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129 lines (93 loc) · 4.38 KB


Maria Guideng


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😴 Oh hi. This repo is no longer maintained. Go here for the gdscrapeR package instead. 👻


Scrape for company reviews. Prep text data for text analytics.


Take Tesla for example. The url to scrape will be:

Here's a screen shot of the text to extract:


Web scraper function

Extract company reviews for the following:

  • Total reviews - by full & part-time workers only
  • Date - of when review was posted
  • Summary - e.g., "Amazing Tesla"
  • Rating - star rating between 1.0 and 5.0
  • Title - e.g., "Current Employee - Anonymous Employee"
  • Pros - upsides of the workplace
  • Cons - downsides of the workplace
  • Helpful - number marked as being helpful, if any
#### SCRAPE ####
# Packages
library(rvest)    #scrape
library(purrr)    #iterate scraping by map_df()

# Set URL
baseurl <- ""
company <- "Tesla-Reviews-E43129"
sort <- ".htm?sort.sortType=RD&sort.ascending=true"

# How many total number of reviews? It will determine the maximum page results to iterate over.
totalreviews <- read_html(paste(baseurl, company, sort, sep="")) %>% 
  html_nodes(".margBot.minor") %>% 
  html_text() %>% 
  sub(" reviews", "", .) %>% 
  sub(",", "", .) %>% 

maxresults <- as.integer(ceiling(totalreviews/10))    #10 reviews per page, round up to whole number

# Scraping function to create dataframe of: Date, Summary, Rating, Title, Pros, Cons, Helpful
df <- map_df(1:maxresults, function(i) {
  Sys.sleep(sample(seq(1, 5, by=0.01), 1))    #be a polite bot. ~12 mins to run with this system sleeper
  cat("boom! ")   #progress indicator
  pg <- read_html(paste(baseurl, company, "_P", i, sort, sep=""))   #pagination (_P1 to _P163)
  data.frame( = html_text(html_nodes(pg, ".date.subtle.small, .featuredFlag")),
             rev.sum = html_text(html_nodes(pg, ".reviewLink .summary:not([class*='hidden'])")),
             rev.rating = html_attr(html_nodes(pg, " .rating .value-title"), "title"),
             rev.title = html_text(html_nodes(pg, "#ReviewsFeed .hideHH")),
             rev.pros = html_text(html_nodes(pg, "#ReviewsFeed .pros:not([class*='hidden'])")),
             rev.cons = html_text(html_nodes(pg, "#ReviewsFeed .cons:not([class*='hidden'])")),
             rev.helpf = html_text(html_nodes(pg, ".tight")),


Use regular expressions to clean and extract additonal variables:

  • Reviewer ID (1 to N reviewers by date, sorted from first to last)
  • Year (from Date)
  • Location (e.g., Palo Alto, CA)
  • Position (e.g., Project Manager)
  • Status (current or former employee)
#### REGEX ####
# Packages
library(stringr)    #pattern matching functions

# Clean: Helpful
df$rev.helpf <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", df$rev.helpf))

# Add: ID
df$ <- as.numeric(rownames(df))

# Extract: Year, Position, Location, Status
df$rev.year <- as.numeric(sub(".*, ","", df$

df$rev.pos <- sub(".* Employee - ", "", df$rev.title)
df$rev.pos <- sub(" in .*", "", df$rev.pos)

df$rev.loc <- sub(".*\\ in ", "", df$rev.title)
df$rev.loc <- ifelse(df$rev.loc %in% 
                       (grep("Former Employee|Current Employee", df$rev.loc, value = T)), 
                     "Not Given", df$rev.loc)

df$rev.stat <- str_extract(df$rev.title, ".* Employee -")
df$rev.stat <- sub(" Employee -", "", df$rev.stat)



#### EXPORT ####
write.csv(df, "rvest-scrape-glassdoor-output.csv")  #to csv
