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Introduction to Parser Combinators

You define a LL parser by EBNF, and then translate it using parser combinators. All parser combinators could return multiple results, except those ends with _sc, which means short cut. Short cut combinators returns the best result, even if it could fail the whole parser. You need to choose them wisely.

Parser Combinator Functions

ts-parsec provides the following combinators.

When I say "P returns T", it doesn't mean the function P returns a value of type T, it means that returnValue.candidates[something].result is T.

If a parser combinator involves other parser combinators, like seq(a,b), then a returns Ta, b returns Tb, so seq(a,b) returns [Ta, Tb].

In most of the cases, you don't need to deal with multiple results by yourself, this is why you want to call exceptSingleResult and expectEOF. They are explained here.

  • Token Filters
    • nil():
      • Consumes no token.
      • Returns undefined.
      • Never fails.
    • succ(value):
      • Consumes no token.
      • Returns value.
      • Never fails.
    • fail(errorMessage):
      • Consumes no token.
      • Always fails.
    • str('x'):
      • Consumes a token that is 'x'.
      • Returns Token<T>.
      • Fails if the current token could not be consumed.
    • tok(x):
      • Consumes a token whose kind is x. If you use buildLexer, these values of x is put in the 3rd place in each line.
      • Returns Token<T>.
      • Fails if the current token could not be consumed.
  • Sequential
    • seq(a, b, c):
      • Consumes tokens that matches a, b and then c in order. You could put 2–16 arguments in seq.
      • Returns [Ta, Tb, Tc].
      • Fails if one of a, b and c fails.
    • combine(a, (x)=>b, (x)=>c):
      • Consumes tokens that matches a, b and then c in order, when all parsers after a depend on the result of the previous parser. You could put 2-16 arguments in combine.
      • Returns Tc.
      • Fails if one of a, b and c fails.
    • kleft(a, b):
      • Equivalent to seq(a, b).
      • Returns Ta.
      • Fails if one of a and b fails.
    • kmid(a, b, c):
      • Equivalent to seq(a, b, c).
      • Returns Tb.
      • Fails if one of a, b and c fails.
    • kright(a, b):
      • Equivalent to seq(a, b).
      • Returns Tb.
      • Fails if one of a and b fails.
  • Alternative
    • alt(a, b, c):
      • Consumes tokens that matches a, b or c. You could put 2–16 arguments in alt.
      • Returns Ta | Tb | Tc, with all succeeded attempts.
      • Fails if all of a, b or c fails.
    • alt_sc(a, b, c):
      • Consumes tokens that matches a, b or c. You could put 2–16 arguments in alt.
      • Returns Ta | Tb | Tc, with the first succeeded attempt.
      • Fails if all of a, b or c fails.
    • opt_sc(x):
      • Consumes x.
      • Returns Tx | undefined. It returns undefined only if x fails.
      • Never fails.
    • opt(x):
      • Equivalent to x | nil<T>().
      • returns Tx | undefined.
      • Never fails.
  • Repetitive
    • rep_sc(x):
      • Consumes as many x as possible.
      • Returns Tx[]. If no x could be consumed, it returns [].
      • Never fails.
    • rep(x):
      • Consumes x zero to multiple times.
      • Returns Tx[]. If 3 x are consumed, it returns multiple results in the order like [x1, x2, x3], [x1, x2], [x1] and [].
      • Never fails.
    • repr(x):
      • Consumes x zero to multiple times.
      • Returns Tx[]. If 3 x are consumed, it returns multiple results in the order like [], [x1], [x1, x2], and [x1, x2, x3].
      • Never fails.
    • rep_n(x, n):
      • Consumes x exactly n times.
      • Returns Tx[]. If 3 x are consumed, it returns [x1, x2, x3].
      • Fails if there is less than n times of x.
    • list(x, d).
      • Equivalent to seq(x, rep(kright(d, x))).
      • Returns Tx[], instead of [Tx, Tx[]].
      • Fails if x succeeds zero times.
    • list_sc(x,d):
      • Equivalent to seq(x, rep_sc(kright(d, x))).
      • Returns Tx[], instead of [Tx, Tx[]].
      • Fails if x succeeds zero times.
    • list_n(x,d,n):
      • Equivalent to opt_sc(seq(x, rep_n(kright(d, x), n - 1))).
      • Returns Tx[], instead of [Tx, Tx[]] | undefined.
      • Fails if there is less than n times of x.
  • Left Recursive
    • lrec(a, b, f):
      • Equivalent to seq(a, rep(b)).
      • Returns the result of f(f(f(a, b1), b2), b3) .... If no b succeeds, it returns a, which requires Ta should be compatible with the return type of f.
      • Fails if a fails.
    • lrec_sc(a,b,f):
      • Equivalent to seq(a, rep_sc(b))).
      • Returns the result of f(f(f(a, b1), b2), b3) .... If no b succeeds, it returns a, which requires Ta should be compatible with the return type of f.
      • Fails if a fails.
  • Ambiguity Resolving
    • amb(x):
      • Consumes x and merge group result by consumed tokens.
      • Returns Tx[].
      • Fails if x fails.
  • Error Recovering
    • err(x, e):
      • Consumes x.
      • When x fails, the error message is replaced by e.
    • errd(x, e, v):
      • Consumes x.
      • When x fails, the error message is replaced by e.
      • Returns Tx. It returns v only if x fails.
      • Never fails.
  • Others
    • apply(x, f):
      • Equivalent to x.
      • Returns the result of function f. The function will be called against the result of x, if x succeeds.
      • Fails if x fails.


Ambiguity is very common and we may not be able to design a syntax without context-free ambiguity (e.g. the C programming language).

amb allows you to limit the ambiguity inside an AST, and you will be able to resolve it after parsing. You don't need to mix parsing and semantic analyzing like traditional C compilers.

Recursive Syntax

Recursive syntax is also very common. Sometimes you need to parse a tree, not just a list, so lrec, lrec_sc and rule is your friend.

You are recommended to read A simple calculator if you have never learnt about EBNF.

Left Recursive

lrec and lrec_sc means Left Recursive (with Short Cut). They work in the same way, except that lrec_sc returns a single result which consumes tokens as much as possible, lrec returns multiple possible results.

Left recursive is a special kind of recursive, usually it appears in left-associated binary operator. In test/TestRecursiveParser.ts, there are TERM, FACTOR and EXP.


TERM is very straight forward. It parses 1, +1, -1, or (something).


FACTOR is a left recursive parser. It consumes 1, 1*2 or 1*2*3. For 1*2*3..., it is very clear that the structure is 1, *2, *3... . And let's look at how FACTOR is implemented:

        alt(str('*'), str('/')),

According to the description above, lrec_sc(a,b,f) is apply(seq(a, rep_sc(b)), F(f)). So FACTOR will first need to parse 1, and then it parses *2, *3, until it fails.

At this moment, you get a result like ['1', ['*2', '*3']]. And then f is called in this way: f(f('1', '*2'), '*3'). This is what F(f) does here.

It is very cleared that, the way it calls f is left-associated, so this is a left recursive parser.

There is no need to have a right recursive parser function, because you could just call this parser inside itself, by using rule, which will be explained later.


Splitting +, - and *, / to EXP and FACTOR and letting EXP call FACTOR is a common trick to specify operator precedence. If you need to parse C++, which has about 20 levels of operator precedence, you will need to have 20 EXPs calling each other.


EXP calls FACTOR, FACTOR calls TERM, and TERM finally calls EXP again. This is recursive. You are not able to do this in one parser combinator expression. This is why you need rule. rule returns a parser, you can set another parser to it later by calling the setPattern member function. When defining TERM, EXP is not yet defined, no problem! When EXP.setPattern is called, TERM will know `EXP`` is updated immediately.