Releases: metatron-app/metatron-discovery
#240 Improve the Save data table action for useful download functions.
#351 Rule list in snapshot detail should be short and concise
#410 CSV input enhancement (Apache Commons CSV)
#465 Relocating information in the query history
#538 Improve query editor window usability
#570 Supports txt file upload to dataset
#589 When a new subscription is made, the identity of the user in the denied request can be duplicated.
#620 Set limitation on chart view
#728 Add GEO type column when loading datasource
#738 Add custom properties in DataConnection
#747 Add clean menu in context menu
#753 display partition totalSize in partition validation result view.
#768 autocompletion of the rule edit for window function name
#811 Support multi-lined CSV snapshot
Bug Fix
#395 An error occurs when creating a data source with a query statement containing duplicate column names.
#398 No vertical scroll on detail view screen of Column Dictionary
#458 Empty header in Text Table
#495 Secondary indicators receive empty result
#501 Problem with the Today search option in the data source list
#578 The sorting feature of the results window in the workbench does not work sometimes
#627 number of data is not correct when previewing the data
#628 total number of data is invisible
#629 In the case of series by dimension, the tooltip representation is incorrect.
#664 Swap the upsteam dataset of a wrangled dataset
#665 When the workbench screen has been accessed for a long time, a "The current query is running." message appears and the query is not executed.
#701 Dataset preview is not displayed
#710 Error in querying a specific column statistics in data source
#726 error when getting sample data from postgresql in schema browser.
#732 When api to find filter entry call fails, the dashboard stops load
#733 When api to search data for widget call fails, edit button in widget not worked.
#749 Show rule in colour red when rule is broken (dataflow panel)
#750 Show snapshot type in list and detail page
#755 empty message in ingestion details
#763 The results area is not visible in the workbench
#774 fix auto complete in command
#777 Deleting a data column to ingest does not work
#798 Fail to edit split rule
#818 Fix misaligned grid
#820 error occured when datasource search with date range.
#825 Error deleting column dictionary and code table
#828 Fix wrong Korean label
#845 Bug when 2 expressions are used in the window rule.
#848 Error notification when query cancelled.
#872 Suppress exceptions from broken rules
#885 invisible imported dataset after dataset swapping
#379 Manage broken rules caused by editing previous rules
#460 Allow spaces in column names in data prep
#505 Improve handling status of datasource ingestion
#516 Support unix timestamp format in field of datasource
#534 Improve left panel and schema information popup of workbench
#542 UI improvements for viewing table names and column names
#543 to response list of grid when a excel file uploads on dataset
#550 Apply default name rules when creating datasets
#569 Load preview of dataset when requested
#584 increase csv download limit in workbench
#585 to increase the size of the rule string
#608 Improved editor name automatic naming policy (improved numbering policy)
#609 Show notifications when browsing back
#619 Improve usability of partition selection when ingesting stage db
#630 Processing when table data can not be retrieved due to restrictions in the DB server
#643 Change workspace allocation processing
#654 Show notification when you click 'Delete' in workbench editor
#660 Add new preparation functions startswith() and endswith()
Bug Fix
#295 global variable not work in workbench
#253 Error processing count aggregation in heatmap
#363 Quantile values in column-detail seemed not right
#472 Query editor bug fixes
#484 Cannot switch between rule editor <-> builder when edit
#547 cannot create datasource with new line data.
#549 Data type information error
#553 Information of the same dataset are different on two pages
#555 The dataflow description on the dataset detail page is incorrect.
#563 Scrolling issue when printing log and show end time
#564 Histogram bar is too short to click
#567 Invalid default value for 'lastModifiedAt'
#573 Screen initialization during chart hierarchy configuration
#577 Small area of the search button of the workbench does not work
#580 error when select sample data after change database in Schema browser.
#583 Unexpected click event into unix time setting menu
#586 CSV file may not be uploaded
#588 Column labels and column names do not match in mysql
#595 move and replace rules are applied in an unintended way
#613 Change connection api in data prep
#617 Map chart does not appear on dashboard preview
#621 Wrong histogram when there are empty strings
#625 Unpaired single quote in CSV file causes error when importing
#631 Stream (Realtime) type display error in datasource list
#634 Can not click common settings of KPI charts
#638 Can not use function expressions on keep/delete rule
#639 BBoxFilter not working in search query API
#644 Column type change to Time/Hour is not processed properly
#648 Modify uri last path as snapshot name when creating snapshot(FileSystem)
#672 Error where multiple timestamp filters are registered in a multi data source
#676 If the error message is long on the workbench, no scroll bar generated.
#685 All datasource has same update time.
#689 Fix broken css in snapshot success popup
#690 Suppress exceptions from broken rules
#704 Numerous bugs in dataflow main grid
#707 Modify error box location at bottom of result tab
#709 Enable download HDFS snapshots
#714 Not working back button in workbench
#716 Problems with duplicate editor tab names and a confirmation window when not editing
#730 Two scrolls created in the editor screen
New feature
#38 Introduce Map Analysis
#511 Data Monitoring Feature.
#374 Add new functions for window rule
#429 file upload by asynchronous API
#462 Query Editor tab must be changeable during query execution.
#464 Improve readability of table and column information
#469 Add new preparation function, contain()
#471 Improve query result window usability
#480 Enhance Excel file loading process
#481 Improve window rule in data preparation
#523 Add command rule(Window)
#525 Data set Swapping fuction
Bug Fix
#449 PrestoConnection just url cannot saved.
#454 Query excuted after cancel.
#457 apply datagrid by user column delimiter on creating dataset
#459 Hive query result showed "No data"
#466 Wrangled datasets diappear when adding datasets into a dataflow
#467 Sort fails after rename
#476 Fetch the same result over and over
#477 Rule editing is not applied in data preparation
#478 Cannot import a particular excel file
#482 Data preview error(sheet name)in Dataflow detail
#486 Get wrong grid when I scroll down in data preparation
#489 Overlapping in case many data at Dataflow detail display
#494 chart rendering error
#499 Screen display is incorrect in tooltip of Schema information
#506 HTML tag shown in the Folder Delete Confirmation window
#515 The column width of the main transform grid is too large.
#518 field.delim attribute is not properly showed for a hive table created with tab delimiter.
#530 Hive snapshots seem like all nulls
#50 Workbench show query log for hive connection
#255 Network Diagram needed selection filter
#277 Embedded dashboard can set filter value with request query parameter
#349 Remove unnecessary "undo" action from AutoTyping feature of Data Preparation.
#357 Design change in dataset creation process
#365 Display rule command in case of typing in Hangul
#405 Change how to configure data preparation
Bug Fix
#231 If the path of metatron installation directory has space character, metatron does not run.
#262 Operation formula is initialized in the text grid
#263 Error in Average Calculation
#314 Not all fields are visible in the formula field popup
#315 Chart type UI not visible
#325 Drops to infinite loading status when 'Prediction line' is turned on in 'Analysis'
#329 Time range filter forces the date value with previous date
#330 Hive timestamp columns produce mismatched values
#333 Show rules concisely: union, join
#337 Abbreviations number setting doesn't work when valuse is minus
#341 Can't set secondary indicators in KPI chart when alias exists
#346 No error message when the chart can not be loaded
#353 Error saving pie chart after setting color by measure
#355 Error KPI chart same pivot description and iocons
#384 Ingestion option(tuning,job) not applied
#391 Displaying combo chart data is different from engine data
#396 Fix advanced setting UI in datasource create step
#400 Sending-Email function when clicking password reset is not working properly
#407 workbench editor indent error
#420 Error number format Abbreviations
#421 Error message displayed strangely in common log component
#422 Popularity sorting is strange in metadata column list
#432 Workbench query fail message not printed.
#386 Refactoring on dataprep configuration code
#173 Metadata information is missing on data source detail popup when creating dashboard
#182 JDBC batch datasource error
#186 Disappearing summary info in workspace folders
#190 Undefined error when editing set rule
#196 Improve usability of the dashboard's time filter widget
#204 Information on Datasource's detail page is different to each other
#209 Error displaying detailed data source view on dashboard linked with two or more data sources
#211 Setting the logical type to etc causes an error in Metadata column schema page
#213 Aggregation of calculation field does not apply well
#215 An error that caused the label to be incorrect when the filter value is uploaded to the widget
#216 Calculation field disappears when copying a dashboard that contains calculation fields
#218 Formula field name should not contain special characters
#221 Logical type isn't displayed on metadata tooltip in Dashboard
#224 Problems with dashboard display reflecting multi-data source after data source deletion
#225 Timestamp format returns null when current index is changed
#227 Chart name is initialized when changing target data source on chart edit screen
#232 Fix union popup css error - different heights and double scroll bars
#251 Setting decimal places is not working
#254 Query starts with comment won't execute.
#261 workbench schema browser's table list did not showed
#278 Label values are the same when there are several series
#280 datalabel, tooltip error in gauge chart
#296 fix color type script bug in pie chart
#302 db connection did not closed well.
#305 Schema Browser Error in Workbench
#307 custom color setting error in bar chart
#198 Allow change of command when editing rule
#202 Add an action in an activity stream
#246 Remove duplicate feature in settype timestamp type
#252 to improve the procedures of uploading file for dataset
#3 Add a guide to connect muliti-datasources.
#14 Improve data connection load/registration
#29 Add snapshot cancelation feature on data preparation
#33 Provide status for creating snapshots
#36 Save on HDFS first for WAS clusters
#42 Edit/update rule command in the middle of the rule list
#54 Need to distinguish main data source and lookup data source
#55 Add window functions on data preparation
#82 Set default locale for Timestamp format data as US-Eng
#85 Make snapshot generating method thread-safe.
#110 Exclude mismatched rows when create hive snapshot
#116 Improve waterfall chart visualization
#121 Check Hive naming rule before snapshot generation
Bug Fix
#20 Fail to download original data
#66 Can not make preparation snapshot in dataflow, before open it at least once.
#67 The sankey chart is not displayed on certain datasources.
#87 Dashboard selection error when using 2-depth chart selection
#91 Datasource detail view of workspace doesn't work
#93 Settype rule timestamp format validation error
#99 StagingDB-based snapshot generation failed
#102 The heatmap chart is not rendered properly
#103 Workbench commented query not skipped but produced error
#119 Korean characters are broken when opening the .csv file
#2 Improved chart y axis properties
#4 Adjust loading area on dashboard
#15 Snapshot generation status
#22 Add "maximum categories" property for pie chart
#1 Show release version number in lnb area
Bug Fix
#5 Do not apply to the widget panel after adding a text widget
#8 Remove unnecessary message on list of datasource
#18 UI code requests snapshot details over and over
#23 Incorrect count of dimension filter items.
#47 The description is incorrect if you did not enter a password on the login page.
#51 Hive query with new line produce error.
#73 Cannot create a FILE type snapshot