Python 3.11 (Download)
poetry < 2.0.0 (Download)
wkhtmltopdf (used to generate PDF reports)
Windows: (Download)
sudo apt-get install wkhtmltopdf
brew install homebrew/cask/wkhtmltopdf
You can configure your OpenAI access when running the app via Settings page
, or using environment variables.
OPENAI_TYPE="OpenAI" ## Other option available: Azure OpenAI
AZURE_AUTH_TYPE="Azure Key" # if OPENAI_TYPE==Azure OpenAI
DEFAULT_EMBEDDING_MODEL = "text-embedding-3-small"
#If Azure OpenAI using Managed Identity:
AZURE_AUTH_TYPE="Managed Identity"
Windows: Search and open the app Windows Powershell
on Windows start menu
Linux and Mac: Open Terminal
For any OS:
Navigate to the folder where you cloned this repo.
Use cd
+ the path to the folder. For example:
cd C:\Users\user01\projects\intelligence-toolkit
Run poetry install
and wait for the packages installation.
Run poetry run poe run_streamlit
, and it will automatically open the app in your default browser in localhost:8081
You can also replicate the examples in your own environment running pip install intelligence-toolkit
See the documentation and an example of how to run the code with your data to obtain results without the need to run the UI.
- Minimum disk space: 8GB
- Minimum memory: 4GB
Download, install and then open docker app: https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/
Then, open a terminal:
Windows: Search and open the app Windows Powershell
on Windows start menu
Linux and Mac: Open Terminal
For any OS:
Navigate to the folder where you cloned this repo.
Use cd
+ the path to the folder. For example:
cd C:\Users\user01\projects\intelligence-toolkit
Build the container:
docker build . -t intelligence-toolkit
Once the build is finished, run the docker container:
via terminal:
docker run -d --name intelligence-toolkit -p 80:80 intelligence-toolkit
Open localhost:80
Note that docker might sleep and you might need to start it again. Open Docker Desktop, in the left menu click on Container and press play on intelligence-toolkit.
For Lifecycle scripts it utilizes Poetry and poethepoet to manage build scripts.
Available scripts are:
poetry run poe test_unit
- This will execute unit tests on api.poetry run poe test_smoke
- This will execute smoke tests on api.poetry run poe check
- This will perform a suite of static checks across the package, including:- formatting
- documentation formatting
- linting
- security patterns
- type-checking
poetry run poe fix
- This will apply any available auto-fixes to the package. Usually this is just formatting fixes.poetry run poe fix_unsafe
- This will apply any available auto-fixes to the package, including those that may be unsafe.poetry run poe format
- Explicitly run the formatter across the package.