diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index 1c87514a8c..3eec0e4172 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "Otevřít žádost o přijetí změn", "Open on GitHub": "Otevřít v GitHubu", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "Vyberte složku, která se má publikovat do GitHubu.", - "Publish Branch": "Publikovat Branch", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "Probíhá publikování do privátního úložiště GitHubu.", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "Probíhá publikování do veřejného úložiště GitHubu.", - "Push Commits": "Potvrdit změny potvrzení", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "Probíhá nasdílení změn...", "Select the Pull Request template": "Vyberte šablonu žádosti o přijetí změn.", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "Vyberte soubory, které by měly být zahrnuty do úložiště.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "Žádost o přijetí změn {0}/{1}#{2} byla úspěšně vytvořena na GitHubu.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "Aktuální větev obsahuje nepublikovaná potvrzení. Chcete před zkopírováním odkazu odeslat potvrzení?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "Aktuální větev není publikována do vzdáleného úložiště. Chcete před zkopírováním odkazu publikovat větev?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "Aktuální soubor obsahuje nepotvrzené změny. Před zkopírováním odkazu potvrďte změny.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "Fork {0} se úspěšně vytvořil na GitHubu.", "Uploading files": "Nahrávají se soubory.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 08ab12f7a6..3494153b0e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Povolit přetažení souborů do Markdown editoru podržením klávesy Shift. Vyžaduje povolení #editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Určuje, jestli se soubory mimo pracovní prostor, které se vkládají do editoru Markdownu, mají kopírovat do pracovního prostoru.\r\n\r\nPomocí #markdown.copyFiles.destination# nakonfigurujte, kde se mají vytvořit zkopírované soubory.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Když povolíte vkládání souborů do Markdown editoru, vloží se odkazy Markdownu. Vyžaduje povolení #editor.pasteAs.enabled#.", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "Otevírat odkazy vedle aktivního editoru", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "Otevírat odkazy v aktivní skupině editorů", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "Určuje, kde se mají otevírat odkazy v souborech Markdownu.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json index bca58c2859..8cbbfd605e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Vrátit tuto změnu zpět" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "Sbalit nezměněnou oblast" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "prázdné", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "Určuje, jestli editor zobrazí CodeLens.", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Určuje, jestli editor diffů zobrazuje nezměněné oblasti. Funguje pouze v případě, že je nastavena hodnota „diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2“.", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "Určuje, jestli se {0} a {1} automaticky zjistí při otevření souboru na základě obsahu souboru.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "Používá pokročilý rozdílový algoritmus.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "Používá starší rozdílový algoritmus.", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se bude zobrazovat nastavení semanticHighlighting pro jazyky, které ho podporují.", "semanticHighlighting.false": "Sémantické zvýrazňování je u všech barevných motivů zakázané.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "Sémantické zvýrazňování je u všech barevných motivů povolené.", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "Určuje, jestli má editor rozdílů zobrazovat zjištěné přesuny kódu. Funguje pouze v případě, že je nastavená hodnota diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2.", + "showEmptyDecorations": "Určuje, jestli editor rozdílů zobrazuje prázdné dekorace, aby se zobrazilo, kam se znaky vložily nebo odstranily.", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "Určuje, jestli má editor rozdílů zobrazovat rozdíly vedle sebe nebo vloženě (inline).", "stablePeek": "Udržuje editory náhledu otevřené i po poklikání na jejich obsah nebo stisknutí klávesy Esc.", "tabSize": "Počet mezer, které odpovídají tabulátoru. Toto nastavení se přepíše na základě obsahu souboru, když je zapnuto {0}.", @@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ "cliDataDir": "Adresář, do kterého se mají ukládat metadata CLI.", "deprecated.useInstead": "Použijte místo ní {0}.", "diff": "Umožňuje porovnat dva soubory.", - "disableChromiumSandbox": "Use this option only when there is requirement to launch the application as sudo user on Linux or when running as an elevated user in an applocker environment on Windows.", + "disableChromiumSandbox": "Tuto možnost použijte pouze v případě, že je nutné spustit aplikaci jako uživatel sudo v Linuxu nebo při spuštění jako uživatel se zvýšenými oprávněními v prostředí AppLockeru ve Windows.", "disableExtension": "Zakažte zadané rozšíření. Tato možnost není trvalá a platí jenom v případě, že příkaz otevře nové okno.", "disableExtensions": "Zakažte všechna nainstalovaná rozšíření. Tato možnost není trvalá a platí jenom v případě, že příkaz otevře nové okno.", "disableGPU": "Umožňuje zakázat hardwarovou akceleraci GPU.", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "Určuje, jestli dekorace souborů v editoru mají používat odznáčky.", "decorations.colors": "Určuje, jestli dekorace souborů v editoru mají používat barvy.", "dirty": "${dirty}: indikuje, jestli aktivní editor obsahuje neuložené změny.", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Určuje, jestli se má při dvojitém kliknutí na kartu maximalizovat nebo obnovit skupina editorů. Tato hodnota je ignorována, pokud je zakázána možnost #workbench.editor.showTabs#.", "editorOpenPositioning": "Určuje, kde se editory otevírají. Výběrem možnosti left nebo right otevřete editory nalevo nebo napravo od aktuálně aktivního editoru. Výběrem možnosti first nebo last otevřete editory nezávisle na aktuálně aktivním editoru.", "editorTabCloseButton": "Určuje pozici tlačítek pro zavření karet editoru (v případě nastavení off je zakáže). Pokud je zakázaná položka #workbench.editor.showTabs#, tato hodnota se ignoruje.", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "Určuje, jestli má být možné otevírat hlavní nabídky pomocí klávesových zkratek obsahujících klávesu Alt. Zakázání klávesových zkratek umožňuje místo toho tyto klávesové zkratky obsahující klávesu Alt svázat s příkazy editoru.", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "Nastaví všechny karty na stejnou velikost a zároveň je umožní zmenšit, když dostupné místo nestačí k zobrazení všech karet najednou.", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "Povolit zmenšení karet, pokud není k dispozici dostatek místa k zobrazení všech karet najednou", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "Určuje maximální šířku tabulátorů, když je velikost #workbench.editor.tabSizing# nastavená na fixed.", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Určuje minimální šířku tabulátorů, když je velikost #workbench.editor.tabSizing# nastavená na fixed.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "Výchozí velikost", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "Zvětší velikost, což usnadňuje uchopení myší", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "Název souboru bez názvu je odvozen z obsahu jeho prvního řádku, pokud k němu není přidružena cesta k souboru. Tento název bude použit jako náhradní v případě, že je řádek prázdný nebo obsahuje neslovné znaky.", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "Určuje časový limit v sekundách před tím, než se přestane překládat prostředí, když aplikace ještě není spuštěná z terminálu. Další informace najdete v naší [dokumentaci](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667).", "argv.crashReporterId": "Jedinečné ID použité pro korelaci zpráv o chybovém ukončení odesílaných z této instance aplikace", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Zakáže sandbox Chromium. To je užitečné při spuštění VS Code se zvýšenými oprávněními v Linuxu a spuštění v applockeru ve Windows.", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "Zakáže hardwarovou akceleraci. Tuto možnost doporučujeme měnit POUZE v případě problémů s grafikou.", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "Umožňuje zakázat zprávy o chybovém ukončení aplikace. Při změně hodnoty by se měla aplikace restartovat.", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "Umožňuje povolit navrhovaná rozhraní API pro seznam ID rozšíření (například vscode.git). Navrhovaná rozhraní API jsou nestabilní a mohou bez upozornění kdykoli selhat. Tato možnost by se měla používat pouze pro účely vývoje a testování rozšíření.", @@ -4412,13 +4412,13 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{0} na {1} brzy přestanou dostávat aktualizace. Zvažte možnost upgradovat verzi Windows." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "Přístupné zobrazení při najetí myší", - "terminal-help-label": "nápověda k funkcím přístupnosti terminálu" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "Přístupné zobrazení při najetí myší" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "Usnadnění", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", - "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Otevřít nápovědu k přístupnosti", + "editor.action.accessibleView": "Otevřené přístupné zobrazení", "verbosity.chat.description": "Zadejte informace o tom, jak přistupovat k nabídce nápovědy chatu, když je zaměření na vstup chatu.", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "Zadejte informace o tom, jak procházet změny v editoru rozdílů, když má fokus.", "verbosity.interactiveEditor.description": "Zadejte informace o tom, jak získat přístup k nabídce nápovědy pro usnadnění přístupu k vloženému editoru, když je fokus na vstupu.", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "Nápověda k funkcím přístupnosti chatu", "chat.announcement": "Odpovědi na chat budou oznámeny, jakmile přijdou. Odpověď bude označovat počet bloků kódu, pokud nějaké jsou, a zbytek odpovědi.", - "chat.audioCues": "Zvuková upozornění se dají změnit prostřednictvím nastavení s předponou audioCues.chat. Pokud požadavek trvá déle než 5 sekund, uslyšíte ve výchozím nastavení zvukový signál, který indikuje, že je stále dosahováno pokroku.", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "Zobrazení chatu se skládá ze vstupního pole a seznamu požadavků a odpovědí. Vstupní pole se používá k zadávání požadavků a seznam se používá k zobrazení odpovědí.", "chat.requestHistory": "Ve vstupním poli můžete pomocí šipek nahoru a dolů procházet historii požadavků. Upravte vstup a pomocí klávesy Enter nebo tlačítka Odeslat spusťte novou žádost.", "inline-chat-label": "Nápověda k funkcím přístupnosti vloženého chatu", - "inlineChat.access": "Dá se aktivovat prostřednictvím akcí rychlé opravy nebo přímo pomocí příkazu: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "Akce kontextové nabídky můžou spouštět požadavek s předponou /fix nebo /explain. Tyto předpony je možné použít přímo ve vstupním poli k použití těchto konkrétních akcí.", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "Jakmile budete v editoru rozdílů, přejděte do režimu kontroly pomocí ({0}). Pomocí šipek nahoru a dolů můžete procházet řádky s navrhovanými změnami.", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "Opětovným stisknutím tabulátoru přejděte do editoru rozdílů se změnami a pak přejděte do režimu kontroly pomocí příkazu Přejít na další rozdíl. K navigaci v řádcích s navrhovanými změnami použijte šipky nahoru/dolů.", "inlineChat.explain": "Pokud má žádost předponu /explain, odpověď vysvětlí kód v aktuálním výběru a na zobrazení chatu se zaměří fokus.", "inlineChat.fix": "Pokud má požadavek předponu /fix, bude odpověď označovat problém s aktuálním kódem. Vykreslí se editor rozdílů, který bude dostupný pomocí tabulátoru.", - "inlineChat.overview": "Vložený chat probíhá v editoru kódu a bere v úvahu aktuální výběr. Dá se použít k refaktoringu, opravám a dalším akcím. Mějte na paměti, že kód vygenerovaný umělou inteligencí může být chybný.", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "Tabulátor slouží k dosažení podmíněných částí, jako jsou příkazy, stav, odpovědi na zprávy a další.", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "Příkaz Vymazat chat ({0}) vymaže seznam požadavků a odpovědí.", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "Příkaz Vymazat chat vymaže seznam požadavků a odpovědí a v tuto chvíli ji nelze aktivovat pomocí klávesové zkratky.", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Příkaz Fokus na chat ({0}) zaměří fokus na seznam požadavků a odpovědí chatu, který lze procházet pomocí šipek nahoru a dolů.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Příkaz Zaměřit vstup chatu ({0}) zaměří vstupní pole pro žádosti o chat.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "Příkaz Focus Chat List (Seznam detailních chatů) se zaměřuje na seznam žádostí a odpovědí chatu, které se dají procházet pomocí upArrow/DownArrow a v současné době se nedají aktivovat klávesovou zkratkou.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Chat: Příkaz Další blok kódu ({0}) se zaměřuje na další blok kódu v odpovědi.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "Chat: Příkaz Další blok kódu se zaměřuje na další blok kódu v rámci odpovědi a v současné době ho nelze aktivovat klávesovou zkratkou.", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "Příkaz Focus Chat Input zaměřuje vstupní pole na žádosti o chat a v tuto chvíli ji klávesová zkratka neaktivuje." + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "Přijmout vstup chatu", @@ -4650,7 +4651,7 @@ "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { - "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Chat Input, Type to ask questions or type / for topics, press enter to send out the request. Use {0} for Chat Accessibility Help.", + "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Vstup chatu, zadejte dotaz nebo zadejte / pro témata, stisknutím klávesy Enter odešlete žádost. {0} slouží pro nápovědu k přístupnosti chatu.", "chatInput": "Vstup chatu", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Vstup chatu. Sem zadejte kód a stisknutím klávesy Enter ho spusťte. Další informace získáte pomocí příkazu Nápověda k usnadnění chatu." }, @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "Použijte zpětné lomítko jako znak pro separaci cesty.", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "Použijte lomítko jako znak pro separaci cesty.", "defaultLanguage": "Výchozí identifikátor jazyka, který se přiřazuje k novým souborům. Pokud je nakonfigurovaný na ${activeEditorLanguage}, bude se používat identifikátor jazyka aktuálně aktivního textového editoru (pokud existuje).", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "Zakáže přírůstkové pojmenování. Pokud existují dva soubory se stejným názvem, zobrazí se výzva k přepsání existujícího souboru.", "enableDragAndDrop": "Určuje, jestli má být v průzkumníkovi povolené přesouvání souborů a složek přetažením. Toto nastavení platí jenom pro přetahování zevnitř průzkumníka.", "enableUndo": "Určuje, jestli má Průzkumník podporovat vrácení operací se soubory a složkami.", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "Určuje, jakou strategii pojmenování použít při zadávání nového názvu pro duplicitní položku průzkumníka při vložení.", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "Průzkumník souborů", "falseDescription": "Zakáže vzor.", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Výchozí cesta pro dialogová okna souborů, která přepíše domovskou cestu uživatele. Používá se pouze v případě, že chybí cesta specifická pro kontext, například naposledy otevřený soubor nebo složka.", "fileNesting.description": "Každý vzor klíče může obsahovat jeden znak *, který bude odpovídat libovolnému řetězci.", "fileNestingEnabled": "Určuje, jestli je v Průzkumníkovi povolené vnořování souborů. Vnoření souborů umožňuje vizuální seskupení souvisejících souborů v adresáři pod jedním nadřazeným souborem.", "fileNestingExpand": "Určuje, jestli se má vnoření souborů automaticky rozbalit. Aby se tato možnost projevila, musí se nastavit {0}.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "Podívejte se do protokolu chyb a zkuste to znovu později.", "default.placeholder": "Zeptejte se", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, {2} pro historii)", - "editResponseMessage": "Přejděte do editoru Diff a podívejte se na navrhované změny.", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "Žádné výsledky, upřesněte prosím svůj vstup a zkuste to znovu", "err.apply": "Nepovedlo se zavést změny.", "err.discard": "Změny se nepodařilo zahodit.", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "Nikdy nezobrazujte ovládací prvky pro sbalování a zmenšujte velikost mezery." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "Příkaz Upravit buňku ({0}) se přesune na vstup buňky.", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "Příkaz Upravit buňku se přesune na vstup buňky a v tuto chvíli ho nebude možné aktivovat klávesovou zkratkou.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "Příkaz Spustit buňku ({0}) spustí buňku, která má aktuálně fokus.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "Příkaz Spustit buňku spustí buňku, která má aktuálně fokus a aktuálně není aktivovatelná klávesovou zkratkou.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "Příkaz Výstup fokusu ({0}) nastaví fokus ve výstupu buňky.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "Příkaz Ukončit úpravy nastaví fokus na výstup buňky a klávesová zkratka ji v tuto chvíli neaktivuje.", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Příkazy Vložit buňku nad nebo pod vytvoří nové prázdné buňky kódu", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "Příkaz Ukončit úpravy ({0}) nastaví fokus na kontejner buněk. Pokud je aktivní, bude pravděpodobně nutné stisknout dvakrát výchozí klávesu (Escape). Pokud je aktivní, ukončete virtuální kurzor.", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "Příkaz Ukončit úpravy nastaví fokus na kontejner buněk a klávesová zkratka jej v tuto chvíli neaktivuje.", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "Šipky nahoru a dolů budou přesouvat fokus mezi buňkami s fokusem na vnější kontejner buněk", + "notebook.changeCellType": "Příkazy Změnit buňku na Kód nebo Markdown slouží k přepínání mezi typy buněk.", + "notebook.overview": "Zobrazení poznámkového bloku je kolekce kódu a buněk Markdownu. Buňky kódu se dají spustit a vytvoří výstup přímo pod buňkou." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "Prostředek není možné s editorem poznámkového bloku typu {0} otevřít. Zkontrolujte prosím, jestli máte nainstalované a povolené správné rozšíření.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "Zavřít dialogové okno" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Vybrané" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "Označit jako hotové", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "Místní nabídka webového zobrazení" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Načte experimenty, které se mají spustit z online služby Microsoftu." }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "Udělit přístup k {0} pro {1}... (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "Pokuste se stáhnout a reprodukovat problém v {0} Insiders.", "ask to reproduce issue": "Zkuste prosím problém reprodukovat v {0} Insiders a ověřte, jestli tam problém existuje.", "bad": "Můžu reprodukovat", - "detail.start": "Řešení potíží je proces, který vám pomůže zjistit, jestli je problém s {0} nebo příčinou rozšíření.\r\n\r\nBěhem procesu se okno opakovaně znovu načítá. Pokaždé, když musíte potvrdit, jestli stále dochází k problémům.", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "Stáhnout {0} Insiders", - "empty.profile": "Řešení potíží je aktivní a dočasně obnovilo výchozí nastavení. Zkontrolujte, jestli problém stále můžete reprodukovat, a pokračujte výběrem z těchto možností.", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "Nemůžu reprodukovat", "issue is in core": "Při řešení potíží jsme zjistili, že se jedná o problém s {0}.", - "issue is with configuration": "Při řešení potíží jsme zjistili, že příčinou problému je vaše nastavení. Nahlaste prosím problém sdílením nastavení.", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&Řešení potíží", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "Řešení potíží je aktivní a dočasně zakázalo všechna nainstalovaná rozšíření. Zkontrolujte, jestli problém stále můžete reprodukovat, a pokračujte výběrem z těchto možností.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "Přesto nahlásit problém", "stop": "Zastavit", "title.stop": "Zastavit řešení potíží", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "Složka pracovního prostoru neexistuje: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "Nepodařilo se identifikovat klíčování operačního systému pro ukládání dat souvisejících se šifrováním ve vašem aktuálním desktopovém prostředí.", + "isGnome": "Používáte prostředí GNOME, ale klíčování operačního systému není k dispozici pro šifrování. Ujistěte se, že máte nainstalovaný a spuštěný gnome-keyring nebo jinou implementaci kompatibilní s libsecret.", + "isKwallet": "Používáte prostředí KDE, ale klíčování operačního systému není k dispozici pro šifrování. Ujistěte se, že máte spuštěnou sadu Kwallet.", + "troubleshootingButton": "Otevřít průvodce odstraňováním potíží", + "usePlainText": "Použít slabší šifrování", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Pokud to chcete vyřešit, otevřete průvodce odstraňováním potíží, nebo můžete použít slabší šifrování, které nepoužívá keyring operačního systému." }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, dokumenty: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "Profil nastavení s názvem {0} už existuje.", "profiles.applying": "{0}: Probíhá aplikování...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: Probíhá export...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): Aplikují se rozšíření…", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): Aplikuje se stav…", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): Aplikují se klávesové zkratky…", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): Aplikují se nastavení…", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): Aplikují se fragmenty kódu…", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): Aplikují se úlohy…", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: Překládá se obsah profilu…", "select": "Vyberte {0}.", "select profile": "Vyberte profil", "select profile content handler": "Exportovat profil {0} jako...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): Probíhá aplikování…" + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "Výchozí profil se nedá odstranit", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index cecd2e895f..884e418e42 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "PR öffnen", "Open on GitHub": "In GitHub öffnen", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "Wählen Sie einen Ordner für die Veröffentlichung in GitHub aus.", - "Publish Branch": "Branch veröffentlichen", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "Veröffentlichung in privatem GitHub-Repository", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "Veröffentlichung in öffentlichem GitHub-Repository", - "Push Commits": "Commits pushen", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "Änderungen pushen...", "Select the Pull Request template": "Pull Requestvorlage auswählen", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "Wählen Sie aus, welche Dateien in das Repository eingeschlossen werden sollen.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "Der Pull Request \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" wurde erfolgreich in GitHub erstellt.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "Der aktuelle Branch weist nicht veröffentlichte Commits auf. Möchten Sie Ihre Commits pushen, bevor Sie einen Link kopieren?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "Der aktuelle Branch wird nicht auf dem Remoteserver veröffentlicht. Möchten Sie Ihren Branch veröffentlichen, bevor Sie einen Link kopieren?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "Die aktuelle Datei enthält Änderungen, für die kein Commit erfolgt ist. Committen Sie Ihre Änderungen, bevor Sie einen Link kopieren.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "Die Verzweigung \"{0}\" wurde erfolgreich in GitHub erstellt.", "Uploading files": "Dateien werden hochgeladen.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 0f92c3251e..b7f7c28f9e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Das Ablegen von Dateien in einem Markdown-Editor aktivieren, während Sie die UMSCHALTTASTE gedrückt halten. Erfordert die Aktivierung von \"#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#\".", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Steuert, ob Dateien außerhalb des Arbeitsbereichs, die in einen Markdown-Editor eingefügt werden, in den Arbeitsbereich kopiert werden sollen.\r\n\r\nVerwenden Sie \"#markdown.copyFiles.destination#\", um zu konfigurieren, wo kopierte Dateien erstellt werden sollen.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Aktivieren Sie das Einfügen von Dateien in einen Markdown-Editor, um Markdownlinks zu erstellen. Erfordert die Aktivierung von \"#editor.pasteAs.enabled#\".", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "Öffnen Sie die Links neben dem aktiven Editor.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "Öffnen Sie Links in der aktiven Editor-Gruppe.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "Steuert, wo Links in Markdowndateien geöffnet werden sollen.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json index bd7f58c6d9..dc4ad03f81 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Diese Änderung rückgängig machen" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "Unveränderten Bereich falten" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "leer", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "Steuert, ob der Editor CodeLens anzeigt.", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Steuert, ob der Diff-Editor unveränderte Bereiche anzeigt. Funktioniert nur, wenn \"diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2\" festgelegt ist.", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "Steuert, ob {0} und {1} automatisch erkannt werden, wenn eine Datei basierend auf dem Dateiinhalt geöffnet wird.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "Verwendet den erweiterten Vergleichsalgorithmus.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "Verwendet den Legacyvergleichsalgorithmus.", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Steuert, ob die semantische Hervorhebung für die Sprachen angezeigt wird, die sie unterstützen.", "semanticHighlighting.false": "Die semantische Hervorhebung ist für alle Farbdesigns deaktiviert.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "Die semantische Hervorhebung ist für alle Farbdesigns aktiviert.", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "Steuert, ob der Diff-Editor entdeckte Codeverschiebevorgänge anzeigt. Funktioniert nur, wenn \"diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2\" festgelegt ist.", + "showEmptyDecorations": "Steuert, ob der diff-Editor leere Dekorationen anzeigt, um anzuzeigen, wo Zeichen eingefügt oder gelöscht wurden.", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "Steuert, ob der Diff-Editor die Unterschiede nebeneinander oder im Text anzeigt.", "stablePeek": "Lassen Sie Peek-Editoren geöffnet, auch wenn Sie auf ihren Inhalt doppelklicken oder auf die ESCAPETASTE klicken.", "tabSize": "Die Anzahl der Leerzeichen, denen ein Tabstopp entspricht. Diese Einstellung wird basierend auf dem Inhalt der Datei überschrieben, wenn {0} aktiviert ist.", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "Steuert, ob Editor-Dateidekorationen Badges verwenden sollen.", "decorations.colors": "Steuert, ob Editor-Dateidekorationen Farben verwenden sollen.", "dirty": "„${dirty}“: Ein Indikator für den Fall, dass der aktive Editor nicht gespeicherte Änderungen aufweist.", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Steuert, ob die Editorgruppe beim Doppelklicken auf eine Registerkarte maximiert/wiederhergestellt werden soll. Dieser Wert wird ignoriert, wenn \"#workbench.editor.showTabs#\" deaktiviert ist.", "editorOpenPositioning": "Steuert, wo Editoren geöffnet werden. Wählen Sie \"Links\" oder \"Rechts\" aus, um Editoren links oder rechts vom aktuellen aktiven Editor zu öffnen. Wählen Sie \"Erster\" oder \"Letzter\" aus, um Editoren unabhängig vom aktuell aktiven Editor zu öffnen.", "editorTabCloseButton": "Steuert die Position der Schaltflächen zum Schließen der Editor-Registerkarten oder deaktiviert sie, wenn die Einstellung auf \"off\" festgelegt ist. Dieser Wert wird ignoriert, wenn \"#workbench.editor.showTabs#\" deaktiviert ist.", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "Steuert, ob die Hauptmenüs über ALT-Tastenkombinationen geöffnet werden können. Durch das Deaktivieren von Kürzeln können diese ALT-Tastenkombinationen stattdessen an Editorbefehle gebunden werden.", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "Legen Sie alle Registerkarten auf die gleiche Größe fest, während sie kleiner werden, wenn der verfügbare Platz nicht ausreicht, um alle Registerkarten gleichzeitig anzuzeigen.", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "Registerkarten verkleinern, wenn der verfügbare Platz nicht ausreicht, um alle Registerkarten gleichzeitig anzuzeigen.", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "Steuert die maximale Breite von Registerkarten, wenn die Größe \"#workbench.editor.tabSizing#\" auf \"fixed\" festgelegt ist.", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Steuert die maximale Breite von Registerkarten, wenn die Größe \"#workbench.editor.tabSizing#\" auf \"fixed\" festgelegt ist.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "Die Standardgröße.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "Vergrößert das Objekt, sodass es leichter mit der Maus erfasst werden kann.", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "Der Name der unbenannten Datei wird vom Inhalt der ersten Zeile abgeleitet, es sei denn, sie verfügt über einen zugeordneten Dateipfad. Es wird auf den Namen zurückgegriffen, falls die Zeile leer ist oder keine Wortzeichen enthält.", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "Steuert das Timeout in Sekunden, bevor der Auflösungsvorgang der Shell-Umgebung nicht wiederholt wird, wenn die Anwendung noch nicht über einen Terminal gestartet wurde. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer [Dokumentation](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667).", "argv.crashReporterId": "Eindeutige ID zum Korrelieren von Absturzberichten, die von dieser App-Instanz gesendet werden.", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Deaktiviert die Chromium-Sandbox. Dies ist nützlich, wenn VS Code unter Linux mit erhöhten Rechten und unter AppLocker auf Windows ausgeführt werden.", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "Deaktiviert die Hardwarebeschleunigung. Ändern Sie diese Option NUR, wenn Grafikprobleme auftreten.", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "Ermöglicht das Deaktivieren der Absturzberichterstellung. Bei Änderung des Werts muss die App neu gestartet werden.", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "Aktivieren Sie vorgeschlagene APIs für eine Liste mit Erweiterungs-IDs (z. B. \"vscode.git\"). Vorgeschlagene APIs sind instabil und können jederzeit ohne Warnung unterbrochen werden. Diese Option sollte nur zum Entwickeln und Testen von Erweiterungen festgelegt werden.", @@ -4412,12 +4412,12 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{0} auf {1} erhält bald keine Updates mehr. Erwägen Sie ein Upgrade Ihrer Windows-Version." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "Barrierefreie Ansicht beim Daraufzeigen", - "terminal-help-label": "Hilfe zur Terminalbarrierefreiheit" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "Barrierefreie Ansicht beim Daraufzeigen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "Barrierefreiheit", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Hilfe zur Barrierefreiheit öffnen", "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", "verbosity.chat.description": "Informationen über den Zugriff auf das Hilfemenü für den Chat bereitstellen, wenn der Chat fokussiert ist", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "Informationen darüber bereitstellen, wie Änderungen im Diff-Editor navigiert werden können, wenn dieser fokussiert ist", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "Hilfe zur Barrierefreiheit des Chats", "chat.announcement": "Chatantworten werden angekündigt, sobald sie eingehen. Eine Antwort gibt ggf. die Anzahl der Codeblöcke und dann den Rest der Antwort an.", - "chat.audioCues": "Audiohinweise können über Einstellungen mit dem Präfix „audioCues.chat“ geändert werden. Wenn eine Anforderung mehr als 5 Sekunden dauert, hören Sie standardmäßig einen Audiohinweis, der angibt, dass der Fortschritt noch auftritt.", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "Die Chatansicht besteht aus einem Eingabefeld und einer Anforderungs-/Antwortliste. Das Eingabefeld wird zum Ausführen von Anforderungen und die Liste zum Anzeigen von Antworten verwendet.", "chat.requestHistory": "Verwenden Sie im Eingabefeld die Pfeiltasten nach oben und unten, um in Ihrem Anforderungsverlauf zu navigieren. Bearbeiten Sie die Eingabe, und verwenden Sie die EINGABETASTE oder die Schaltfläche „Übermitteln“, um eine neue Anforderung auszuführen.", "inline-chat-label": "Hilfe zur Barrierefreiheit des Inlinechats", - "inlineChat.access": "Sie kann über Schnelleinhebungsaktionen oder direkt über den Befehl \"Inlinechat: Codechat starten\" ({0}) aktiviert werden.", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "Kontextmenüaktionen können eine Anforderung mit dem Präfix \"/fix\" oder \"/explain\" ausführen. Diese Präfixe können direkt im Eingabefeld verwendet werden, um diese spezifischen Aktionen anzuwenden.", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "Wechseln Sie im Diff-Editor mit ({0}) in den Überprüfungsmodus. Verwenden Sie die Pfeiltasten nach oben und unten, um in den Zeilen mit den vorgeschlagenen Änderungen zu navigieren.", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "Drücken Sie erneut die TAB-TASTE, um mit den Änderungen in den Diff-Editor zu wechseln, und wechseln Sie mit dem Befehl \"Gehe zu nächster Differenz\" in den Überprüfungsmodus. Verwenden Sie \"Up/DownArrow\", um in Zeilen mit den vorgeschlagenen Änderungen zu navigieren.", "inlineChat.explain": "Wenn einer Anforderung /explain als Präfix vorangestellt wird, wird der Code in der aktuellen Auswahl in einer Antwort erläutert, und die Chatansicht wird fokussiert.", "inlineChat.fix": "Wenn einer Anforderung /fix als Präfix vorangestellt wird, wird das das Problem mit dem aktuellen Code angezeigt. Es wird ein Diff-Editor gerendert, der über Tabstopps erreichbar ist.", - "inlineChat.overview": "Der Inlinechat findet innerhalb eines Code-Editors statt und berücksichtigt die aktuelle Auswahl. Er ist nützlich für Refactoring, Reparaturen und mehr. Beachten Sie, dass der KI-generierte Code möglicherweise falsch ist.", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "Verwenden Sie die Registerkarte, um bedingte Teile wie Befehle, Status, Nachrichtenantworten und mehr zu erreichen.", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "Mit dem Befehl \"Chat löschen\" ({0}) wird die Anforderungs-/Antwortliste gelöscht.", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "Der Befehl \"Chat löschen\" löscht die Anforderungs-/Antwortliste und kann derzeit nicht durch eine Schlüsselbindung ausgelöst werden.", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Der Befehl \"Chat fokussieren\" ({0}) fokussiert die Chatanforderungs-/Antwortliste, die mit den Pfeiltaste nach oben und unten gesteuert werden kann.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Der Befehl \"Chateingabe fokussieren\" ({0}) fokussiert das Eingabefeld für Chatanfragen.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "Der Befehl \"Chatliste fokussieren\" fokussiert die Liste der Chatanfragen/Chatantworten, die mit UpArrow/DownArrow navigiert werden kann und derzeit nicht durch eine Tastenzuordnung ausgelöst werden kann.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Der Befehl \"Chat: Nächster Codeblock\" ({0}) konzentriert sich auf den nächsten Codeblock innerhalb einer Antwort.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "Der Befehl \"Chat: Nächster Codeblock\" konzentriert sich auf den nächsten Codeblock innerhalb einer Antwort und kann derzeit nicht durch eine Schlüsselbindung ausgelöst werden.", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "Der Befehl \"Chateingabe fokussieren\" fokussiert das Eingabefeld für Chatanfragen und kann derzeit nicht durch eine Tastenzuordnung ausgelöst werden." + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "Chateingabe annehmen", @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "Verwenden Sie den umgekehrten Schrägstrich als Pfadtrennzeichen.", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "Verwenden Sie den Schrägstrich als Pfadtrennzeichen.", "defaultLanguage": "Der Standardsprachbezeichner, der neuen Dateien zugewiesen ist. Wenn \"${activeEditorLanguage}\" konfiguriert ist, wird ggf. der Sprachbezeichner des aktuell aktiven Text-Editors verwendet.", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "Deaktiviert die inkrementelle Benennung. Wenn zwei Dateien mit demselben Namen vorhanden sind, erhalten Sie eine Eingabeaufforderung zum Überschreiben der vorhandenen Datei.", "enableDragAndDrop": "Steuert, ob der Explorer das Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern per Drag & Drop zulässt. Diese Einstellung wirkt sich nur auf Drag & Drop-Vorgänge innerhalb des Explorers aus.", "enableUndo": "Steuert, ob der Explorer das Rückgängigmachen von Datei- und Ordnervorgängen unterstützen soll.", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "Steuert, welche Benennungsstrategie verwendet werden soll, wenn beim Einfügen eines doppelten Elements im Explorer ein neuer Name vergeben wird.", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "Datei-Explorer", "falseDescription": "Deaktiviert das Muster.", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Standardpfad für Dateidialogfelder, der den Basispfad des Benutzers überschreibt. Wird nur verwendet, wenn kein kontextspezifischer Pfad vorhanden ist, z. B. die zuletzt geöffnete Datei oder der zuletzt geöffnete Ordner.", "fileNesting.description": "Jedes Schlüsselmuster kann ein einzelnes `*`-Zeichen enthalten, das mit einer beliebigen Zeichenfolge übereinstimmt.", "fileNestingEnabled": "Steuert, ob die Dateischachtelung im Explorer aktiviert ist. Die Dateischachtelung ermöglicht die visuelle Gruppierung verwandter Dateien in einem Verzeichnis unter einer einzelnen übergeordneten Datei.", "fileNestingExpand": "Steuert, ob Dateischachteln automatisch erweitert werden. {0} muss gesetzt sein, damit dies wirksam wird.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "Überprüfen Sie das Fehlerprotokoll, und versuchen Sie es später noch mal.", "default.placeholder": "Eine Frage stellen", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, {2} für Verlauf)", - "editResponseMessage": "Navigieren Sie zum Diff-Editor, um die vorgeschlagenen Änderungen zu überprüfen.", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "Keine Ergebnisse, verfeinern Sie Ihre Eingabe und versuchen Sie es erneut.", "err.apply": "Fehler beim Anwenden von Änderungen.", "err.discard": "Fehler beim Verwerfen von Änderungen.", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "Zeigen Sie niemals die Faltungssteuerelemente an, und verringern Sie die Größe des Bundstegs." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "Der Befehl \"Zelle bearbeiten\" ({0}) konzentriert sich auf die Zelleneingabe.", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "Der Befehl \"Zelle bearbeiten\" konzentriert sich auf die Zelleneingabe und kann derzeit nicht durch eine Tastenzuordnung ausgelöst werden.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "Mit dem Befehl \"Zelle ausführen\" ({0}) wird die Zelle ausgeführt, die zurzeit den Fokus hat.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "Mit dem Befehl \"Zelle ausführen\" wird die Zelle ausgeführt, die zurzeit den Fokus hat und derzeit nicht durch eine Tastenzuordnung ausgelöst werden kann.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "Der Befehl \"Ausgabe fokussieren\" ({0}) legt den Fokus in der Ausgabe der Zelle fest.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "Der Befehl \"Bearbeiten beenden\" legt den Fokus auf die Zellenausgabe fest und kann derzeit nicht durch eine Tastenzuordnung ausgelöst werden.", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Mit den Befehlen \"Zelle oberhalb/unterhalb einfügen\" werden neue leere Codezellen erstellt.", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "Der Befehl \"Bearbeiten beenden\" ({0}) legt den Fokus auf den Zellencontainer fest. Die Standardtaste (ESC) muss möglicherweise zweimal gedrückt werden. Beenden Sie ggf. den virtuellen Cursor, falls aktiv.", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "Der Befehl \"Bearbeiten beenden\" legt den Fokus auf den Zellencontainer fest und kann derzeit nicht durch eine Tastenzuordnung ausgelöst werden.", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "Durch die Pfeile nach oben und nach unten wird der Fokus zwischen Zellen verschoben, während der Fokus auf dem äußeren Zellencontainer liegt.", + "notebook.changeCellType": "Die Befehle \"Zelle in Code\"/\"Markdown ändern\" werden verwendet, um zwischen Zelltypen zu wechseln.", + "notebook.overview": "Die Notizbuchansicht ist eine Sammlung von Code- und Markdownzellen. Codezellen können ausgeführt werden und erzeugen eine Ausgabe direkt unterhalb der Zelle." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "Die Ressource mit dem Notebook-Editortyp '{0}' kann nicht geöffnet werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die richtige Erweiterung installiert und aktiviert ist.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "Dialogfeld schließen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Highlights" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "Als erledigt markieren", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "Kontextmenü für die Webansicht" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Ruft Experimente ab, die über einen Microsoft-Onlinedienst ausgeführt werden sollen." }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "Zugriff auf {0} gewähren, um {1}... (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "Versuchen Sie, das Problem in {0} Insidern herunterzuladen und zu reproduzieren.", "ask to reproduce issue": "Versuchen Sie, das Problem in {0} Insidern zu reproduzieren, und bestätigen Sie, ob das Problem dort vorhanden ist.", "bad": "Ich kann reproduzieren", - "detail.start": "Die Problembehandlung ist ein Prozess, mit dem Sie ermitteln können, ob das Problem durch {0} oder eine Erweiterung verursacht wurde.\r\n\r\nWährend des Vorgangs wird das Fenster wiederholt neu geladen. Sie müssen jedes Mal angeben, ob weiterhin Probleme auftreten.", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "{0} Insider herunterladen", - "empty.profile": "Die Problembehandlung ist aktiv und hat zeitweilig Ihre Einstellungen auf Standard zurückgesetzt. Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie das Problem weiterhin reproduzieren können, und setzen Sie den Vorgang fort, indem Sie aus diesen Optionen auswählen.", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "Ich kann nicht reproduzieren", "issue is in core": "Bei der Problembehandlung wurde festgestellt, dass ein Problem mit {0} vorliegt.", - "issue is with configuration": "Bei der Problembehandlung wurde festgestellt, dass das Problem durch Ihre Einstellungen verursacht wurde. Melden Sie das Problem, indem Sie Ihre Einstellungen teilen.", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&Problembehandlung", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "Die Problembehandlung ist aktiv und hat zeitweilig alle installierten Erweiterungen deaktiviert. Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie das Problem weiterhin reproduzieren können, und setzen Sie den Vorgang fort, indem Sie aus diesen Optionen auswählen.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "Problem trotzdem melden", "stop": "Beenden", "title.stop": "Problembehandlung stoppen", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "Der Arbeitsbereichsordner ist nicht vorhanden: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "Es konnte kein Betriebssystemschlüsselbund zum Speichern der verschlüsselungsbezogenen Daten in Ihrer aktuellen Desktopumgebung identifiziert werden.", + "isGnome": "Sie werden in einer GNOME-Umgebung ausgeführt, aber der Betriebssystemschlüsselbund ist für die Verschlüsselung nicht verfügbar. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie über eine installierte und ausgeführte Libsecret-kompatible Implementierung verfügen.", + "isKwallet": "Sie arbeiten in einer KDE-Umgebung, aber der Betriebssystemschlüsselbund ist für die Verschlüsselung nicht verfügbar. Stellen Sie sicher, dass kwallet läuft.", + "troubleshootingButton": "Leitfaden zur Problembehandlung öffnen", + "usePlainText": "Schwächere Verschlüsselung verwenden", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Öffnen Sie den Leitfaden zur Problembehandlung, um dieses Problem zu beheben, oder verwenden Sie eine schwächere Verschlüsselung, die nicht den Betriebssystemschlüsselbund verwendet." }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, Dokumente: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "Das Profil mit dem Namen {0} ist bereits vorhanden.", "profiles.applying": "{0}: Wird angewendet...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: Export wird ausgeführt ...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): Erweiterungen werden angewendet...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): Zustand wird angewendet...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): Tastenkombinationen werden angewendet...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): Einstellungen werden angewendet...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): Ausschnitte werden angewendet...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): Aufgaben werden angewendet...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: Profilinhalt wird aufgelöst...", "select": "{0} auswählen", "select profile": "Profil auswählen", "select profile content handler": "Profil „{0}“ exportieren als ...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): Wird angewendet..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "Das Standardprofil kann nicht gelöscht werden.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index 71644d3a15..5e45969411 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "Abrir PR", "Open on GitHub": "Abrir en GitHub", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "Seleccionar una carpeta para publicar en GitHub", - "Publish Branch": "Publicar rama", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "Publicando en un repositorio de GitHub privado", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "Publicando en un repositorio de GitHub público", - "Push Commits": "Confirmaciones de inserción", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "Insertando cambios...", "Select the Pull Request template": "Seleccionar la plantilla de solicitud de incorporación de cambios", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "Seleccione los archivos que se deben incluir en el repositorio.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "La PR “{0}/{1}#{2}” se creó correctamente en GitHub.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "La rama actual tiene confirmaciones no publicadas. ¿Desea insertar las confirmaciones antes de copiar un vínculo?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "La rama actual no está publicada en el remoto. ¿Desea publicar la rama antes de copiar un vínculo?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "El archivo actual tiene cambios sin confirmar. Confirme los cambios antes de copiar un vínculo.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "La bifurcación “{0}” se creó correctamente en GitHub.", "Uploading files": "Cargando archivos", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index a46a810391..cf13553073 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Habilite la colocación de archivos en un editor de Markdown manteniendo presionada la tecla Mayús. Requiere habilitar `#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Controla si los archivos fuera del área de trabajo que se pegan en un editor de Markdown deben copiarse en el área de trabajo.\r\n\r\nUse \"#markdown.copyFiles.destination#\" para configurar dónde deben crearse los archivos copiados.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Al habilitar el pegado de archivos en un editor de Markdown para crear vínculos de Markdown. Requiere habilitar \"#editor.pasteAs.enabled#\".", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "Abrir enlaces junto al editor activo.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "Abra vínculos en el grupo de editor activo.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "Controla dónde se deben abrir los vínculos de los archivos Markdown.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json index 4e5927074f..3e7390d65d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Revertir este cambio" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "Plegar la región sin cambios" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "vacío", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "Controla si el editor muestra CodeLens.", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controla si el editor de diferencias muestra regiones sin cambios. Solo funciona cuando se establece \"diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2\".", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "Controla si {0} y {1} se detectan automáticamente al abrir un archivo en función del contenido de este.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "Usa el algoritmo de diferenciación avanzada.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "Usa el algoritmo de diferenciación heredado.", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Controla si se muestra semanticHighlighting para los idiomas que lo admiten.", "semanticHighlighting.false": "El resaltado semántico está deshabilitado para todos los temas de color.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "El resaltado semántico está habilitado para todos los temas de color.", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "Controla si el editor de diferencias muestra los movimientos de código detectados. Solo funciona cuando se establece \"diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2\".", + "showEmptyDecorations": "Controla si el editor de diferencias muestra decoraciones vacías para ver dónde se insertan o eliminan los caracteres.", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "Controla si el editor de diferencias muestra las diferencias en paralelo o alineadas.", "stablePeek": "Mantiene abiertos los editores interactivos, incluso al hacer doble clic en su contenido o presionar \"Escape\".", "tabSize": "El número de espacios a los que equivale una tabulación. Este valor se invalida en función del contenido del archivo cuando {0} está activado.", @@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ "cliDataDir": "Directorio donde deben almacenarse los metadatos de la CLI.", "deprecated.useInstead": "Use {0} en su lugar.", "diff": "Comparar dos archivos entre sí.", - "disableChromiumSandbox": "Use this option only when there is requirement to launch the application as sudo user on Linux or when running as an elevated user in an applocker environment on Windows.", + "disableChromiumSandbox": "Use esta opción solo cuando sea requerida para iniciar la aplicación como usuario de sudo en Linux o cuando se ejecute como un usuario con privilegios elevados en un entorno de AppLocker en Windows.", "disableExtension": "Deshabilite la extensión proporcionada. Esta opción no es persistente y solo es efectiva cuando el comando abre una nueva ventana.", "disableExtensions": "Deshabilite las extensiones instaladas. Esta opción no es persistente y solo es efectiva cuando el comando abre una nueva ventana.", "disableGPU": "Deshabilita la aceleración de hardware de GPU.", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "Controla si las decoraciones de archivo del editor deben usar distintivos.", "decorations.colors": "Controla si las decoraciones de archivo del editor deben usar colores. ", "dirty": "\"${dirty}\": un indicador de cuándo el editor activo tiene cambios sin guardar.", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controla si se debe maximizar o restaurar el grupo de editores al hacer doble clic en una pestaña. Este valor se omite cuando \"#workbench.editor.showTabs#\" está deshabilitado.", "editorOpenPositioning": "Controla dónde se abren los editores. Seleccione \"left\" o \"right\" para abrir los editores a la izquierda o la derecha del que está activo actualmente. Seleccione \"first\" o \"last\" para abrir los editores con independencia del que está activo.", "editorTabCloseButton": "Controla la posición de los botones de cierre de pestañas del editor o los deshabilita cuando se establece en \"off\". Este valor se omite cuando \"#workbench.editor.showTabs#\" está deshabilitado.", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "Controla si los menús principales se pueden abrir a través de los accesos directos de la tecla Alt. La desactivación de las teclas de acceso permite vincular estos accesos directos de tecla Alt a los comandos del editor en su lugar.", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "Haga que todas las pestañas tengan el mismo tamaño, a la vez que les permite reducir su tamaño cuando el espacio disponible no sea suficiente para mostrar todas las pestañas a la vez.", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "Permita que se reduzca el tamaño de las pestañas cuando el espacio disponible no es suficiente para mostrarlas todas a la vez.", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "Controla el ancho máximo de las pestañas cuando el tamaño de \"#workbench.editor.tabSizing#\" se establece en \"fixed\".", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controla el ancho mínimo de las pestañas cuando el tamaño de \"#workbench.editor.tabSizing#\" se establece en \"fixed\".", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "El tamaño predeterminado.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "Aumenta el tamaño, por lo que se puede capturar más fácilmente con el mouse.", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "El nombre del archivo sin título se deriva del contenido de su primera línea a menos que tenga una ruta de acceso de archivo asociada. Se recurrirá al nombre en caso de que la línea esté vacía o no contenga caracteres de palabra.", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "Controla el tiempo de espera en segundos antes de dejar de resolver el entorno de shell cuando la aplicación no se ha iniciado ya desde un terminal. Consulte nuestra [documentation](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667) para obtener más información.", "argv.crashReporterId": "Identificador único que se usa para correlacionar los informes de bloqueo enviados desde esta instancia de la aplicación.", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Deshabilita el espacio aislado de Chromium. Esto es útil cuando se ejecuta VS Code con privilegios elevados en Linux y se ejecuta en AppLocker en Windows.", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "Deshabilita la aceleración de hardware. Solo cambie esta opción si encuentra problemas gráficos.", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "Permite deshabilitar el informe de bloqueo; debe reiniciar la aplicación si se cambia el valor.", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "Habilite las API propuestas para una lista de identificadores de extensiones (como \"vscode. git\"). Las API propuestas son inestables y están sujetas a interrupciones sin advertencia en cualquier momento. Esta operación solo debe establecerse para el desarrollo de extensiones y para pruebas.", @@ -4412,13 +4412,13 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{0} el {1} pronto dejarán de recibir actualizaciones. Considere la posibilidad de actualizar la versión de Windows." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "Vista accesible al mantener el puntero", - "terminal-help-label": "ayuda de accesibilidad del terminal" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "Vista accesible al mantener el puntero" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "Accesibilidad", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", - "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Abrir la ayuda de accesibilidad", + "editor.action.accessibleView": "Abrir Vista accesible", "verbosity.chat.description": "Proporcionar información sobre cómo acceder al menú de ayuda del chat cuando la entrada del chat está centrada", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "Proporcionar información sobre cómo navegar por los cambios en el editor de diferencias cuando se centra", "verbosity.interactiveEditor.description": "Proporcionar información sobre cómo acceder al menú de ayuda de accesibilidad del chat del editor insertado cuando la entrada está centrada", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat", "chat.announcement": "Las respuestas del chat se anunciarán a medida que vayan llegando. Una respuesta indicará el número de bloques de código, si los hay, y a continuación el resto de la respuesta.", - "chat.audioCues": "Las indicaciones de audio se pueden cambiar a través de la configuración con un prefijo de audioCues.chat. De forma predeterminada, si una solicitud tarda más de 5 segundos, escuchará una indicación de audio que indica que el progreso todavía se está produciendo.", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "La vista de chat consta de un cuadro de entrada y una lista de solicitudes y respuestas. El cuadro de entrada se usa para realizar solicitudes y la lista se usa para mostrar respuestas.", "chat.requestHistory": "En el cuadro de entrada, utilice las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por el historial de solicitudes. Edite la entrada y pulse Entrar o el botón de Enviar para ejecutar una nueva solicitud.", "inline-chat-label": "Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat insertado", - "inlineChat.access": "Se puede activar mediante acciones de corrección rápida o directamente con el comando: Chat insertado: Iniciar chat de código ({0}).", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "Las acciones del menú contextual pueden ejecutar una solicitud con el prefijo /fix o /explain. Estos prefijos se pueden usar directamente en el cuadro de entrada para aplicar esas acciones específicas.", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "Una vez en el editor de diferencias, entre en el modo de revisión con ({0}). Use las flechas arriba y abajo para desplazarse por las líneas con los cambios propuestos.", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "Vuelva a tabular para entrar en el editor de diferencias con los cambios y entrar en el modo de revisión con el comando Ir a la diferencia siguiente. Use Arriba o Abajo para desplazarse por las líneas con los cambios propuestos.", "inlineChat.explain": "Cuando una solicitud tiene como prefijo /explain, una respuesta explicará el código de la selección actual y la vista de chat se centrará.", "inlineChat.fix": "Cuando una solicitud tiene el prefijo /fix, una respuesta indicará el problema con el código actual. Se representará un editor de diferencias y podrá acceder a este mediante tabulación.", - "inlineChat.overview": "El chat insertado se produce en un editor de código y tiene en cuenta la selección actual. Es útil para refactorizar, corregir y mucho más. Tenga en cuenta que el código generado por IA puede ser incorrecto.", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "Utilice el tabulador para acceder a partes condicionales como comandos, estado, respuestas a mensajes y mucho más.", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "El comando Borrar chat ({0}) borra la lista de peticiones/respuestas.", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "El comando Borrar chat borra la lista de peticiones/respuestas y actualmente no se puede activar mediante una combinación de teclas.", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "El comando Focus Chat ({0}) activa la lista de solicitudes y respuestas del chat, por la que se puede navegar con las flechas arriba y abajo.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "El comando Focus Chat Input ({0}) activa el cuadro de entrada de las solicitudes de chat.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "El comando Enfocar lista de chats activa la lista de solicitudes y respuestas de chat, por la que se puede navegar con las flechas Arriba y Abajo y actualmente no se puede desencadenar mediante un enlace de teclado.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "El comando Chat: Siguiente bloque de código ({0}) enfoca el siguiente bloque de código dentro de una respuesta.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "El comando Chat: Siguiente bloque de código centra el siguiente bloque de código dentro de una respuesta y actualmente no se puede activar mediante una combinación de teclas..", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "El comando Enfocar lista de chats Input centra el cuadro de entrada para las solicitudes de chat y actualmente no se puede desencadenar mediante un enlace de teclado." + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "Aceptar entrada de chat", @@ -4650,7 +4651,7 @@ "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { - "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Chat Input, Type to ask questions or type / for topics, press enter to send out the request. Use {0} for Chat Accessibility Help.", + "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Entrada de chat, Escribir para hacer preguntas o escribir / para temas, presione Entrar para enviar la solicitud. Use {0} para la Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat.", "chatInput": "Entrada de chat", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Entrada de chat, escriba el código aquí y presione Entrar para ejecutarlo. Use el comando Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat para obtener más información." }, @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "Usar barra diagonal inversa como carácter de separación de ruta de acceso.", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "Usar la barra diagonal como carácter de separación de ruta de acceso.", "defaultLanguage": "El identificador de idioma predeterminado que se asigna a los archivos nuevos. Si se configura en \"${activeEditorLanguage}\", se usará el identificador de idioma del editor de texto activo actualmente, si existe.", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "Deshabilita la nomenclatura incremental. Si existen dos archivos con el mismo nombre, se le pedirá que sobrescriba el archivo existente.", "enableDragAndDrop": "Controla si el explorador debe permitir mover archivos y carpetas mediante la acción de arrastrar y colocar. Esta configuración solo afecta a la funcionalidad de arrastrar y colocar desde dentro del explorador.", "enableUndo": "Controla si el Explorador debe permitir deshacer las operaciones con archivos y carpetas.", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "Controla qué estrategia de nomenclatura se usa cuando se da un nuevo nombre a un elemento del Explorador duplicado al pegar.", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "Explorador de archivos", "falseDescription": "Deshabilitar el patrón.", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Ruta de acceso predeterminada para los cuadros de diálogo de archivo, que reemplaza la ruta de acceso principal del usuario. Solo se usa en ausencia de una ruta de acceso específica del contexto, como el archivo o carpeta abierto más recientemente.", "fileNesting.description": "Cada patrón de clave puede contener un único carácter `*` que coincidirá con cualquier cadena.", "fileNestingEnabled": "Controla si el anidamiento de archivos está activado en el Explorador. El anidamiento de archivos permite que los archivos relacionados en un directorio se agrupen visualmente bajo un único archivo principal.", "fileNestingExpand": "Controla si los anidamientos de archivos se expanden automáticamente. {0} debe estar definido para que surta efecto.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "Consulte el registro de errores y vuelva a intentarlo más tarde.", "default.placeholder": "Hacer una pregunta", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, {2} para el historial)", - "editResponseMessage": "Navegue al editor de diferencias para revisar los cambios propuestos.", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "No hay resultados, refina la entrada e inténtalo de nuevo", "err.apply": "Error al aplicar los cambios.", "err.discard": "Error al descartar los cambios.", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "No mostrar nunca los controles de plegado y reducir el tamaño del medianil." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "El comando Editar celda ({0}) se centrará en la entrada de celda.", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "El comando Editar celda se centrará en la entrada de la celda, y actualmente no se puede desencadenar mediante un enlace de teclado.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "El comando Ejecutar celda ({0}) ejecuta la celda que tiene el foco actualmente.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "El comando Ejecutar celda ejecuta la celda que actualmente tiene el foco y que no se puede desencadenar actualmente mediante un enlace de teclado.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "El comando Foco de salida ({0}) establecerá el foco en la salida de la celda.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "El comando Salir de la edición establecerá el foco en la salida de la celda, y actualmente no se puede desencadenar mediante un enlace de teclado.", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Los comandos Insertar celda superior/inferior crearán nuevas celdas de código vacías", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "El comando Salir de edición ({0}) establecerá el foco en el contenedor de celdas. Es posible que sea necesario presionar dos veces la tecla predeterminada (Escape) para salir del cursor virtual si está activo.", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "El comando Salir de la edición establecerá el foco en contenedor de la celda, y actualmente no se puede desencadenar mediante un enlace de teclado.", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "Las flechas arriba y abajo moverán el foco entre las celdas mientras se centran en el contenedor de celdas externas", + "notebook.changeCellType": "Los comandos Cambiar celda a Código o Markdown se usan para cambiar entre tipos de celda.", + "notebook.overview": "La vista del cuaderno es una colección de celdas de código y markdown. Las celdas de código se pueden ejecutar y producirán resultados directamente debajo de la celda." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "No se puede abrir el recurso con el tipo de editor del bloc de notas '{0}'. Compruebe si tiene instalada y habilitada la extensión correcta.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "Cerrar cuadro de diálogo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Destacadas" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "Marcar como Listo", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "El menú contextual de vista web" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Captura experimentos que se van a ejecutar desde un servicio en línea de Microsoft." }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "Conceder acceso a {0} para {1}... (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "Intente descargar y reproducir el problema en {0} participantes de Insider.", "ask to reproduce issue": "Intente reproducir el problema en {0} participantes de Insider y confirme si el problema existe allí.", "bad": "Puedo reproducir", - "detail.start": "La solución de problemas es un proceso que le ayuda a identificar si el problema se produce con {0} o se debe a una extensión.\r\n\r\nDurante el proceso, la ventana se vuelve a cargar repetidamente. Cada vez debe confirmar si sigue teniendo problemas.", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "Descargar {0} participantes de Insider", - "empty.profile": "La solución de problemas está activa y restablecido temporalmente la configuración a los valores predeterminados. Compruebe si aún puede reproducir el problema y, a continuación, seleccione una de estas opciones.", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "No puedo reproducir", "issue is in core": "La solución de problemas ha identificado que el problema es con {0}.", - "issue is with configuration": "La solución de problemas ha identificado que el problema se debe a la configuración. Comparta la configuración para informar del problema.", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&Solucionar problema", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "La solución de problemas está activa y ha deshabilitado temporalmente todas las extensiones. Compruebe si aún puede reproducir el problema y, a continuación, seleccione una de estas opciones.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "Notificar problema de todos modos", "stop": "Detener", "title.stop": "Tener la solución de problemas", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "La carpeta del área de trabajo no existe: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "No se pudo identificar el conjunto de claves del sistema operativo para almacenar los datos relacionados con el cifrado en el entorno de escritorio actual.", + "isGnome": "Está ejecutando este proceso en un entorno de tipo GNOME, pero el conjunto de claves del sistema operativo no está disponible para el cifrado. Asegúrese de que tiene instalado el elemento gnome-keyring u otra implementación compatible con libsecret y que se esté ejecutando.", + "isKwallet": "Está ejecutando este proceso en un entorno de KDE, pero el conjunto de claves del sistema operativo no está disponible para el cifrado. Asegúrese de que el elemento kwallet está en ejecución.", + "troubleshootingButton": "Abrir la guía de solución de problemas", + "usePlainText": "Usar el cifrado más débil", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Abra la guía de solución de problemas para solucionar este problema o use un cifrado más débil que no use el conjunto de claves del sistema operativo." }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, documentos: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "Ya existe un perfil con el nombre {0}.", "profiles.applying": "{0}: aplicando...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: Exportando...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): Aplicando extensiones...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): Aplicando estado...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): Aplicando métodos abreviados de teclado...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): Aplicando la configuración...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): Aplicando fragmentos de código...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): Aplicando tareas...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: Resolviendo el contenido del perfil...", "select": "Seleccionar {0}", "select profile": "Seleccionar perfil", "select profile content handler": "Exporte el perfil \"{0}\" como...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): Aplicando..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "No se puede eliminar el perfil predeterminado", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 9e432365a3..e1b8ca3665 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ "Duration": "Durée", "Duration of Profile": "Durée du profilage", "Edit package.json": "Modifier package.json", - "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}": "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging", + "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}": "Active le débogage Node.js [auto attach]({0})", "Eval": "Eval", "Frame could not be restarted": "Le cadre n’a pas pu être redémarré", "Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Génère un fichier .cpuprofile que vous pouvez ouvrir dans Chrome DevTools", @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ "Paused on frame entry": "En pause sur une entrée de frame", "Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Interruption d'exécution liée à un point d'arrêt d'instrumentation", "Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Interruption d'exécution liée au point d'arrêt d'instrumentation \"{0}\"", - "Paused on {0}": "Paused on {0}", + "Paused on {0}": "En pause sur {0}", "Pick Breakpoint": "Choisir un point d’arrêt", "Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Sélectionner le processus node.js auquel s'attacher", "Please enter a number": "Entrez un nombre", @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ "Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Page cible introuvable. Vous devrez peut-être mettre à jour votre \"urlFilter\" pour qu'il corresponde à la page à déboguer.", "The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "La version de Node dans \"{0}\" est obsolète (version {1}). Nous avons besoin au moins de Node 8.x.", "The URL provided is invalid": "L'URL fournie n'est pas valide", - "The browser process exited with code {0} before connecting to the debug server. Make sure the `runtimeExecutable` is configured correctly and that it can run without errors.": "The browser process exited with code {0} before connecting to the debug server. Make sure the `runtimeExecutable` is configured correctly and that it can run without errors.", + "The browser process exited with code {0} before connecting to the debug server. Make sure the `runtimeExecutable` is configured correctly and that it can run without errors.": "Le processus du navigateur s’est arrêté avec du code {0} avant de se connecter au serveur de débogage. Assurez-vous que le `runtimeExecutable` est configuré correctement et qu’il peut s’exécuter sans erreur.", "The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "Le `cwd` {0} configuré n'existe pas.", "The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "Le {0} « cwd » configuré n’est pas un dossier.", "This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Il s'agit d'un chemin de fichier manquant référencé par un mappage de source. Voulez-vous déboguer la version compilée à la place ?", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index 432424275d..89343fa1ea 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "Ouvrir la demande de tirage (PR)", "Open on GitHub": "Ouvrir dans GitHub", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "Choisir un dossier à publier sur GitHub", - "Publish Branch": "Publier Branch", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "Publication sur un dépôt GitHub privé", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "Publication sur un dépôt GitHub public", - "Push Commits": "Pousser les commits", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "Envoi (push) des changements...", "Select the Pull Request template": "Sélectionner le modèle de demande de tirage (pull request)", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "Sélectionnez les fichiers à inclure dans le dépôt.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "La demande de tirage (PR) '{0}/{1}#{2}' a été correctement créée sur GitHub.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "La branche active a des validations non publiées. Voulez-vous envoyer (push) vos validations avant de copier un lien ?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "La branche active n’est pas publiée sur le référentiel distant. Voulez-vous publier votre branche avant de copier un lien ?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "Le fichier actif contient des modifications non validées. Validez vos modifications avant de copier un lien.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "La duplication (fork) '{0}' a été correctement créée sur GitHub.", "Uploading files": "Chargement des fichiers", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index a34990e4f9..133c09379f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Activez la suppression de fichiers dans un éditeur Markdown tout en maintenant la touche Maj enfoncée. Nécessite l’activation de ' #editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#'.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Contrôle si les fichiers en dehors de l’espace de travail collés dans un éditeur Markdown doivent être copiés dans l’espace de travail.\r\n\r\nUtilisez ` #markdown.copyFiles.destination#` pour configurer l’emplacement de création des fichiers copiés.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Permet de coller des fichiers dans un éditeur Markdown pour créer des liens Markdown. Nécessite l’activation de `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "Ouvrez les liens à côté de l'éditeur actif.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "Ouvrez les liens dans le groupe d'éditeurs actif.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "Contrôle l'emplacement où doivent s'ouvrir les liens dans les fichiers Markdown.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json index bee9814748..2d97e7ae8a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Annuler la modification" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "Replier la région inchangée" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "vide", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "Contrôle si l'éditeur affiche CodeLens.", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Contrôle si l’éditeur de différences affiche les régions inchangées. Fonctionne uniquement lorsque 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' est défini.", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "Contrôle si {0} et {1} sont automatiquement détectés lors de l’ouverture d’un fichier en fonction de son contenu.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "Utilise l’algorithme de comparaison avancé.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "Utilise l’algorithme de comparaison hérité.", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Contrôle si semanticHighlighting est affiché pour les langages qui le prennent en charge.", "semanticHighlighting.false": "Coloration sémantique désactivée pour tous les thèmes de couleur.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "Coloration sémantique activée pour tous les thèmes de couleur.", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "Contrôle si l’éditeur de différences doit afficher les déplacements de code détectés. Ne fonctionne que si 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' est activé.", + "showEmptyDecorations": "Contrôle si l’éditeur de différences affiche des décorations vides pour voir où les caractères ont été insérés ou supprimés.", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "Contrôle si l'éditeur de différences affiche les différences en mode côte à côte ou inline.", "stablePeek": "Maintenir les éditeurs d'aperçu ouverts même si l'utilisateur double-clique sur son contenu ou appuie sur la touche Échap.", "tabSize": "Le nombre d’espaces auxquels une tabulation est égale. Ce paramètre est substitué basé sur le contenu du fichier lorsque {0} est activé.", @@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ "cliDataDir": "Répertoire dans lequel les métadonnées CLI doivent être stockées.", "deprecated.useInstead": "Utilisez {0} à la place.", "diff": "Comparez deux fichiers entre eux.", - "disableChromiumSandbox": "Use this option only when there is requirement to launch the application as sudo user on Linux or when running as an elevated user in an applocker environment on Windows.", + "disableChromiumSandbox": "Utilisez cette option uniquement lorsqu’il est nécessaire de lancer l’application en tant qu’utilisateur sudo sur Linux ou en cas d’exécution en tant qu’utilisateur avec élévation de privilèges dans un environnement applocker sur Windows.", "disableExtension": "Désactivez l’extension fournie. Cette option n’est pas persistante et ne s’applique que lorsque la commande ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre.", "disableExtensions": "Désactivez toutes les extensions installées. Cette option n’est pas persistante et n’est effective que lorsque la commande ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre.", "disableGPU": "Désactivez l'accélération matérielle du GPU.", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "Détermine si les éléments décoratifs de fichiers de l'éditeur doivent utiliser des badges.", "decorations.colors": "Détermine si les éléments décoratifs de fichiers de l'éditeur doivent utiliser des couleurs.", "dirty": "`${dirty}`: un indicateur pour quand l’éditeur actif a des modifications non enregistrées.", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Contrôle s’il faut agrandir/restaurer le groupe d’éditeurs lorsque vous double-cliquez sur un onglet. Cette valeur est ignorée lorsque '#workbench.editor.showTabs#' est désactivé.", "editorOpenPositioning": "Permet de définir où s'ouvrent les éditeurs. Sélectionnez `left` ou `right` pour ouvrir les éditeurs à gauche ou à droite de celui actuellement actif. Sélectionnez `first` ou `last` pour ouvrir les éditeurs indépendamment de celui actuellement actif.", "editorTabCloseButton": "Contrôle la position des boutons de fermeture des onglets de l'éditeur, ou les désactive quand le paramètre a la valeur 'off'. Cette valeur est ignorée quand '#workbench.editor.showTabs#' est désactivé.", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "Contrôle si les menus principaux peuvent être ouverts avec les raccourcis de la touche Alt. La désactivation des mnémoniques permet d'associer à la place ces raccourcis de la touche Alt aux commandes de l'éditeur.", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "Faites en sorte que tous les onglets aient la même taille, tout en leur permettant d’être plus petits lorsque l’espace disponible n’est pas suffisant pour afficher tous les onglets à la fois.", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "Permettre aux onglets d'être plus petits lorsque l’espace disponible n’est pas suffisant pour afficher tous les onglets à la fois.", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "Contrôle la largeur maximale des onglets lorsque la taille de '#workbench.editor.tabSizing#' est définie sur `fixé`.", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Contrôle la largeur maximale des onglets lorsque la taille de '#workbench.editor.tabSizing#' est définie sur « fixée ».", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "Taille par défaut.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "Augmente la taille pour faciliter sa saisie avec la souris.", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "Le nom du fichier sans titre est dérivé du contenu de sa première ligne, sauf si le fichier est associé à un chemin. Le nom est rétabli si la ligne est vide ou si elle ne contient aucun caractère.", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "Contrôle le délai d’expiration en secondes avant d’abandonner la résolution de l’environnement d’interpréteur de commandes lorsque l’application n’est pas déjà lancée à partir d’un terminal. Pour plus d’informations, consultez notre [documentation](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667).", "argv.crashReporterId": "ID unique utilisé pour mettre en corrélation les rapports de plantage envoyés à partir de cette instance d'application.", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Désactive le bac à sable Chromium. Cela est utile lors de l’exécution de VS Code avec élévation de privilèges sur Linux et sous AppLocker sur Windows.", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "Désactive l'accélération matérielle. Changez cette option UNIQUEMENT si vous rencontrez des problèmes graphiques.", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "Permet de désactiver les rapports de plantage. Doit permettre le redémarrage de l'application en cas de changement de la valeur.", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "Activez les API proposées pour une liste d'ID d'extension (par exemple 'vscode.git'). Les API proposées sont instables et peuvent cesser de fonctionner sans avertissement à tout moment. Ne définissez cette option qu'à des fins de développement et de test d'extension.", @@ -4412,13 +4412,13 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{0} sur {1} cessera bientôt de recevoir les mises à jour. Envisagez de mettre à niveau votre version de Windows." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "Pointer sur l’affichage accessible", - "terminal-help-label": "aide à l’accessibilité du terminal" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "Pointer sur l’affichage accessible" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "Accessibilité", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", - "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Ouvrir l’aide sur l’accessibilité", + "editor.action.accessibleView": "Ouverture de l’affichage accessible", "verbosity.chat.description": "Permet de fournir des informations sur la manière d’accéder au menu d’aide du chat lorsque l’entrée du chat est activée.", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "Fournir des informations sur la navigation des modifications dans l’éditeur de différences lorsqu’il a le focus", "verbosity.interactiveEditor.description": "Fournir des informations sur la manière d’accéder au menu d’aide de l’éditeur de conversation en ligne lorsque la saisie est activée.", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "Aide à l’accessibilité à al conversation", "chat.announcement": "Les réponses de conversation seront annoncées à mesure qu’elles arrivent. Une réponse indique le nombre de blocs de code, le cas échéant, puis le reste de la réponse.", - "chat.audioCues": "Les signaux audio peuvent être modifiés via des paramètres avec le préfixe audioCues.chat. Par défaut, si une demande prend plus de 5 secondes, vous entendez un signal audio indiquant que la progression est toujours en cours.", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "L’affichage de la conversation est composé d’une zone d’entrée et d’une liste de demandes/réponses. La zone d’entrée est utilisée pour effectuer des requêtes et la liste est utilisée pour afficher les réponses.", "chat.requestHistory": "Dans la zone d’entrée, utilisez les flèches vers le haut et vers le bas pour naviguer dans l’historique de vos demandes. Modifiez la saisie et utilisez le bouton Entrée ou le bouton Envoyer pour lancer une nouvelle requête.", "inline-chat-label": "Aide à l’accessibilité à la conversation en ligne", - "inlineChat.access": "Il peut être activé via des actions de correction rapide ou directement à l’aide de la commande : Conversation en ligne : Démarrer la conversation de code ({0}).", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "Les actions du menu contextuel peuvent exécuter une requête avec le préfixe /fix ou /explain. Ces préfixes peuvent être utilisés directement dans la zone d’entrée pour appliquer ces actions spécifiques.", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "Une fois dans l’éditeur de différences, passez en mode révision avec ({0}). Utilisez les flèches vers le haut et le bas pour parcourir les lignes avec les modifications proposées.", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "Tabulation à nouveau pour entrer dans l’éditeur de différences avec les changements et entrer en mode révision avec la commande Aller à la différence suivante. Utilisez les flèches Haut/Bas pour parcourir les lignes contenant les modifications proposées.", "inlineChat.explain": "Lorsqu’une requête est précédée de /explain, une réponse explique le code dans la sélection actuelle et l’affichage des conversations est prioritaire.", "inlineChat.fix": "Lorsqu’une requête est précédée de /fix, une réponse indique le problème avec le code actuel. Un éditeur de diff sera affiché et pourra être atteint en appuyant sur Tabulation.", - "inlineChat.overview": "La conversation en ligne se produit dans un éditeur de code et prend en compte la sélection actuelle. Il est utile pour la refactorisation, la correction, etc. N’oubliez pas que le code généré par l’IA est peut-être incorrect.", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "Utilisez l’onglet pour accéder aux parties conditionnelles telles que les commandes, l’état, les réponses aux messages, etc.", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "La commande Effacer la conversation ({0}) efface la liste de demandes/réponses.", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "La commande Effacer la conversation efface la liste de demandes/réponses et n’est actuellement pas déclenchée par une combinaison de touches.", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "La commande Focus sur la conversation ({0}) concentre la liste des requêtes/réponses de conversation, qui peut être navigué avec les flèches en haut et en bas.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "La commande Focus sur l’entrée de conversation ({0}) concentre la zone d’entrée pour les requêtes de conversation.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "La commande Focus Chat List concentre la liste des requêtes/réponses de conversation, qui peut être navigué avec UpArrow/DownArrow et qui n’est actuellement pas déclenché par une combinaison de touches.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "La commande de Conversation : Bloc de code suivant ({0}) concentre le bloc de code suivant dans une réponse.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "La commande de Conversation : Bloc de code suivant se concentre sur le bloc de code suivant dans une réponse et n’est actuellement pas déclenchée par une combinaison de touches.", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "La commande Focus Chat Input concentre la zone d’entrée pour les demandes de la conversation et ne peut actuellement pas être déclenchée par une combinaison de touches." + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "Accepter l’entrée de conversation", @@ -4650,7 +4651,7 @@ "chatEditorName": "Conversation" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { - "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Chat Input, Type to ask questions or type / for topics, press enter to send out the request. Use {0} for Chat Accessibility Help.", + "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Saisie pour la conversation, tapez pour poser des questions ou tapez / pour les sujets, appuyez sur entrée pour envoyer la demande. À utiliser {0} pour l’aide à l’accessibilité de la conversation.", "chatInput": "Entrée de conversation", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Entrée de conversation, tapez le code ici et appuyez sur Entrée pour l’exécuter. Pour plus d’informations, utilisez la commande d’aide sur l’accessibilité de la conversation." }, @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "Utilisez la barre oblique inverse comme caractère de séparation du chemin d’accès.", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "Utilisez la barre oblique comme caractère de séparation du chemin d’accès.", "defaultLanguage": "Identificateur de langue par défaut attribué aux nouveaux fichiers. S'il est configuré sur '${activeEditorLanguage}', utilise l’identificateur de langue de l'éditeur de texte actif le cas échéant.", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "Désactive l’attribution de noms incrémentielle. Si deux fichiers portant le même nom existent, vous êtes invité à remplacer le fichier existant.", "enableDragAndDrop": "Détermine si l’Explorateur autorise le déplacement des fichiers et des dossiers par glisser-déposer. Ce paramètre affecte uniquement le glisser-déposer dans l’Explorateur.", "enableUndo": "Contrôle si l'explorateur doit prendre en charge l'annulation des opérations sur les fichiers et les dossiers.", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "Contrôle la stratégie de nommage à utiliser lorsque vous donnez un nouveau nom à un élément dupliqué d’Explorer à coller.", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "Explorateur de fichiers", "falseDescription": "Désactivez le modèle.", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Chemin d’accès par défaut pour les boîtes de dialogue de fichier, remplaçant le chemin d’accès d’accueil de l’utilisateur. Utilisé uniquement en l’absence d’un chemin d’accès spécifique au contexte, tel que le dernier fichier ou dossier ouvert.", "fileNesting.description": "Chaque modèle de clé peut contenir un seul caractère '*' qui correspond à n’importe quelle chaîne.", "fileNestingEnabled": "Contrôle si l’imbrication de fichiers est activée dans l’Explorateur. L’imbrication de fichiers permet de regrouper visuellement les fichiers associés dans un répertoire sous un seul fichier parent.", "fileNestingExpand": "Contrôle si les imbrications de fichiers sont automatiquement développées. {0} doit être défini pour que cela prenne effet.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "Consultez le journal des erreurs et réessayez plus tard.", "default.placeholder": "Poser une question", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, {2} pour l’historique)", - "editResponseMessage": "Accédez à l’éditeur diff pour passer en revue les modifications proposées.", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "Aucun résultat, affinez votre entrée et réessayez", "err.apply": "Nous n’avons pas pu appliquer les modifications.", "err.discard": "Nous n’avons pas pu ignorer les modifications.", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "N’affichez jamais les contrôles de pliage et réduisez la taille de la marge." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "La commande Modifier la cellule ({0}) se concentre sur l’entrée de cellule.", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "La commande Modifier la cellule se concentre sur l’entrée de cellule et n’est actuellement pas déclenchée par une combinaison de touches.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "La commande Exécuter la cellule ({0}) exécute la cellule qui a actuellement le focus.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "La commande Exécuter la cellule exécute la cellule qui a actuellement le focus et qui n’est actuellement pas déclenchée par une combinaison de touches.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "La commande Focus Output ({0}) définit le focus dans la sortie de la cellule.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "La commande Quitter les modifications définit le focus en sortie de cellule et n’est actuellement pas déclenchée par une combinaison de touches.", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Les commandes Insérer une cellule au-dessus/au-dessous créent des cellules de code vides", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "La commande Quitter les modifications ({0}) définit le focus sur le conteneur de cellules. La touche par défaut (échap) devra peut-être être enfoncée deux fois pour quitter le curseur virtuel si elle est active.", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "La commande Quitter les modifications définit le focus sur le conteneur de cellules et n’est actuellement pas déclenchée par une combinaison de touches.", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "Les flèches vers le haut et vers le bas déplacent le focus entre les cellules tout en se concentrant sur le conteneur de cellules externes", + "notebook.changeCellType": "Les commandes Modifier la cellule en code/Markdown sont utilisées pour basculer entre les types de cellules.", + "notebook.overview": "La vue bloc-notes est une collection de cellules de code et markdown. Les cellules de code peuvent être exécutées et génèrent une sortie directement sous la cellule." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "Impossible d’ouvrir la ressource avec le type d’éditeur de notebook «{0}», vérifiez si l’extension appropriée est installée et activée.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "Fermer la boîte de dialogue" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Fonctionnalités proposées" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "Marquer comme terminé", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "Menu contextuel de la vue web" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Récupère les fonctionnalités expérimentales pour exécuter à partir d’un service en ligne de Microsoft." }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "Accorder l’accès à {1} pour {0}... (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "Essayez de télécharger et de reproduire le problème dans {0} insiders.", "ask to reproduce issue": "Essayez de reproduire le problème dans {0} insiders et vérifiez si le problème existe.", "bad": "Je peux reproduire", - "detail.start": "La résolution des problèmes est un processus qui vous permet d’identifier si le problème est lié à {0} ou à une extension.\r\n\r\n Pendant le processus, la fenêtre se recharge à plusieurs reprises. Chaque fois que vous devez confirmer si vous rencontrez toujours des problèmes.", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "Télécharger {0} insiders", - "empty.profile": "La résolution des problèmes est active et a temporairement rétabli vos paramètres par défaut. Vérifiez si vous pouvez toujours reproduire le problème et continuez en sélectionnant parmi ces options.", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "Je ne parviens pas à reproduire", "issue is in core": "La résolution des problèmes a identifié que le problème concerne {0}.", - "issue is with configuration": "La résolution des problèmes a identifié que le problème est causé par vos paramètres. Signalez le problème en partageant vos paramètres.", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&Résoudre le problème", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "La résolution des problèmes est active et a désactivé temporairement toutes les extensions installées. Vérifiez si vous pouvez toujours reproduire le problème et continuez en sélectionnant parmi ces options.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "Signaler le problème quand même", "stop": "Arrêter", "title.stop": "Arrêter la résolution des problèmes", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "Le dossier d'espace de travail n'existe pas : {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "Impossible d’identifier un porte-clés du système d’exploitation pour stocker les données liées au chiffrement dans votre environnement de bureau actuel.", + "isGnome": "Vous êtes en cours d’exécution dans un environnement GNOME, mais le chiffrement n’est pas disponible. Vérifiez que vous avez installé et exécuté une implémentation compatible libsecret ou un autre porte-clé.", + "isKwallet": "Vous exécutez dans un environnement KDE, mais le porte-clés du système d’exploitation n’est pas disponible pour le chiffrement. Assurez-vous que vous disposez de l’exécution de kwallet.", + "troubleshootingButton": "Ouvrir le guide de résolution des problèmes", + "usePlainText": "Utiliser un chiffrement plus faible", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Ouvrez le guide de résolution des problèmes pour résoudre ce problème, ou vous pouvez utiliser un chiffrement plus faible qui n’utilise pas le porte-clés du système d’exploitation." }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, documents : {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "Il existe déjà un profil intitulé {0}.", "profiles.applying": "{0} : Application en cours...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: exportation...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}) : application des extensions...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}) : Application de l’état...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}) : application des raccourcis clavier...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}) : application des paramètres...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}) : application d’extraits de code...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}) : application des tâches...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: résolution du contenu du profil...", "select": "Sélectionner {0}", "select profile": "Sélectionner un profil", "select profile content handler": "Exporter le profil «{0}» en tant que...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}) : Application en cours..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "Impossible de supprimer le profil par défaut", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index 17a189cc56..52a1ca62c1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "Apri richiesta pull", "Open on GitHub": "Apri in GitHub", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "Seleziona una cartella da pubblicare in GitHub", - "Publish Branch": "Pubblica Branch", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "Pubblicazione in un repository GitHub privato", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "Pubblicazione in un repository GitHub pubblico", - "Push Commits": "Commit push", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "Push delle modifiche...", "Select the Pull Request template": "Selezionare il modello di richiesta pull", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "Selezionare i file da includere nel repository.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "La richiesta pull \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" è stata creata in GitHub.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "Il ramo corrente ha dei commit non pubblicati. Eseguire il push dei commit prima di copiare un collegamento?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "Il ramo corrente non è pubblicato su remoto. Pubblicare il ramo prima di copiare un collegamento?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "Il file corrente contiene modifiche di cui non è stato eseguito il commit. Eseguire il commit delle modifiche prima di copiare un collegamento.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "Il fork \"{0}\" è stato creato in GitHub.", "Uploading files": "Caricamento dei file", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 7bbb08566c..066d1cedc2 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Abilitare il rilascio di file in un editor Markdown tenendo premuto MAIUSC. È necessario abilitare `#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Controlla se i file esterni all'area di lavoro incollati in un Markdown editor devono essere copiati nell'area di lavoro.\r\n\r\nUsare '#markdown.copyFiles.destination#' per configurare dove creare i file copiati.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Abilitare l'operazione per incollare i file in un Markdown editor per creare collegamenti Markdown. Richiede l'abilitazione di '#editor.pasteAs.enabled#'.", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "Apre i collegamenti accanto all'editor attivo.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "Apre i collegamenti nel gruppo di editor attivo.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "Controlla dove aprire i collegamenti nei file Markdown.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json index 459cf66a3b..418f977d2c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Ripristina questa modifica" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "Ridurre area non modificata" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "vuota", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "Controlla se l'editor visualizza CodeLens.", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controlla se l'editor diff mostra aree non modificate. Funziona solo quando 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' è impostato.", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "Controlla se {0} e {1} verranno rilevati automaticamente quando un file viene aperto in base al contenuto del file.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "Usare l'algoritmo diffing avanzato.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "Usare l'algoritmo diffing legacy.", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Controlla se l'evidenziazione semanticHighlighting è visualizzata per i linguaggi che la supportano.", "semanticHighlighting.false": "L'evidenziazione semantica è disabilitata per tutti i temi colore.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "L'evidenziazione semantica è abilitata per tutti i temi colore.", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "Controlla se l'editor diff deve mostrare gli spostamenti di codice rilevati. Funziona solo quando 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' è impostato.", + "showEmptyDecorations": "Controlla se l'editor diff mostra decorazioni vuote per vedere dove sono stati inseriti o eliminati caratteri.", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "Controlla se l'editor diff mostra le differenze affiancate o incorporate.", "stablePeek": "Consente di mantenere aperti gli editor rapidi anche quando si fa doppio clic sul contenuto o si preme 'ESC'.", "tabSize": "Numero di spazi a cui è uguale una scheda. Questa impostazione viene sottoposta a override in base al contenuto del file quando {0} è attivo.", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "Controlla se le decorazioni file dell'editor devono usare le notifiche.", "decorations.colors": "Controlla se le decorazioni file dell'editor devono usare i colori.", "dirty": "`${dirty}`: un indicatore per il momento in cui l'editor attivo contiene modifiche non salvate.", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controlla se massimizzare/ripristinare il gruppo di editor quando si fa doppio clic su una scheda. Questo valore viene ignorato quando `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` è disabilitato.", "editorOpenPositioning": "Controlla la posizione in cui vengono aperti gli editor. Selezionare `left` o `right` per aprire gli editor a sinistra o a destra di quello attualmente attivo. Selezionare `first` o `last` per aprire gli editor indipendentemente da quello attualmente attivo.", "editorTabCloseButton": "Controlla la posizione dei pulsanti di chiusura delle schede dell'editor oppure li disabilita quando è impostata su 'off'. Questo valore viene ignorato quando `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` è disabilitato.", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "Controlla se è possibile aprire i menu principali tramite tasti di scelta rapida con ALT. Disattivare i tasti di scelta se invece si intende associare i tasti di scelta rapida con ALT ai comandi dell'editor.", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "Rendi tutte le schede della stessa dimensione, consentendo al tempo stesso di diminuire le dimensioni quando lo spazio disponibile non è sufficiente per visualizzare tutte le schede contemporaneamente.", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "Consente di ridurre le dimensioni delle schede quando lo spazio disponibile non è sufficiente per visualizzare tutte le schede contemporaneamente.", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "Controlla la larghezza massima delle schede quando la dimensione `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` è impostata su `fixed`.", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controlla la larghezza minima delle schede quando `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` è impostato su `fixed`.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "Dimensioni predefinite.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "Aumenta le dimensioni, in modo da facilitare la selezione con il mouse.", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "Il nome del file senza nome deriva dal contenuto della prima riga, a meno che ad esso non sia associato un percorso di file. Verrà usato il nome nel caso in cui la riga sia vuota o non contenga caratteri alfanumerici.", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "Controllare il timeout in secondi prima di non risolvere l'ambiente della shell quando l'applicazione non è già avviata da un terminale. Per altre informazioni, vedere la [documentation](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667).", "argv.crashReporterId": "ID univoco usato per correlare i report di arresto anomalo del sistema inviati da questa istanza dell'app.", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disabilita il sandbox di Chromium. Ciò è utile quando si esegue VS Code con privilegi elevati in Linux e in esecuzione in Applocker in Windows.", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "Disabilita l'accelerazione hardware. Modificare questa opzione SOLO in caso di problemi di grafica.", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "Consente di disabilitare la segnalazione degli arresti anomali del sistema. Se si modifica il valore, è necessario riavviare l'app.", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "Abilita le API proposte per un elenco di ID estensione, ad esempio `vscode.git`. Le API proposte sono instabili e soggette a interruzione senza preavviso in qualsiasi momento. Questa impostazione deve essere impostata solo per lo sviluppo e il test di estensioni.", @@ -4412,12 +4412,12 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{0} su {1} presto smetterà di ricevere gli aggiornamenti. Prendere in considerazione l'aggiornamento della versione di Windows." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "Visualizzazione accessibile al passaggio del mouse", - "terminal-help-label": "Guida all'accessibilità del terminale" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "Visualizzazione accessibile al passaggio del mouse" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "Accessibilità", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Aprire guida per l’accessibilità", "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", "verbosity.chat.description": "Fornire informazioni su come accedere al menu della guida della chat sull'accessibilità del terminale quando l'input della chat è attivo", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "Fornire informazioni su come esplorare le modifiche nell'editor diff quando è attivo", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "Guida all'accessibilità della chat", "chat.announcement": "Le risposte alla chat verranno annunciate man mano che arrivano. Una risposta indicherà il numero di blocchi di codice, se presenti, e quindi il resto della risposta.", - "chat.audioCues": "I segnali audio possono essere modificati tramite le impostazioni con un prefisso audioCues.chat. Per impostazione predefinita, se una richiesta richiede più di 5 secondi, si sentirà un segnale audio che indica che il progresso è ancora in corso.", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "La visualizzazione della chat è costituita da una casella di input e da un elenco di richieste/risposte. La casella di input viene usata per effettuare richieste e l'elenco viene usato per visualizzare le risposte.", "chat.requestHistory": "Nella casella di input usare le frecce SU e GIÙ per spostarsi nella cronologia delle richieste. Modificare l'input e usare INVIO o il pulsante Invia per eseguire una nuova richiesta.", "inline-chat-label": "Guida all'accessibilità della chat inline", - "inlineChat.access": "Può essere attivato tramite azioni di correzione rapida o direttamente usando il comando: avvia chat del codice ({0}).", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "Le azioni del menu di scelta rapida possono eseguire una richiesta con prefisso /fix o /explain. Questi prefissi possono essere usati direttamente nella casella di input per applicare tali azioni specifiche.", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "Una volta nell'editor diff, attivare la modalità di revisione con ({0}). Usare le frecce SU e GIÙ per spostarsi tra le righe con le modifiche proposte.", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "Premere di nuovo TAB per accedere all'editor Differenze con le modifiche e attivare la modalità di revisione con il comando Vai a differenza successiva. Usare Freccia SU/Freccia GIÙ per spostarsi tra le righe con le modifiche proposte.", "inlineChat.explain": "Quando una richiesta è preceduta da /explain, una risposta spiegherà il codice nella selezione corrente e la visualizzazione della chat sarà evidenziata.", "inlineChat.fix": "Quando una richiesta è preceduta da /fix, una risposta indicherà il problema con il codice corrente. Verrà eseguito il rendering di un editor diff che può essere raggiunto tramite tabulazione.", - "inlineChat.overview": "La chat in linea avviene all'interno di un editor di codice e tiene conto della selezione corrente. È utile per il refactoring, la correzione e altro ancora. Tenere presente che il codice generato dall'intelligenza artificiale potrebbe essere errato.", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "Usare TAB per raggiungere parti condizionali come comandi, stato, risposte ai messaggi e altro ancora.", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "Il comando Chat Cancella ({0}) cancella l'elenco di richieste/risposte.", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "Il comando Chat Cancella cancella l'elenco di richieste/risposte. Al momento non è attivabile da un tasto di scelta rapida.", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Il comando Focus Chat ({0}) sposta lo stato attivo sull'elenco di richieste/risposte della chat, che può essere esplorato con le frecce SU e GIÙ.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Il comando Focus Chat Input ({0}) sposta lo stato attivo sulla casella di input per le richieste di chat.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "Il comando Elenco chat con stato attivo, sposta lo stato attivo sull'elenco di richieste/risposte della chat, che può essere esplorato con freccia SU/freccia GIÙ e che attualmente non è attivabile da un tasto di scelta rapida.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Il comando Chat: Blocco di codice successivo ({0}) indica il blocco di codice successivo all'interno di una risposta.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "Il comando Chat: Blocco di codice successivo focalizza il blocco di codice successivo all'interno di una risposta e non è attualmente attivabile da un tasto di scelta rapida.", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "Il comando Input chat con stato attivo, sposta lo stato attivo sulla casella di input per le richieste di chat e non è attualmente attivabile da un tasto di scelta rapida." + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "Accetta input chat", @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "Usare la barra rovesciata come carattere di separazione del percorso.", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "Usare la barra come carattere di separazione del percorso.", "defaultLanguage": "Identificatore linguaggio predefinito assegnato ai nuovi file. Se è configurato su `${activeEditorLanguage}`, verrà usato l’identificatore linguaggio dell'editor di testo attualmente attivo se presente.", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "Disabilita la denominazione incrementale. Se esistono due file con lo stesso nome, verrà richiesto di sovrascrivere il file esistente.", "enableDragAndDrop": "Controlla se Esplora risorse deve consentire lo spostamento di file e cartelle tramite il trascinamento della selezione. Questa impostazione ha effetto solo sul trascinamento della selezione in Esplora risorse.", "enableUndo": "Controlla se Esplora risorse deve supportare operazioni di annullamento di file e cartelle.", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "Controlla la strategia di denominazione da usare quando si assegna un nuovo nome a un elemento di Explorer duplicato in seguito a un'operazione Incolla.", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "Esplora file", "falseDescription": "Disabilita il criterio.", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Percorso predefinito per le finestre di dialogo del file, che esegue l'override del percorso home dell'utente. Viene usato solo in assenza di un percorso specifico di contesto, ad esempio il file o la cartella aperti più di recente.", "fileNesting.description": "Ogni criterio chiave può contenere un singolo carattere '*' corrispondente a qualsiasi stringa.", "fileNestingEnabled": "Controlla se l'annidamento dei file è abilitato in Esplora risorse. L'annidamento dei file consente di raggruppare visivamente i file correlati in una directory in un singolo file padre.", "fileNestingExpand": "Controlla se gli annidamenti di file vengono espansi automaticamente. {0} deve essere impostato per rendere effettiva questa impostazione.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "Consultare il log degli errori e riprovare più tardi.", "default.placeholder": "Inviare una domanda", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, {2} per la cronologia)", - "editResponseMessage": "Passare all'editor diff per esaminare le modifiche proposte.", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "Nessun risultato. Affinare l'input e riprovare.", "err.apply": "Non è stato possibile applicare le modifiche.", "err.discard": "Non è stato possibile rimuovere le modifiche.", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "Non visualizzare mai i controlli di riduzione e diminuire le dimensioni della barra di navigazione." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "Il comando Modifica cella ({0}) si concentrerà sull'input della cella.", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "Il comando Modifica cella si concentrerà sull'input della cella e non è attualmente attivabile da un tasto di scelta rapida.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "Il comando Esegui cella ({0}) esegue la cella con lo stato attivo.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "Il comando Esegui cella esegue la cella con lo stato attivo e attualmente non attivabile da un tasto di scelta rapida.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "Il comando Output dello stato attivo ({0}) imposterà lo stato attivo nell'output della cella.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "Il comando Esci dalla modifica imposterà lo stato attivo nell'output della cella e attualmente non è attivabile da un tasto di scelta rapida.", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "I comandi Inserisci cella sopra/sotto creeranno nuove celle di codice vuote", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "Il comando Esci dalla modifica ({0}) imposterà lo stato attivo sul contenitore delle celle. Potrebbe essere necessario premere due volte il tasto predefinito (ESC) per uscire prima dal cursore virtuale, se attivo.", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "Il comando Esci dalla modifica imposterà lo stato attivo sul contenitore delle celle e non è attualmente attivabile da un tasto di scelta rapida.", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "Le frecce su e giù spostano lo stato attivo tra le celle mentre sono attive nel contenitore delle celle esterne", + "notebook.changeCellType": "I comandi Cambia cella in Codice/Markdown vengono usati per passare da un tipo di cella all'altro.", + "notebook.overview": "La visualizzazione blocco appunti è una raccolta di celle di codice e markdown. Le celle di codice possono essere eseguite e genereranno l'output direttamente sotto la cella." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "Non è possibile aprire la risorsa con il tipo di editor di notebook '{0}'. Verificare che l'estensione corretta sia installata e abilitata.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "Chiudi finestra di dialogo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "In primo piano" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "Contrassegna come completato", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "Menu di scelta rapida di webview" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Recupera gli esperimenti da eseguire da un servizio online Microsoft." }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "Concedere l'accesso a {0} per {1}... (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "Prova a scaricare e riprodurre il problema in {0} insider.", "ask to reproduce issue": "Prova a riprodurre il problema in {0} insider e confermare se il problema esiste.", "bad": "Posso riprodurre", - "detail.start": "Risoluzione dei problemi è un processo che consente di identificare se il problema è relativo a {0} o causato da un'estensione.\r\n\r\nDurante il processo, la finestra viene ricaricata ripetutamente. Ogni volta è necessario confermare se i problemi persistono.", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "Scarica {0} Insider", - "empty.profile": "Risoluzione dei problemi è attiva e ha temporaneamente ripristinato le impostazioni predefinite. Verificare se è ancora possibile riprodurre il problema e continuare selezionando una delle seguenti opzioni.", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "Non posso riprodurre", "issue is in core": "La risoluzione dei problemi ha rilevato che il problema riguarda {0}.", - "issue is with configuration": "Risoluzione dei problemi ha rilevato che il problema è causato dalle impostazioni. Segnalare il problema condividendo le impostazioni.", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&Risoluzione dei problemi", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "Risoluzione dei problemi è attiva e ha temporaneamente disattivato tutte le estensioni installate. Verificare se è ancora possibile riprodurre il problema e procedere selezionando le seguenti opzioni.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "Segnala comunque il problema", "stop": "Arresta", "title.stop": "Arresta Risoluzione dei problemi", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "La cartella dell'area di lavoro non esiste: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "Non è stato possibile identificare un keyring del sistema operativo per archiviare i dati correlati alla crittografia nell'ambiente desktop corrente.", + "isGnome": "È in esecuzione in un ambiente GNOME, ma il keyring del sistema operativo non è disponibile per la crittografia. Assicurarsi di avere installato ed eseguito il keyring GNOME o un'altra implementazione compatibile con libsecret.", + "isKwallet": "È in esecuzione in un ambiente KDE, ma il keyring del sistema operativo non è disponibile per la crittografia. Assicurarsi di avere kwallet in esecuzione.", + "troubleshootingButton": "Apri la guida alla risoluzione dei problemi", + "usePlainText": "Usare una crittografia più debole", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Aprire la guida alla risoluzione dei problemi per risolvere questo problema oppure è possibile usare una crittografia più debole che non usa il keyring del sistema operativo." }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, documenti: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "Il profilo con nome {0} esiste già.", "profiles.applying": "{0}: Applicazione...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: in fase di esportazione...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): applicazione delle estensioni in corso...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): applicazione dello stato in corso...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): applicazione delle scelte rapide da tastiera in corso...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): applicazione delle impostazioni in corso...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): applicazione dei frammenti...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): applicazione delle attività in corso...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: risoluzione del contenuto del profilo in corso...", "select": "Seleziona {0}", "select profile": "Seleziona profilo", "select profile content handler": "Esportare profilo '{0}' come...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): applicazione in corso..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "Non è possibile eliminare l'area predefinita {0}.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index a2934a6ae1..03cf4994bb 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "PR を開く", "Open on GitHub": "GitHub 上で開く", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "GitHub に発行するフォルダーを選択します", - "Publish Branch": "Branch の発行", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "プライベート GitHub リポジトリへ発行しています", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "パブリック GitHub リポジトリへ発行しています", - "Push Commits": "コミットをプッシュ", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "変更をプッシュしています...", "Select the Pull Request template": "pull request テンプレートを選択する", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "どのファイルをリポジトリに含めるかを選択します。", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" が GitHub で正常に作成されました。", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "現在のブランチには発行取り消しされたコミットがあります。リンクをコピーする前にコミットをプッシュしますか?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "現在のブランチはリモートに発行されません。リンクをコピーする前にブランチを発行しますか?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "現在のファイルには確定されていない変更があります。リンクをコピーする前に変更をコミットしてください。", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "フォーク \"{0}\" が GitHub で正常に作成されました。", "Uploading files": "ファイルをアップロードしています", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 4a417a5546..a2557bafa5 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Shift キーを押しながら Markdown editor へのドロップを有効にします。`#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#` を有効にする必要があります。", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Markdown エディターに貼り付けられたワークスペースの外部のファイルをワークスペースにコピーするかどうかを制御します。\r\n\r\n`#markdown.copyFiles.destination#` を使用して、コピーされたファイルを作成する場所を構成します。", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Markdown エディターへのファイルの貼り付け機能を有効にして、Markdown リンクを作成します。`#editor.pasteAs.enabled#` を有効にする必要があります。", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "アクティブなエディターの横にあるリンクを開きます。", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "アクティブなエディター グループ内にリンクを開きます。", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "マークダウン ファイル内のリンクを開く場所を制御します。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json index 3a91bb6dff..d9def1af2d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "この変更を元に戻す" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "変更されていない領域を折りたたむ" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "空白", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "エディターで CodeLens を表示するかどうかを制御します。", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "差分エディターで変更されていない領域を表示するかどうかを制御します。'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' が設定されている場合にのみ機能します。", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "ファイルがファイルの内容に基づいて開かれる場合、{0} と {1} を自動的に検出するかどうかを制御します。", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "高度な差分アルゴリズムを使用します。", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "従来の差分アルゴリズムを使用します。", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "semanticHighlighting をサポートされる言語で表示するかどうかを制御します。", "semanticHighlighting.false": "セマンティックの強調表示がすべての配色テーマについて無効になりました。", "semanticHighlighting.true": "セマンティックの強調表示がすべての配色テーマについて有効になりました。", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "差分エディターで検出されたコードの移動を表示するかどうかを制御します。'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' が設定されている場合にのみ機能します。", + "showEmptyDecorations": "文字が挿入または削除された場所を確認するために、差分エディターに空の装飾を表示するかどうかを制御します。", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "差分エディターが差分を横に並べて表示するか、行内に表示するかを制御します。", "stablePeek": "エディターのコンテンツをダブルクリックするか、`Escape` キーを押しても、ピーク エディターを開いたままにします。", "tabSize": "1 つのタブに相当するスペースの数。{0} がオンの場合、この設定はファイル コンテンツに基づいて上書きされます。", @@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ "cliDataDir": "CLI メタデータを格納するディレクトリ。", "deprecated.useInstead": "代わりに {0} を使用してください。", "diff": "2 つのファイルを比較します。", - "disableChromiumSandbox": "Use this option only when there is requirement to launch the application as sudo user on Linux or when running as an elevated user in an applocker environment on Windows.", + "disableChromiumSandbox": "このオプションは、Linux 上でアプリケーションを sudo ユーザーとして起動する必要がある場合、または Windows 上の AppLocker 環境で管理者特権のあるユーザーとして実行している場合にのみ使用します。", "disableExtension": "指定された拡張機能を無効にします。このオプションは保存されず、コマンドが新しいウィンドウを開いた場合にのみ有効です。", "disableExtensions": "インストールされた拡張機能をすべて無効にします。このオプションは保存されず、コマンドが新しいウィンドウを開いた場合にのみ有効です。", "disableGPU": "GPU ハードウェア アクセラレータを無効にします。", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "エディター ファイルの装飾にバッジを使用するかどうかを制御します。", "decorations.colors": "エディター ファイルの装飾に配色を使用するかどうかを制御します。", "dirty": "`${dirty}`: アクティブなエディターの変更が保存されていない場合を示すインジケーター。", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "タブをダブルクリックしたときにエディター グループを最大化/復元するかどうかを制御します。 `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` が無効な場合、この値は無視されます。", "editorOpenPositioning": "エディターを開く場所を制御します。`left` または `right` を選択すると現在アクティブになっているエディターの左または右にエディターを開きます。`first` または `last` を選択すると現在アクティブになっているエディターとは別個にエディターを開きます。", "editorTabCloseButton": "エディターのタブの [閉じる] ボタンの位置を制御するか、'off' に設定された場合に無効にします。`#workbench.editor.showTabs#` が無効な場合、この値は無視されます。", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "Alt キー ショートカットを使用してメイン メニューを開くことができるかどうかを制御します。ニーモニックを無効にすると、これらの Alt キー ショートカットを代わりにエディター コマンドにバインドできます。", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "すべてのタブを同じサイズにし、使用可能な領域が一度にすべてのタブを表示するのに十分でない場合に小さくできるようにします。", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "すべてのタブを一度に表示するには利用可能なスペースが足りない場合に、タブを縮小するようにします。", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "'#workbench.editor.tabSizing#' サイズが 'fixed' に設定されている場合のタブの最大幅を制御します。", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "'#workbench.editor.tabSizing#' サイズが 'fixed' に設定されている場合のタブの最小幅を制御します。", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "既定のサイズ。", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "マウスでつかみやすいサイズに拡大する。", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "無題ファイルの名前は、ファイル パスが関連付けられていない限り、最初の行の内容から導き出されます。行が空であるか、単語文字が含まれていない場合に、名前にフォールバックします。", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "アプリケーションがまだターミナルから起動されていない場合にシェル環境の解決を中止するまでのタイムアウトを秒単位で制御します。詳細については、[ドキュメント](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667) を参照してください。", "argv.crashReporterId": "このアプリ インスタンスから送信されるクラッシュ レポートを関連付けるために使用される一意の ID。", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Chromium サンドボックスを無効にします。 これは、VS Code を Linux では昇格して実行し、Windows では Applocker で実行する場合に便利です。", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "ハードウェア アクセラレータを無効にします。グラフィックの問題が発生した場合にのみ、このオプションを変更してください。", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "クラッシュ レポートを無効にすることを許可します。値が変更された場合は、アプリを再起動する必要があります。", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "拡張機能 ID のリストに対して提案された API を有効にします ('vscode.git' など)。提案された API は不安定で、警告なしに中断することがあります。これは拡張機能の開発とテストを目的とする場合にのみ設定してください。", @@ -4412,13 +4412,13 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{1} の {0} は、間もなく更新プログラムの受信を停止します。Windows バージョンのアップグレードを検討してください。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "ポイント時のアクセシビリティ対応ビュー", - "terminal-help-label": "ターミナル アクセシビリティのヘルプ" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "ポイント時のアクセシビリティ対応ビュー" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "アクセシビリティ", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", - "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "アクセシビリティのヘルプを開く", + "editor.action.accessibleView": "アクセシビリティ対応ビューを開く", "verbosity.chat.description": "チャット入力がフォーカスされているときにチャット ヘルプ メニューにアクセスする方法に関する情報を提供します。", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "差分エディターにフォーカスがあるときに変更を移動する方法に関する情報を提供する", "verbosity.interactiveEditor.description": "入力にフォーカスがある場合にインライン エディターのチャット アクセシビリティ ヘルプ メニューにアクセスする方法に関する情報を提供する", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "チャットのアクセシビリティのヘルプ", "chat.announcement": "チャットの応答は、届いた時に通知されます。応答は、コード ブロックの数 (存在する場合)、応答の残りの部分を示します。", - "chat.audioCues": "オーディオ キューは、audioCues.chat のプレフィックスを持つ設定を使用して変更できます。既定では、要求に 5 秒以上かかる場合は、進行状況がまだ発生していることを示すオーディオ キューが聞こえます。", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "チャット ビューは、入力ボックスと要求/応答リストで構成されています。入力ボックスは要求を行うために使用され、リストは応答を表示するために使用されます。", "chat.requestHistory": "入力ボックスで、上矢印/下矢印を使用して要求履歴を移動します。入力を編集し、Enter キーまたは [送信] ボタンを使用して新しい要求を実行します。", "inline-chat-label": "インライン チャットのアクセシビリティのヘルプ", - "inlineChat.access": "クイック修正アクションを使用するか、次のコマンドを直接使用してアクティブ化できます: インライン チャット: コード チャットの開始 ({0})。", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "コンテキスト メニューのアクションは、/fix または /explain で始まる要求を実行できます。これらのプレフィックスを入力ボックスで直接使用して、これらの特定のアクションを適用できます。", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "差分エディターで 、({0}) を使用してレビュー モードにします。上矢印/下矢印を使用して、提案された変更を含む行間を移動します。", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "もう一度 Tab キーを押して変更を含む差分エディターに入り、[次の差分に移動] コマンドでレビュー モードに入ります。上/下矢印を使用して、提案された変更が含まれる行に移動します。", "inlineChat.explain": "要求の先頭に /explain が付いている場合、応答によって現在の選択内容のコードが説明され、チャット ビューにフォーカスが置かれます。", "inlineChat.fix": "要求の先頭に /fix が付いている場合、応答は現在のコードの問題を示します。差分エディターがレンダリングされ、タブ操作でアクセスできるようになります。", - "inlineChat.overview": "インライン チャットはコード エディター内で行われ、現在の選択内容が考慮されます。リファクタリング、修正などに役立ちます。AI によって生成されたコードが正しくない可能性があることにご注意ください。", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "タブを使用して、コマンド、ステータス、メッセージ応答などの条件付き部分にアクセスします。", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "Chat Clear コマンド ({0}) は、要求/応答リストをクリアします。", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "Chat Clear コマンドは要求/応答リストをクリアし、現在、キー バインドによってトリガーできません。", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Focus Chat コマンド ({0}) は、チャット要求/応答リストにフォーカスします。このリストは、このリストは、上矢印/下矢印で移動できます。", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Focus Chat Input コマンド ({0}) では、チャット要求の入力ボックスにフォーカスします。", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "Focus Chat List コマンドでは、チャット要求/応答リストにフォーカスします。このリストは上矢印/下矢印で移動できますが、現時点ではキーバインドによってトリガーできません。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Chat: Next Code Block コマンド ({0}) は、応答内の次のコード ブロックにフォーカスします。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "Chat: Next Code Block コマンドは、応答内の次のコード ブロックに焦点を合わせ、現在、キー バインドによってトリガーできません。", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "Focus Chat Input コマンドでは、チャット要求の入力ボックスにフォーカスしますが、現時点ではキーバインドによってトリガーできません。" + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "チャット入力を承諾する", @@ -4650,7 +4651,7 @@ "chatEditorName": "チャット" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { - "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Chat Input, Type to ask questions or type / for topics, press enter to send out the request. Use {0} for Chat Accessibility Help.", + "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "チャット入力、入力して質問するか、トピックに対して / を入力し、Enter キーを押して要求を送信します。チャットアクセシビリティのヘルプに {0} を使用します。", "chatInput": "チャット入力", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "チャット入力、ここにコードを入力し、Enter キーを押して実行します。詳細については、Chat Accessibility Help コマンドを使用してください。" }, @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "円記号をパス区切り文字として使用します。", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "スラッシュをパス区切り文字として使用します。", "defaultLanguage": "新しいファイルに割り当てられる既定の言語識別子。`${activeEditorLanguage}` に構成されている場合は、現在アクティブなテキスト エディターの言語識別子 (存在する場合) が使用されます。", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "名前の増分作成を無効にします。同じ名前のファイルが 2 つ存在する場合は、既存のファイルを上書きするよう要求されます。", "enableDragAndDrop": "ドラッグ アンド ドロップによるファイルとフォルダーの移動をエクスプローラーで許可するかどうかを制御します。この設定は、エクスプローラー内からのドラッグ アンド ドロップのみに影響します。", "enableUndo": "エクスプローラーでファイルとフォルダーの元に戻す操作をサポートするかどうかを制御します。", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "貼り付けで重複するエクスプローラー項目に新しい名前を付けるときに使用する名前付け規則を制御します。", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "エクスプローラー", "falseDescription": "パターンを無効にします。", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "ファイル ダイアログの既定のパス。ユーザーのホーム パスをオーバーライドします。 最近開いたファイルやフォルダーなど、コンテキスト固有のパスがない場合にのみ使用されます。", "fileNesting.description": "各キー パターンには、任意の文字列と一致する 1 つの '*' 文字を含む場合があります。", "fileNestingEnabled": "エクスプローラーでファイルの入れ子を有効にするかどうかを制御します。ファイルの入れ子を使用すると、ディレクトリ内の関連ファイルを 1 つの親ファイルの下に視覚的にグループ化できます。", "fileNestingExpand": "ファイルの入れ子を自動的に展開するかどうかを制御します。これを有効にするためには、{0} を設定する必要があります。", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "エラー ログを参照して、後でもう一度お試しください。", "default.placeholder": "質問する", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}、履歴の {2})", - "editResponseMessage": "差分エディターに移動して、提案された変更を確認します。", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "結果なし。入力を絞り込んで、もう一度お試しください。", "err.apply": "変更を適用できませんでした。", "err.discard": "変更を破棄できませんでした。", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "折りたたみコントロールを表示せず、余白のサイズを小さくします。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "Edit Cell コマンド ({0}) は、セル入力にフォーカスを移動します。", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "Edit Cell コマンドは、セル入力にフォーカスを移動し、現時点ではキーバインドによってトリガーできません。", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell コマンド ({0}) は、現在フォーカスがあるセルを実行します。", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "Execute Cell コマンドは、現在フォーカスがあり、キーバインドによってトリガーできないセルを実行します。", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "Focus Output コマンド ({0}) は、セルの出力にフォーカスを設定します。", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "Quit Edit コマンドは、セルの出力にフォーカスを設定しますが、現時点ではキーバインドによってトリガーできません。", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Cell Above/Below コマンドは、新しい空のコード セルを作成します。", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "Quit Edit コマンド ({0}) は、セル コンテナーにフォーカスを設定します。アクティブな場合は、最初に仮想カーソルを終了する前に、既定の (Escape) キーを 2 回押す必要があります。", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "Quit Edit コマンドは、セル コンテナーにフォーカスを設定しますが、現時点ではキーバインドによってトリガーできません。", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "上矢印と下矢印を使用すると、外側のセル コンテナーに焦点を当てながら、セル間でフォーカスを移動します。", + "notebook.changeCellType": "Change Cell to Code/Markdown コマンドは、セルのタイプを切り替えるために使用されます。", + "notebook.overview": "ノートブック ビューは、コードとマークダウン セルのコレクションです。 コード セルは実行でき、セルのすぐ下に出力が生成されます。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "ノートブック エディターで、タイプ '{0}' のリソースを開くことができません。正しい拡張子がインストールされ、有効になっているかどうかを確認してください。", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "ダイアログを閉じる" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "おすすめ" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "完了のマーク", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "Web ビューのコンテキスト メニュー" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Microsoft のオンライン サービスから実行する実験を取得します。" }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "{1}... (1) による {0} へのアクセスを許可します", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "{0} Insider で問題をダウンロードして再現してみてください。", "ask to reproduce issue": "{0} Insider で問題を再現してみて、問題が存在するかどうかを確認してください。", "bad": "再現できます", - "detail.start": "問題のトラブルシューティングは、問題が {0} で発生しているか、拡張機能が原因であるかどうかを特定するのに役立つプロセスです。\r\n\r\n処理中にウィンドウが繰り返し再読み込みされます。そのたびに問題が引き続き発生しているかどうかを確認する必要があります。", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "{0} Insider のダウンロード", - "empty.profile": "問題のトラブルシューティングがアクティブであり、設定が一時的に既定値にリセットされました。問題を再現できるかどうかを確認し、これらのオプションから選択して続行してください。", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "再現できません", "issue is in core": "問題のトラブルシューティングで、{0} に問題があることが判明しました。", - "issue is with configuration": "問題のトラブルシューティングで、設定が原因で問題が発生していることが判明しました。設定を共有して、問題を報告してください。", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&問題のトラブルシューティング", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "問題のトラブルシューティングがアクティブであり、インストールされているすべての拡張機能が無効化されました。問題を再現できるかどうかを確認し、これらのオプションから選択して続行してください。", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "問題を報告する", "stop": "停止", "title.stop": "問題のトラブルシューティングの停止", @@ -12115,7 +12117,7 @@ "argvInvalid": "表示言語に書き込めません。ランタイム設定を開いて、ファイル内のエラー/警告を修正してからもう一度お試しください。", "installing": "{0} 言語サポートをインストールしています...", "openArgv": "ランタイム設定を開く", - "restart": "と再起動(&R)", + "restart": "再起動(&&R)", "restartDisplayLanguageDetail1": "表示言語を変更するには、{0}、{1} を再起動する必要があります。", "restartDisplayLanguageMessage1": "{0} を再起動して、{1} に切り替えますか?" }, @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "ワークスペース フォルダーが存在しません: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "現在のデスクトップ環境で暗号化関連データを保存するための OS キーリングを識別できませんでした。", + "isGnome": "GNOME 環境で実行していますが、OS キーリングを暗号化に使用できません。 gnome-keyring または別の libsecret 互換実装がインストールされ、実行されていることを確認してください。", + "isKwallet": "KDE 環境で実行していますが、OS キーリングを暗号化に使用できません。 kwallet が実行されていることを確認してください。", + "troubleshootingButton": "トラブルシューティング ガイドを開く", + "usePlainText": "弱い暗号化を使用する", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "トラブルシューティング ガイドを開いてこれに対処するか、OS キーリングを使用しない弱い暗号化を使用することができます。" }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}、ドキュメント: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "{0} という名前のプロファイルは既に存在します。", "profiles.applying": "{0}: 適用中...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: エクスポート中...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): 拡張機能を適用しています...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): 状態を適用しています...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): キーボード ショートカットを適用しています...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): 設定を適用しています...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): スニペットを適用しています...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): タスクを適用しています...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: プロファイル コンテンツを解決しています...", "select": "{0} の選択", "select profile": "プロファイルの選択", "select profile content handler": "プロファイル '{0}' を以下としてエクスポート...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): 適用しています..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "既定のプロファイルを削除できません", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index ab1ae7c3dc..92037502b1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "PR 열기", "Open on GitHub": "GitHub에서 열기", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "GitHub에 게시할 폴더 선택", - "Publish Branch": "Branch 게시", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "프라이빗 GitHub 리포지토리에 게시하는 중", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "퍼블릭 GitHub 리포지토리에 게시하는 중", - "Push Commits": "푸시 커밋", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "변경 내용을 푸시하는 중...", "Select the Pull Request template": "끌어오기 요청 템플릿 선택", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "리포지토리에 포함할 파일을 선택합니다.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "GitHub에 “{0}/{1}#{2}” PR을 만들었습니다.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "현재 분기에 게시되지 않은 커밋이 있습니다. 링크를 복사하기 전에 커밋을 푸시하시겠습니까?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "현재 분기가 원격에 게시되지 않았습니다. 링크를 복사하기 전에 분기를 게시하시겠습니까?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "현재 파일에 커밋되지 않은 변경 내용이 있습니다. 링크를 복사하기 전에 변경 내용을 커밋하세요.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "GitHub에 “{0}” 포크를 만들었습니다.", "Uploading files": "파일을 업로드하는 중", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 1aa80ecdea..c620871f70 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Shift 키를 누른 상태에서 Markdown 편집기에 파일 놓기를 설정합니다. '#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#'을 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Markdown 편집기에 붙여넣은 작업 영역 외부의 파일을 작업 영역으로 복사할지 여부를 제어합니다.\r\n\r\n`#markdown.copyFiles.destination#`을 사용하여 복사한 파일을 만들 위치를 구성합니다.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Markdown 편집기에 파일을 붙여넣어 Markdown 링크를 만들 수 있습니다. `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#를 활성화해야 합니다.", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "활성 편집기 옆에 있는 링크를 엽니다.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "활성 편집기 그룹에서 링크를 엽니다.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "Markdown 파일의 링크를 열어야 하는 위치를 제어합니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json index 4e2df395c7..299481dce4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "이 변경 내용 되돌리기" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "변경되지 않은 영역 접기" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "비어 있음", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "편집기에서 CodeLens를 표시할 것인지 여부를 제어합니다.", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Diff 편집기에 변경되지 않은 영역이 표시되는지 여부를 제어합니다. 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2'가 설정된 경우에만 작동합니다.", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "파일 내용을 기반으로 파일을 열 때 {0} 및 {1}을(를) 자동으로 감지할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "고급 비교 알고리즘을 사용합니다.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "레거시 비교 알고리즘을 사용합니다.", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "semanticHighlighting이 지원하는 언어에 대해 표시되는지 여부를 제어합니다.", "semanticHighlighting.false": "모든 색 테마에 대해 의미 체계 강조 표시를 사용하지 않습니다.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "모든 색 테마에 대해 의미 체계 강조 표시를 사용합니다.", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "diff 편집기에서 검색된 코드 이동을 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다. 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2'가 설정된 경우에만 작동합니다.", + "showEmptyDecorations": "문자가 삽입되거나 삭제된 위치를 볼 수 있도록 diff 편집기에 빈 장식적 요소를 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "diff 편집기에서 diff를 나란히 표시할지 인라인으로 표시할지를 제어합니다.", "stablePeek": "해당 콘텐츠를 두 번 클릭하거나 'Esc' 키를 누르더라도 Peek 편집기를 열린 상태로 유지합니다.", "tabSize": "탭이 같은 공백의 수입니다. 이 설정은 {0}이(가) 켜져 있을 때 파일 내용을 기반으로 재정의됩니다.", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "편집기 파일 장식에 배지를 사용할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "decorations.colors": "편집기 파일 장식에 색을 사용할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "dirty": "`${dirty}`: 활성 편집기에 저장되지 않은 변경 내용이 있는 경우에 대한 표시기입니다.", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "탭을 두 번 클릭할 때 편집기 그룹을 최대화/복원할지 여부를 제어합니다. `#workbench.editor.showTabs#`를 비활성화하면 이 값이 무시됩니다.", "editorOpenPositioning": "편집기가 열리는 위치를 제어합니다. 현재 활성 편집기의 왼쪽 또는 오른쪽에서 편집기를 열려면 'left' 또는 'right'를 선택합니다. 현재 활성 편집기와 독립적으로 편집기를 열려면 'first' 또는 'last'를 선택합니다.", "editorTabCloseButton": "편집기의 탭 닫기 단추 위치를 제어하거나, 'off'로 설정된 경우 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다. `#workbench.editor.showTabs#`를 사용할 수 없는 경우 이 값은 무시됩니다.", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": " 키 바로 가기를 통해 주 메뉴를 열 수 있는지 여부를 제어합니다. 대신 니모닉을 사용하지 않도록 설정하면 이러한 키 바로 가기를 편집기 명령에 바인딩할 수 있습니다.", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "모든 탭을 같은 크기로 만듭니다. 사용 가능한 공간이 부족하여 모든 탭을 한 번에 표시할 수 없을 때는 탭의 크기를 작게 조정할 수 있습니다.", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "한 번에 모든 탭을 표시할 만큼 사용 가능한 공간이 없는 경우 탭을 작게 만들 수 있습니다.", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "'#workbench.editor.tabSizing#' 크기가 'fixed'로 설정된 경우 탭의 최대 너비를 제어합니다.", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "`#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` 크기가 `fixed`로 설정된 경우 탭의 최소 너비를 제어합니다.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "기본 크기.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "마우스로 더 쉽게 잡을 수 있도록 크기를 늘립니다.", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "제목 없는 파일의 이름은 연결된 파일 경로가 없는 경우 첫 번째 줄의 콘텐츠에서 파생됩니다. 줄이 비어 있거나 단어 문자가 없는 경우 해당 이름으로 대체됩니다.", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "애플리케이션이 터미널에서 아직 시작되지 않은 경우 셸 환경 해결을 포기하기 전에 시간 제한을 초 단위로 제어합니다. 자세한 내용은 [설명서](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667)를 참조하세요.", "argv.crashReporterId": "이 앱 인스턴스에서 보낸 크래시 보고서와 상관 관계에 사용되는 고유 ID입니다.", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Chromium 샌드박스를 비활성화합니다. Linux에서 관리자 권한으로 VS Code를 실행하고 Windows에서 Applocker로 실행할 때 유용합니다.", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "하드웨어 가속을 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다. 그래픽 문제가 발생한 경우에만 이 옵션을 변경하세요.", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "크래시 보고를 사용하지 않도록 설정하고, 값이 변경되는 경우 앱을 다시 시작해야 합니다.", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "확장 ID 목록에 대해 제안된 API를 사용합니다(예: `vscode.git`). 제안된 API는 불안정하며 언제든지 경고 없이 중단될 수 있습니다. 확장 개발 및 테스트 용도로만 설정해야 합니다.", @@ -4412,12 +4412,12 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{1}의 {0}에서 업데이트 수신이 곧 중지됩니다. Windows 버전을 업그레이드하는 것이 좋습니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "액세스 가능한 보기 가리키기", - "terminal-help-label": "터미널 접근성 도움말" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "액세스 가능한 보기 가리키기" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "접근성", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "접근성 도움말 열기", "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", "verbosity.chat.description": "채팅 입력에 포커스가 있을 때 채팅 도움말 메뉴에 액세스하는 방법에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "포커스 상태일 때 diff 편집기에서 변경 내용을 탐색하는 방법에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "채팅 접근성 도움말", "chat.announcement": "채팅 응답이 들어오면 알림이 표시됩니다. 응답은 코드 블록 수를 나타내고(있는 경우) 그 뒤에 나머지 응답을 나타냅니다.", - "chat.audioCues": "오디오 큐는 audioCues.chat 접두사가 있는 설정을 통해 변경할 수 있습니다. 기본적으로 요청이 5초 이상 걸리면 진행이 계속되고 있음을 나타내는 오디오 큐가 들립니다.", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "채팅 보기는 입력 상자와 요청/응답 목록으로 구성됩니다. 입력 상자는 요청을 하는 데 사용되며 목록은 응답을 표시하는 데 사용됩니다.", "chat.requestHistory": "입력 상자에서 위쪽 및 아래쪽 화살표를 사용하여 요청 기록을 탐색합니다. 입력을 편집하고 Enter 키 또는 제출 단추를 사용하여 새 요청을 실행합니다.", "inline-chat-label": "인라인 채팅 접근성 도움말", - "inlineChat.access": "빠른 수정 작업을 통해 활성화하거나 인라인 채팅: 코드 채팅 시작({0})이라는 명령을 사용하여 직접 활성화할 수 있습니다.", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "상황에 맞는 메뉴 작업은 /fix 또는 /explain 접두사가 붙은 요청을 실행할 수 있습니다. 이러한 접두사는 입력 상자에서 직접 사용하여 특정 작업을 적용할 수 있습니다.", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "diff 편집기에서 ({0})를 사용하여 검토 모드를 시작합니다. 위쪽 및 아래쪽 화살표를 사용하여 제안된 변경 내용이 있는 선을 탐색합니다.", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "변경 내용이 포함된 Diff 편집기를 다시 탭하고 다음 차이로 이동 명령을 사용하여 검토 모드로 전환합니다. 위쪽/아래쪽 화살표를 사용하여 제안된 변경 내용이 있는 줄을 탐색합니다.", "inlineChat.explain": "요청에 /explain 접두사가 붙으면 응답에서 현재 선택 항목의 코드를 설명하고 채팅 보기에 포커스를 맞춥니다.", "inlineChat.fix": "요청에 /fix 접두사가 추가되면 응답은 현재 코드의 문제를 나타냅니다. diff 편집기가 렌더링되고 탭을 사용하여 연결할 수 있습니다.", - "inlineChat.overview": "인라인 채팅은 코드 편집기 내에서 발생하며 현재 선택을 고려합니다. 리팩토링, 수정 등에 유용합니다. AI 생성 코드가 올바르지 않을 수 있음을 명심하세요.", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "탭을 사용하여 명령, 상태, 메시지 응답 등과 같은 조건부 부분에 연결할 수 있습니다.", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "채팅 지우기 명령({0})은 요청/응답 목록을 지웁니다.", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "채팅 지우기 명령은 요청/응답 목록을 지우며 현재 키 바인딩으로 트리거할 수 없습니다.", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "포커스 채팅 명령({0})은 위쪽 및 아래쪽 화살표를 사용하여 탐색할 수 있는 채팅 요청/응답 목록에 초점을 맞춥니다.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "채팅 입력 포커스 명령({0})을 사용하면 채팅 요청의 입력 상자에 포커스를 둡니다.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "포커스 채팅 목록 명령은 위쪽 화살표/아래쪽 화살표로 탐색할 수 있고 현재 키 바인딩으로 트리거할 수 없는 채팅 요청/응답 목록에 초점을 맞춥니다.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "채팅: 다음 코드 블록 명령({0})은 응답 내의 다음 코드 블록에 초점을 맞춥니다.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "채팅: 다음 코드 블록 명령은 응답 내의 다음 코드 블록에 초점을 맞추며 현재 키 바인딩으로 트리거할 수 없습니다.", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "포커스 채팅 입력 명령은 채팅 요청에 대한 입력 상자에 초점을 맞추며 현재 키 바인딩으로 트리거할 수 없습니다." + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "채팅 입력 수락", @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "백슬래시를 경로 분리 문자로 사용하세요.", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "슬래시를 경로 구분 문자로 사용하세요.", "defaultLanguage": "새 파일에 할당된 기본 언어 식별자입니다. `${activeEditorLanguage}`로 구성된 경우 현재 활성화된 텍스트 편집기의 언어 식별자(있는 경우)를 사용합니다.", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "증분 이름 지정을 비활성화합니다. 같은 이름의 파일이 두 개 있는 경우 기존 파일을 덮어쓰라는 메시지가 표시됩니다.", "enableDragAndDrop": "탐색기에서 끌어서 놓기를 통해 파일 및 폴더를 이동할지를 제어합니다. 이 설정은 탐색기 내에서 끌어서 놓기에만 영향을 미칩니다.", "enableUndo": "탐색기가 파일 및 폴더 작업 실행 취소를 지원해야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다.", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "붙여넣기에서 중복된 탐색기 항목에 새 이름을 지정할 때 사용할 명명 규칙을 제어합니다.", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "파일 탐색기", "falseDescription": "패턴을 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다.", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "파일 대화 상자의 기본 경로로, 사용자의 홈 경로를 재정의합니다. 가장 최근에 연 파일 또는 폴더와 같은 컨텍스트 관련 경로가 없는 경우에만 사용됩니다.", "fileNesting.description": "각 키 패턴에는 모든 문자열과 일치하는 단일 `*` 문자가 포함될 수 있습니다.", "fileNestingEnabled": "탐색기에서 파일 중첩을 사용할지 여부를 제어합니다. 파일 중첩을 사용하면 디렉터리의 관련 파일을 단일 상위 파일 아래에 시각적으로 그룹화할 수 있습니다.", "fileNestingExpand": "파일 중첩이 자동으로 확장되는지 여부를 제어합니다. 이 작업을 적용하려면 {0}을(를) 설정해야 합니다.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "오류 로그를 참조하고 나중에 다시 시도하세요.", "default.placeholder": "질문하기", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, 기록용 {2})", - "editResponseMessage": "diff 편집기로 이동하여 제안된 변경 내용을 검토합니다.", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "결과가 없습니다. 입력을 구체화하고 다시 시도하세요.", "err.apply": "변경 사항을 적용하지 못했습니다.", "err.discard": "변경 내용을 취소하지 못했습니다.", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "접기 컨트롤을 표시하지 않고 여백 크기를 줄이세요." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "셀 편집 명령({0})은 셀 입력에 포커스를 둡니다.", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "셀 편집 명령은 셀 입력에 포커스를 두며, 현재 키 바인딩으로 트리거할 수 없습니다.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "셀 실행 명령({0})은 현재 포커스가 있는 셀을 실행합니다.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "셀 실행 명령은 현재 포커스가 있는 셀을 실행하며, 현재 키 바인딩으로 트리거할 수 없습니다.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "포커스 출력 명령({0})은 셀의 출력에 포커스를 설정합니다.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "편집 끝내기 명령은 셀의 출력에 포커스를 설정하며, 현재 키 바인딩으로 트리거할 수 없습니다.", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "위/아래에 셀 삽입 명령은 빈 코드 셀을 새로 만듭니다.", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "편집 끝내기 명령({0})은 셀 컨테이너에 포커스를 설정합니다. 활성 상태인 경우 가상 커서를 종료하려면 먼저 기본(Esc) 키를 두 번 눌러야 할 수 있습니다.", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "편집 끝내기 명령은 셀 컨테이너에 포커스를 설정하며, 현재 키 바인딩으로 트리거할 수 없습니다.", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "위쪽 및 아래쪽 화살표는 외부 셀 컨테이너에 포커스가 있는 동안 셀 간에 포커스를 이동합니다.", + "notebook.changeCellType": "셀을 코드/Markdown으로 변경 명령은 셀 유형 간에 전환하는 데 사용됩니다.", + "notebook.overview": "Notebook 보기는 코드 및 Markdown 셀의 컬렉션입니다. 코드 셀을 실행할 수 있으며 셀 바로 아래에 출력이 생성됩니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "전자 필기장 편집기 유형이 '{0}'인 리소스를 열 수 없습니다. 올바른 확장이 설치되고 사용하도록 설정되어 있는지 확인하세요.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "대화 상자 닫기" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "추천" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "완료로 표시", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "웹 보기 상황에 맞는 메뉴" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Microsoft 온라인 서비스에서 실행할 실험을 가져옵니다." }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "{0}에 {1}에 대한 액세스 권한 부여... (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "{0} 참가자의 문제를 다운로드하고 재현해 보세요.", "ask to reproduce issue": "{0} 참가자의 문제를 재현하고 문제가 있는지 확인해 보세요.", "bad": "재현할 수 있습니다.", - "detail.start": "문제 해결은 문제가 {0}에 있는지 아니면 확장 프로그램에 의해 발생하는지 식별하는 데 도움이 되는 프로세스입니다.\r\n\r\n프로세스 중에 창이 반복적으로 다시 로드됩니다. 여전히 문제가 표시되는 경우 매번 확인해야 합니다.", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "{0} 참가자 다운로드", - "empty.profile": "문제 해결이 활성화되어 있으며 설정을 일시적으로 기본값으로 다시 설정했습니다. 여전히 문제를 재현할 수 있는지 확인하고 다음 옵션 중에서 선택하여 계속 진행합니다.", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "재현할 수 없습니다.", "issue is in core": "문제 해결에서 문제가 {0}과(와) 관련된 것으로 확인되었습니다.", - "issue is with configuration": "문제 해결에서 설정으로 인해 문제가 발생한 것으로 확인되었습니다. 설정을 공유하여 문제를 보고하세요.", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "문제 해결(&&T)", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "문제 해결이 활성 상태이며 설치된 모든 확장을 임시로 사용하지 않도록 설정했습니다. 여전히 문제를 재현할 수 있는지 확인하고 다음 옵션 중에서 선택하여 계속 진행합니다.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "그래도 문제 보고", "stop": "중지", "title.stop": "문제 해결 중지", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "작업 영역 폴더가 없음: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "현재 데스크톱 환경에 암호화 관련 데이터를 저장하는 데 필요한 OS 키링을 식별할 수 없습니다.", + "isGnome": "GNOME 환경에서 실행 중이지만 암호화에 OS 키링을 사용할 수 없습니다. gnome-keyring 또는 다른 libsecret 호환 구현이 설치되어 실행 중인지 확인하세요.", + "isKwallet": "KDE 환경에서 실행 중이지만 암호화에 OS 키링을 사용할 수 없습니다. kwallet이 실행 중인지 확인하세요.", + "troubleshootingButton": "문제 해결 가이드 열기", + "usePlainText": "더 약한 암호화 사용", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "문제 해결 가이드를 열어 이 문제를 해결하거나 OS 키링을 사용하지 않는 더 약한 암호화를 사용할 수 있습니다." }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, 문서: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "이름이 {0}인 프로필이 이미 있습니다.", "profiles.applying": "{0}: 적용 중...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: 내보내는 중...", - "progress extensions": "{0}({1}): 확장 적용 중...", - "progress global state": "{0}({1}): 상태를 적용하는 중...", - "progress keybindings": "{0}({1}): 바로 가기 키를 적용하는 중...", - "progress settings": "{0}({1}): 설정 적용 중...", - "progress snippets": "{0}({1}): 코드 조각 적용 중...", - "progress tasks": "{0}({1}): 작업 적용 중...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: 프로필 콘텐츠를 확인하는 중...", "select": "{0} 선택", "select profile": "프로필 선택", "select profile content handler": "'{0}' 프로필을 다음으로 내보내기...", - "switching profile": "{0}({1}): 적용 중..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "기본 프로필을 삭제할 수 없습니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index 15a9081047..dcd1dfdf48 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "Otwórz PR", "Open on GitHub": "Otwórz w witrynie GitHub", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "Wybierz folder do opublikowania w usłudze GitHub", - "Publish Branch": "Opublikuj gałąź", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "Publikowanie w prywatnym repozytorium GitHub", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "Publikowanie w publicznym repozytorium GitHub", - "Push Commits": "Zatwierdzenia wypychania", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "Trwa wypychanie zmian...", "Select the Pull Request template": "Wybierz szablon żądania ściągnięcia", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "Wybierz pliki, które mają zostać uwzględnione w repozytorium.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "Pomyślnie utworzono żądanie ściągnięcia „{0}/{1}#{2}” w usłudze GitHub.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "Bieżąca gałąź ma nieopublikowane zatwierdzenia. Czy chcesz wypchnąć zatwierdzenia przed skopiowaniem linku?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "Bieżąca gałąź nie jest opublikowana w lokalizacji zdalnej. Czy chcesz opublikować gałąź przed skopiowaniem linku?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "Bieżący plik zawiera niezatwierdzone zmiany. Zatwierdź zmiany przed skopiowaniem linku.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "Rozwidlenie „{0}” zostało pomyślnie utworzone w usłudze GitHub.", "Uploading files": "Przekazywanie plików", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 8e270d4876..cb65e81348 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Włącz upuszczanie plików do edytora Markdown podczas przytrzymania klawisza Shift. Wymaga włączenia elementu `#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Określa, czy pliki spoza obszaru roboczego wklejone do edytora języka Markdown powinny zostać skopiowane do obszaru roboczego.\r\n\r\n Użyj polecenia `#markdown.copyFiles.destination#`, aby skonfigurować miejsce tworzenia skopiowanych plików.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Włącz wklejanie plików do Markdown editor, aby tworzyć linki Markdown. Wymaga włączenia elementu \"#editor.pasteAs.enabled#\".", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "Otwieraj linki obok aktywnego edytora.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "Otwórz linki w aktywnej grupie edytorów.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "Kontroluje, kiedy linki w plikach Markdown powinny być otwierane.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json index cb776ddd8c..0412bc4b49 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "Określa, czy w edytorze są wyświetlane wskaźniki CodeLens.", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Kontroluje, czy Diff Editor pokazuje niezmienione regiony. Działa tylko wtedy, gdy ustawiona jest opcja „diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2”.", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "Określa, czy {0} i {1} będą automatycznie wykrywane po otwarciu pliku na podstawie zawartości pliku.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "Używa zaawansowanego algorytmu różnicowania.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "Używa starszego algorytmu różnicowania.", @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ "semanticHighlighting.false": "Wyróżnianie semantyczne wyłączone dla wszystkich motywów kolorów.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "Wyróżnianie semantyczne włączone dla wszystkich motywów kolorów.", "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "Kontroluje, czy edytor różnic powinien pokazywać wykryte ruchy kodu. Działa tylko wtedy, gdy ustawiona jest opcja „diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2”.", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "Określa, czy edytor różnic pokazuje porównanie obok siebie, czy w trybie śródwierszowym.", "stablePeek": "Zachowuj otwarte edytory wglądu nawet po dwukrotnym kliknięciu ich zawartości lub naciśnięciu klawisza `Escape`.", "tabSize": "Liczba spacji, której równy jest tabulator. To ustawienie jest przesłaniane na podstawie zawartości pliku, gdy jest włączona opcja {0}.", @@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ "cliDataDir": "Katalog, w którym powinny być przechowywane metadane interfejsu wiersza polecenia.", "deprecated.useInstead": "Zamiast tego użyj {0}.", "diff": "Porównaj dwa pliki ze sobą.", - "disableChromiumSandbox": "Use this option only when there is requirement to launch the application as sudo user on Linux or when running as an elevated user in an applocker environment on Windows.", + "disableChromiumSandbox": "Użyj tej opcji tylko wtedy, gdy istnieje wymóg uruchomienia aplikacji jako użytkownik sudo w systemie Linux lub podczas uruchamiania jako użytkownik z podwyższonym poziomem uprawnień w środowisku applocker w systemie Windows.", "disableExtension": "Wyłącz podane rozszerzenie. Ta opcja nie jest utrwalona i obowiązuje tylko wtedy, gdy polecenie otwiera nowe okno.", "disableExtensions": "Wyłącz wszystkie zainstalowane rozszerzenia. Ta opcja nie jest utrwalona i obowiązuje tylko wtedy, gdy polecenie otwiera nowe okno.", "disableGPU": "Wyłącz przyspieszanie sprzętowe za pomocą procesora GPU.", @@ -4412,13 +4412,13 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{0} w {1} wkrótce przestanie otrzymywać aktualizacje. Rozważ uaktualnienie wersji systemu Windows." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "Aktywowanie widoku z ułatwieniami dostępu", - "terminal-help-label": "pomoc dotycząca ułatwień dostępu terminalu" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "Aktywowanie widoku z ułatwieniami dostępu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "Dostępność", "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", - "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", + "editor.action.accessibleView": "Widok czatu z ułatwieniami dostępu", "verbosity.chat.description": "Podaj informacje o tym, jak uzyskać dostęp do menu pomocy czatu, gdy fokus znajdzie się na danych wejściowych czatu", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "Podaj informacje o tym, jak nawigować po zmianach w edytorze różnic, gdy jest on skoncentrowany", "verbosity.interactiveEditor.description": "Podaj informacje o tym, jak uzyskać dostęp do menu pomocy ułatwień dostępu do czatu w edytorze śródwierszowym, gdy dane wejściowe są skoncentrowane", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "Pomoc dotycząca ułatwień dostępu czatu", "chat.announcement": "Odpowiedzi na czacie będą ogłaszane w miarę ich napływania. Odpowiedź będzie wskazywać liczbę bloków kodu, jeśli takie istnieją, a następnie pozostałą część odpowiedzi.", - "chat.audioCues": "Sygnały dźwiękowe można zmieniać za pomocą ustawień z prefiksem audioCues.chat. Domyślnie, jeśli żądanie trwa dłużej niż 5 sekund, usłyszysz sygnał dźwiękowy wskazujący, że postęp nadal trwa.", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "Widok czatu składa się z pola wprowadzania i listy żądań/odpowiedzi. Pole wprowadzania służy do wysyłania żądań, a lista do wyświetlania odpowiedzi.", "chat.requestHistory": "W polu wprowadzania użyj strzałek w górę i w dół, aby poruszać się po historii zgłoszeń. Edytuj dane wejściowe i użyj przycisku Enter lub przycisku przesyłania, aby uruchomić nowe żądanie.", "inline-chat-label": "Śródwierszowa pomoc dotycząca ułatwień dostępu do czatu", - "inlineChat.access": "Można go aktywować za pomocą szybkich poprawek lub bezpośrednio za pomocą polecenia: Czat śródwierszowy: Rozpocznij czat kodu ({0}).", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "Akcje menu kontekstowego mogą uruchamiać żądanie z prefiksem /fix lub /explain. Prefiksy te mogą być używane bezpośrednio w polu wprowadzania, aby zastosować określone akcje.", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "Po przejściu do edytora różnic, przejdź do trybu przeglądu za pomocą klawisza ({0}). Użyj strzałek w górę i w dół, aby przechodzić między wierszami z proponowanymi zmianami.", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "Ponownie naciśnij klawisz Tab, aby przejść do edytora różnic ze zmianami i przejść do trybu przeglądu za pomocą polecenia Przejdź do następnej różnicy. Użyj klawiszy strzałek w górę/w dół, aby nawigować po wierszach z proponowanymi zmianami.", "inlineChat.explain": "Gdy żądanie jest poprzedzone prefiksem /explain, odpowiedź wyjaśni kod w bieżącym zaznaczeniu, a widok czatu będzie skoncentrowany.", "inlineChat.fix": "Gdy żądanie jest poprzedzone prefiksem /fix, odpowiedź wskaże problem z bieżącym kodem. Zostanie wyświetlony edytor różnic, do którego można przejść za pomocą zakładek.", - "inlineChat.overview": "Czat śródwierszowy odbywa się w edytorze kodu i uwzględnia bieżące zaznaczenie. Jest ona przydatna do refaktoryzacji, naprawiania i nie tylko. Należy pamiętać, że kod wygenerowany przez sztuczną inteligencję może być niepoprawny.", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "Użyj zakładki, aby uzyskać dostęp do części warunkowych, takich jak polecenia, status, odpowiedzi na wiadomości i inne.", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "Polecenie „Wyczyść czat” ({0}) czyści listę żądań/odpowiedzi.", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "Polecenie „Wyczyść czat” czyści listę żądań/odpowiedzi i obecnie nie jest wyzwalane przez powiązanie klawiszy.", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Polecenie „Koncentracja czatu” ({0}) powoduje skoncentrowanie listy żądań/odpowiedzi czatu, po której można poruszać się za pomocą strzałek w górę i w dół.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Polecenie „Focus Chat Input” ({0}) powoduje skoncentrowanie pola wprowadzania żądań czatu.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "Polecenie Koncentracja na liście czatu koncentruje się na liście żądań/odpowiedzi czatu, którą można nawigować za pomocą strzałki górnej/strzałki dolnej i obecnie nie jest wyzwalana przez powiązanie klawiszy.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Czat: Następny blok kodu ({0}) koncentruje się na następnym bloku kodu w odpowiedzi.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "Czat: Następny blok kodu koncentruje się na następnym bloku kodu w odpowiedzi i nie jest obecnie wyzwalany przez powiązanie klawiszy.", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "Polecenie Koncentracja na liście czatu skupia pole wejściowe dla żądań czatu i obecnie nie jest wyzwalane przez powiązania klawiszy." + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "Zaakceptuj dane wejściowe czatu", @@ -4650,7 +4651,7 @@ "chatEditorName": "Czat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { - "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Chat Input, Type to ask questions or type / for topics, press enter to send out the request. Use {0} for Chat Accessibility Help.", + "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Wprowadzanie danych do czatu: wpisz, aby zadać pytanie lub wpisz / dla tematów, naciśnij klawisz Enter, aby wysłać żądanie. Użyj {0} do pomocy dotyczącej ułatwień dostępu.", "chatInput": "Dane wejściowe czatu", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Dane wejściowe czatu, wpisz tutaj kod i naciśnij klawisz Enter, aby uruchomić. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, użyj polecenia Pomoc ułatwień dostępu czatu." }, @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "Użyj ukośnika odwrotnego jako znaku separacji ścieżek.", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "Użyj ukośnika jako znaku separacji ścieżki.", "defaultLanguage": "Domyślny identyfikator języka przypisany do nowych plików. Jeśli skonfigurowano wartość „${activeEditorLanguage}”, użyje identyfikatora języka aktualnie aktywnego edytora tekstu, jeśli taki istnieje.", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "Wyłącza nazewnictwo przyrostowe. Jeśli istnieją dwa pliki o tej samej nazwie, zostanie wyświetlony monit o zastąpienie istniejącego pliku.", "enableDragAndDrop": "Określa, czy eksplorator powinien zezwalać na przenoszenie plików i folderów przy użyciu przeciągania i upuszczania. To ustawienie ma wpływ tylko na przeciąganie i upuszczanie wewnątrz eksploratora.", "enableUndo": "Określa, czy eksplorator powinien obsługiwać operacje cofania plików i folderów.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "Przejrzyj dziennik błędów i spróbuj ponownie później.", "default.placeholder": "Zadaj pytanie", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, {2} dla historii)", - "editResponseMessage": "Przejdź do edytora Diff Editor, aby przejrzeć proponowane zmiany.", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "Brak wyników. Uściślij swoje dane wejściowe i spróbuj ponownie.", "err.apply": "Nie udało się zastosować zmian.", "err.discard": "Nie można odrzucić zmian.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "Zamknij okno dialogowe" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Proponowane" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "Oznacz jako gotowe", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "Menu kontekstowe widoku internetowego" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Pobiera eksperymenty do uruchomienia z usługi online firmy Microsoft." }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "Trwa udzielanie dostępu rozszerzeniu {0}w przypadku {1}... (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "Spróbuj pobrać i odtworzyć problem w {0} niejawnych testerów.", "ask to reproduce issue": "Spróbuj odtworzyć problem w {0} niejawnych testerów i potwierdź, czy ten problem istnieje.", "bad": "Mogę odtworzyć", - "detail.start": "Rozwiązywanie problemów to proces, który pomaga określić, czy problem jest związany z {0} rozszerzeniem lub przez nie spowodowany.\r\n\r\nPodczas tego procesu okno przeładowuje się wielokrotnie. Za każdym razem musisz potwierdzić, czy nadal występują problemy.", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "Pobierz {0} niejawnych testerów", - "empty.profile": "Rozwiązywanie problemów jest aktywne i tymczasowo przywróciło ustawienia domyślne. Sprawdź, czy nadal możesz odtworzyć problem i kontynuuj, wybierając jedną z poniższych opcji.", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "Nie mogę odtworzyć", "issue is in core": "Podczas rozwiązywania problemów wykryto, że problem dotyczy {0}.", - "issue is with configuration": "Rozwiązywanie problemów wykazało, że przyczyną problemu są ustawienia użytkownika. Zgłoś problem, udostępniając swoje ustawienia.", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&Rozwiąż problem", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "Rozwiązywanie problemów jest aktywne i tymczasowo wyłączyło wszystkie zainstalowane rozszerzenia. Sprawdź, czy nadal możesz odtworzyć problem i kontynuuj, wybierając jedną z poniższych opcji.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "Zgłoś problem mimo to", "stop": "Zatrzymaj", "title.stop": "Zatrzymaj rozwiązywanie problemów", @@ -12214,7 +12216,7 @@ "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", + "troubleshootingButton": "Otwórz przewodnik rozwiązywania problemów", "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." }, @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "Profil o nazwie {0} już istnieje.", "profiles.applying": "{0}: trwa stosowanie...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: Trwa eksportowanie...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): trwa stosowanie rozszerzeń...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): trwa stosowanie stanu...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): trwa stosowanie skrótów klawiaturowych...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): trwa stosowanie ustawień...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): trwa stosowanie fragmentów kodu...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): trwa stosowanie zadań...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: trwa rozpoznawanie zawartości profilu...", "select": "Wybierz: {0}", "select profile": "Wybierz profil", "select profile content handler": "Eksportuj profil „{0}” jako...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): trwa stosowanie..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "Nie można usunąć domyślnego profilu", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 026b12ea12..c730c9dd48 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ "Duration": "Duração", "Duration of Profile": "Duração do Perfil", "Edit package.json": "Editar package.json", - "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}": "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging", + "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}": "Habilita a depuração de [auto attach]({0}) do Node.js", "Eval": "Avaliar", "Frame could not be restarted": "Não foi possível reiniciar o quadro", "Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Gera um arquivo .cpuprofile que você pode abrir no devtools do Chrome", @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ "Paused on frame entry": "Em pausa na entrada do quadro", "Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Em pausa no ponto de interrupção de instrumentação", "Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Em pausa no ponto de interrupção de instrumentação \"{0}\"", - "Paused on {0}": "Paused on {0}", + "Paused on {0}": "Pausado em {0}", "Pick Breakpoint": "Selecionar Ponto de Interrupção", "Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Selecionar o processo do node.js ao qual anexar", "Please enter a number": "Insira um número", @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ "Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Página de destino não encontrada. Talvez seja necessário atualizar seu \"urlFilter\" para corresponder à página que você deseja depurar.", "The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "A versão do Node em \"{0}\" está desatualizada (versão {1}), exigimos pelo menos o Node 8.x.", "The URL provided is invalid": "A URL fornecida é inválida", - "The browser process exited with code {0} before connecting to the debug server. Make sure the `runtimeExecutable` is configured correctly and that it can run without errors.": "The browser process exited with code {0} before connecting to the debug server. Make sure the `runtimeExecutable` is configured correctly and that it can run without errors.", + "The browser process exited with code {0} before connecting to the debug server. Make sure the `runtimeExecutable` is configured correctly and that it can run without errors.": "O processo do navegador foi encerrado com código {0} antes de se conectar ao servidor de depuração. Certifique-se de que o `runtimeExecutable` esteja configurado corretamente e que possa ser executado sem erros.", "The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "O 'cwd' configurado {0} não existe.", "The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "O `cwd` configurado {0} não é uma pasta.", "This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Este é um caminho de arquivo ausente referenciado por um sourcemap. Nesse caso, deseja depurar a versão compilada?", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index 1aecfc3b19..bd115a91bc 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "Abrir PR", "Open on GitHub": "Abrir no GitHub", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "Selecionar uma pasta para publicar no GitHub", - "Publish Branch": "Publicar Branch", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "Fazendo a publicação em um repositório privado do GitHub", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "Fazendo a publicação em um repositório público do GitHub", - "Push Commits": "Commits por Push", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "Enviando alterações por push...", "Select the Pull Request template": "Selecione o modelo de Solicitação de Pull", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "Selecionar quais arquivos devem ser incluídos no repositório.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "O PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" foi criado com êxito no GitHub.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "O branch atual tem commits não publicados. Deseja enviar seus commits por push antes de copiar um link?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "O branch atual não está publicado no remoto. Deseja publicar seu branch antes de copiar um link?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "O arquivo atual tem alterações sem commit. Faça commit de suas alterações antes de copiar um link.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "A bifurcação \"{0}\" foi criada com êxito no GitHub.", "Uploading files": "Carregando os arquivos", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 2a75b2ea18..379329fdf6 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Habilite a opção de soltar arquivos em um Markdown editor ao pressionar a tecla Shift. Requer habilitar `#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Controla se os arquivos fora do workspace que são colados em um editor Markdown devem ser copiados para o workspace.\r\n\r\nUse `#markdown.copyFiles.destination#` para configurar onde os arquivos copiados devem ser criados.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Ative a colagem de arquivos em um editor Markdown para criar links Markdown. Requer ativar `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "Abrir links ao lado do editor ativo.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "Abrir links no grupo do editor ativo.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "Controla se os links nos arquivos Markdown devem ser abertos.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json index 587fcb9f3b..02446e59bf 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Reverter esta alteração" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "Dobrar a Região Inalterada" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "espaço em branco", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "Controla se o editor mostra CodeLens.", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controla se o editor de diferenças mostra regiões inalteradas. Só funciona quando 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' está definido.", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "Controla se {0} e {1} serão detectados automaticamente quando um arquivo for aberto com base no conteúdo do arquivo.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "Usa o algoritmo de comparação avançada.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "Usa o algoritmo de comparação herdado.", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Controla se o semanticHighlighting é mostrado para as linguagens que dão suporte a ele.", "semanticHighlighting.false": "Realce de semântica desabilitado para todos os temas de cor.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "Realce de semântica habilitado para todos os temas de cor.", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "Controla se o editor de diferenças deve mostrar movimentos de código detectados. Só funciona quando 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' está definido.", + "showEmptyDecorations": "Controla se o editor de comparação mostra decorações vazias para ver onde os caracteres foram inseridos ou excluídos.", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "Controla se o editor de comparação mostra a comparação lado a lado ou embutida.", "stablePeek": "Mantenha os editores de inspeção abertos mesmo ao clicar duas vezes em seu conteúdo ou ao pressionar `Escape`.", "tabSize": "O número de espaços aos qual uma guia é igual. Essa configuração é substituída com base no conteúdo do arquivo quando {0} está ativado.", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "Controla se as decorações de arquivo do editor devem usar selos.", "decorations.colors": "Controla se as decorações de arquivo do editor devem usar cores.", "dirty": "`${dirty}`: um indicador para quando o editor ativo tem alterações não salvas.", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controla se o grupo de editores deve ser maximizado/restaurado ao clicar duas vezes em uma guia. Esse valor é ignorado quando `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` está desabilitado.", "editorOpenPositioning": "Controla onde os editores são abertos. Selecione `left` ou `right` para abrir editores à esquerda ou à direita do editor ativo no momento. Selecione `first` ou `last` para abrir editores independentemente do que está atualmente ativo.", "editorTabCloseButton": "Controla a posição dos botões de fechar das guias do editor ou os desabilita quando definido como 'desativado'. Esse valor é ignorado quando `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` está desabilitado.", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "Controla se os menus principais podem ser abertos por meio de atalhos da tecla Alt. A desabilitação de mnemônicos permite associar esses atalhos de tecla Alt aos comandos do editor.", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "Torne todas as guias do mesmo tamanho, permitindo que elas sejam menores quando o espaço disponível não for suficiente para mostrar todas as guias ao mesmo tempo.", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "Permitir que as guias sejam menores quando o espaço disponível não for suficiente para mostrar todas as guias de uma vez.", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "Controla a largura máxima das guias quando o tamanho `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` é definido como `fixed`.", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controla a largura máxima das guias quando o tamanho `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` é definido como `fixed`.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "O tamanho padrão.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "Aumenta o tamanho para facilitar a captura com o mouse.", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "O nome do arquivo sem título é derivado do conteúdo de sua primeira linha, a menos que tenha um caminho de arquivo associado. Ele fará fallback para o nome caso a linha esteja vazia ou não contenha caracteres de palavras.", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "Controla o tempo limite em segundos antes de abrir mão da resolução do ambiente do shell quando o aplicativo ainda não tenha sido iniciado a partir de um terminal. Confira nossa [documentation](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667) para obter mais informações.", "argv.crashReporterId": "ID exclusiva usada para correlacionar relatórios de falhas enviados desta instância de aplicativo.", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Desabilita a área restrita do Chromium. Isso é útil ao executar VS Code com privilégios elevados no Linux e em execução no Applocker no Windows.", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "Desabilita a aceleração de hardware. SOMENTE altere esta opção se você encontrar problemas gráficos.", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "Permite desabilitar o relatório de falhas. Reinicie o aplicativo se o valor for alterado.", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "Habilitar APIs propostas para uma lista de IDs de extensão (como `vscode.git`). As APIs propostas são instáveis e sujeitas a falha sem aviso a qualquer momento. Isso deve ser definido apenas para fins de desenvolvimento e teste de extensão.", @@ -4412,12 +4412,12 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{0} em {1} em breve deixará de receber atualizações. Considere atualizar sua versão do Windows." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "Exibição Acessível de Foco", - "terminal-help-label": "ajuda de acessibilidade de terminal" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "Exibição Acessível de Foco" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "Acessibilidade", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Abrir a Ajuda de Acessibilidade", "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", "verbosity.chat.description": "Forneça informações sobre como acessar o menu de ajuda do chat quando a entrada do chat estiver focada", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "Forneça informações sobre como navegar pelas alterações no editor de comparação quando ele estiver focado", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "Ajuda de acessibilidade de chat", "chat.announcement": "As respostas de chat serão anunciadas conforme elas forem recebidas. Uma resposta indicará o número de blocos de código, se houver, e o restante da resposta.", - "chat.audioCues": "As dicas de áudio podem ser alteradas por meio de configurações com um prefixo de audioCues.chat. Por padrão, se uma solicitação demorar mais de 5 segundos, você ouvirá um sinal de áudio indicando que o progresso ainda está ocorrendo.", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "O modo de exibição de chat é composta por uma caixa de entrada e uma lista de solicitações/respostas. A caixa de entrada é usada para fazer solicitações e a lista é usada para exibir as respostas.", "chat.requestHistory": "Na caixa de entrada, use as setas para cima e para baixo para navegar pelo histórico de solicitações. Edite a entrada e use enter ou o botão enviar para executar uma nova solicitação.", "inline-chat-label": "Ajuda de acessibilidade de chat embutido", - "inlineChat.access": "Ele pode ser ativado por meio de ações de correção rápida ou diretamente usando o comando: Chat Embutido: Iniciar Chat com Código ({0}).", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "As ações do menu de contexto podem executar uma solicitação prefixada com /fix ou /explain. Esses prefixos podem ser usados diretamente na caixa de entrada para aplicar essas ações específicas.", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "Uma vez no editor de diferenças, entre no modo de revisão com ({0}). Use as setas para cima e para baixo para navegar pelas linhas com as alterações propostas.", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "Tab novamente para entrar no editor de Diferenças com as alterações e entrar no modo de revisão com o Comando Ir para a Próxima Diferença. Use a seta Para cima/Para baixo para navegar pelas linhas com as alterações propostas.", "inlineChat.explain": "Quando uma solicitação é prefixada com /explain, uma resposta explicará o código na seleção atual e o modo de exibição do chat será focado.", "inlineChat.fix": "Quando uma solicitação é prefixada com /fix, uma resposta indicará o problema com o código atual. Um editor de diferenças será renderizado e pode ser acessado por tabulação.", - "inlineChat.overview": "O chat embutido ocorre em um editor de código e leva em consideração a seleção atual. É útil para refatoração, correção e muito mais. Lembre-se de que o código gerado pela IA pode estar incorreto.", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "Use a guia para acessar partes condicionais, como comandos, status, respostas de mensagens e muito mais.", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "O comando Limpar chat ({0}) limpa a lista de solicitações/respostas.", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "O comando Limpar chat limpa a lista de solicitações/respostas e atualmente não é acionável por uma associação de teclas.", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "O comando do Chat de Foco ({0}) focaliza a lista de solicitação/resposta do chat, que pode ser navegada com as setas para cima e para baixo.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "O comando Focus Chat Input ({0}) concentra a caixa de entrada para solicitações de chat.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "O comando Foco na Lista de Chats coloca o foco na lista de solicitações/respostas do chat, que pode ser navegada com UpArrow/DownArrow e atualmente não é acionada por uma associação de teclas.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "O comando Chat: Next Code Block ({0}) concentra o próximo bloco de código em uma resposta.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "O comando Chat: Next Code Block concentra o próximo bloco de código em uma resposta e, no momento, não pode ser disparado por uma associação de teclas.", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "O comando Foco na Entrada do Chat coloca o foco na caixa de entrada das solicitações do chat e atualmente não pode ser acionado por uma associação de teclas." + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "Aceitar Entrada de Chat", @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "Use a barra invertida como caractere de separação de caminho.", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "Use barra como caractere de separação de caminho.", "defaultLanguage": "O identificador de idioma padrão foi atribuído aos novos arquivos. Se configurado para `${activeEditorLanguage}`, usará a ID de idioma do editor de texto atualmente ativo, se houver.", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "Desabilita a nomenclatura incremental. Se existirem dois arquivos com o mesmo nome, você será solicitado a substituir o arquivo existente.", "enableDragAndDrop": "Controla se o Explorador deverá permitir a movimentação de arquivos e pastas por meio de arrastar e soltar. Essa configuração só afeta arrastar e soltar de dentro do Explorador.", "enableUndo": "Controla se o gerenciador deve dar suporte à desfazer operações de arquivo e pasta.", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "Controla qual estratégia de nomenclatura deverá ser usada ao atribuir um novo nome a um item duplicado do Explorador ao colar.", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "Explorador de Arquivos", "falseDescription": "Desabilitar o padrão.", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "O Caminho padrão para caixas de diálogo de arquivo, substituindo o caminho inicial do usuário. Usado apenas na ausência de um caminho específico do contexto, como arquivo ou pasta aberto mais recentemente.", "fileNesting.description": "Cada padrão de chave pode conter um único caractere `*` que corresponderá a qualquer cadeia de caracteres.", "fileNestingEnabled": "Controla se o aninhamento de arquivos está habilitado no explorador. O aninhamento de arquivos permite que os arquivos relacionados em um diretório sejam agrupados visualmente em um único arquivo pai.", "fileNestingExpand": "Controla se os ninhos de arquivos são expandidos automaticamente. {0} deve ser definido para que isso tenha efeito.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "Consulte o log de erros e tente novamente mais tarde.", "default.placeholder": "Fazer uma pergunta", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, {2} para o histórico)", - "editResponseMessage": "Navegue até o editor de comparação para examinar as alterações propostas.", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "Sem resultados, refine sua entrada e tente novamente", "err.apply": "Falha ao aplicar as alterações.", "err.discard": "Falha ao descartar alterações.", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "Nunca mostre os controles dobráveis e reduza o tamanho da calha." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "O foco do comando Editar Célula ({0}) será na entrada da célula.", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "O foco do comando Editar Célula será na entrada da célula e atualmente não pode ser disparado por uma associação de teclas.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "O comando Executar Célula ({0}) executa a célula em foco no momento.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "O comando Executar Célula executa a célula em foco no momento e atualmente não pode ser disparado por uma associação de teclas.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "O comando Focar na Saída ({0}) definirá o foco na saída da célula.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "O comando Encerrar Edição definirá o foco na saída da célula e, no momento, não pode ser disparado por uma associação de teclas.", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Os comandos Inserir Célula Acima/Abaixo criarão novas células de código vazias", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "O comando Encerrar Edição ({0}) definirá o foco no contêiner da célula. A tecla padrão (Escape) pode precisar ser pressionada duas vezes primeiro para sair do cursor virtual se estiver ativa.", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "O comando Encerrar Edição definirá o foco no contêiner de célula e, no momento, não pode ser disparado por uma associação de teclas.", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "As setas para cima e para baixo moverão o foco entre as células enquanto mantém o foco no contêiner de célula externa", + "notebook.changeCellType": "Os comandos Alterar Célula para Código/Markdown são usados para alternar entre tipos de célula.", + "notebook.overview": "O modo de exibição de notebook é uma coleção de células de código e markdown. As células de código podem ser executadas e produzirão a saída diretamente abaixo da célula." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "Não é possível abrir o recurso com o tipo de editor de notebook '{0}', favor verificar se você tem a extensão correta instalada e habilitada.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "Fechar Caixa de Diálogo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Em destaque" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "Marcar como Concluído", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "O menu de contexto do modo de exibição da web" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Busca experimentos para execução usando um serviço online da Microsoft." }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "Permitir acesso a {0} para {1}... (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "Tente baixar e reproduzir o problema em {0} insiders.", "ask to reproduce issue": "Tente reproduzir o problema em {0} insiders e confirme se o problema existe lá.", "bad": "Eu consigo reproduzir", - "detail.start": "A solução de problemas é um processo para ajudá-lo a identificar se o problema é com {0} ou causado por uma extensão.\r\n\r\nDurante o processo, a janela é recarregada repetidamente. A cada vez, você deve confirmar se ainda está tendo problemas.", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "Baixar {0} Insiders", - "empty.profile": "A solução de problemas está ativa e redefiniu temporariamente suas configurações para os padrões. Verifique se você ainda pode reproduzir o problema e prossiga selecionando uma dessas opções.", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "Não consigo reproduzir", "issue is in core": "A solução de problemas identificou que o problema é com {0}.", - "issue is with configuration": "A solução de problemas identificou que o problema é causado por suas configurações. Relate o problema compartilhando suas configurações.", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&Resolução de Problemas", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "A solução de problemas está ativa e desabilitou temporariamente todas as extensões instaladas. Verifique se você ainda pode reproduzir o problema e prossiga selecionando uma dessas opções.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "Relatar Problema Mesmo Assim", "stop": "Interromper", "title.stop": "Interromper Solução de Problemas", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "A pasta do workspace não existe: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "Não foi possível identificar um chaveamento do sistema operacional para armazenar os dados relacionados à criptografia em seu ambiente de área de trabalho atual.", + "isGnome": "Você está executando em um ambiente DOES, mas a criptografia não está disponível. Verifique se você tem gnome-keyring ou outra implementação compatível com libsecret instalada e em execução.", + "isKwallet": "Você está executando em um ambiente KDE, mas o chaveamento do sistema operacional não está disponível para criptografia. Verifique se você tem o kwallet em execução.", + "troubleshootingButton": "Abra o guia de solução de problemas", + "usePlainText": "Usar criptografia mais fraca", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Abra o guia de solução de problemas para resolver isso ou você pode usar criptografia mais fraca que não usa o chaveamento do sistema operacional." }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, documentos: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "O perfil com nome o {0} já existe.", "profiles.applying": "{0}: aplicando...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: Exportando...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): aplicando Extensões...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): aplicando Estado...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): aplicando Atalhos do Teclado...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): aplicando Configurações...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): aplicando Snippets...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): aplicando Tarefas...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: resolvendo o conteúdo do perfil...", "select": "Selecionar {0}", "select profile": "Selecionar Perfil", "select profile content handler": "Exportar perfil '{0}' como...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): aplicando..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "Não é possível excluir o perfil padrão", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index c9db13e5a8..60f7addd3c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "Øpëñ PR", "Open on GitHub": "Øpëñ øñ GïtHµþ", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "Pïçk æ følðër tø pµþlïsh tø GïtHµþ", - "Publish Branch": "Pµþlïsh ßræñçh", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Pµþlïsh ßræñçh & Çøpÿ £ïñk", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "Pµþlïshïñg tø æ prïvætë GïtHµþ rëpøsïtørÿ", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "Pµþlïshïñg tø æ pµþlïç GïtHµþ rëpøsïtørÿ", - "Push Commits": "Pµsh Çømmïts", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pµll Çhæñgës & Çøpÿ £ïñk", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Pµsh Çømmïts & Çøpÿ £ïñk", "Pushing changes...": "Pµshïñg çhæñgës...", "Select the Pull Request template": "§ëlëçt thë Pµll Rëqµëst tëmplætë", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "§ëlëçt whïçh fïlës shøµlð þë ïñçlµðëð ïñ thë rëpøsïtørÿ.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "Thë PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" wæs sµççëssfµllÿ çrëætëð øñ GïtHµþ.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "Thë çµrrëñt þræñçh hæs µñpµþlïshëð çømmïts. Wøµlð ÿøµ lïkë tø pµsh ÿøµr çømmïts þëførë çøpÿïñg æ lïñk?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "Thë çµrrëñt þræñçh ïs ñøt pµþlïshëð tø thë rëmøtë. Wøµlð ÿøµ lïkë tø pµþlïsh ÿøµr þræñçh þëførë çøpÿïñg æ lïñk?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "Thë çµrrëñt þræñçh ïs ñøt µp tø ðætë. Wøµlð ÿøµ lïkë tø pµll þëførë çøpÿïñg æ lïñk?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "Thë çµrrëñt fïlë hæs µñçømmïttëð çhæñgës. Plëæsë çømmït ÿøµr çhæñgës þëførë çøpÿïñg æ lïñk.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "Thë førk \"{0}\" wæs sµççëssfµllÿ çrëætëð øñ GïtHµþ.", "Uploading files": "Üpløæðïñg fïlës", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 20f9712965..651418db22 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Ëñæþlë ðrøppïñg fïlës ïñtø æ Mærkðøwñ ëðïtør whïlë hølðïñg §hïft. Rëqµïrës ëñæþlïñg `#ëðïtør.ðrøpÏñtøËðïtør.ëñæþlëð#`.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Çøñtrøls ïf fïlës øµtsïðë øf thë wørkspæçë thæt ærë pæstëð ïñtø æ Mærkðøwñ ëðïtør shøµlð þë çøpïëð ïñtø thë wørkspæçë.\r\n\r\nÜsë `#mærkðøwñ.çøpÿFïlës.ðëstïñætïøñ#` tø çøñfïgµrë whërë çøpïëð fïlës shøµlð þë çrëætëð.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Ëñæþlë pæstïñg fïlës ïñtø æ Mærkðøwñ ëðïtør tø çrëætë Mærkðøwñ lïñks. Rëqµïrës ëñæþlïñg `#ëðïtør.pæstëÆs.ëñæþlëð#`.", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Çøñtrøls ïf æ Mærkðøwñ lïñk ïs çrëætëð whëñ æ ÜR£ ïs pæstëð ïñtø thë Mærkðøwñ ëðïtør.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Çøñtrøls ïf æ Mærkðøwñ lïñk ïs çrëætëð whëñ æ ÜR£ ïs pæstëð ïñtø thë Mærkðøwñ ëðïtør. 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Øñlÿ wørks whëñ 'ðïffËðïtør.ëxpërïmëñtæl.µsëVërsïøñ2' ïs sët.", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Çøñtrøls whëthër thë ðïff ëðïtør shøws µñçhæñgëð rëgïøñs. Øñlÿ wørks whëñ {0} ïs sët.", "detectIndentation": "Çøñtrøls whëthër {0} æñð {1} wïll þë æµtømætïçællÿ ðëtëçtëð whëñ æ fïlë ïs øpëñëð þæsëð øñ thë fïlë çøñtëñts.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "Üsës thë æðvæñçëð ðïffïñg ælgørïthm.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "Üsës thë lëgæçÿ ðïffïñg ælgørïthm.", @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ "semanticHighlighting.false": "§ëmæñtïç hïghlïghtïñg ðïsæþlëð før æll çølør thëmës.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "§ëmæñtïç hïghlïghtïñg ëñæþlëð før æll çølør thëmës.", "showEmptyDecorations": "Çøñtrøls whëthër thë ðïff ëðïtør shøws ëmptÿ ðëçørætïøñs tø sëë whërë çhæræçtërs gøt ïñsërtëð ør ðëlëtëð.", - "showMoves": "Çøñtrøls whëthër thë ðïff ëðïtør shøµlð shøw ðëtëçtëð çøðë møvës. Øñlÿ wørks whëñ 'ðïffËðïtør.ëxpërïmëñtæl.µsëVërsïøñ2' ïs sët.", + "showMoves": "Çøñtrøls whëthër thë ðïff ëðïtør shøµlð shøw ðëtëçtëð çøðë møvës. 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Thïs sëttïñg øñlÿ ëffëçts ðræg æñð ðrøp frøm ïñsïðë thë Ëxplørër.", "enableUndo": "Çøñtrøls whëthër thë Ëxplørër shøµlð sµppørt µñðøïñg fïlë æñð følðër øpërætïøñs.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "Plëæsë çøñsµlt thë ërrør løg æñð trÿ ægæïñ lætër.", "default.placeholder": "Æsk æ qµëstïøñ", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, {2} før hïstørÿ)", - "editResponseMessage": "Ñævïgætë tø thë ðïff ëðïtør tø rëvïëw prøpøsëð çhæñgës.", + "editResponseMessage": "Üsë tæþ tø ñævïgætë tø thë ðïff ëðïtør æñð rëvïëw prøpøsëð çhæñgës.", "empty": "Ñø rësµlts, plëæsë rëfïñë ÿøµr ïñpµt æñð trÿ ægæïñ", "err.apply": "Fæïlëð tø æpplÿ çhæñgës.", "err.discard": "Fæïlëð tø ðïsçærð çhæñgës.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "Çløsë Ðïæløg" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Fëætµrëð" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Rëçømmëñðëð" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "Mærk Ðøñë", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "Plëæsë trÿ tø ðøwñløæð æñð rëprøðµçë thë ïssµë ïñ {0} ïñsïðërs.", "ask to reproduce issue": "Plëæsë trÿ tø rëprøðµçë thë ïssµë ïñ {0} ïñsïðërs æñð çøñfïrm ïf thë ïssµë ëxïsts thërë.", "bad": "Ï çæñ rëprøðµçë", - "detail.start": "Ïssµë trøµþlëshøøtïñg ïs æ prøçëss tø hëlp ÿøµ ïðëñtïfÿ ïf thë ïssµë ïs wïth {0} ør çæµsëð þÿ æñ ëxtëñsïøñ.\r\n\r\nеrïñg thë prøçëss thë wïñðøw rëløæðs rëpëætëðlÿ. Ëæçh tïmë ÿøµ mµst çøñfïrm ïf ÿøµ ærë stïll sëëïñg prøþlëms.", + "detail.start": "Ïssµë trøµþlëshøøtïñg ïs æ prøçëss tø hëlp ÿøµ ïðëñtïfÿ thë çæµsë før æñ ïssµë. Thë çæµsë før æñ ïssµë çæñ þë æ mïsçøñfïgµrætïøñ, ðµë tø æñ ëxtëñsïøñ, ør þë {0} ïtsëlf.\r\n\r\nеrïñg thë prøçëss thë wïñðøw rëløæðs rëpëætëðlÿ. Ëæçh tïmë ÿøµ mµst çøñfïrm ïf ÿøµ ærë stïll sëëïñg thë ïssµë.", "download insiders": "Ðøwñløæð {0} Ïñsïðërs", - "empty.profile": "Ïssµë trøµþlëshøøtïñg ïs æçtïvë æñð hæs tëmpørærïlÿ rësët ÿøµr sëttïñgs tø ðëfæµlts. Çhëçk ïf ÿøµ çæñ stïll rëprøðµçë thë prøþlëm æñð prøçëëð þÿ sëlëçtïñg frøm thësë øptïøñs.", + "empty.profile": "Ïssµë trøµþlëshøøtïñg ïs æçtïvë æñð hæs tëmpørærïlÿ rësët ÿøµr çøñfïgµrætïøñs tø ðëfæµlts. Çhëçk ïf ÿøµ çæñ stïll rëprøðµçë thë prøþlëm æñð prøçëëð þÿ sëlëçtïñg frøm thësë øptïøñs.", "good": "Ï çæñ't rëprøðµçë", "issue is in core": "Ïssµë trøµþlëshøøtïñg hæs ïðëñtïfïëð thæt thë ïssµë ïs wïth {0}.", - "issue is with configuration": "Ïssµë trøµþlëshøøtïñg hæs ïðëñtïfïëð thæt thë ïssµë ïs çæµsëð þÿ ÿøµr sëttïñgs. Plëæsë rëpørt thë ïssµë þÿ shærïñg ÿøµr sëttïñgs.", + "issue is with configuration": "Ïssµë trøµþlëshøøtïñg hæs ïðëñtïfïëð thæt thë ïssµë ïs çæµsëð þÿ ÿøµr çøñfïgµrætïøñs. Plëæsë rëpørt thë ïssµë þÿ ëxpørtïñg ÿøµr çøñfïgµrætïøñs µsïñg \"Ëxpørt Prøfïlë\" çømmæñð æñð shærë thë fïlë ïñ thë ïssµë rëpørt.", "msg": "&&Trøµþlëshøøt Ïssµë", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "Ïssµë trøµþlëshøøtïñg ïs æçtïvë æñð hæs tëmprærïlÿ ðïsæþlëð æll ïñstællëð ëxtëñsïøñs. Çhëçk ïf ÿøµ çæñ stïll rëprøðµçë thë prøþlëm æñð prøçëëð þÿ sëlëçtïñg frøm thësë øptïøñs.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Ïssµë trøµþlëshøøtïñg ïs æçtïvë æñð hæs tëmpørærïlÿ ðïsæþlëð æll ïñstællëð ëxtëñsïøñs. Çhëçk ïf ÿøµ çæñ stïll rëprøðµçë thë prøþlëm æñð prøçëëð þÿ sëlëçtïñg frøm thësë øptïøñs.", "report anyway": "Rëpørt Ïssµë Æñÿwæÿ", "stop": "§tøp", "title.stop": "§tøp Trøµþlëshøøt Ïssµë", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "Prøfïlë wïth ñæmë {0} ælrëæðÿ ëxïsts.", "profiles.applying": "{0}: Æpplÿïñg...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: Ëxpørtïñg...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): Æpplÿïñg Ëxtëñsïøñs...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): Æpplÿïñg §tætë...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): Æpplÿïñg Këÿþøærð §hørtçµts...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): Æpplÿïñg §ëttïñgs...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): Æpplÿïñg §ñïppëts...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): Æpplÿïñg Tæsks...", + "progress extensions": "Æpplÿïñg Ëxtëñsïøñs...", + "progress global state": "Æpplÿïñg §tætë...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ÿïñg Këÿþøærð §hørtçµts...", + "progress settings": "Æpplÿïñg §ëttïñgs...", + "progress snippets": "Æpplÿïñg §ñïppëts...", + "progress tasks": "Æpplÿïñg Tæsks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: Rësølvïñg prøfïlë çøñtëñt...", "select": "§ëlëçt {0}", "select profile": "§ëlëçt Prøfïlë", "select profile content handler": "Ëxpørt '{0}' prøfïlë æs...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): Æpplÿïñg..." + "switching profile": " Æpplÿïñg...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Trøµþlëshøøt Ïssµë", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "§ëttïñg µp Trøµþlëshøøt Prøfïlë: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "Çæññøt ðëlëtë thë ðëfæµlt prøfïlë", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 722c16f0b1..e191a9f7b6 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ "Duration": "Длительность", "Duration of Profile": "Длительность профиля", "Edit package.json": "Изменить файл package.json", - "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}": "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging", + "Enables Node.js [auto attach]({0}) debugging/{Locked='[auto attach]({0})'}": "Включает отладку Node.js [auto attach]({0})", "Eval": "Оценка", "Frame could not be restarted": "Не удалось перезапустить кадрирование", "Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Создает файл CPUPROFILE, который можно открыть в Chrome Devtools", @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ "Paused on frame entry": "Приостановлено на записи кадра", "Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Приостановлено в точке останова инструментирования.", "Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Приостановлено в точке останова инструментирования \"{0}\".", - "Paused on {0}": "Paused on {0}", + "Paused on {0}": "Приостановлено на {0}", "Pick Breakpoint": "Выбрать точку останова", "Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Выберите процесс node.js, к которому нужно подключиться", "Please enter a number": "Введите число", @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ "Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Целевая страница не найдена. Возможно, потребуется обновить \"urlFilter\" для соответствия странице, отладку которой необходимо выполнить.", "The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "Версия Node в \"{0}\" устарела (версия {1}), требуется версия Node 8.x или более поздняя.", "The URL provided is invalid": "Указан недопустимый URL-адрес.", - "The browser process exited with code {0} before connecting to the debug server. Make sure the `runtimeExecutable` is configured correctly and that it can run without errors.": "The browser process exited with code {0} before connecting to the debug server. Make sure the `runtimeExecutable` is configured correctly and that it can run without errors.", + "The browser process exited with code {0} before connecting to the debug server. Make sure the `runtimeExecutable` is configured correctly and that it can run without errors.": "Процесс браузера завершился с кодом {0} перед подключением к серверу отладки. Убедитесь, что параметр \"runtimeExecutable\" настроен правильно и что он может работать без ошибок.", "The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "Настроенный параметр \"cwd\" {0} не существует.", "The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "Настроенный параметр \"cwd\" {0} не является папкой.", "This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Отсутствует путь к файлу, на который ссылается сопоставитель с исходным кодом. Вы хотите вместо этого выполнить отладку скомпилированной версии?", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index 24007131d8..9c21ae24a5 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "Открыть запрос на вытягивание", "Open on GitHub": "Открыть в GitHub", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "Выберите папку для публикации в GitHub", - "Publish Branch": "Опубликовать ветку", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "Публикация в частный репозиторий GitHub", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "Публикация в общедоступный репозиторий GitHub", - "Push Commits": "Отправка коммитов", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "Выполняется отправка изменений...", "Select the Pull Request template": "Выбрать шаблон запроса на вытягивание", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "Выберите, какие файлы должны быть включены в репозиторий.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" успешно создан в GitHub.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "В текущей ветке есть неопубликованные коммиты. Хотели бы вы отправить свои коммиты перед копированием ссылки?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "Текущая ветка не публикуется на удаленном сервере. Вы хотите опубликовать свою ветку перед копированием ссылки?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "Текущий файл имеет незафиксированные изменения. Перед копированием ссылки зафиксируйте изменения.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "Вилка \"{0}\" успешно создана в GitHub.", "Uploading files": "Отправка файлов", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index d2663b42e3..254fbdd599 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Включить перетаскивание файлов в редактор Markdown, удерживая нажатой клавишу SHIFT. Требуется включить \"#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#\".", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Определяет, следует ли копировать в рабочую область файлы из-за пределов рабочей области, вставленные в редактор Markdown.\r\n\r\nИспользуйте \"#markdown.copyFiles.destination#\", чтобы настроить место создания скопированных файлов.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Включение вставки файлов в редактор Markdown для создания ссылок Markdown. Требуется включить \"#editor.pasteAs.enabled#\".", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "Открытые ссылки рядом с активным редактором.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "Откройте ссылки в группе активного редактора.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "Определяет, где следует открывать ссылки в файлах Markdown.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json index 7d485ff360..bef3c49263 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Отменить это изменение" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "Свернуть неизмененную область" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "пустой", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "Определяет, отображается ли CodeLens в редакторе.", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Определяет, отображает ли редактор несовпадений неизмененные регионы. Работает только при настройке параметра \"diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2\".", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "На основе содержимого файла определяет, будут ли {0} и {1} автоматически обнаружены при открытии файла.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "Использует расширенный алгоритм сравнения.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "Использует устаревший алгоритм сравнения.", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Определяет показ семантической подсветки для языков, поддерживающих ее.", "semanticHighlighting.false": "Семантическое выделение отключено для всех цветовых тем.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "Семантическое выделение включено для всех цветовых тем.", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "Определяет, отображает ли редактор несовпадений показывать обнаруженные перемещения кода. Работает только при настройке параметра \"diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2\".", + "showEmptyDecorations": "Определяет, отображает ли редактор несовпадений пустые элементы оформления, чтобы увидеть, где вставлены или удалены символы.", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "Определяет, как редактор несовпадений отображает отличия: рядом или в тексте.", "stablePeek": "Оставлять быстрый редактор открытым даже при двойном щелчке по его содержимому и при нажатии ESC.", "tabSize": "Число пробелов, соответствующее табуляции. Этот параметр переопределяется на основе содержимого файла, если включен параметр {0}.", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "Определяет, следует ли использовать эмблемы в декораторах файла в редакторе.", "decorations.colors": "Определяет, следует ли использовать цвета в декораторах файла в редакторе.", "dirty": "\"${dirty}\": указывает, когда в активном редакторе есть несохраненные изменения.", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Определяет, следует ли развернуть/восстановить группу редакторов при двойном нажатии вкладки. Это значение игнорируется, если параметр \"#workbench.editor.showTabs#\" отключен.", "editorOpenPositioning": "Определяет место открытия редакторов. Выберите 'left' или 'right', чтобы открывать редакторы слева или справа от активного редактора. Выберите 'first' или 'last', чтобы открывать редакторы независимо от активного редактора.", "editorTabCloseButton": "Определяет положение кнопок \"Закрыть\" на вкладках редактора или отключает их, если задано значение \"off\". Это значение игнорируется, если параметр \"#workbench.editor.showTabs#\" отключен.", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "Определяет, можно ли открыть главные меню с помощью сочетаний клавиш ALT+клавиша. Отключение мнемоник позволяет вместо этого привязать такие сочетания ALT+клавиша к командам редактора.", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "Сделайте все вкладки одинакового размера, что позволяет уменьшить их размер, если недостаточно свободного места для одновременного отображения всех вкладок.", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "Уменьшать вкладки, если свободного пространства недостаточно для отображения всех вкладок.", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "Управляет максимальной шириной вкладок, если для размера \"#workbench.editor.tabSizing#\" задано значение \"fixed\".", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Управляет минимальной шириной вкладок, если для размера \"#workbench.editor.tabSizing#\" задано значение \"fixed\".", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "Размер по умолчанию.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "Увеличивает размер, упрощая захват с помощью мыши.", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "Имя безымянного файла является производным от содержимого его первой строки, если только не имеется соответствующий путь к файлу. Возврат к этому имени выполняется, если строка является пустой или содержит символы, отличные от словообразующих.", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "Управляет временем ожидания (в секундах) перед отказом от разрешения среды оболочки, когда приложение еще не запущено из терминала. Дополнительные сведения см. в [документации](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667).", "argv.crashReporterId": "Уникальный идентификатор для корреляции отчетов о сбоях, отправляемых из этого экземпляра приложения.", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Отключает песочницу Chromium. Это полезно при запуске VS Code с повышенными правами в Linux и в AppLocker под Windows.", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "Отключает аппаратное ускорение. Изменять этот параметр следует только при наличии проблем с графикой.", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "Позволяет отключать отчеты о сбоях и при изменении значения перезапускает приложение.", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "Включить предложенные API для списка идентификаторов расширений (например, \"vscode.git\"). Предложенные API являются нестабильными и могут работать со сбоями. Этот параметр можно устанавливать только при разработке и тестировании расширений.", @@ -4412,12 +4412,12 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{0} в {1} скоро прекратит получать обновления. Рассмотрите возможность обновления версии Windows." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "Представление с поддержкой специальных возможностей при наведении", - "terminal-help-label": "справка по специальным возможностям терминала" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "Представление с поддержкой специальных возможностей при наведении" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "Специальные возможности", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Открыть справку по специальным возможностям", "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", "verbosity.chat.description": "Укажите сведения о том, как получить доступ к меню справки чата, когда поле ввода чата находится в фокусе", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "Укажите сведения о том, как перемещаться между изменениями в редакторе несовпадений, когда он находится в фокусе", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "Справка по специальным возможностям чата", "chat.announcement": "Ответы в чате будут объявляться по мере их получения. В ответе будет указано количество блоков кода (если они есть), а затем остальная часть ответа.", - "chat.audioCues": "Звуковые подсказки можно изменить с помощью параметров с префиксом audioCues.chat. По умолчанию, если запрос занимает более 5 секунд, вы услышите звуковую подсказку, указывающую на то, что выполнение еще не закончено.", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "Представление чата состоит из поля ввода и списка запросов и ответов. Поле ввода используется для создания запросов, а список — для отображения ответов.", "chat.requestHistory": "В поле входных данных используйте клавиши СТРЕЛКА ВВЕРХ и СТРЕЛКА ВНИЗ для навигации по журналу запросов. Измените входные данные и используйте клавишу ВВОД или кнопку отправки для выполнения нового запроса.", "inline-chat-label": "Справка по специальным возможностям для встроенного чата", - "inlineChat.access": "Его можно активировать с помощью действий быстрого исправления или напрямую с помощью команды: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "Действия контекстного меню могут выполнять запрос с префиксом /fix или /explain. Эти префиксы можно использовать непосредственно в поле ввода для применения этих конкретных действий.", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "В редакторе несовпадений перейдите в режим проверки с помощью ({0}). Используйте клавиши СТРЕЛКА ВВЕРХ и СТРЕЛКА ВНИЗ для перехода между строками с предложенными изменениями.", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "Нажмите клавишу TAB еще раз, чтобы перейти в редактор несовпадений с изменениями и перейти в режим проверки кода с помощью команды \"Перейти к следующему несовпадению\". Для перехода между строками с предложенными изменениями используйте клавиши СТРЕЛКА ВВЕРХ и СТРЕЛКА ВНИЗ.", "inlineChat.explain": "Если запрос имеет префикс /explain, ответ будет содержать пояснение кода в текущем выделенном фрагменте, и фокус перейдет на представление чата.", "inlineChat.fix": "Если запрос имеет префикс /fix, ответ указывает на проблему с текущим кодом. Будет отрисован редактор несовпадений, к которому можно будет перейти по табуляции.", - "inlineChat.overview": "В редакторе кода поддерживается встроенный чат с учетом текущего выделенного фрагмента. Это полезно для рефакторинга, внесения исправлений и многого другого. Имейте в виду, что код, созданный ИИ, может быть неправильным.", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "Используйте вкладку для доступа к условным частям, например командам, состоянию, ответам на сообщения и т. д.", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "Команда \"Очистить чат\" ({0}) очищает список запросов/ответов.", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "Команда \"Очистить чат\" очищает список запросов/ответов. В настоящее время ее нельзя активировать с помощью настраиваемого сочетания клавиш.", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Команда фокуса на чате ({0}) переводит фокус на список запросов/ответов чата, по которому можно переходить с помощью клавиш СТРЕЛКА ВВЕРХ и СТРЕЛКА ВНИЗ.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Команда фокуса на поле ввода чата ({0}) переводит фокус на поле ввода для запросов чата.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "Команда \"Фокус на списке чатов\" переводит фокус на список запросов/ответов чата, по которому можно переходить с помощью клавиш СТРЕЛКА ВВЕРХ и СТРЕЛКА ВНИЗ. В настоящее время ее невозможно активировать с помощью сочетания клавиш.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Команда \"Чат: следующий блок кода ({0})\" переводит фокус на следующий блок кода в ответе.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "Команда \"Чат: следующий блок кода\" переводит фокус на следующий блок кода в ответе. В настоящее время ее нельзя активировать с помощью настраиваемого сочетания клавиш.", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "Команда \"Фокус на вводе текста в чате\" переводит фокус на поле ввода для запросов чата. В настоящее время ее невозможно активировать с помощью сочетания клавиш." + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "Принять ввод чата", @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "Использовать обратную косую черту в качестве символа разделения путей.", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "Использовать косую черту в качестве символа разделения путей.", "defaultLanguage": "Языковой идентификатор по умолчанию, назначаемый новым файлам. Если задано значение \"${activeEditorLanguage}\", будет использоваться языковой идентификатор текущего активного текстового редактора, если таковой имеется.", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "Отключает именование с приращением. Если имеются два файла с одинаковым именем, будет предложено перезаписать существующий файл.", "enableDragAndDrop": "Определяет, разрешает ли проводник перемещать файлы и папки с помощью перетаскивания. Этот параметр распространяется только на перетаскивание в проводнике.", "enableUndo": "Определяет, должен ли обозреватель поддерживать отмену операций с файлами и папками.", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "Определяет стратегию именования при вставке повторяющихся элементов в обозревателе.", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "Проводник", "falseDescription": "Отключение шаблона.", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Путь по умолчанию для диалоговых окон файлов, переопределяющий путь к основной папке пользователя. Используется только при отсутствии пути, определяемого контекстом, например для недавно открывавшегося файла или папки.", "fileNesting.description": "Каждый шаблон ключа может содержать один символ `*`, который будет соответствовать любой строке.", "fileNestingEnabled": "Определяет, включено ли вложение файлов в обозревателе. Вложение файлов позволяет визуально группировать связанные файлы в каталоге в один родительский файл.", "fileNestingExpand": "Управляет автоматическим расширением вложенных файлов. Чтобы это вступило в силу, необходимо установить {0}.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "Просмотрите журнал ошибок и повторите попытку позже.", "default.placeholder": "Задайте вопрос", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, {2} для журнала)", - "editResponseMessage": "Перейдите в редактор несовпадений, чтобы проверить предложенные изменения.", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "Нет результатов. Уточните входные данные и повторите попытку", "err.apply": "Не удалось применить изменения.", "err.discard": "Не удалось отменить изменения.", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "Никогда не показывать элементы управления свертыванием и уменьшать размер переплета." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "Команда \"Изменить ячейку\" ({0}) переводит фокус на входные данные ячейки.", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "Команда \"Изменить ячейку\" переводит фокус на входные данные ячейки и в настоящее время не может активироваться с помощью настраиваемого сочетания клавиш.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "Команда \"Выполнить ячейку\" ({0}) выполняет ячейку, которая находится в фокусе.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "Команда \"Выполнить ячейку\" выполняет ячейку, которая находится в фокусе, и в настоящее время ее нельзя активировать с помощью настраиваемого сочетания клавиш.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "Команда \"Фокус на выходных данных\" ({0}) устанавливает фокус на выходных данных ячейки.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "Команда \"Выйти из изменения\" устанавливает фокус на выходных данных ячейки и в настоящее время не может активироваться с помощью настраиваемого сочетания клавиш.", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Команды \"Вставить ячейку выше/ниже\" создают новые пустые ячейки кода", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "Команда \"Выйти из изменения\" ({0}) устанавливает фокус на контейнере ячейки. Для выхода из режима виртуального курсора, если он активен, может потребоваться дважды нажать стандартную клавишу (ESCAPE).", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "Команда \"Выйти из изменения\" устанавливает фокус на контейнере ячейки и в настоящее время не может активироваться с помощью настраиваемого сочетания клавиш.", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "Стрелки вверх и вниз будут перемещать фокус между ячейками, когда фокус находится на внешнем контейнере ячейки", + "notebook.changeCellType": "Команды \"Изменить ячейку на код/Markdown\" используются для переключения между типами ячеек.", + "notebook.overview": "Представление записной книжки — это коллекция ячеек кода и Markdown. Ячейки кода можно выполнять, и они будут создавать выходные данные непосредственно под ячейкой." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "Не удается открыть ресурс с типом редактора записной книжки \"{0}\". Убедитесь, что у вас установлено и включено правильное расширение.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "Закрыть диалоговое окно" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Подборка" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "Пометить как выполненное", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "Контекстное меню веб-просмотра" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Получает эксперименты для запуска от веб-службы Майкрософт." }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "Предоставить доступ к {0} для {1}… (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "Попробуйте скачать и воспроизвести проблему в версиях предварительной оценки {0}.", "ask to reproduce issue": "Попробуйте воспроизвести проблему в версиях предварительной оценки {0} и убедитесь, что проблема там существует.", "bad": "Я могу воспроизвести", - "detail.start": "Устранение неполадок — это процесс, который помогает определить, является ли причиной проблемы {0} или расширение.\r\n\r\nВо время процесса окно перезагружается несколько раз. Каждый раз необходимо подтвердить, возникают ли проблемы по-прежнему.", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "Скачать версии предварительной оценки {0}", - "empty.profile": "Служба устранения проблемы активна и временно сбросила ваши параметры до значений по умолчанию. Убедитесь, что проблему все еще можно воспроизвести, и продолжите процедуру, выбрав один из этих параметров.", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "Не удается воспроизвести", "issue is in core": "При устранении проблемы обнаружено, что она возникла в {0}.", - "issue is with configuration": "При устранении проблемы обнаружено, что она вызвана вашими параметрами. Сообщите о проблеме, поделившись своими параметрами.", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&Устранение проблемы", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "Служба устранения проблемы активна и временно отключила все установленные расширения. Убедитесь, что проблему все еще можно воспроизвести, и продолжите процедуру, выбрав один из этих параметров.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "Все равно сообщить о проблеме", "stop": "Остановить", "title.stop": "Остановить устранение проблемы", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "Папка рабочей области не существует: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "Не удалось определить набор ключей ОС для хранения данных, связанных с шифрованием, в текущей классической среде.", + "isGnome": "Вы работаете в среде GNOME, но набор ключей ОС недоступен для шифрования. Убедитесь, что установлено и запущено решение gnome-keyring или другая совместимая реализация libsecret.", + "isKwallet": "Вы работаете в среде KDE, но набор ключей ОС недоступен для шифрования. Убедитесь, что запущен kwallet.", + "troubleshootingButton": "Открыть руководство по устранению неполадок", + "usePlainText": "Использовать менее надежное шифрование", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Откройте руководство по устранению неполадок, чтобы устранить эту проблему. Вы также можете применить менее надежное шифрование, не использующее набор ключей ОС." }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, документы: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "Профиль с именем {0} уже существует.", "profiles.applying": "{0}: применение...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: экспорт...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): применение расширений...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): применение состояния...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): применение сочетаний клавиш...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): выполняется применение параметров...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): применение фрагментов кода...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): применение задач...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: разрешение содержимого профиля...", "select": "Выбрать {0}", "select profile": "Выбор профиля", "select profile content handler": "Экспортировать профиль \"{0}\" как...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): применение…" + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "Не удается удалить профиль по умолчанию", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index a91a0f474a..ad5723af9e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "PR'yi aç", "Open on GitHub": "GitHub'da Aç", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "GitHub'da yayımlanacak klasörü seçin", - "Publish Branch": "Dalı Yayımla", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "Özel GitHub deposunda yayımlanıyor", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "Genel GitHub deposunda yayımlanıyor", - "Push Commits": "İşlemeleri Gönder", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "Değişiklikler gönderiliyor...", "Select the Pull Request template": "Çekme İsteği şablonunu seç", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "Depoya eklenecek dosyaları seçin.", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "\"{0}/{1}#{2}\" adlı PR, GitHub'da başarıyla oluşturuldu.", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "Geçerli dal yayımdan kaldırılmış işlemeler içeriyor. Bir bağlantıyı kopyalamadan önce işlemelerinizi göndermek ister misiniz?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "Geçerli dal uzak depoda yayımlanmadı. Bir bağlantıyı kopyalamadan önce dalınızı yayımlamak ister misiniz?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "Geçerli dosyada işlenmemiş değişiklikler var. Lütfen bir bağlantıyı kopyalamadan önce değişikliklerinizi işleyin.", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "\"{0}\" çatalı GitHub'da başarıyla oluşturuldu.", "Uploading files": "Dosyalar karşıya yükleniyor", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index a9b2222421..e59b19acfa 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "Shift tuşunu basılı tutarken dosyaları Markdown düzenleyicisine bırakmayı etkinleştirin. \"#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#\" öğesinin etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "Markdown düzenleyicisine yapıştırılan çalışma alanı dışındaki dosyaların çalışma alanına kopyalanıp kopyalanmayacağını denetler.\r\n\r\nKopyalanan dosyaların oluşturulacağı yeri yapılandırmak için '#markdown.copyFiles.destination#' kullanın.", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "Markdown bağlantıları oluşturmak için Markdown düzenleyicisine dosya yapıştırmayı etkinleştir. \"#editor.pasteAs.enabled#\" öğesinin etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "Bağlantıları etkin düzenleyicinin yanında aç.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "Bağlantıları etkin düzenleyici grubunda aç.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "Markdown dosyalarındaki bağlantıların açılacağı yeri denetler.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json index af4dbe60e3..80ff632cac 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Bu değişikliği geri al" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "Değişmeyen Bölgeyi Katlayın" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "boş", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "Düzenleyicinin CodeLens'i gösterip göstermediğini denetler.", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Fark düzenleyicisinin değişmeyen bölgeleri gösterip göstermeyeceğini denetler. Yalnızca 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' ayarlandığında çalışır.", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "Dosya, içeriğine göre açıldığında {0} ve {1} değerlerinin otomatik olarak algılanıp algılanmayacağını denetler.", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "Gelişmiş fark alma algoritmasını kullanıyor.", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "Eski fark alma algoritmasını kullanıyor.", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Destekleyen diller için semanticHighlighting özelliğinin gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.", "semanticHighlighting.false": "Tüm renk temaları için anlamsal vurgulama devre dışı bırakıldı.", "semanticHighlighting.true": "Tüm renk temaları için anlamsal vurgulama etkinleştirildi.", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "Fark düzenleyicisinin algılanan kod taşımalarını gösterip göstermeyeceğini denetler. Yalnızca 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' ayarlandığında çalışır.", + "showEmptyDecorations": "Fark düzenleyicinin, karakterlerin nereye eklendiğini veya silindiğini görmek için boş süslemeler gösterip göstermediğini kontrol eder.", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "Fark düzenleyicisinin farkı yan yana mı, yoksa satır içinde mi göstereceğini denetler.", "stablePeek": "İçeriklerine çift tıklandığında veya `Escape` tuşuna basıldığında bile gözatma düzenleyicilerini açık tut.", "tabSize": "Bir sekmenin eşit olduğu boşluk sayısı. Bu ayar, {0} açık olduğunda dosya içeriğine göre geçersiz kılınır.", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "Düzenleyici dosyası süslemelerinde rozet kullanılıp kullanılmayacağını denetler.", "decorations.colors": "Düzenleyici dosyası süslemelerinde renk kullanılıp kullanılmayacağını denetler.", "dirty": "`${dirty}`: etkin düzenleyicide kaydedilmemiş değişiklikler olduğunda kullanılacak gösterge", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Bir sekmeye çift tıklandığında düzenleyici grubunu büyütmeyi/geri yüklemeyi kontrol eder. `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` devre dışı bırakıldığında bu değer yoksayılır.", "editorOpenPositioning": "Düzenleyicilerin nerede açılacağını denetler. Düzenleyicileri şu anda etkin olan düzenleyicinin solunda veya sağında açmak için `left` veya `right` seçeneğini belirleyin. Düzenleyicileri şu anda etkin olan düzenleyiciden bağımsız olarak açmak için `first` veya `last` seçeneğini belirleyin.", "editorTabCloseButton": "Düzenleyicideki sekmelerin kapatma düğmelerinin konumunu denetler veya 'off' olarak ayarlandığında bunları devre dışı bırakır. `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` devre dışı bırakıldığında bu değer yoksayılır.", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "Ana menülerin Alt tuşu kısayolları aracılığıyla açılıp açılamayacağını denetler. Anımsatıcıların devre dışı bırakılması, bunun yerine bu Alt tuşu kısayollarını düzenleyici komutlarına bağlamanıza olanak tanır.", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "Tüm sekmeleri aynı boyuta getirerek, kullanılabilir alan aynı anda tüm sekmeleri göstermek için yeterli olmadığında bu sekmelerin daha küçük olmasını sağlayın.", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "Kullanılabilir alan, tüm sekmeleri aynı anda göstermek için yeterli olmadığında sekmelerin daha küçük olmasını sağlayın.", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "'#workbench.editor.tabSizing#' boyutu 'fixed' olarak ayarlandığında sekmelerin maksimum genişliğini kontrol eder.", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "\"#workbench.editor.tabSizing#\" boyutu `fixed` olarak ayarlandığında sekmelerin minimum genişliğini kontrol eder.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "Varsayılan boyut.", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "Fareyle daha kolayca yakalanabilmesi için boyutu artırır.", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "Adsız dosyanın adı, ilişkili bir dosya yolu olmadığı sürece ilk satırının içeriklerinden türetilir. Satır boşsa veya sözcük karakteri içermiyorsa ada geri döner.", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "Uygulama bir terminalden başlatılmadan kabuk ortamını çözümlemeden önce saniye cinsinden zaman aşımını denetler. Daha fazla bilgi için [belgelerimize](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667) bakın.", "argv.crashReporterId": "Bu uygulama örneğinden gönderilen kilitlenme raporlarını bağıntılamak için kullanılan benzersiz kimlik.", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Chromium korumalı alanını devre dışı bırakır. Bu, VS Code'u Linux'ta yükseltilmiş olarak çalıştırırken ve Windows'ta Applocker altında çalışırken kullanışlıdır.", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "Donanım hızlandırmayı devre dışı bırakır. Bu seçeneği YALNIZCA grafik sorunlarıyla karşılaşırsanız değiştirin.", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "Kilitlenme raporlamasını devre dışı bırakmaya olanak verir, değer değiştirilirse uygulamayı yeniden başlatmanız gerekir.", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "Uzantı kimlikleri ('vscode.git' gibi) listesi için önerilen API'leri etkinleştirin. Önerilen API'ler kararlı durumda değildir ve her an uyarı olmadan kesilmeye tabidir. Bu yalnızca uzantı geliştirme ve test amaçları için ayarlanmalıdır.", @@ -4412,12 +4412,12 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{1} üzerindeki {0} yakında güncelleştirme almayı durduracak. Windows sürümünüzü yükseltebilirsiniz." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "Vurgulama Erişilebilir Görünümü", - "terminal-help-label": "terminal erişilebilirlik yardımı" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "Vurgulama Erişilebilir Görünümü" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "Erişilebilirlik", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Erişilebilirlik Yardımını Açın", "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", "verbosity.chat.description": "Sohbet girişine odaklanıldığında sohbet yardım menüsüne nasıl erişileceği hakkında bilgi sağlayın", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "Fark düzenleyicisine odaklanıldığında değişiklikler arasında gezinme hakkında bilgi sağlayın", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "Sohbet erişilebilirliği yardımı", "chat.announcement": "Sohbet yanıtları geldikçe duyurulacak. Yanıt, varsa kod bloğu sayısını ve ardından yanıtın geri kalanını belirtir.", - "chat.audioCues": "Sesli ipuçları, audioCues.chat ön ekine sahip ayarlar aracılığıyla değiştirilebilir. Varsayılan olarak, bir istek 5 saniyeden uzun sürerse, ilerlemenin hala devam ediyor olduğunu belirten bir sesli ipucu alırsınız.", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "Sohbet görünümü bir giriş kutusu ve istek/yanıt listesinden oluşur. Giriş kutusu istek yapmak için ve liste, yanıtları görüntülemek için kullanılır.", "chat.requestHistory": "Giriş kutusundayken, istek geçmişinizde gezinmek için yukarı ve aşağı ok tuşlarını kullanın. Yeni bir istek çalıştırmak için girişi düzenleyin ve Enter tuşunu veya gönder düğmesini kullanın.", "inline-chat-label": "Satır içi sohbet erişilebilirlik yardımı", - "inlineChat.access": "Hızlı düzeltme eylemleri aracılığıyla veya doğrudan şu komut kullanılarak etkinleştirilebilir: Satır İçi Sohbet: Kod Sohbeti Başlat ({0}).", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "Bağlam menüsü eylemleri /fix veya /explain ön ekli bir isteği çalıştırabilir. Bu ön ekler, bu belirli eylemleri uygulamak için doğrudan giriş kutusunda kullanılabilir.", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "Fark düzenleyicisinde ({0}) ile gözden geçirme moduna girin. Önerilen değişikliklerle satırlarda gezinmek için yukarı ve aşağı ok tuşlarını kullanın.", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "Değişikliklerin olduğu Fark düzenleyicisine girmek için yeniden dokunun ve Sonraki Farka Git Komutuyla inceleme moduna girin. Önerilen değişikliklerin bulunduğu satırlarda gezinmek için Yukarı/AşağıOk düğmelerini kullanın.", "inlineChat.explain": "Bir isteğin başına /explain ön eki eklendiğinde, yanıt geçerli seçimdeki kodu açıklar ve sohbet görünümüne odaklanılır.", "inlineChat.fix": "Bir isteğin başına /fix eklendiğinde, yanıt geçerli kodla ilgili sorunu belirtir. Fark düzenleyicisi işlenir ve sekmeden erişilebilir.", - "inlineChat.overview": "Satır içi sohbet, bir kod düzenleyicisinde gerçekleşir ve geçerli seçimi hesaplar. Yeniden düzenleme, düzeltme ve daha fazlası için yararlıdır. Yapay zeka tarafından oluşturulan kodun yanlış olabileceğini unutmayın.", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "Komutlar, durum ve ileti yanıtları gibi koşullu bölümlere ulaşmak için sekmeyi kullanın.", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "Sohbet Temizleme komutu ({0}) istek/yanıt listesini temizler.", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "Sohbet Temizleme komutu istek/yanıt listesini temizler ve şu anda bir tuş bağlaması tarafından tetiklenemez.", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Sohbete Odaklan komutu ({0}) sohbet isteği/yanıt listesine odaklanır. Yukarı ve aşağı ok tuşları ile gezinilebilir.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Sohbet Girişlerine Odaklan komutu ({0}), sohbet istekleri için giriş kutusuna odaklanır.", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "Sohbet Listesine Odaklan komutu, Yukarı Ok/Aşağı Ok ile gezinilebilen ve şu anda bir tuş atamasıyla tetiklenemeyen sohbet isteği/yanıt listesine odaklanır.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Sohbet: Sonraki Kod Bloğu komutu ({0}) bir yanıt içinde sonraki kod bloğuna odaklanır.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "Sohbet: Sonraki Kod Bloğu komutu bir yanıt içinde sonraki kod bloğuna odaklanır ve şu anda bir tuş bağlaması tarafından tetiklenemez.", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "Sohbet Girişine Odaklan komutu, sohbet istekleri için giriş kutusuna odaklanır ve şu anda bir tuş ataması ile tetiklenemez." + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "Sohbet Girişini Kabul Et", @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "Yol ayırma karakteri olarak ters eğik çizgi kullan.", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "Yol ayırma karakteri olarak eğik çizgi kullan.", "defaultLanguage": "Yeni dosyalara atanan varsayılan dil kimliği. \"${activeEditorLanguage}\" olarak yapılandırılırsa, varsa etkin durumda olan metin düzenleyicisinin dil kimliğini kullanır.", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "Artımlı adlandırmayı devre dışı bırakır. Aynı ada sahip iki dosya olduğunda var olan dosyanın üzerine yazmanız istenir.", "enableDragAndDrop": "Explorer'ın dosya ve klasörleri sürükle ve bırak yoluyla taşımaya izin verip vermeyeceğini kontrol eder. Bu ayar yalnızca Gezgin'in içinden sürükle ve bırak işlemini etkiler.", "enableUndo": "Explorer'ın dosya ve klasör işlemlerini geri almayı destekleyip desteklemediğini kontrol eder.", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "Yapıştırmada yinelenen bir Gezgin öğesine yeni bir ad verirken kullanılacak adlandırma stratejisini denetler.", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "Dosya Gezgini", "falseDescription": "Deseni devre dışı bırak.", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Dosya iletişim kutuları için varsayılan yol, kullanıcının ana yolunu geçersiz kılar. Yalnızca en son açılan dosya veya klasör gibi bağlama özgü bir yolun yokluğunda kullanılır.", "fileNesting.description": "Her anahtar deseni, herhangi bir dizeyle eşleşecek tek bir `*` karakteri içerebilir.", "fileNestingEnabled": "Explorer'da dosya iç içe yerleştirmenin etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmediğini kontrol eder. Dosya iç içe yerleştirme, bir dizindeki ilgili dosyaların tek bir üst dosya altında görsel olarak gruplandırılmasına olanak tanır.", "fileNestingExpand": "İç içe yerleştirilmiş dosyaların otomatik olarak genişletilip genişletilmediğini denetler. Geçerli olması için bunun {0} olarak ayarlanması gerekir.", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "Lütfen hata günlüğüne bakın ve daha sonra yeniden deneyin.", "default.placeholder": "Soru sorun", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1}, geçmiş için {2})", - "editResponseMessage": "Önerilen değişiklikleri gözden geçirmek için fark düzenleyicisine gidin.", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "Sonuç yok, lütfen girdinizi daraltın ve tekrar deneyin.", "err.apply": "Değişiklikler uygulanamadı.", "err.discard": "Değişiklikler atılamadı.", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "Katlama denetimlerini hiçbir zaman gösterme ve cilt payı boyutunu küçültme." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "Hücreyi Düzenle komutu ({0}) hücre girişine odaklanır.", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "Hücreyi Düzenle komutu, hücre girişine odaklanacaktır ve şu anda bir tuş bağlaması ile tetiklenemez.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "Hücreyi Yürüt komutu ({0}), o anda odağa sahip olan hücreyi yürütür.", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "Hücreyi Yürüt komutu, şu anda odağa sahip olan ve şu anda bir tuş bağlama tarafından tetiklenemeyen hücreyi yürütür.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "Çıktıya Odaklan komutu ({0}), hücrenin çıktısında odağı ayarlar.", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "Düzenlemeden Çık komutu, hücrenin çıktısına odaklanacaktır ve şu anda bir tuş ataması ile tetiklenemez.", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Yukarı/Aşağı Hücre Ekle komutları yeni boş kod hücreleri oluşturacak", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "Düzenlemeden Çık komutu ({0}), hücre kapsayıcısına odaklanacaktır. Etkinse sanal imleçten çıkmadan önce varsayılan (Escape) tuşuna iki kez basılması gerekebilir.", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "Düzenlemeden Çık komutu, odağı hücre kapsayıcısına ayarlayacaktır ve şu anda bir tuş bağlaması ile tetiklenemez.", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "Yukarı ve aşağı oklar, dış hücre kapsayıcısına odaklanırken odağı hücreler arasında hareket ettirir", + "notebook.changeCellType": "Hücreyi Kod/Markdown Olarak Değiştir komutları, hücre türleri arasında geçiş yapmak için kullanılır.", + "notebook.overview": "Not defteri görünümü, kod ve işaretleme hücrelerinin bir koleksiyonudur. Kod hücreleri çalıştırılabilir ve doğrudan hücrenin altında çıktı üretir." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "Kaynak '{0}' not defteri düzenleyicisi türü ile açılamıyor. Lütfen doğru uzantının yüklü ve etkinleştirilmiş durumda olup olmadığını denetleyin.", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "İletişim Kutusunu Kapat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Öne Çıkanlar" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "Tamamlandı Olarak İşaretle", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "Web görünümü bağlam menüsü" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "Çalıştırılacak denemeleri bir Microsoft çevrimiçi hizmetinden getirir." }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "{1} için {0} uzantısına erişim izni ver... (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "Lütfen sorunu indirmeyi ve {0} insiders'da yeniden oluşturmayı deneyin.", "ask to reproduce issue": "Lütfen {0} insiders'da yeniden oluşturmayı deneyin ve sorunun orada mevcut olduğunu doğrulayın.", "bad": "Yeniden oluşturabiliyorum", - "detail.start": "Sorun giderme, sorunun {0} ile mi ilgili olduğunu yoksa bir uzantının mı neden olduğunu tanımlamanıza yardımcı olan bir işlemdir.\r\n\r\nİşlem sırasında pencere tekrar tekrar yeniden yüklenir. Sorunu görmeye devam ederseniz her seferinde onaylamanız gerekir.", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "{0} Insiders’ı indir", - "empty.profile": "Sorun giderme etkin ve geçici olarak ayarlarınız varsayılanlara sıfırlandı. Sorunu hala yeniden oluşturup oluşturamadığınızı kontrol edin ve bu seçenekler arasından seçim yaparak devam edin.", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "Yeniden oluşturamıyorum", "issue is in core": "Sorun giderme, sorunun {0} ile ilgili olduğunu tanımladı.", - "issue is with configuration": "Sorun giderme, soruna ayarlarınızın neden olduğunu tanımlandı. Lütfen ayarlarınızı paylaşarak sorunu bildirin.", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&Sorunu Gider", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "Sorun giderme etkin ve geçici olarak tüm yüklü uzantılar devre dışı bırakıldı. Sorunu hala yeniden oluşturup oluşturamadığınızı kontrol edin ve bu seçenekler arasından seçim yaparak devam edin.", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "Yine de Sorunu Bildir", "stop": "Durdur", "title.stop": "Sorunu Gidermeyi Durdur", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "Çalışma alanı klasörü yok: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "Geçerli masaüstü ortamınızda şifrelemeyle ilgili verileri depolamak için bir işletim sistemi kimlik anahtarlığı tanımlanamadı.", + "isGnome": "Bir GNOME ortamında çalışıyorsunuz ancak işletim sistemi kimlik anahtarlığı şifreleme için uygun değil. Gnome-keyring veya başka bir libsecret uyumlu uygulamanın kurulu ve çalışır durumda olduğundan emin olun.", + "isKwallet": "Bir KDE ortamında çalışıyorsunuz ancak işletim sistemi kimlik anahtarlığı şifreleme için uygun değil. Kwallet'in çalıştığından emin olun.", + "troubleshootingButton": "Sorun giderme kılavuzunu aç", + "usePlainText": "Daha zayıf şifreleme kullanın", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Bunu gidermek için sorun giderme kılavuzunu açın veya işletim sistemi kimlik anahtarlığı kullanmayan daha zayıf şifrelemeyi kullanın." }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, belgeler: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "{0} adlı Profil zaten var.", "profiles.applying": "{0}: Uygulanıyor...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: Dışarı aktarılıyor...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): Uzantılar Uygulanıyor...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): Durum Uygulanıyor...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): Klavye Kısayolları Uygulanıyor...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): Ayarlar Uygulanıyor...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): Kod Parçacıkları Uygulanıyor...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): Görevler Uygulanıyor...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: Profil içeriği çözümleniyor...", "select": "{0} öğesini seçin", "select profile": "Profil Seçin", "select profile content handler": "'{0}' profilini şu şekilde dışarı aktar...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): Uygulanıyor..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "Varsayılan profil silinemiyor", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index 94b6d63dfa..d31f9cf332 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "打开 PR", "Open on GitHub": "在 GitHub 上打开", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "选择一个要发布到 GitHub 的文件夹", - "Publish Branch": "发布分支", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "正在发布到专用 GitHub 仓库", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "正在发布到公共 GitHub 仓库", - "Push Commits": "推送提交", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "正在推送更改…", "Select the Pull Request template": "选择拉取请求模板", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "选择应包含在仓库中的文件。", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "已在 GitHub 上成功创建 PR“{0}/{1}#{2}”。", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "当前分支有未发布的提交。是否要在复制链接之前推送提交?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "当前分支未发布到远程。是否要在复制链接之前发布分支?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "当前文件具有未提交的更改。请在复制链接之前提交更改。", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "已在 GitHub 上成功创建分支“{0}”。", "Uploading files": "正在上传文件", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index 0139ab15d7..0a94fde225 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "通过按住 Shift 来启用将文件放入 Markdown 编辑器。需要启用 `#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#`。", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "控制是否应将粘贴到 Markdown 编辑器中的工作区之外的文件复制到工作区中。\r\n\r\n使用 `#markdown.copyFiles.destination#` 配置应在哪个位置创建复制的文件。", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "启用将文件粘贴到 Markdown 编辑器以创建 Markdown 链接。需要启用 `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`。", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "打开活动编辑器旁边的链接。", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "打开活动编辑器组中的链接。", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "控制应在哪里打开 Markdown 文件中的链接。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json index 6e3e6390d3..90006c23c8 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "还原此更改" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "折叠未更改的区域" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "空白", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "控制是否在编辑器中显示 CodeLens。", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "控制差异编辑器是否显示未更改的区域。仅当设置了 \"diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2\" 时才有效。", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "控制在基于文件内容打开文件时是否自动检测 {0} 和 {1}。", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "使用高级差异算法。", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "使用旧差异算法。", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "控制是否为支持它的语言显示语义突出显示。", "semanticHighlighting.false": "对所有颜色主题禁用语义突出显示。", "semanticHighlighting.true": "对所有颜色主题启用语义突出显示。", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "控制差异编辑器是否应显示检测到的代码移动。仅当设置了“diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2”时才有效。", + "showEmptyDecorations": "控制差异编辑器是否显示空修饰,以查看插入或删除字符的位置。", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "控制差异编辑器的显示方式是并排还是内联。", "stablePeek": "保持速览编辑器处于打开状态,即使双击其中的内容或者点击 `Escape` 键也是如此。", "tabSize": "一个制表符等于的空格数。当 {0} 打开时,将根据文件内容替代此设置。", @@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ "cliDataDir": "应在其中存储 CLI 元数据的目录。", "deprecated.useInstead": "请改用 {0}。", "diff": "将两个文件相互比较。", - "disableChromiumSandbox": "Use this option only when there is requirement to launch the application as sudo user on Linux or when running as an elevated user in an applocker environment on Windows.", + "disableChromiumSandbox": "仅当需要在 Linux 上以 sudo 用户身份启动应用程序或在 Windows 上的 applocker 环境中以提升的用户身份运行时,才使用此选项。", "disableExtension": "禁用提供的扩展。此选项不会持久化,并且仅在命令打开新窗口时有效。", "disableExtensions": "禁用所有已安装的扩展。此选项不会持久化,并且仅在命令打开新窗口时有效。", "disableGPU": "禁用 GPU 硬件加速。", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "控制编辑器文件修饰是否应使用徽章。", "decorations.colors": "控制编辑器文件修饰是否应使用颜色。", "dirty": "`${dirty}`: 表明活动编辑器具有未保存更改的时间的指示器。", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "控制在双击选项卡时是否最大化/还原编辑器组。禁用 `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` 时,将忽略此值。", "editorOpenPositioning": "控制编辑器打开的位置。选择 `left` 或 `right` 可分别在当前活动编辑器的左侧或右侧打开。选择 `first` (最前) 或 `last` (最后) 打开的位置与当前活动编辑器无关。", "editorTabCloseButton": "控制编辑器的选项卡关闭按钮的位置,或者在设置为 \"off\" 时禁用它们。当 \"#workbench.editor.showTabs#\" 处于禁用状态时,将忽略此值。", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "控制是否可通过 Alt 键快捷键打开主菜单。如果禁用助记符,则可将这些 Alt 键快捷键绑定到编辑器命令。", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "使所有选项卡的大小相同,同时允许它们在可用空间不足以同时显示所有选项卡时变小。", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "在不能同时显示所有选项卡时,允许选项卡缩小。", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "控制将`#workbench.editor.tabSizing#`大小设置为`fixed`时选项卡的最大宽度。", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "控制将 `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` 大小设置为 `fixed` 时选项卡的最小宽度。", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "默认大小。", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "增加大小,以便更轻松地通过鼠标抓取。", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "无标题文件的名称派生自其第一行的内容,除非它有关联的文件路径。如果行为空或不包含单词字符,它将回退到名称。", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "控制在应用程序尚未从终端启动时放弃解析 shell 环境之前的超时(以秒为单位)。有关详细信息,请参阅我们的 [文档](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667)。", "argv.crashReporterId": "用于关联从此应用实例发送的崩溃报表的唯一 ID。", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "禁用 Chromium 沙盒。当在 Linux 上以提升的权限运行 VS Code 并在 Windows 上的 Applocker 下运行时,这很有用。", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "禁用硬件加速。仅当遇到图形问题时才更改此选项。", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "允许禁用崩溃报告;如果更改了值,则应重启应用。", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "为扩展 ID (如 \"vscode.git\")的列表启用建议的 API。建议的 API 不稳定,可能随时中断且不发出警告。仅应针对扩展开发和测试目的设置该项。", @@ -4412,13 +4412,13 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{1} 上的 {0} 将很快停止接收更新。请考虑升级 Windows 版本。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "悬停辅助视图", - "terminal-help-label": "终端辅助功能帮助" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "悬停辅助视图" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "辅助功能", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", - "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "打开辅助功能帮助", + "editor.action.accessibleView": "打开辅助视图", "verbosity.chat.description": "提供有关将焦点放在聊天输入上时如何访问聊天帮助菜单的信息", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "提供有关如何在差异编辑器聚焦时在差异编辑器中导航更改的信息", "verbosity.interactiveEditor.description": "提供有关在以输入为焦点时如何访问内联编辑器聊天辅助功能帮助菜单的信息", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "聊天辅助功能帮助", "chat.announcement": "聊天答复将在他们进入时公布。答复将指示代码块的数量(如果有),然后指示响应的其余部分。", - "chat.audioCues": "通过具有 audioCues.chat 前缀的设置可以更改音频提示。默认情况下,如果请求超过 5 秒,你将听到一个音频提示,指示进度仍在进行。", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "聊天视图由输入框和请求/响应列表组成。输入框用于发出请求,列表用于显示响应。", "chat.requestHistory": "在输入框中,使用向上和向下箭头导航请求历史记录。编辑输入并使用 Enter 或提交按钮运行新请求。", "inline-chat-label": "内联聊天辅助功能帮助", - "inlineChat.access": "可以通过快速修复操作激活,也可以直接使用以下命令: 内联聊天: 启动代码聊天 ({0})。", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "上下文菜单操作可以运行以 /fix 或 /explain 为前缀的请求。这些前缀可直接在输入框中用于应用这些特定操作。", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "进入差异编辑器后,使用({0})进入评审模式。使用向上和向下箭头导航包含建议的更改的行。", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "再次点击选项卡进入具有更改的差异编辑器,并使用“转到下一个差异”命令进入审阅模式。使用向上/向下箭头浏览具有建议更改的行。", "inlineChat.explain": "当请求以 /explain 为前缀时,响应将解释当前所选内容中的代码,聊天视图将重点显示。", "inlineChat.fix": "当请求以 /fix 为前缀时,响应将指示当前代码的问题。将呈现差异编辑器,并可通过制表符进行访问。", - "inlineChat.overview": "内联聊天在代码编辑器中发生,并会考虑当前选择。它可用于重构、修复等。请记住,AI 生成的代码可能不正确。", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "使用选项卡访问命令、状态、消息响应等条件部分。", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "Chat Clear 命令 ({0}) 清除请求/响应列表。", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "Chat Clear 命令清除请求/响应列表,当前无法通过键绑定触发。", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "“焦点聊天”命令({0})侧重于聊天请求/响应列表,该列表可使用向上和向下箭头进行导航。", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "“焦点聊天输入”命令({0})将焦点放在聊天请求的输入框中。", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "“焦点聊天列表”命令侧重于聊天请求/响应列表,该列表可以使用 UpArrow/DownArrow 进行导航,当前无法通过键绑定触发。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Chat: Next Code Block 命令 ({0}) 将焦点放在回复中的下一个代码块。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "Chat: Next Code Block 命令将焦点放在响应中的下一个代码块上,当前无法通过键绑定触发。", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "焦点聊天输入命令将焦点放在聊天请求的输入框上,当前无法通过键绑定触发。" + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "接受聊天输入", @@ -4650,7 +4651,7 @@ "chatEditorName": "聊天" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { - "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Chat Input, Type to ask questions or type / for topics, press enter to send out the request. Use {0} for Chat Accessibility Help.", + "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "聊天输入,键入内容进行提问或者键入 / 来查找主题,按 Enter 可发送请求。使用 {0} 查看聊天辅助功能帮助。", "chatInput": "聊天输入", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "聊天输入,在此处键入代码,然后按 Enter 运行。有关详细信息,请使用“聊天辅助功能帮助”命令。" }, @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "使用反斜杠作为路径分隔字符。", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "使用斜杠作为路径分隔字符。", "defaultLanguage": "分配给新文件的默认语言标识符。如果配置为 \"${activeEditorLanguage}\",将使用当前活动文本编辑器(如果有)的语言标识符。", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "禁用增量命名。如果存在两个具有相同名称的文件,系统将提示你覆盖现有文件。", "enableDragAndDrop": "控制资源管理器是否应允许通过拖放来移动文件和文件夹。此设置仅影响从浏览器内部进行拖放。", "enableUndo": "控制资源管理器是否应支持撤消文件和文件夹操作。", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "选择在粘贴同名文件(夹)时要使用的重命名方式。", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "文件资源管理器", "falseDescription": "禁用该模式。", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "文件对话框的默认路径,用于替代用户的主路径。仅在缺少特定于上下文的路径时使用,例如最近打开的文件或文件夹。", "fileNesting.description": "每个键模式可能包含将与任何字符串匹配的单个 `*` 字符。", "fileNestingEnabled": "控制是否已在资源管理器中启用文件嵌套。文件嵌套允许目录中的相关文件在单个父文件下以可视方式组合在一起。", "fileNestingExpand": "控制是否自动扩展文件嵌套。要使此操作生效,必须设置 {0}。", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "请查阅错误日志,稍后重试。", "default.placeholder": "提问", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1},{2} (针对历史记录))", - "editResponseMessage": "导航到差异编辑器以查看建议的更改。", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "无结果,请优化输入并重试", "err.apply": "无法应用更改。", "err.discard": "无法放弃更改。", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "切勿显示折叠控件并减小装订线大小。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "“编辑单元格”命令 ({0}) 将焦点放在单元格输入上。", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "“编辑单元格”命令将焦点放在单元格输入上,当前无法通过键绑定触发该命令。", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "“执行单元格”命令 ({0}) 执行当前具有焦点的单元格。", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "“执行单元格”命令执行当前具有焦点的单元格,当前无法通过键绑定触发该命令。", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "“焦点输出”命令 ({0}) 将在单元格的输出中设置焦点。", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "“退出编辑”命令将在单元格的输出中设置焦点,当前无法通过键绑定触发该命令。", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "“在上方/下方插入单元格”命令将创建新的空代码单元格", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "“退出编辑”命令 ({0}) 将焦点设置在单元格容器上。如果虚拟光标处于活动状态,则可能需要先按两次默认(Escape)键才会退出虚拟光标。", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "“退出编辑”命令将在单元格容器上设置焦点,当前无法通过键绑定触发该命令。", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "焦点位于外部单元格容器上时,向上和向下箭头将在单元格之间移动焦点", + "notebook.changeCellType": "“将单元格更改为代码/Markdown”命令用于在单元格类型之间切换。", + "notebook.overview": "笔记本视图是代码单元格和 Markdown 单元格的集合。可以执行代码单元格,该单元格下方将直接生成输出。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "无法打开笔记本编辑器类型为“{0}”的资源,请检查是否已安装并启用正确的扩展。", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "关闭对话框" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "特色" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "标记为完成", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "Webview 上下文菜单" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "从 Microsoft 联机服务中获取要进行的实验。" }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "授予“{0}”访问“{1}”的权限... (1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "请尝试下载并重现{0}预览体验成员中的问题。", "ask to reproduce issue": "请尝试重现{0}预览体验成员中的问题,并确认问题是否存在。", "bad": "我可以重现", - "detail.start": "问题疑难解答过程有助于确定问题是否与{0}有关或由扩展引起。\r\n\r\n在此过程中,窗口会重复重新加载。每次必须确认是否仍然看到问题。", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "下载{0}预览体验成员", - "empty.profile": "问题疑难解答处于活动状态,并且已将设置暂时重置为默认值。检查是否仍可以重现问题,然后从这些选项中进行选择。", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "我无法重现", "issue is in core": "问题疑难解答已确定该问题与{0}有关。", - "issue is with configuration": "问题疑难解答已确定问题是由你的设置引起的。请通过共享设置来报告问题。", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "&&排查问题", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "问题疑难解答处于活动状态,并暂时禁用了所有已安装的扩展。检查是否仍可以重现问题,然后从这些选项中进行选择。", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "仍然报告问题", "stop": "停止", "title.stop": "停止排查问题", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "工作区文件夹不存在: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "无法识别用于在当前桌面环境中存储加密相关数据的 OS keyring。", + "isGnome": "你正在 GNOME 环境中运行,但 OS keyring 不可用用于加密。请确保已安装并运行 gnome-keyring 或其他 libsecret 兼容实现。", + "isKwallet": "你正在 KDE 环境中运行,但 OS keyring 不可用于加密。请确保 kwallet 正在运行。", + "troubleshootingButton": "打开疑难解答指南", + "usePlainText": "使用较弱的加密", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "请打开疑难解答指南以解决此问题,也可以使用不用 OS keyring 的较弱加密。" }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0},文档: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "具有名称 {0} 的配置文件已经存在。", "profiles.applying": "{0}: 正在应用...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: 正在导出", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): 正在应用扩展...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): 正在应用状态...", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): 正在应用键盘快捷方式...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): 正在应用设置…", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): 正在应用代码片段...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): 正在应用任务...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: 正在解析配置文件内容...", "select": "选择 {0}", "select profile": "选择配置文件", "select profile content handler": "将“{0}”配置文件导出为...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): 正在应用..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "无法删除默认配置文件。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index b0ed80f7c0..5f7f4e1ea4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ "Open PR": "開啟 PR", "Open on GitHub": "在 GitHub 上開啟", "Pick a folder to publish to GitHub": "挑選要發布至 GitHub 的資料夾", - "Publish Branch": "發佈分支", + "Publish Branch & Copy Link": "Publish Branch & Copy Link", "Publishing to a private GitHub repository": "正在發布到私人 GitHub 存放庫", "Publishing to a public GitHub repository": "正在發布到公用 GitHub 存放庫", - "Push Commits": "推送認可", + "Pull Changes & Copy Link": "Pull Changes & Copy Link", + "Push Commits & Copy Link": "Push Commits & Copy Link", "Pushing changes...": "正在推送變更...", "Select the Pull Request template": "選取提取要求範本", "Select which files should be included in the repository.": "選取要包含在存放庫中的檔案。", @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ "The PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "已成功在 GitHub 上建立 PR \"{0}/{1}#{2}\"。", "The current branch has unpublished commits. Would you like to push your commits before copying a link?": "目前的分支有未發佈的認可。是否要先推送您的認可,再複製連結?", "The current branch is not published to the remote. Would you like to publish your branch before copying a link?": "目前的分支未發佈至遠端。是否要先發佈您的分支,再複製連結?", + "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?": "The current branch is not up to date. Would you like to pull before copying a link?", "The current file has uncommitted changes. Please commit your changes before copying a link.": "目前的檔案有未認可的變更。請先提交您的變更,再複製連結。", "The fork \"{0}\" was successfully created on GitHub.": "已成功在 GitHub 上建立分支 \"{0}\"。", "Uploading files": "正在上傳檔案", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json index e419418898..93e36c289b 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.markdown-language-features.i18n.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled": "按住 Shift,以啟用將檔案放入 Markdown 編輯器。需要啟用 `#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#`。", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "控制是否應該將貼上到 Markdown 編輯器的工作區外部的檔案複製到工作區。\r\n\r\n使用 `#markdown.copyFiles.destination#` 來設定應該建立複製檔案的位置。", "configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": "啟用將檔案貼上至 Markdown 編輯器以建立 Markdown 連結。需要啟用 `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`。", - "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor.", + "configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled": "Controls if a Markdown link is created when a URL is pasted into the Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside": "開啟使用中編輯器旁邊的連結。", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup": "在使用中的編輯器群組開啟連結。", "configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description": "控制應在何處開啟 Markdown 檔案中的連結。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json index 6387c9ff15..b107928c22 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "diff.inline.revertChange.label": "還原此變更" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffEditorWidget2/unchangedRanges": { - "foldUnchanged": "Fold Unchanged Region" + "foldUnchanged": "摺疊未變更的區域" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/diffReview": { "blankLine": "空白", @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { "codeLens": "控制編輯器是否顯示 codelens。", - "collapseUnchangedRegions": "控制 diff 編輯器是否顯示未變更的區域。只有在設定 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' 時才有效。", + "collapseUnchangedRegions": "Controls whether the diff editor shows unchanged regions. Only works when {0} is set.", "detectIndentation": "根據檔案內容,控制當檔案開啟時,是否自動偵測 {0} 和 {1}。", "diffAlgorithm.advanced": "使用進階版差異演算法。", "diffAlgorithm.legacy": "使用舊版差異演算法。", @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": "控制 semanticHighlighting 是否會為支援的語言顯示。", "semanticHighlighting.false": "所有彩色主題皆已停用語意醒目提示。", "semanticHighlighting.true": "所有彩色主題皆已啟用語意醒目提示。", - "showEmptyDecorations": "Controls whether the diff editor shows empty decorations to see where characters got inserted or deleted.", - "showMoves": "控制 Diff 編輯器是否應該顯示偵測到的程式碼移動。只有在設定 'diffEditor.experimental.useVersion2' 時才有作用。", + "showEmptyDecorations": "控制差異編輯器是否顯示空白裝飾項目,以查看插入或刪除字元的位置。", + "showMoves": "Controls whether the diff editor should show detected code moves. Only works when {0} is set.", "sideBySide": "控制 Diff 編輯器要並排或內嵌顯示 Diff。", "stablePeek": "即使按兩下內容或按 `Escape`,仍保持瞄孔編輯器開啟。", "tabSize": "與 Tab 相等的空格數量。當 {0} 已開啟時,會根據檔案內容覆寫此設定。", @@ -3917,7 +3917,7 @@ "decorations.badges": "控制編輯器檔案裝飾是否須使用徽章。", "decorations.colors": "控制編輯器檔案裝飾是否須使用色彩。", "dirty": "`${dirty}`: 當使用中編輯器具有未儲存變更的指示器。", - "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "Controls whether to maximize/restore the editor group when double clicking on a tab. This value is ignored when `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` is disabled.", + "doubleClickTabToToggleEditorGroupSizes": "控制連按兩下索引標籤時是否要最大化/還原編輯器群組。'#workbench.editor.showTabs#' 停用時,會忽略此值。", "editorOpenPositioning": "控制編輯器開啟的位置。選取 [左] 或 [右] 可在目前使用中編輯器的左方或右方開啟編輯器。選取 [第一個] 或 [最後一個] 可在目前使用中編輯器外,另開編輯器。", "editorTabCloseButton": "控制編輯器索引標籤關閉按鈕的位置,或在設定為 [關閉] 時停用。當 `#workbench.editor.showTabs#` 停用時,會忽略此值。", "enableMenuBarMnemonics": "控制是否可透過 ALT 快速鍵開啟主功能表。停用助憶鍵可改為將這些 ALT 快速鍵繫結到編輯器命令。", @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "workbench.editor.tabSizing.fixed": "將所有索引標籤設為相同大小,同時在可用空間不足而無法一次顯示所有索引標籤時,讓索引標籤能縮小。", "workbench.editor.tabSizing.shrink": "當可用空間不足以一次顯示所有索引標籤時,允許索引標籤縮小。", "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMaxWidth": "控制當 `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` 大小設定為 `fixed` 時,索引標籤的最大寬度。", - "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "Controls the minimum width of tabs when `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` size is set to `fixed`.", + "workbench.editor.tabSizingFixedMinWidth": "控制當 `#workbench.editor.tabSizing#` 大小設定為 `fixed` 時,索引標籤的最小寬度。", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.default": "預設大小。", "workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing.large": "請增加大小,以便滑鼠更容易抓取。", "workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat.content": "除非有相關檔案路徑,否則無標題檔案的名稱會衍生自其第一行內容。如果該行為空白或不包含文字字元,將會遞補至名稱。", @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/desktop.contribution": { "application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout": "當應用程式尚未從終端啟動時,控制在放棄解析殼層環境前的逾時秒數。如需詳細資訊,請參閱我們的 [文件](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2149667)。", "argv.crashReporterId": "用於關聯此應用程式執行個體傳送之損毀報告的唯一識別碼。", - "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "Disables the Chromium sandbox. This is useful when running VS Code as elevated on Linux and running under Applocker on Windows.", + "argv.disableChromiumSandbox": "停用 Chromium 沙箱。在 Linux 上以提升權限執行 VS Code,以及於 Windows 上的 Applocker 下執行時,這非常有用。", "argv.disableHardwareAcceleration": "停用硬體加速。只有在您遇到圖形問題時,才變更此選項。", "argv.enableCrashReporter": "允許停用損毀報告,如果值已變更,則應重新啟動應用程式。", "argv.enebleProposedApi": "為延伸模組識別碼 (例如 `vscode.git`) 清單啟用建議的 API。建議的 API 並不穩定,且可能在任何時候中斷而不發出警告,因此只應用於延伸模組開發及測試用途。", @@ -4412,12 +4412,12 @@ "windowseolmessage": "{1} 上的 {0} 即將停止接收更新。請考慮升級您的 Windows 版本。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibility.contribution": { - "hoverAccessibleView": "暫留易於存取的檢視", - "terminal-help-label": "終端協助工具說明" + "editor-help": "editor accessibility help", + "hoverAccessibleView": "暫留易於存取的檢視" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accessibility/browser/accessibilityContribution": { "accessibilityConfigurationTitle": "協助工具", - "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "Open Accessibility Help", + "editor.action.accessibilityHelp": "開啟協助工具說明", "editor.action.accessibleView": "Open Accessible View", "verbosity.chat.description": "提供聚焦於聊天輸入時如何存取聊天說明功能表的相關資訊", "verbosity.diffEditor.description": "提供在 Diff 編輯器成為焦點時,如何瀏覽變更的資訊", @@ -4557,26 +4557,27 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": { "chat-help-label": "聊天協助工具說明", "chat.announcement": "聊天回應會在傳入時宣告。回應會指出程式碼區塊的數目 (如果有的話),接著是回應的其餘部分。", - "chat.audioCues": "音訊提示可以透過具有 audioCues.chat 前置詞的設定來變更。依預設,如果要求需要超過 5 秒,您將聽到音訊提示,指出進度仍在進行。", + "chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of audioCues.chat. By default, if a request takes more than 4 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.", "chat.overview": "聊天檢視包含輸入方塊和要求/回應清單。輸入方塊用來提出要求,而清單則用來顯示回應。", "chat.requestHistory": "在輸入方塊中,使用向上鍵和向下鍵來瀏覽您的要求歷程記錄。編輯輸入,並使用 Enter 或提交按鈕執行新要求。", "inline-chat-label": "內嵌聊天協助工具說明", - "inlineChat.access": "可以透過快速修正動作或直接使用命令來啟用: 內嵌聊天: 啟動程式碼聊天 ({0})。", - "inlineChat.contextActions": "操作功能表動作可能會執行前置詞為 /fix 或 /explain 的要求。這些前置詞可以直接在輸入方塊中使用,以套用這些特定動作。", + "inlineChat.access": "It can be activated via code actions or directly using the command: Inline Chat: Start Code Chat ({0}).", + "inlineChat.contextActions": "Context menu actions may run a request prefixed with /fix or /explain. Type / to discover more ready-made commands.", "inlineChat.diff": "進入 Diff 編輯器後,使用 ({0}) 進入檢閱模式。使用向上鍵和向下鍵來瀏覽具有建議變更的行。", "inlineChat.diffNoKb": "再次按 Tab 以進入包含變更的 Diff 編輯器,然後使用 [移至下一個差異] 命令進入檢閱模式。使用向上鍵/向下鍵以瀏覽具有建議變更的行。", "inlineChat.explain": "當要求前置詞為 /explain 時,回應會說明目前選取範圍中的程式碼,並且將聚焦於聊天檢視。", "inlineChat.fix": "要求的前置詞為 /fix 時,回應會指出目前程式碼的問題。將呈現 Diff 編輯器,並可以使用 Tab 鍵來進入。", - "inlineChat.overview": "內嵌聊天會發生在程式碼編輯器內,並考慮目前的選取範圍。它很適合用於重構、修正等等。請記住,AI 產生的程式碼可能不正確。", + "inlineChat.overview": "Inline chat occurs within a code editor and takes into account the current selection. It is useful for making changes to the current editor. For example, fixing diagnostics, documenting or refactoring code. Keep in mind that AI generated code may be incorrect.", + "inlineChat.requestHistory": "In the input box, use {0} and {1} to navigate your request history. Edit input and use enter or the submit button to run a new request.", "inlineChat.toolbar": "使用索引標籤連線到像是命令、狀態、訊息回應等條件式部分。", - "workbench.action.chat.clear": "[聊天清除] 命令 ({0}) 會清除要求/回應清單。", - "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "[聊天清除] 命令會清除要求/回應清單,而且目前無法由按鍵繫結關係觸發。", - "workbench.action.chat.focus": "聚焦聊天命令 ({0}) 會聚焦於聊天要求/回應清單,其可以使用向上鍵/向下鍵來瀏覽。", - "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "聚焦聊天輸入命令 ({0}) 會聚焦於聊天要求的輸入方塊。", - "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "聚焦聊天清單命令會聚焦於聊天要求/回應清單,其可以使用向上鍵/向下鍵來瀏覽,且目前無法透過按鍵繫結關係觸發。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "聊天: [下一個程式碼區塊] 命令 ({0}) 會將焦點放在回應中的下一個程式碼區塊。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "聊天: [下一個程式碼區塊] 命令會將焦點放在回應中的下一個程式碼區塊,而且目前無法由按鍵繫結關係觸發。", - "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "聚焦聊天輸入命令會聚焦於聊天要求的輸入方塊,且目前無法透過按鍵繫結關係觸發。" + "workbench.action.chat.clear": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.clearNoKb": "To clear the request/response list, invoke the Chat Clear command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.focus": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command ({0})", + "workbench.action.chat.focusNoKb": "To focus the chat request/response list, which can be navigated with up and down arrows, invoke The Focus Chat List command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command ({0}).", + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlockNoKb": "To focus the next code block within a response, invoke the Chat: Next Code Block command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", + "workbench.action.interactiveSession.focusInputNoKb": "To focus the input box for chat requests, invoke the Focus Chat Input command, which is currently not triggerable by a keybinding." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.chat.acceptInput": "接受聊天輸入", @@ -6799,6 +6800,7 @@ "copyRelativePathSeparator.backslash": "使用反斜線做為路徑分隔字元。", "copyRelativePathSeparator.slash": "使用正斜線做為路徑分隔字元。", "defaultLanguage": "指派給新檔案的預設語言識別項。如果設定為 `${activeEditorLanguage}`,將會使用正在使用的文字編輯器語言識別項 (如果有的話)。", + "defaultPathErrorMessage": "Default path for file dialogs must be an absolute path (e.g. C:\\\\myFolder or /myFolder).", "disabled": "停用累加命名。如果有兩個相同名稱的檔案存在,系統會提示您覆寫現有的檔案。", "enableDragAndDrop": "控制總管是否應允許透過拖放移動檔案和資料夾。此設定只會影響從總管內拖放的動作。", "enableUndo": "控制總管是否應支援復原檔案和資料夾作業。", @@ -6821,7 +6823,7 @@ "explorer.incrementalNaming": "控制在貼上時為重複總管項目指定新名稱時要使用的命名策略。", "explorerConfigurationTitle": "檔案總管", "falseDescription": "停用模式。", - "fileDialogDefaultPath": "Default path for file dialogs, overriding user's home path. Only used in the absence of a context-specific path, such as most recently opened file or folder.", + "fileDialogDefaultPath": "檔案對話方塊的預設路徑,會覆寫使用者的主路徑。僅適用於沒有內容特定路徑的情況,例如最近開啟的檔案或資料夾。", "fileNesting.description": "每個索引鍵模式可能包含符合任何字串的單一 '*' 字元。", "fileNestingEnabled": "控制是否在檔案總管中啟用檔案巢狀。檔案巢狀可讓目錄中的相關檔案以視覺方式群組在單一父檔案下。", "fileNestingExpand": "控制是否自動展開檔案巢狀。必須設定 {0},此設定才能生效。", @@ -7027,7 +7029,7 @@ "create.fail.detail": "請參閱錯誤記錄,並稍後再試。", "default.placeholder": "提出問題", "default.placeholder.history": "{0} ({1},{2} 以取得歷程記錄)", - "editResponseMessage": "瀏覽至差異編輯器以檢閱建議的變更。", + "editResponseMessage": "Use tab to navigate to the diff editor and review proposed changes.", "empty": "沒有結果,請精簡您的輸入,然後再試一次", "err.apply": "無法套用變更。", "err.discard": "無法捨棄變更。", @@ -7963,18 +7965,18 @@ "showFoldingControls.never": "永不顯示摺疊控制項與減少裝訂邊大小。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityHelp": { - "notebook.cell.edit": "The Edit Cell command ({0}) will focus on the cell input.", - "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "The Edit Cell command will focus on the cell input and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "The Execute Cell command ({0}) executes the cell that currently has focus.", - "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "The Execute Cell command executes the cell that currently has focus and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command ({0}) will set focus in the cell's output.", - "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus in the cell's output and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "The Insert Cell Above/Below commands will create new empty code cells", - "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "The Quit Edit command ({0}) will set focus on the cell container. The default (Escape) key may need to be pressed twice first exit the virtual cursor if active.", - "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "The Quit Edit command will set focus on the cell container and is currently not triggerable by a keybinding.", - "notebook.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will move focus between cells while focused on the outer cell container", - "notebook.changeCellType": "The Change Cell to Code/Markdown commands are used to switch between cell types.", - "notebook.overview": "The notebook view is a collection of code and markdown cells. Code cells can be executed and will produce output directly below the cell." + "notebook.cell.edit": "編輯儲存格命令 ({0}) 會將焦點放在儲存格輸入。", + "notebook.cell.editNoKb": "編輯儲存格命令會將焦點放在儲存格輸入,且目前無法透過按鍵繫結觸發。", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainer": "執行儲存格命令 ({0}) 會執行目前具有焦點的儲存格。", + "notebook.cell.executeAndFocusContainerNoKb": "執行儲存格命令會執行目前具有焦點的儲存格,且目前無法透過按鍵繫結觸發。", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutput": "聚焦輸出命令 ({0}) 會將焦點設定在儲存格輸出。", + "notebook.cell.focusInOutputNoKb": "結束編輯命令會將焦點設定在儲存格的輸出中,且目前無法透過按鍵繫結觸發。", + "notebook.cell.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "在上方/下方插入儲存格命令將建立新的空白程式碼儲存格", + "notebook.cell.quitEdit": "結束編輯命令 ({0}) 會將焦點設定在儲存格容器上。可能需要按預設按鍵 (Esc) 兩次,以先結束虛擬游標 (如作用中)。", + "notebook.cell.quitEditNoKb": "結束編輯命令會將焦點設定在儲存格的容器中,且目前無法透過按鍵繫結觸發。", + "notebook.cellNavigation": "向上鍵和向下鍵將在儲存格之間移動焦點,而焦點會在外部儲存格容器上", + "notebook.changeCellType": "將儲存格變更為程式碼/Markdown 命令是用來在儲存格類型間切換。", + "notebook.overview": "筆記本檢視是程式碼和 Markdown 儲存格的集合。可以執行程式碼儲存格,並將直接在儲存格下方產生輸出。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "無法使用筆記本編輯器類型 '{0}' 開啟資源,請確定您已安裝或啟用正確的延伸模組。", @@ -11055,7 +11057,7 @@ "dialogClose": "關閉對話方塊" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/featuredExtensionService": { - "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "精選" + "gettingStarted.featuredTitle": "Recommended" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { "allDone": "標記完成", @@ -11575,7 +11577,7 @@ "webview.context": "Web 檢視操作功能表" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { - "workbench.enableExperiments": "Fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service." + "workbench.enableExperiments": "擷取要從 Microsoft 線上服務執行的實驗。" }, "vs/workbench/services/authentication/browser/authenticationService": { "accessRequest": "為 {1} 授予 {0} 的存取權...(1)", @@ -12015,14 +12017,14 @@ "ask to download insiders": "請嘗試在 {0} 測試人員中下載並重現問題。", "ask to reproduce issue": "請嘗試在 {0} 測試人員中重現問題,並確認問題是否存在。", "bad": "我可以重現", - "detail.start": "問題疑難排解是一個程序,可協助您識別問題是否發生在 {0},或由延伸模組導致。\r\n\r\n在該程序期間,視窗會重複重新載入。每次您都必須確認是否仍看到問題。", + "detail.start": "Issue troubleshooting is a process to help you identify the cause for an issue. The cause for an issue can be a misconfiguration, due to an extension, or be {0} itself.\r\n\r\nDuring the process the window reloads repeatedly. Each time you must confirm if you are still seeing the issue.", "download insiders": "下載 {0} 測試人員", - "empty.profile": "問題疑難排解作用中,已暫時將您的設定重設為預設值。從這些選項選取,以檢查您是否仍可以重現問題並繼續。", + "empty.profile": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily reset your configurations to defaults. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "good": "我無法重現", "issue is in core": "問題疑難排解發現問題發生在 {0}。", - "issue is with configuration": "問題疑難排解發現問題是由您的設定導致。請分享您的設定來報告該問題。", + "issue is with configuration": "Issue troubleshooting has identified that the issue is caused by your configurations. Please report the issue by exporting your configurations using \"Export Profile\" command and share the file in the issue report.", "msg": "疑難排解問題(&&T)", - "profile.extensions.disabled": "問題疑難排解作用中,已停用所有安裝的延伸模組。從這些選項選取,以檢查您是否仍可以重現問題並繼續。", + "profile.extensions.disabled": "Issue troubleshooting is active and has temporarily disabled all installed extensions. Check if you can still reproduce the problem and proceed by selecting from these options.", "report anyway": "仍要報告問題", "stop": "停止", "title.stop": "停止疑難排解問題", @@ -12211,12 +12213,12 @@ "search.noWorkspaceWithName": "工作區資料夾不存在: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": { - "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "An OS keyring couldn't be identified for storing the encryption related data in your current desktop environment.", - "isGnome": "You're running in a GNOME environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have gnome-keyring or another libsecret compatible implementation installed and running.", - "isKwallet": "You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not available for encryption. Ensure you have kwallet running.", - "troubleshootingButton": "Open troubleshooting guide", - "usePlainText": "Use weaker encryption", - "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "Open the troubleshooting guide to address this or you can use weaker encryption that doesn't use the OS keyring." + "encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "無法識別作業系統 Keyring,以用於將加密相關的資料儲存在您目前的桌面環境。", + "isGnome": "您是在 GNOME 環境中進行,但作業系統 Keyring 無法用於加密。請確保您已安裝並執行 gnome-keyring 或其他 libsecret 相容的實作。", + "isKwallet": "您在 KDE 環境中執行,但作業系統 Keyring 無法用於加密。請確保您的 kwallet 執行中。", + "troubleshootingButton": "開啟疑難排解指南", + "usePlainText": "使用較弱的加密", + "usePlainTextExtraSentence": "開啟疑難排解指南以解決此問題,或者您可以使用未使用作業系統 Keyring 的較弱加密。" }, "vs/workbench/services/suggest/browser/simpleSuggestWidget": { "ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0},文件: {1}", @@ -12528,17 +12530,19 @@ "profileExists": "名稱為 {0} 的設定檔已經存在。", "profiles.applying": "{0}: 正在套用...", "profiles.exporting": "{0}: 正在匯出...", - "progress extensions": "{0} ({1}): 正在套用延伸模組...", - "progress global state": "{0} ({1}): 正在套用狀態", - "progress keybindings": "{0} ({1}): 正在套用鍵盤快速鍵...", - "progress settings": "{0} ({1}): 正在套用設定...", - "progress snippets": "{0} ({1}): 正在套用程式碼片段...", - "progress tasks": "{0} ({1}): 正在套用工作...", + "progress extensions": "Applying Extensions...", + "progress global state": "Applying State...", + "progress keybindings": "{0}ying Keyboard Shortcuts...", + "progress settings": "Applying Settings...", + "progress snippets": "Applying Snippets...", + "progress tasks": "Applying Tasks...", "resolving uri": "{0}: 正在解析設定檔內容...", "select": "選取 {0}", "select profile": "選取設定檔", "select profile content handler": "將 '{0}' 設定檔匯出為...", - "switching profile": "{0} ({1}): 正在套用..." + "switching profile": " Applying...", + "troubleshoot issue": "Troubleshoot Issue", + "troubleshoot profile progress": "Setting up Troubleshoot Profile: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfileManagement": { "cannotDeleteDefaultProfile": "無法刪除預設設定檔",