Updated Kotlin to v1.3.50, Gradle to v3.5.3
flutter v1.7.8+hotfix.2, MethodCallHandler.onMethodCall suddenly has nonnull params
flutter format
add missing check in boot completed plugin to make sure the received intent is for boot completed
allow execution of the boot function to be put off by calling setDeferExecution(true)
this may or may not be useful if for instance you have other boot receivers and you want to execute them in a certain order
you will then have to call BootCompletedPlugin.handleBootCompleted yourself probably from within one of the other receivers' onReceive
ran flutter format on lib\boot_completed.dart
changed implementation of boot completed receiver back to the way that uses a method channel since it seems like hardcoding the dart function name only works in debug builds - with release builds, it's no longer functional
revised readmes a bit more, added link to github repo in pubspec added dartdoc comment confirmed compatibility with path_provider 1.0.0, changed dependency to ">=0.5.0+1 <2.0.0"
change http url to https
pub.dev analysis now finds the description is too long - shortened it
Update version number and a few non-functional things suggested by pub.dev analysis.
Initial version with working example.