.md @@ -9,16 +9,18 @@ metalctl project list [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for list - --id string ID of the project. - --name string Name of the project. - --tenant string tenant of this project. + -h, --help help for list + --id string ID of the project. + --name string Name of the project. + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: description|id|name|tenant + --tenant string tenant of this project. ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -29,9 +31,8 @@ metalctl project list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -40,12 +41,10 @@ metalctl project list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage projects +* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage project entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_update.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_update.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8eb0e1043 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_project_update.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# metalctl project update + +updates the project + +``` +metalctl project update [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl project describe project-1 -o yaml > project.yaml + $ vi project.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat project.yaml | metalctl project update -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl project update -f project.yaml + + -h, --help help for update +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl project](metalctl_project.md) - manage project entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size.md index ae174b207c..661209f644 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size.md @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # metalctl size -manage sizes +manage size entities ## Synopsis -a size is a distinct hardware equipment in terms of cpu cores, ram and storage of a machine. +a size matches a machine in terms of cpu cores, ram and storage. ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ a size is a distinct hardware equipment in terms of cpu cores, ram and storage o ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ a size is a distinct hardware equipment in terms of cpu cores, ram and storage o --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,20 +37,19 @@ a size is a distinct hardware equipment in terms of cpu cores, ram and storage o metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. -* [metalctl size apply](metalctl_size_apply.md) - create/update a size -* [metalctl size create](metalctl_size_create.md) - create a size -* [metalctl size delete](metalctl_size_delete.md) - delete a size -* [metalctl size describe](metalctl_size_describe.md) - describe a size -* [metalctl size edit](metalctl_size_edit.md) - edit a size +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl size apply](metalctl_size_apply.md) - applies one or more sizes from a given file +* [metalctl size create](metalctl_size_create.md) - creates the size +* [metalctl size delete](metalctl_size_delete.md) - deletes the size +* [metalctl size describe](metalctl_size_describe.md) - describes the size +* [metalctl size edit](metalctl_size_edit.md) - edit the size through an editor and update +* [metalctl size imageconstraint](metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md) - manage imageconstraint entities * [metalctl size list](metalctl_size_list.md) - list all sizes * [metalctl size try](metalctl_size_try.md) - try a specific hardware spec and give the chosen size back -* [metalctl size update](metalctl_size_update.md) - update a size +* [metalctl size update](metalctl_size_update.md) - updates the size -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_apply.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_apply.md index eea9fd3a14..e7c7e52e10 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_apply.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_apply.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl size apply -create/update a size +applies one or more sizes from a given file ``` metalctl size apply [flags] @@ -10,21 +10,23 @@ metalctl size apply [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. - Example: - # metalctl size describe c1-xlarge-x86 > c1-xlarge-x86.yaml - # vi c1-xlarge-x86.yaml - ## either via stdin - # cat c1-xlarge-x86.yaml | metalctl size apply -f - - ## or via file - # metalctl size apply -f c1-xlarge-x86.yaml + Example: + $ metalctl size describe size-1 -o yaml > size.yaml + $ vi size.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat size.yaml | metalctl size apply -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl size apply -f size.yaml + -h, --help help for apply ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -35,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl size apply [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -46,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl size apply [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage sizes +* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage size entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_create.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_create.md index 54d4df280d..dc27f3b980 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_create.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_create.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl size create -create a size +creates the size ``` metalctl size create [flags] @@ -10,6 +10,16 @@ metalctl size create [flags] ``` -d, --description string Description of the size. [required] + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl size describe size-1 -o yaml > size.yaml + $ vi size.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat size.yaml | metalctl size create -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl size create -f size.yaml + -h, --help help for create --id string ID of the size. [required] --max int min value of given size constraint type. [required] @@ -21,7 +31,8 @@ metalctl size create [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -32,9 +43,8 @@ metalctl size create [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -43,12 +53,10 @@ metalctl size create [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage sizes +* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage size entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_delete.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_delete.md index 2e1a5818d9..828ae7e6c2 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_delete.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_delete.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl size delete -delete a size +deletes the size ``` -metalctl size delete [flags] +metalctl size delete [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl size delete [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl size delete [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl size delete [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage sizes +* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage size entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_describe.md index d0016f2401..493e754063 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_describe.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_describe.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl size describe -describe a size +describes the size ``` -metalctl size describe [flags] +metalctl size describe [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl size describe [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl size describe [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl size describe [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage sizes +* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage size entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_edit.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_edit.md index 70301a4d94..370dbbca9c 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_edit.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_edit.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl size edit -edit a size +edit the size through an editor and update ``` -metalctl size edit [flags] +metalctl size edit [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl size edit [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl size edit [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl size edit [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage sizes +* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage size entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a4ea62e680 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# metalctl size imageconstraint + +manage imageconstraint entities + +## Synopsis + +if a size has specific requirements regarding the images which must fulfill certain constraints, this can be configured here. + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for imageconstraint +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage size entities +* [metalctl size imageconstraint apply](metalctl_size_imageconstraint_apply.md) - applies one or more imageconstraints from a given file +* [metalctl size imageconstraint create](metalctl_size_imageconstraint_create.md) - creates the imageconstraint +* [metalctl size imageconstraint delete](metalctl_size_imageconstraint_delete.md) - deletes the imageconstraint +* [metalctl size imageconstraint describe](metalctl_size_imageconstraint_describe.md) - describes the imageconstraint +* [metalctl size imageconstraint edit](metalctl_size_imageconstraint_edit.md) - edit the imageconstraint through an editor and update +* [metalctl size imageconstraint list](metalctl_size_imageconstraint_list.md) - list all imageconstraints +* [metalctl size imageconstraint try](metalctl_size_imageconstraint_try.md) - try if size and image can be allocated +* [metalctl size imageconstraint update](metalctl_size_imageconstraint_update.md) - updates the imageconstraint + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_apply.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_apply.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..708f8d8262 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_apply.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# metalctl size imageconstraint apply + +applies one or more imageconstraints from a given file + +``` +metalctl size imageconstraint apply [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl imageconstraint describe imageconstraint-1 -o yaml > imageconstraint.yaml + $ vi imageconstraint.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat imageconstraint.yaml | metalctl imageconstraint apply -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl imageconstraint apply -f imageconstraint.yaml + + -h, --help help for apply +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl size imageconstraint](metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md) - manage imageconstraint entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_create.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_create.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e28912274 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_create.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# metalctl size imageconstraint create + +creates the imageconstraint + +``` +metalctl size imageconstraint create [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl imageconstraint describe imageconstraint-1 -o yaml > imageconstraint.yaml + $ vi imageconstraint.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat imageconstraint.yaml | metalctl imageconstraint create -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl imageconstraint create -f imageconstraint.yaml + + -h, --help help for create +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl size imageconstraint](metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md) - manage imageconstraint entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_delete.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_delete.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d36915cf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_delete.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# metalctl size imageconstraint delete + +deletes the imageconstraint + +``` +metalctl size imageconstraint delete [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for delete +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl size imageconstraint](metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md) - manage imageconstraint entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_describe.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8c73ab2120 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_describe.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# metalctl size imageconstraint describe + +describes the imageconstraint + +``` +metalctl size imageconstraint describe [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for describe +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl size imageconstraint](metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md) - manage imageconstraint entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_edit.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_edit.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b5467c1d99 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_edit.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# metalctl size imageconstraint edit + +edit the imageconstraint through an editor and update + +``` +metalctl size imageconstraint edit [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for edit +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl size imageconstraint](metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md) - manage imageconstraint entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_list.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e67ac3fa1b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_list.md @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +# metalctl size imageconstraint list + +list all imageconstraints + +``` +metalctl size imageconstraint list [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for list + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: description|id|name +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl size imageconstraint](metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md) - manage imageconstraint entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_try.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_try.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..365c3df0ea --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_try.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# metalctl size imageconstraint try + +try if size and image can be allocated + +``` +metalctl size imageconstraint try [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for try + --image string image to check if allocaltion is possible + --size string size to check if allocaltion is possible +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl size imageconstraint](metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md) - manage imageconstraint entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_update.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_update.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e43978295e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_imageconstraint_update.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# metalctl size imageconstraint update + +updates the imageconstraint + +``` +metalctl size imageconstraint update [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl imageconstraint describe imageconstraint-1 -o yaml > imageconstraint.yaml + $ vi imageconstraint.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat imageconstraint.yaml | metalctl imageconstraint update -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl imageconstraint update -f imageconstraint.yaml + + -h, --help help for update +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl size imageconstraint](metalctl_size_imageconstraint.md) - manage imageconstraint entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_list.md index 7257a94bc3..63f74b93f1 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_list.md @@ -9,13 +9,15 @@ metalctl size list [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for list + -h, --help help for list + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: description|id|name ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +28,8 @@ metalctl size list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +38,10 @@ metalctl size list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage sizes +* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage size entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_try.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_try.md index ba48e9c40e..424b08eb39 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_try.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_try.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ metalctl size try [flags] ## Options ``` - -C, --cores int32 Cores of the hardware to try (default 1) + -C, --cores int32 Cores of the hardware to try -h, --help help for try -M, --memory string Memory of the hardware to try, can be given in bytes or any human readable size spec -S, --storagesize string Total storagesize of the hardware to try, can be given in bytes or any human readable size spec @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ metalctl size try [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -29,9 +30,8 @@ metalctl size try [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -40,12 +40,10 @@ metalctl size try [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage sizes +* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage size entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_update.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_update.md index 4bc4b97592..fa80666c2a 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_update.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_size_update.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl size update -update a size +updates the size ``` metalctl size update [flags] @@ -10,21 +10,23 @@ metalctl size update [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. - Example: - # metalctl size describe c1-xlarge-x86 > c1-xlarge-x86.yaml - # vi c1-xlarge-x86.yaml - ## either via stdin - # cat c1-xlarge-x86.yaml | metalctl size update -f - - ## or via file - # metalctl size update -f c1-xlarge-x86.yaml + Example: + $ metalctl size describe size-1 -o yaml > size.yaml + $ vi size.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat size.yaml | metalctl size update -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl size update -f size.yaml + -h, --help help for update ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -35,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl size update [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -46,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl size update [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage sizes +* [metalctl size](metalctl_size.md) - manage size entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch.md index f57b50778d..67ac51adb5 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch.md @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ # metalctl switch -manage switches +manage switch entities + +## Synopsis + +switch are the leaf switches in the data center that are controlled by metal-stack. ## Options @@ -11,7 +15,8 @@ manage switches ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -22,9 +27,8 @@ manage switches --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -33,17 +37,20 @@ manage switches metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl switch connected-machines](metalctl_switch_connected-machines.md) - shows switches with their connected machines +* [metalctl switch console](metalctl_switch_console.md) - connect to the switch console +* [metalctl switch delete](metalctl_switch_delete.md) - deletes the switch +* [metalctl switch describe](metalctl_switch_describe.md) - describes the switch * [metalctl switch detail](metalctl_switch_detail.md) - switch details -* [metalctl switch edit](metalctl_switch_edit.md) - edit a switch +* [metalctl switch edit](metalctl_switch_edit.md) - edit the switch through an editor and update * [metalctl switch list](metalctl_switch_list.md) - list all switches -* [metalctl switch replace](metalctl_switch_replace.md) - puts a switch in replace mode in preparation for physical replacement -* [metalctl switch update](metalctl_switch_update.md) - update a switch +* [metalctl switch replace](metalctl_switch_replace.md) - put a leaf switch into replace mode in preparation for physical replacement. For a description of the steps involved see the long help. +* [metalctl switch ssh](metalctl_switch_ssh.md) - connect to the switch via ssh +* [metalctl switch update](metalctl_switch_update.md) - updates the switch -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_connected-machines.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_connected-machines.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14393196c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_connected-machines.md @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +# metalctl switch connected-machines + +shows switches with their connected machines + +``` +metalctl switch connected-machines [flags] +``` + +## Examples + +``` +The command will show the machines connected to the switch ports. + +Can also be used with -o template in order to generate CSV-style output: + +$ metalctl switch connected-machines -o template --template '{{ $machines := .machines }}{{ range .switches }}{{ $switch := . }}{{ range .connections }}{{ $switch.id }},{{ $switch.rack_id }},{{ .nic.name }},{{ .machine_id }},{{ (index $machines .machine_id).ipmi.fru.product_serial }}{{ printf "\n" }}{{ end }}{{ end }}' +r01leaf01,swp1,f78cc340-e5e8-48ed-8fe7-2336c1e2ded2, +r01leaf01,swp2,44e3a522-5f48-4f3c-9188-41025f9e401e, +... + +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for connected-machines + --id string ID of the switch. + --name string Name of the switch. + --os-vendor string OS vendor of this switch. + --os-version string OS version of this switch. + --partition string Partition of this switch. + --rack string Rack of this switch. + --size string Size of the connectedmachines. +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_console.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_console.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9dc35c0b16 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_console.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# metalctl switch console + +connect to the switch console + +## Synopsis + +this requires a network connectivity to the ip address of the console server this switch is connected to. + +``` +metalctl switch console [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for console +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_delete.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_delete.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b00868e910 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_delete.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# metalctl switch delete + +deletes the switch + +``` +metalctl switch delete [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for delete +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_describe.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_describe.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d845867b71 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_describe.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# metalctl switch describe + +describes the switch + +``` +metalctl switch describe [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for describe +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_detail.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_detail.md index a612563c72..9f0817faba 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_detail.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_detail.md @@ -9,14 +9,20 @@ metalctl switch detail [flags] ## Options ``` - -F, --filter string filter for site, rack, ID - -h, --help help for detail + -h, --help help for detail + --id string ID of the switch. + --name string Name of the switch. + --os-vendor string OS vendor of this switch. + --os-version string OS version of this switch. + --partition string Partition of this switch. + --rack string Rack of this switch. ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -27,9 +33,8 @@ metalctl switch detail [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -38,12 +43,10 @@ metalctl switch detail [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switches +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_edit.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_edit.md index 85b07f0c1b..796d29ac4a 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_edit.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_edit.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # metalctl switch edit -edit a switch +edit the switch through an editor and update ``` -metalctl switch edit [flags] +metalctl switch edit [flags] ``` ## Options @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl switch edit [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl switch edit [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl switch edit [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switches +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_list.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_list.md index 063883ebf4..e1f7be0474 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_list.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_list.md @@ -9,13 +9,21 @@ metalctl switch list [flags] ## Options ``` - -h, --help help for list + -h, --help help for list + --id string ID of the switch. + --name string Name of the switch. + --os-vendor string OS vendor of this switch. + --os-version string OS version of this switch. + --partition string Partition of this switch. + --rack string Rack of this switch. + --sort-by strings sort by (comma separated) column(s), sort direction can be changed by appending :asc or :desc behind the column identifier. possible values: description|id|name ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +34,8 @@ metalctl switch list [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +44,10 @@ metalctl switch list [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switches +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_replace.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_replace.md index 03c97d99db..6eedc94f1c 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_replace.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_replace.md @@ -1,6 +1,21 @@ # metalctl switch replace -puts a switch in replace mode in preparation for physical replacement +put a leaf switch into replace mode in preparation for physical replacement. For a description of the steps involved see the long help. + +## Synopsis + +Put a leaf switch into replace mode in preparation for physical replacement + +Operational steps to replace a switch: + +- Put the switch that needs to be replaced in replace mode with this command +- Replace the switch MAC address in the metal-stack deployment configuration +- Make sure that interfaces on the new switch do not get connected to the PXE-bridge immediately by setting the interfaces list of the respective leaf switch to [] in the metal-stack deployment configuration +- Deploy the management servers so that the dhcp servers will serve the right address and DHCP options to the new switch +- Replace the switch physically. Be careful to ensure that the cabling mirrors the remaining leaf exactly because the new switch information will be cloned from the remaining switch! Also make sure to have console access to the switch so you can start and monitor the install process +- If the switch is not in onie install mode but already has an operating system installed, put it into install mode with "sudo onie-select -i -f -v" and reboot it. Now the switch should be provisioned with a management IP from a management server, install itself with the right software image and receive license and ssh keys through ZTP. You can check whether that process has completed successfully with the command "sudo ztp -s". The ZTP state should be disabled and the result should be success. +- Deploy the switch plane and metal-core through metal-stack deployment CI job +- The switch will now register with its metal-api, and the metal-core service will receive the cloned interface and routing information. You can verify successful switch replacement by checking the interface and BGP configuration, and checking the switch status with "metalctl switch ls -o wide"; it should now be operational again ``` metalctl switch replace [flags] @@ -15,7 +30,8 @@ metalctl switch replace [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +42,8 @@ metalctl switch replace [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,12 +52,10 @@ metalctl switch replace [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switches +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_ssh.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_ssh.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87aca3cdb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_ssh.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# metalctl switch ssh + +connect to the switch via ssh + +## Synopsis + +this requires a network connectivity to the management ip address of the switch. + +``` +metalctl switch ssh [flags] +``` + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for ssh +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_update.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_update.md index 3a17852a71..0e2e5e3987 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_update.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_switch_update.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # metalctl switch update -update a switch +updates the switch ``` metalctl switch update [flags] @@ -10,13 +10,23 @@ metalctl switch update [flags] ``` -f, --file string filename of the create or update request in yaml format, or - for stdin. + + Example: + $ metalctl switch describe switch-1 -o yaml > switch.yaml + $ vi switch.yaml + $ # either via stdin + $ cat switch.yaml | metalctl switch update -f - + $ # or via file + $ metalctl switch update -f switch.yaml + -h, --help help for update ``` ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -27,9 +37,8 @@ metalctl switch update [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -38,12 +47,10 @@ metalctl switch update [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switches +* [metalctl switch](metalctl_switch.md) - manage switch entities -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update.md index f3753d868a..31c98eeb83 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update.md @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ update the program ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -22,9 +23,8 @@ update the program --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -33,14 +33,12 @@ update the program metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api * [metalctl update check](metalctl_update_check.md) - check for update of the program * [metalctl update do](metalctl_update_do.md) - do the update of the program -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update_check.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update_check.md index 0189cf1ad4..612fc93c5b 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update_check.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update_check.md @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl update check [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl update check [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ metalctl update check [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -45,4 +44,3 @@ metalctl update check [flags] * [metalctl update](metalctl_update.md) - update the program -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update_do.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update_do.md index 7923f6a45a..c82fde3a3d 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update_do.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_update_do.md @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl update do [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl update do [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ metalctl update do [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` @@ -45,4 +44,3 @@ metalctl update do [flags] * [metalctl update](metalctl_update.md) - update the program -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_version.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_version.md index bec15db5e2..53032a280d 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_version.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_version.md @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ print the client and server version information -## Synopsis - -print the client and server version information - ``` metalctl version [flags] ``` @@ -19,7 +15,8 @@ metalctl version [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +27,8 @@ metalctl version [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,12 +37,10 @@ metalctl version [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_vpn.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_vpn.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25300b6281 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_vpn.md @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +# metalctl vpn + +access VPN + +## Synopsis + +access VPN + +## Options + +``` + -h, --help help for vpn +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api +* [metalctl vpn key](metalctl_vpn_key.md) - create an auth key + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_vpn_key.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_vpn_key.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0f00965bc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_vpn_key.md @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +# metalctl vpn key + +create an auth key + +## Synopsis + +create an auth key to connect to VPN + +``` +metalctl vpn key [flags] +``` + +## Examples + +``` +auth key for tailscale can be created by this command: +metalctl vpn key \ + -- project cluster01 + +``` + +## Options + +``` + --ephemeral create an ephemeral key (default true) + -h, --help help for key + --project string project ID for which auth key should be created +``` + +## Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. + -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). + Example config.yaml: + + --- + apitoken: "alongtoken" + ... + + + --debug debug output + --force-color force colored output even without tty + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. + --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) + -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") + --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. + For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. + Example for machines: + + metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" + + + --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) +``` + +## SEE ALSO + +* [metalctl vpn](metalctl_vpn.md) - access VPN + diff --git a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_whoami.md b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_whoami.md index 64ed3fb058..00cf375966 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_whoami.md +++ b/docs/src/external/metalctl/docs/metalctl_whoami.md @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ metalctl whoami [flags] ## Options inherited from parent commands ``` - --apitoken string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_APITOKEN environment variable. + --api-token string api token to authenticate. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_TOKEN environment variable. + --api-url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_API_URL environment variable. -c, --config string alternative config file path, (default is ~/.metalctl/config.yaml). Example config.yaml: @@ -30,9 +31,8 @@ metalctl whoami [flags] --debug debug output --force-color force colored output even without tty - --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. + --kubeconfig string Path to the kube-config to use for authentication and authorization. Is updated by login. Uses default path if not specified. --no-headers do not print headers of table output format (default print headers) - --order string order by (comma separated) column(s), possible values: size|id|status|event|when|partition|project -o, --output-format string output format (table|wide|markdown|json|yaml|template), wide is a table with more columns. (default "table") --template string output template for template output-format, go template format. For property names inspect the output of -o json or -o yaml for reference. @@ -41,12 +41,10 @@ metalctl whoami [flags] metalctl machine list -o template --template "{{ .id }}:{{ .size.id }}" - -u, --url string api server address. Can be specified with METALCTL_URL environment variable. --yes-i-really-mean-it skips security prompts (which can be dangerous to set blindly because actions can lead to data loss or additional costs) ``` ## SEE ALSO -* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage metal devices. +* [metalctl](metalctl.md) - a cli to manage entities in the metal-stack api -##### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2021 diff --git a/docs/src/external/mini-lab/README.md b/docs/src/external/mini-lab/README.md index fbdc34b9cb..db4e93399a 100644 --- a/docs/src/external/mini-lab/README.md +++ b/docs/src/external/mini-lab/README.md @@ -22,15 +22,20 @@ The mini-lab is a small, virtual setup to locally run the metal-stack. It deploy - Linux machine with hardware virtualization support - kvm as hypervisor for the VMs (you can check through the `kvm-ok` command) - [docker](https://www.docker.com/) >= 18.09 (for using kind and our deployment base image) -- [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) >= 1.25.4 (for ease of use and for parallelizing control plane and partition deployment) -- [kind](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind/releases) == v0.12.0 (for hosting the metal control plane on a kubernetes cluster v1.23.4) +- [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) >= 2.0 (for ease of use and for parallelizing control plane and partition deployment) +- [kind](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind/releases) == v0.15.0 (for hosting the metal control plane on a kubernetes cluster v1.25) - [containerlab](https://containerlab.srlinux.dev/install/) == v0.25.1 - the lab creates a docker network on your host machine (``), this hopefully does not overlap with other networks you have - (recommended) haveged to have enough random entropy (only needed if the PXE process does not work) -Here is some code that should help you setting up most of the requirements: +Here is some code that should help you to set up most of the requirements: ```bash +# If UFW enabled. +# Disable the firewall or allow traffic through Docker network IP range. +sudo ufw status +sudo ufw allow from + # Install kvm sudo apt install -y git curl qemu qemu-kvm haveged @@ -44,7 +49,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sh sudo usermod -G docker -a ${USER} # Install containerlab -bash -c "$(curl -sL https://get-clab.srlinux.dev)" +bash -c "$(curl -sL https://get.containerlab.dev)" # Install kind (kubernetes in docker), for more details see https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/#installation sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/kind "https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/dl/latest/kind-linux-amd64" @@ -85,10 +90,10 @@ make # containerlab will ask you for root permissions (https://github.com/srl-labs/containerlab/issues/669) ``` -After the deployment and waiting for a short amoung of time, two machines in status `PXE booting` become visible through `metalctl machine ls`: +After the deployment and waiting for a short amount of time, two machines in status `PXE booting` become visible through `metalctl machine ls`: ```bash -docker-compose run metalctl machine ls +docker-compose run --rm metalctl machine ls ID LAST EVENT WHEN AGE HOSTNAME PROJECT SIZE IMAGE PARTITION e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258   PXE Booting 3s @@ -98,7 +103,7 @@ e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258   PXE Booting 3s Wait until the machines reach the waiting state: ```bash -docker-compose run metalctl machine ls +docker-compose run --rm metalctl machine ls ID LAST EVENT WHEN AGE HOSTNAME PROJECT SIZE IMAGE PARTITION e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258   Waiting 8s v1-small-x86 mini-lab @@ -115,13 +120,13 @@ make machine __Alternatively__, you may want to issue the `metalctl` commands on your own: ```bash -docker-compose run metalctl network allocate \ +docker-compose run --rm metalctl network allocate \ --partition mini-lab \ --project 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 \ --name user-private-network # lookup the network ID and create a machine -docker-compose run metalctl machine create \ +docker-compose run --rm metalctl machine create \ --description test \ --name machine \ --hostname machine \ @@ -132,7 +137,7 @@ docker-compose run metalctl machine create \ --networks # create a firewall that is also connected to the virtual internet-mini-lab network -docker-compose run metalctl machine create \ +docker-compose run --rm metalctl machine create \ --description fw \ --name fw \ --hostname fw \ @@ -156,7 +161,7 @@ machine login: Two machines are now installed and have status "Phoned Home" ```bash -docker-compose run metalctl machine ls +docker-compose run --rm metalctl machine ls ID LAST EVENT WHEN AGE HOSTNAME PROJECT SIZE IMAGE PARTITION e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258   Phoned Home 2s 21s machine 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 v1-small-x86 Ubuntu 20.04 20200331 mini-lab 2294c949-88f6-5390-8154-fa53d93a3313   Phoned Home 8s 18s fw 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 v1-small-x86 Firewall 2 Ubuntu 20200730 mini-lab @@ -165,7 +170,7 @@ e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258   Phoned Home 2s 21s machin Login with user name metal and the console password from ```bash -docker-compose run metalctl machine consolepassword e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258 +docker-compose run --rm metalctl machine consolepassword e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258 ``` If you want to access the firewall with SSH or have internet connectivity from the firewall and machine, you'll need to have a static route configured that points to the leaf switches: @@ -189,17 +194,17 @@ make cleanup Reinstall a machine with ```bash -docker-compose run metalctl machine reinstall \ +docker-compose run --rm metalctl machine reinstall \ --image ubuntu-20.04 \ e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258 ``` ### Free machine -Free a machine with +Free a machine with `make free-machine01` or ```bash -docker-compose run metalctl machine rm e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258 +docker-compose run --rm metalctl machine rm e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258 ``` ## Flavors @@ -207,7 +212,8 @@ docker-compose run metalctl machine rm e0ab02d2-27cd-5a5e-8efc-080ba80cf258 There's few versions of mini-lab environment that you can run. We call them flavors. There's 2 flavors at the moment: - `default` -- runs 2 machines. -- `cluster-api` -- runs 3 machines. Usefull for testing Control plane and worker node deployment with [Cluster API provider](https://github.com/metal-stack/cluster-api-provider-metalstack). +- `cluster-api` -- runs 3 machines. Useful for testing Control plane and worker node deployment with [Cluster API provider](https://github.com/metal-stack/cluster-api-provider-metalstack). +- `sonic` -- use SONiC as network operating system for the leaves In order to start specific flavor, you can define the flavor as follows: diff --git a/docs/src/installation/deployment.md b/docs/src/installation/deployment.md index 189ebddb94..3917688632 100644 --- a/docs/src/installation/deployment.md +++ b/docs/src/installation/deployment.md @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ After the CI runner has been installed, you can trigger your Playbooks from the - metal-bmc - image-cache - simple webserver to provide images -- [Onie Boot](https://opencomputeproject.github.io/onie/) and ZTP ([Demo](https://github.com/CumulusNetworks/cldemo-onie-ztp-ptm)) for cumulus switches +- [Onie Boot](https://opencomputeproject.github.io/onie/) and ZTP - DHCP addresses for ipmi interfaces of the workers - DHCP addresses for switches @@ -629,10 +629,9 @@ After the CI runner has been installed, you can trigger your Playbooks from the !!! tip - If you are using Cumulus switches, you should make use of Zero Touch Provisioning and Onie Boot + If you are using SONiC switches, you should make use of Zero Touch Provisioning and Onie Boot - -The purpose of these switches is to connect the management interfaces of all switches to the management servers. The management spine's own management interface is connected to the management firewall for the bootstrapping of the management spine itself. The management firewall will provide a DHCP address and DHCP options to start Cumulus' [Zero Touch Provisioning](https://docs.nvidia.com/networking-ethernet-software/cumulus-linux-42/Installation-Management/Zero-Touch-Provisioning-ZTP/); the images for all switches are downloaded from the management server (minio/webserver). +The purpose of these switches is to connect the management interfaces of all switches to the management servers. The management spine's own management interface is connected to the management firewall for the bootstrapping of the management spine itself. The management firewall will provide a DHCP address and DHCP options to start SONiC's [Zero Touch Provisioning](https://github.com/sonic-net/SONiC/blob/master/doc/ztp/ztp.md); the images for all switches are downloaded from the management server (nginx container). Each management leaf is connected to both management spines to provide redundant connectivity to both management servers. BGP is used as a routing protocol such that, when a link goes down, an alternate path is used. In the picture above you can see that there are also switch management interfaces connected to the management spine. This has to be done so that we can bootstrap these switches; the management spine relays the DHCP requests from these switches to the management servers so that they are able to Onie Boot and get their ZTP scripts. diff --git a/docs/src/installation/troubleshoot.md b/docs/src/installation/troubleshoot.md index 0619fa16d2..9059254c34 100644 --- a/docs/src/installation/troubleshoot.md +++ b/docs/src/installation/troubleshoot.md @@ -48,36 +48,7 @@ If there are any failing pods, investigate those and look into container logs. T Sometimes, you see a helm errors like "no deployed releases" or something like this. When a helm chart fails after the first deployment it could be that you have a chart installation still pending. Also, the control plane helm chart uses pre- and post-hooks, which creates [jobs](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/) that helm expects to be completed before attempting another deployment. Delete the helm chart (use Helm 3) with `helm delete -n metal-control-plane metal-control-plane` and delete the jobs in the `metal-control-plane` namespace before retrying the deployment. -### In the mini-lab I can't SSH into the leaf switches anymore - -The `vagrant ssh leaf01` command returns an error like this: - -``` -The provider for this Vagrant-managed machine is reporting that it -is not yet ready for SSH. Depending on your provider this can carry -different meanings. Make sure your machine is created and running and -try again. Additionally, check the output of `vagrant status` to verify -that the machine is in the state that you expect. If you continue to -get this error message, please view the documentation for the provider -you're using. -``` - -This is actually expected behavior. As soon as the metal-core reconfigures the switch interfaces, the `eth0` interface will be reconfigured from DHCP to static. This causes Vagrant not to be able to figure out the IP address of the VM through dnsmasq anymore (which is how Vagrant gets to know the IP address of the VM for libvirt). The IP address of the switch is still the same though. You can still access the VM using SSH with the vagrant user. - -There are a couple of ways to get to know the IP address of the switch: - -- You can look it up in the switch interface configuration using the VM console -- It is cached by the Ansible Vagrant dynamic inventory - -The following way describes how to access `leaf01` using the information from the dynamic inventory: - -```bash -$ python3 -c 'import pickle; print(pickle.load(open(".ansible_vagrant_cache", "rb"))["meta_vars"]["leaf01"]["ansible_host"])' - -$ ssh vagrant@ # password is vagrant -``` - -### In the mini-lab the control-plane deployment fails because my system can't resolve api. +### In the mini-lab the control-plane deployment fails because my system can't resolve api. The control-plane deployment returns an error like this: @@ -89,7 +60,7 @@ deploy-control-plane | elapsed: 0 deploy-control-plane | msg: 'Status code was -1 and not [200]: Request failed: ' deploy-control-plane | redirected: false deploy-control-plane | status: -1 -deploy-control-plane | url: http://api. +deploy-control-plane | url: http://api. deploy-control-plane | deploy-control-plane | PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* deploy-control-plane | localhost : ok=29 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=7 rescued=0 ignored=0 @@ -99,7 +70,7 @@ deploy-control-plane exited with code 2 Some home routers have a security feature that prevents DNS Servers to resolve anything in the router's local IP range (DNS-Rebind-Protection). -You need to add an exception for `nip.io` in your router configuration. +You need to add an exception for `nip.io` in your router configuration or add ` api.` to your `/etc/hosts`. #### FritzBox @@ -159,15 +130,17 @@ In most of the cases, there is not much that can be done from the operator's per #### failed-machine-reclaim -If a machine remains in the `Phoned Home` state without having an allocation, this indicates that the [metal-core](https://github.com/metal-stack/metal-core) was not able to put the machine back into PXE boot mode after `metalctl machine rm`. The machine is still running the operating system and it does not return back into the allocatable machine pool. Effectively, you lost a machine in your environment and no-one pays for it. Therefore, you should resolve this issue as soon as possible. +If a machine remains in the `Phoned Home` state without having an allocation, this indicates that the [metal-bmc](https://github.com/metal-stack/metal-bmc) was not able to put the machine back into PXE boot mode after `metalctl machine rm`. The machine is still running the operating system and it does not return back into the allocatable machine pool. Effectively, you lost a machine in your environment and no-one pays for it. Therefore, you should resolve this issue as soon as possible. + +In bad scenarios, when the machine was a firewall, the machine can still reach the internet through the PXE boot network and also attract traffic, which it cannot route anymore inside the tenant VRF. This can cause traffic loss inside a tenant network. In most of the cases, it should be sufficient to run another `metalctl machine rm` on this machine in order to retry booting into PXE mode. If this still does not succeed, you can boot the machine into the BIOS and manually and change the boot order to PXE boot. This should force booting the metal-hammer again and add the machine back into your pool of allocatable machines. For further reference, see [metal-api#145](https://github.com/metal-stack/metal-api/issues/145). -#### incomplete-cycles +#### crashloop -Under bad circumstances, a machine diverges from its typical machine lifecycle. When this happens, the internal state-machine of the metal-api counts this incident as an "incomplete cycle". It is likely that the machine has entered a crash loop where it PXE boots again and again without the machine ever becoming usable. +Under bad circumstances, a machine diverges from its typical machine lifecycle. When this happens, the internal state-machine of the metal-api detects that the machine reboots unexpectedly during the provisioning phase. It is likely that the machine has entered a crash loop where it PXE boots again and again without the machine ever becoming usable. Reasons for this can be: @@ -178,6 +151,12 @@ Please also consider console logs of the machine for investigating the issue. The incomplete cycle count is reset as soon as the machine reaches `Phoned Home` state or there is a `Planned Reboot` of the machine (planned reboot is also done by the metal-hammer once a day in order to reboot with the latest version). +#### last-event-error + +The machine had an error during the provisioning lifecycle recently or events are arriving out of order at the metal-api. This can be an interesting hint for the operator that something during machine provisioning went wrong. You can look at the error through `metalctl machine describe` or `metalctl machine logs`. + +This error will disappear after a certain time period from `machine issues`. You can still look up the error as described above. + #### asn-not-unique This issue was introduced by a bug in earlier versions of metal-stack and was fixed in https://github.com/metal-stack/metal-api/pull/105. diff --git a/docs/src/overview/hardware.md b/docs/src/overview/hardware.md index c85a784292..1457c5e9fa 100644 --- a/docs/src/overview/hardware.md +++ b/docs/src/overview/hardware.md @@ -21,13 +21,17 @@ At the moment we support the following server types: At the moment we support the following switch types: | Vendor | Series | Model | OS | Status | -| :-------- | :------------ | :--------- |:---------------|:-------| +| :-------- | :------------ | :--------- | :------------- | :----- | | Edge-Core | AS7700 Series | AS7712-32X | Cumulus 3.7.13 | stable | | Edge-Core | AS7700 Series | AS7726-32X | Cumulus 4.1.1 | stable | +| Edge-Core | AS7700 Series | AS7712-32X | Edgecore SONiC | stable | +| Edge-Core | AS7700 Series | AS7726-32X | Edgecore SONiC | stable | !!! warning - On our switches we run [Cumulus Linux](hhttps://www.nvidia.com/en-us/networking/ethernet-switching/cumulus-linux/). The metal-core writes network configuration specifically implemented for this operating system. Please also consider running Cumulus Linux on your switches if you do not want to run into any issues with networking. + On our switches we run [SONiC](https://sonicfoundation.dev). The metal-core writes network configuration specifically implemented for this operating system. Please also consider running SONiC on your switches if you do not want to run into any issues with networking. + + Our previous support for [Cumulus Linux](hhttps://www.nvidia.com/en-us/networking/ethernet-switching/cumulus-linux/) will come to an end. Of course, contributions for supporting other switch vendors and operating systems are highly appreciated. diff --git a/docs/src/overview/networking.md b/docs/src/overview/networking.md index a733a082d0..3595db3375 100644 --- a/docs/src/overview/networking.md +++ b/docs/src/overview/networking.md @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Evaluation of those parameters led to more specific requirements: - Numbered BGP only for peerings at exit switches with third parties (Internet Service Provider). - Overall BGP unnumbered. - 4-byte private ASN instead of default 2-byte ASN for BGP. - - Network operation relies on Cumulus Linux. + - Network operation relies on SONiC Linux. - Bleeding edge Routing-to-the-Host/EVPN-to-the-Host with ordinary Linux distributions. - Layer-3 routing using BGP and VXLAN/EVPN. - Every VTEP acts as a layer-3 gateway and does routing. Routing is done on both the ingress and the egress VTEP (aka distributed symmetric routing). @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Integrated routing and bridging (IRB) is the most complex part of EVPN. You coul ### MTU -In a layer-3 network it is important to associate each interface with a proper Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to avoid fragmentation of IP packets. Typical modern networks do not fragment IP packets and the introduction of VXLAN adds another additional header to the packets that must not exceed the MTU. If the MTU is exceeded, VXLAN might just fail without error as Cumulus consultants stated. This already represents a difficult-to-diagnose connectivity issue that has to be avoided. +In a layer-3 network it is important to associate each interface with a proper Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to avoid fragmentation of IP packets. Typical modern networks do not fragment IP packets and the introduction of VXLAN adds another additional header to the packets that must not exceed the MTU. If the MTU is exceeded, VXLAN might just fail without error. This already represents a difficult-to-diagnose connectivity issue that has to be avoided. It is common practice to set the MTU for VXLAN facing interfaces (e.g. inter-switch links) to a value of `9216` to compensate the additional VXLAN overhead and an MTU of `9000` as a default to other interfaces (e.g. server facing ports). The common MTU of `1500` is not sufficient for traffic inside a data center! @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Routing is needed for communication between VXLAN tunnels or between a VXLAN tun > Picture 4: Illustration of two distinct routing tables of VRF1 (enslaved: servers A and B) and VRF2 (enslaved: server C) -To leaverage the potential and power of BGP, VRF, EVPN/VXLAN without a vendor lock-in the implementation relies on hardware that is supported by open network operating system: Cumulus Linux. +To leaverage the potential and power of BGP, VRF, EVPN/VXLAN without a vendor lock-in the implementation relies on hardware that is supported by open network operating system: SONiC. ## Implementation @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ To operate the CLOS topology, software defined configuration to enable BGP, VRF, ### Network Operating Systems -Cumulus Linux as the network operating system will be installed on all network switches (leaves, spines, exit switches) within the CLOS topology. Cumulus Linux cannot be installed on bare metal servers that require BGP/EVPN but does not have a switching silicon. +SONiC as the network operating system will be installed on all network switches (leaves, spines, exit switches) within the CLOS topology. SONiC cannot be installed on bare metal servers that require BGP/EVPN but does not have a switching silicon. Components without a switching silicon are: @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ A bridge is used to attach VXLAN interface `bridge-ports vni3981` and map its lo The Routed VLAN Interface or Switched Virtual Interface (SVI) `iface vlan1001` is configured corresponding to the per-tenant VXLAN interface. It is attached to the tenant VRF. Remote host routes are installed over this SVI. The `vlan-raw-device bridge` is used to associate the SVI with the VLAN aware bridge. For a packet received from a locally attached host the SVI interface corresponding to the VLAN determines the VRF `vrf vrf3981`. -The VXLAN interface `iface vni3981` defines a tunnel address that is used for the VXLAN tunnel header `vlxan-local-tunnelip`. This VTEP IP address is typically the loopback device address of the switch. When EVPN is provisioned, data plane MAC learning for VXLAN interfaces must be disabled because the purpose of EVPN is to exchange MACs between VTEPs in the control plane: `bridge-learning off`. EVPN is responsible for installing remote MACs. `bridge-arp-nd-suppress` suppresses ARP flooding over VXLAN tunnels. Instead, a local proxy handles ARP requests received from locally attached hosts for remote hosts. ARP suppression is the implementation for IPv4; ND suppression is the implementation for IPv6. It is recommended by Cumulus to enable ARP suppression on all VXLAN interfaces. Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) are not transmitted over VXLAN interfaces. So as a good practice bpduguard and pbdufilter are enabled with `mstpctl-bpduguard yes` and `mstpctl-portbpdufilter yes`. These settings filter BPDU and guard the spanning tree topology from unauthorized switches affecting the forwarding path. `vxlan-id 3981` specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI). The type of VNI can either be layer-2 (L2) or layer-3 (L3). This is an implicit thing. A VNI is a L3 VNI (L3VNI) when a mapping exists that maps the VNI to a VRF (configured in `/etc/frr/frr.conf`) otherwise it is a L2 VNI (L2VNI). +The VXLAN interface `iface vni3981` defines a tunnel address that is used for the VXLAN tunnel header `vlxan-local-tunnelip`. This VTEP IP address is typically the loopback device address of the switch. When EVPN is provisioned, data plane MAC learning for VXLAN interfaces must be disabled because the purpose of EVPN is to exchange MACs between VTEPs in the control plane: `bridge-learning off`. EVPN is responsible for installing remote MACs. `bridge-arp-nd-suppress` suppresses ARP flooding over VXLAN tunnels. Instead, a local proxy handles ARP requests received from locally attached hosts for remote hosts. ARP suppression is the implementation for IPv4; ND suppression is the implementation for IPv6. It is recommended to enable ARP suppression on all VXLAN interfaces. Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) are not transmitted over VXLAN interfaces. So as a good practice bpduguard and pbdufilter are enabled with `mstpctl-bpduguard yes` and `mstpctl-portbpdufilter yes`. These settings filter BPDU and guard the spanning tree topology from unauthorized switches affecting the forwarding path. `vxlan-id 3981` specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI). The type of VNI can either be layer-2 (L2) or layer-3 (L3). This is an implicit thing. A VNI is a L3 VNI (L3VNI) when a mapping exists that maps the VNI to a VRF (configured in `/etc/frr/frr.conf`) otherwise it is a L2 VNI (L2VNI). ```bash # /etc/frr/frr.conf @@ -442,10 +442,8 @@ iface swp1 The spines are important to forward EVPN routes and transport VXLAN packets between the VTEPs. They are not configured as VTEPs. The FRR configuration only contains the already known global BGP instance configuration `router bgp 4200000020` plus the activation of the l2vpn evpn address family `address-family l2vpn evpn` to enable EVPN type-5 route forwarding (Listing 7). ```bash -frr version 4.0+cl3u9 -frr defaults datacenter hostname spine01 -username cumulus nopassword +username admin nopassword ! # [...] interface swp1 @@ -468,7 +466,7 @@ router bgp 4200000020 #### Tenant Firewalls: EVPN-to-the-Host -In case a tenant server needs to reach out to external networks as the Internet, a tenant firewall is provisioned. The firewall is a bare metal server without a switching silicon. Thus, there is no installation of Cumulus Linux. Instead a standard Linux OS with a special configuration is used (FRR from branch `dev/frr-7.1`, iproute2 and a more recent Linux Kernel >= 5.0) to provide the BGP/ EVPN functionality known as `EVPN-to-the-host`. The firewall is configured as a VTEP and applies `dynamic route-leaking` to install routes of an foreign VRF. The set of routes that are leaked are restricted with route-maps. +In case a tenant server needs to reach out to external networks as the Internet, a tenant firewall is provisioned. The firewall is a bare metal server without a switching silicon. Thus, there is no installation of SONiC. [FRR](https://frrouting.org) provides the BGP / EVPN functionality known as `EVPN-to-the-host`. The firewall is configured as a VTEP and applies `dynamic route-leaking` to install routes of an foreign VRF. The set of routes that are leaked are restricted with route-maps. As Listing 8 shows, the firewall is configured with VXLAN interfaces as known from the leaf setup. Additionally, a VXLAN setup for VRF `vrfInternet` is added to provide Internet access. vrfInternet contains a route to the Internet that will be leaked into the tenant VRF. @@ -692,31 +690,6 @@ In addition to the standard BGP setup the exit switches have configured `static To reach out into external networks each of the exit nodes joins a BGP session with a distinct external router. There is a different latency to each of these routers. To favor routes of exit nodes connected with lower latency over exit nodes with higher latency two route maps `PREPEND-PATH-TO-DISFAVOR-IN` and `PREPEND-PATH-TO-DISFAVOR-OUT` are added to high latency exit nodes. These route maps apply actions to prolong the path of the incoming and outgoing routes. Because of this path extension BGP will calculate a lower weight for these paths and favors paths via other exit nodes. It is important to know that within an address family only one route map (the last) will be applied. To apply more than one actions within a route-map the required entries can be applied to a single route-map. -#### Operationalizing Cumulus Linux - -With Cumulus Linux as the basic network operating system there are two possibilities on how to get configuration into the target devices: - -1. editing flat files and reloading required services -2. utilizing Network Command Line Utility (NCLU) - -The NCLU has two wrappers: - -1. CLI (`net` command) -1. Ansible Module `nclu` - -As Cumulus states, the NCLU tool is intended for people who do not understand Linux. Besides the fact, that we understand that editing flat files has advantages, we found the following reasons to stick with this approach: - -- full control on what is going on and when it is going on -- no suffer from bugs that are present in NCLU `net` command -- decoupling from additional layers (NCLU) -- avoid hybrid solutions since NCLU is not capable of solving all use cases completely (e.g. DHCP configuration) -- in the past we made good experiences with rendering plain configuration files - -Of course this decision comes with the challenge to render all required files correctly and reload the appropriate services accordingly. - -Reference: -[Operationalizing Cumulus Linux](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/networking/education/) - ### PXE Boot Mode Before a bare metal server can act as tenant server or tenant firewall, it has to be provisioned. Within the Metal domain, this provisioning mode is called "PXE Mode" since it is based on Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE). PXE uses protocols like DHCP. This requires all bare metal servers that need provisioning to be located in a layer-2 domain where DHCP is available. This domain is a VLAN `vlan4000`. A DHCP server for PXE Mode is installed on the exit switches to work in this specific VLAN. @@ -769,6 +742,6 @@ During provisioning bare metal servers get internet access via the management ne ### Management Network -To manage network switches beside the out-of-band system console access a further management access is required. For this purpose the concept of **Management VRF** is applied. The Management VRF is a subset of VRF. It provides a separation between out-of-band management network and the in-band data plane network by introducing another routing table **mgmt**. Cumulus Linux supports eth0 to be used as the management interface. +To manage network switches beside the out-of-band system console access a further management access is required. For this purpose the concept of **Management VRF** is applied. The Management VRF is a subset of VRF. It provides a separation between out-of-band management network and the in-band data plane network by introducing another routing table **mgmt**. SONiC supports eth0 to be used as the management interface. To enable and use the Management VRF all switches have to be connected via their eth0 interface to a management-switch. The management switch is connected to a management server. All access is established from within the managment server. Logins to the switch are set into the Management VRF context once the Managment VRF is enabled. diff --git a/docs/src/overview/os.md b/docs/src/overview/os.md index f9ba729f51..5aefa89caa 100644 --- a/docs/src/overview/os.md +++ b/docs/src/overview/os.md @@ -2,18 +2,24 @@ Our operating system images are built on regular basis from the [metal-images](https://github.com/metal-stack/metal-images) repository. -All images are hosted on GKE at [images.metal-stack.io](https://images.metal-pod.io). Feel free to use this as a mirror for your metal-stack partitions if you want. The metal-stack developers continuously have an eye on the supported images. They are updated regularly and scanned for vulnerabilities. +All images are hosted on GKE at [images.metal-stack.io](https://images.metal-stack.io). Feel free to use this as a mirror for your metal-stack partitions if you want. The metal-stack developers continuously have an eye on the supported images. They are updated regularly and scanned for vulnerabilities. ## Supported OS Images The operating system images that we build are trimmed down to their bare essentials for serving as Kubernetes worker nodes. Small image sizes make machine provisioning blazingly fast. -The supported images currently are: +The supported images for worker nodes currently are: | Platform | Distribution | Version | | :------- | :----------- | :------ | -| Linux | Debian | 10 | -| Linux | Ubuntu | 20.04 | +| Linux | Debian | 11 | +| Linux | Ubuntu | 22.04 | + +The supported images for firewalls are: + +| Platform | Distribution | Version | Based On | +| :------- | :----------- | :------ | -------- | +| Linux | Ubuntu | 3 | 22.04 | ## Building Your Own Images diff --git a/marp/themes/metal-stack.css b/marp/themes/metal-stack.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b3f82cae0f --- /dev/null +++ b/marp/themes/metal-stack.css @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* @theme metal-stack */ + +@import 'gaia'; +@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Sorts+Mill+Goudy:ital@1&display=swap'); + +section.cover { + color: white; + background-image: url('https://metal-stack.io/images/background/banner-back.png') !important; +} + +section.cover footer { + color: white; +} + +footer { + text-align: center; +} + +blockquote { + font-family: "Sorts Mill Goudy"; + font-style: italic; + hyphens: none; + text-align: center; +} + +blockquote::after, blockquote::before { + content: ""; + position: relative; +} + +.blockquote-lead { + font-family: "Sorts Mill Goudy"; + font-style: italic; + hyphens: none; + text-align: center; +} + +.blockquote-footer { + font-family: "Sorts Mill Goudy"; + font-style: italic; + font-size: 0.8em; + font-variant: small-caps; + color: gray; +}