ioBroker deployment using Docker Compose
This compose-file is tailored and tested to be used on linux hosts using eth0 as network interface (especially Raspberry Pi) It can be adjusted for use on mac-os or windows hosts.
I recommend using ubuntu server for Raspberry Pi as OS, with latest Docker version and Portainer-Ce for easy Container management.
If you are using a Raspberry-Pi 3 or 4 with just 1Gig of ram, make sure to configure your swapfile correctly. (2Gig of swap with swappiness of 10 have worked just fine with my setup)
For most usecases it is usefull to provide ioBroker direct access to your LAN
To allow the ioBroker-container to obtain a IP address in your LAN you have to provide
- Gateway ip address with env "GATEWAY_IP" (default:
- Subnet mask with env "SUBNET_MASK" (dafault: 24)
- the ioBroker IP-address with env "IP_ADDRESS" (default:
make sure the provided IP-address is outside your DHCP range - optional the ioBroker Mac address mith env "MAC_ADDRESS"
it is usefull to provide a Mac-address when using YAHKA adapter.
This Compose file uses Mariadb as a open-source drop-in-replacement for My-sql as database-container.
If You want to use some other Database like Influx, feel free to customize the compose file to your needs.
optional You can provide a password to your Database with env "DB_PASSWORD"
inside iobroker you cann access Mariadb with the SQL adapter as MY-SQL
- Host: mariadb
- Port: 3306
- Database: iobroker
- User: iobroker
- Password: your DB_PASSWORD if set / 'mysqlpassword' if unset