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Advanced How-To Manuals

Simple How-To section to cover different kinds of use cases.

Info: We use the override feature of Docker Compose to provide different configurations for certain use cases. More information.

Basic override file with common configuration settings for our environment: _docker-compose.override.yml. Simply, make a copy and modify it to your needs:

cp _docker-compose.override.yml docker-compose.override.yml

Settings from docker-compose.override.yml are applied automatically when using docker-compose up.

How to configure the OpenTOSCA UI to use a different Winery repository

  • Open the "Administration" tab in the OpenTOSCA UI
  • In the "Repository Configuration" section click on the "OpenTOSCA" entry (it should have the URL http://localhost:8080/winery/servicetemplates/ if the configuration was not changed before)
  • Change the domain (and port) in the dialog to point to the Winery server you want to use (e.g.
  • Wait until the new URL is checked by the OpenTOSCA UI
  • Click "Save"

The configuration is stored locally in the Local Storage (under the key opentosca) of your browser and should survive reloads of the page.

To clear the configuration data, first try to change the settings in the "Administration" tab. If that does not work, use tho development tools of the browser and clear the local storage manually (in chrome it can be found in the "Application" tab of the development tools).

How to use an existing local Winery repository

You can map an existing Winery repository (on your host) as a volume into the winery container.

  • Create a docker-compose.override.yml file (or copy it from _docker-compose.override.yml)

  • Use the following configuration in order to map a repository:

          - <path on host system>:/var/opentosca/repository
          WINERY_REPOSITORY_PATH: /var/opentosca/repository
  • Replace <path on host system> with the path to a valid Winery repository (can be empty)

  • Start the environment as usual: docker-compose up -d

How to use an existing public git Winery repository

You can instruct Winery to use a public git repository which it clones on startup.

  • In the docker-compose.override.yml file add the following map:
        WINERY_REPOSITORY_URL: <git url>
        # exmaple: WINERY_REPOSITORY_URL:

:Warning: Make sure git lfs is setup correctly. See troubleshooting entry about git lfs for more information.

How to run the environment with WSO2 BPS engine

Start the environment with the docker-compose.bps.yml override:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.bps.yml up -d

How to debug components running inside the environment

  • Create a docker-compose.override.yml file (or copy it from _docker-compose.override.yml)
  • Make sure you enable and set the certain Java debug options (e.g., -Xdebug)
  • Start the environment as usual: docker-compose up -d

How to clone a private TOSCA definitions repository to be used with Winery

  • Start the environment as usual: docker-compose up -d

  • Log in to the Winery container and clone the respective Git repository manually (we use our internal tosca-definitions-internal repo as an example here):

    docker-compose exec winery bash
  • Open Winery at http://localhost:8080

    Note: Changes to the repository has to be pushed manually with git push.

:Warning: Make sure git lfs is setup correctly. See troubleshooting entry about git lfs for more information.

How to extend Winery's JVM Heap Size

You can adjust Winery's JVM heap size by setting a respective environment variable for the winery container.

  • Create a docker-compose.override.yml file (or copy it from _docker-compose.override.yml)

  • Use the following configuration in order to map a repository:

          WINERY_HEAP_MAX: 8192m
  • Note: Make sure the hosting VM has enough capacity

  • Start the environment as usual: docker-compose up -d

How to access Logs using the Browser

It is possible to start a loki and grafana server to access docker logs in the browser. Therefore, you must install the loki docker driver as follows and extend the default docker-compose file with the logging configurations.

# Install loki docker driver
docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions

# Start services in background along with loki and grafana server
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.logging.yml up -d

The logs can be accessed at http://${PUBLIC_HOSTNAME}:3000/explore. The following exemplary query searches for ready to use in the OpenTOSCA Container logs.

{compose_service="container"} |= "ready to use"

Some useful links:

Note, logs of the docker containers inside dind are currently not accessible.