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285 lines (189 loc) · 7.22 KB

File metadata and controls

285 lines (189 loc) · 7.22 KB

Micronaut Website

Build Status

This project builds the Micronaut website. A static website build with Gradle. It uses a Gradle Plugin whose sources can be found at buildSrc.

Tasks are grouped with micronaut.

You can get more info by running:

  % ./gradlew tasks --group=micronaut
 Micronaut tasks
 buildGuides - Build guides website - generates guides pages, copies assets and generates a sitemap
 cleanDocs - Deletes documentation temp page - build/temp/documentation.html
 cleanDownload - Deletes download temp page - build/temp/download.html
 cleanEvents - Deletes events temp page - build/temp/events.html
 cleanFaq - Deletes faq temp page - build/temp/faq.html
 cleanGuides - Deletes temp Guides page: build/temp/index.html
 copyAssets - Copies css, js, fonts and images from the assets folder to the dist folder
 genDocs - Generates documentation HTML page - build/temp/documentation.html
 genDownload - Generates download HTML page - build/temp/download.html
 genEvents - Generates events HTML page - build/temp/events.html
 genFaq - Generates FAQ HTML - build/temp/faq.html
 genGuides - Generates guides home, tags and categories HTML pages - build/temp/index.html
 genSitemap - Generates build/dist/sitemap.xml with every page in the site
 renderBlog - Renders Markdown posts (posts/*.md) into HTML pages (dist/blog/*.html). It generates tag pages. Generates RSS feed. Posts with future dates are not generated.
 renderSite - Build Micronaut website - generates pages with HTML entries in pages and build/temp, renders blog and RSS feed, copies assets and generates a sitemap

Generating the MAIN site

./gradlew build --console=plain

The output can be found in the build/dist directory.

Generating the GUIDES site

./gradlew buildGuide --console=plain

The output can be found in the build/dist directory.

Running the website locally

The easiest way to work locally is to generate the site and setup your Webserver to serve build/dist.

For example with MAMP:

You can also use Python to serve the directory:

python3 -m http.server 8080 --directory build/dist

Blog Posts

Posts Location

Write blog posts in markdown at posts folder.

Blog post Metadata

A post supports metadata at the beginning of the document. You can use it store information (title, description, publication date) about your blog posts.

Metadata must be separated from the rest of the document by three dashes.

You can use the metadata in the text by putting it in brackets adding a % sign.

A typical blog post will look like:

title: Micronaut Is Now Certified to Run on Amazon Corretto
date: April 9, 2020
description: Users can now be assured that Micronaut is certified to run on Amazon Corretto, and we will continue our partnership with Amazon to ensure users don't run into any issues in production.
author: Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal

# [%title]



Tags: #aws #correto

One practice used by the [Micronaut development team]( "Groovy, Grails, and Micronaut Team") is continuous integration (CI). In support of this, the [Micronaut framework]( "Learn more about the Micronaut Framework")'s core has an extensive test suite executed via [GitHub Actions](, and since the beginning of 2020, tests have also been executed with [Amazon Corretto]( 8 and 11.

Text Expander snippets

If you write often to Micronaut's blog, we recommend you to create a Text Expander snippet:

Title Metadata

title tag is used as the window title, the card title, blog post main header and also in twitter cards.

Description Metadata

Description metadata is used as HTML meta description tag, and in twitter cards.

Date Metadata

Date is used to for publication date. It is used to order to blog posts. It is displayed in the UI and in the RSS feed.

Date can be expressed in MMM d, yyyy

date: April 9, 2020

or MMM d, yyyy HH:mm

date: April 9, 2020 09:00

To Schedule tasks use a date in the future. Github Action is triggered daily and will publish scheduled posts.

Blog post background

For Blog post background images usage image metadata.

image: 2018-05-23.jpg

Place the images at assets/bgimages


To add tags just preffix them with #:


Tags: #aws #correto

Webinars on-demand recordings should be tagged with webinar

Release announcements should be tagged with release.

Check the list of tags and try to reuse them. Technology (e.g. GraalVM, Maven, Gradle), Programming concepts (AOP, Serverless, Servlet), Cloud Providers (AWS, GCP, Azure) or frameworks (SpringBoot, Quarkus) are good tags.

Code Highlighting

If your blog post, contains code samples add the following metadata:

CSS: /stylesheets/prismjs.css
JAVASCRIPT: /javascripts/prismjs.js

# [%title]


Use the video metadata to embed a Video.

Currently, the plugin supports youtube videos. Use a link which starts with such as


title: GOTO 2019 - Introduction to Micronaut
date:  Jul 21, 2020 09:04
description: Graeme Rocher, Micronaut framework co-founder, introduction to Micronaut at GOTO 2019 Conference.
author: Sergio del Amo

# [%title]





Assets (Fonts, Stylesheets, Images, Javascripts)

Assets used in the website can be found under assets.

Page Metadata

You may also define the meta in Pages. To include multiple js/css files use a single space to separate the file names.

CSS: /stylesheets/prismjs.css
JAVASCRIPT: /javascripts/prismjs.js /javascripts/other.js

Page Metadata

You may also define the meta in Pages. To include multiple js/css files use a single space to separate the file names.

CSS: /stylesheets/prismjs.css
JAVASCRIPT: /javascripts/prismjs.js /javascripts/other.js

If you want to convert a YML file from the /conf folder into a JS object that is injected into the head you may add it similar to how JAVASCRIPT is added

YAML_CONF_TO_JS: donations.yml

Then the file is available in the other script tags via a underscored cased version of the file name with a CONF_ prefix

var config = window['CONF_DONATIONS']

What to change when a new release is published.

Please, modify conf/releases.yml