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Releases: microsoft/playwright


11 Feb 22:26
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Playwright v1.19 updates

Playwright Test Updates

Soft assertions

Playwright Test v1.19 now supports soft assertions. Failed soft assertions do not terminate test execution, but mark the test as failed. Read more in our documentation.

// Make a few checks that will not stop the test when failed...
await expect.soft(page.locator('#status')).toHaveText('Success');
await expect.soft(page.locator('#eta')).toHaveText('1 day');

// ... and continue the test to check more things.
await page.locator('#next-page').click();
await expect.soft(page.locator('#title')).toHaveText('Make another order');

Custom error messages

You can now specify a custom error message as a second argument to the expect and expect.soft functions, for example:

await expect(page.locator('text=Name'), 'should be logged in').toBeVisible();

The error would look like this:

    Error: should be logged in

    Call log:
      - expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms
      - waiting for selector "text=Name"

      2 |
      3 | test('example test', async({ page }) => {
    > 4 |   await expect(page.locator('text=Name'), 'should be logged in').toBeVisible();
        |                                                                  ^
      5 | });
      6 |

Parallel mode in file

By default, tests in a single file are run in order. If you have many independent tests in a single file, you can now
run them in parallel with method: test.describe.configure:

import { test } from '@playwright/test';

test.describe.configure({ mode: 'parallel' });

test('parallel 1', async () => {});
test('parallel 2', async () => {});

⚠️ Potentially breaking change in Playwright Test Global Setup

It is unlikely that this change will affect you, no action is required if your tests keep running as they did.

We've noticed that in rare cases, the set of tests to be executed was configured in the global setup by means of the environment variables. We also noticed some applications that were post processing the reporters' output in the global teardown. If you are doing one of the two, learn more

Locator Updates

Locator now supports a has option that makes sure it contains another locator inside:

await page.locator('article', {
  has: page.locator('.highlight'),

The snippet above will select article that has highlight in it and will press the button in it.
Read more in locator documentation

Other Updates

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 100.0.4863.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 96.0.1
  • WebKit 15.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 98
  • Microsoft Edge 98


27 Jan 22:57
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This patch includes improvements to the TypeScript support and the following bug fixes:

#11550 - [REGRESSION]: Errors inside route handler does not lead to unhandled rejections anymore
#11552 - [BUG] Could not resolve "C:\repo\framework\utils" in file C:\repo\tests\test.ts.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 99.0.4812.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 95.0
  • WebKit 15.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 97
  • Microsoft Edge 97


20 Jan 12:00
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Playwright v1.18 updates

Locator Improvements

Testing API improvements

Improved TypeScript Support

  1. Playwright Test now respects tsconfig.json's baseUrl and paths, so you can use aliases
  2. There is a new environment variable PW_EXPERIMENTAL_TS_ESM that allows importing ESM modules in your TS code, without the need for the compile step. Don't forget the .js suffix when you are importing your esm modules. Run your tests as follows:
npm i --save-dev @playwright/test@1.18.0
PW_EXPERIMENTAL_TS_ESM=1 npx playwright test

Create Playwright

The npm init playwright command is now generally available for your use:

# Run from your project's root directory
npm init playwright
# Or create a new project
npm init playwright new-project

This will scaffold everything needed to get started with Playwright Test: configuration file, optionally add examples, a GitHub Action workflow and a first test example.spec.ts.

New APIs & changes

Breaking change: custom config options

Custom config options are a convenient way to parametrize projects with different values. Learn more in the parametrization guide.

Previously, any fixture introduced through test.extend could be overridden in the testProject.use config section. For example,


// fixtures.js
const test = base.extend({
  myParameter: 'default',

// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
  use: {
    myParameter: 'value',

The proper way to make a fixture parametrized in the config file is to specify option: true when defining the fixture. For example,


// fixtures.js
const test = base.extend({
  // Fixtures marked as "option: true" will get a value specified in the config,
  // or fallback to the default value.
  myParameter: ['default', { option: true }],

// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
  use: {
    myParameter: 'value',

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 99.0.4812.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 95.0
  • WebKit 15.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 97
  • Microsoft Edge 97



14 Jan 13:53
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v1.18.0-rc1 Pre-release

Locator Improvements

Testing API improvements

Improved TypeScript Support

  1. Playwright Test now respects tsconfig.json's baseUrl and paths, so you can use aliases
  2. There is a new environment variable PW_EXPERIMENTAL_TS_ESM that allows importing ESM modules in your TS code, without the need for the compile step. Don't forget the .js suffix when you are importing your esm modules. Run your tests as follows:
npm i --save-dev @playwright/test@1.18.0-rc1
PW_EXPERIMENTAL_TS_ESM=1 npx playwright test

Create Playwright

The npm init playwright command is now generally available for your use:

# Run from your project's root directory
npm init playwright
# Or create a new project
npm init playwright new-project

This will scaffold everything needed to get started with Playwright Test: configuration file, optionally add examples, a GitHub Action workflow and a first test example.spec.ts.

New APIs & changes

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 99.0.4812.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 95.0
  • WebKit 15.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 97
  • Microsoft Edge 97


10 Jan 01:58
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#11274 - fix: pin colors to 1.4.0
#11228 - fix(click): don't fail on stale context while click


02 Dec 05:08
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This patch includes bug fixes for the following issues:

#10638 - [BUG] -> subtree intercepts pointer events since version 1.17.0
#10632 - [BUG] Playwright 1.17.0 -> After clicking the element - I get an error that click action was failed
#10627 - [REGRESSION]: Can no longer click Material UI select box
#10620 - [BUG] trailing zero width whitespace fails toHaveText

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 98.0.4695.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 94.0.1
  • WebKit 15.4

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 96
  • Microsoft Edge 96



30 Nov 15:19
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Playwright v1.17 updates

Frame Locators

Playwright 1.17 introduces frame locators - a locator to the iframe on the page. Frame locators capture the logic sufficient to retrieve the iframe and then locate elements in that iframe. Frame locators are strict by default, will wait for iframe to appear and can be used in Web-First assertions.


Frame locators can be created with either page.frameLocator(selector) or locator.frameLocator(selector) method.

const locator = page.frameLocator('#my-iframe').locator('text=Submit');

Read more at our documentation.

Trace Viewer Update

Playwright Trace Viewer is now available online at! Just drag-and-drop your file to inspect its contents.

NOTE: trace files are not uploaded anywhere; is a progressive web application that processes traces locally.

  • Playwright Test traces now include sources by default (these could be turned off with tracing option)
  • Trace Viewer now shows test name
  • New trace metadata tab with browser details
  • Snapshots now have URL bar


HTML Report Update

  • HTML report now supports dynamic filtering
  • Report is now a single static HTML file that could be sent by e-mail or as a slack attachment.


Ubuntu ARM64 support + more

  • Playwright now supports Ubuntu 20.04 ARM64. You can now run Playwright tests inside Docker on Apple M1 and on Raspberry Pi.
  • You can now use Playwright to install stable version of Edge on Linux:
    npx playwright install msedge

New APIs

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 98.0.4695.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 94.0.1
  • WebKit 15.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 96
  • Microsoft Edge 96


17 Nov 19:30
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v1.17.0-rc1 Pre-release

Frame Locators

Playwright 1.17 introduces frame locators - a locator to the iframe on the page. Frame locators capture the logic sufficient to retrieve the iframe and then locate elements in that iframe. Frame locators are strict by default, will wait for iframe to appear and can be used in Web-First assertions.


Frame locators can be created with either page.frameLocator(selector) or locator.frameLocator(selector) method.

const locator = page.frameLocator('#my-iframe').locator('text=Submit');

Read more at our documentation.

Trace Viewer Update

Playwright Trace Viewer is now available online at! Just drag-and-drop your file to inspect its contents.

NOTE: trace files are not uploaded anywhere; is a progressive web application that processes traces locally.

  • Playwright Test traces now include sources by default (these could be turned off with tracing option)
  • Trace Viewer now shows test name
  • New trace metadata tab with browser details
  • Snapshots now have URL bar


HTML Report Update

  • HTML report now supports dynamic filtering
  • Report is now a single static HTML file that could be sent by e-mail or as a slack attachment.


Ubuntu ARM64 support + more

  • Playwright now supports Ubuntu 20.04 ARM64. You can now run Playwright tests inside Docker on Apple M1 and on Raspberry Pi.
  • You can now use Playwright to install stable version of Edge on Linux:
    npx playwright install msedge

New APIs


02 Nov 07:19
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This patch includes bug fixes for the following issues:

#9849 - [BUG]: toHaveCount fails with serialization error in 1.16 when elements do not yet exists
#9897 - [Bug]: TraceViewer doesn't show actions
#9902 - [BUG] Warn if the html-report gets opened with file://

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 97.0.4666.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 93.0
  • WebKit 15.4

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 94
  • Microsoft Edge 94



27 Oct 17:15
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This patch includes bug fixes for the following issues:

#7818 - [Bug]: dedup snapshot CSS images
#9741 - [BUG] Error while an attempt to install Playwright in CI -> Failed at the playwright@1.16.1 install script
#9756 - [Regression] Page.screenshot does not work inside Docker with BrowserServer
#9759 - [BUG] 1.16.x the package.json is not export anymore
#9760 - [BUG] snapshot updating causes failures for all tries except the last
#9768 - [BUG] ignoreHTTPSErrors not working on page.request

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 97.0.4666.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 93.0
  • WebKit 15.4

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 94
  • Microsoft Edge 94
