Depending on a group or committee, an election timeline may include a nomination period, an evaluation period, a qualification period, and a voting period.
The length of each period may vary by committee. Each period will be spaced by at least one week.
- Project Election Timeline:
- Call for nominations: Tuesday, December 5th Noon PT
- End of call for nominations: Tuesday, December 12th Noon PT
- A ballot will be distributed to the Voting/Primary Members on: Thursday, December 14th
- Voting occurs by a time-limited Condorcet ranking in CIVS: December 14-20
- The election will be completed on: Wednesday, December 20th Noon PT, election results are announced
- Based on membership tier (Silver, Gold, etc) or involvement in Project community (Developer/Maintainer)
- For membership-based seats, the primary voting contact for each member may nominate and vote
- For Developer or Maintainer seats, Project maintainers can nominate or vote, as dictated by a Project’s charter or election policies
- Number of seats per class is defined in the Project charter
- GB-selected - anyone can nominate but GB members qualify candidates and vote
- TOC-selected - existing TOC members nominate and vote
- Maintainer-selected - Project maintainers nominate and vote
- End user-selected - Project end user members nominate and vote
Members of the board or committee can nominate themselves and each member can submit a vote.
- Votes may be cast using CIVS or an alternative polling service as determined by the nominating body.