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Sudarshan edited this page Sep 24, 2017 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the microbiomeutilities wiki!

Install microbiomeutilities


Usually installing microbiome, phyloseq will cover dependencies as these are part of BioC.

Other packages you need to install are:

There are many packages that are useful for overall analysis and I will list a few here. **Not** all are required for running **microbiomeutilites** but they may be required for more thorough analysis.  

source("") biocLite(c("ade4", "fastcluster", "df2json", "rjson", "gplots", "ggplot2","MASS","minet","mixOmics", "plyr","qvalue","reshape2","RPA","svDialogs","vegan","WGCNA"))

from CRAN

install.packages("ggthemes") install.packages("ggdendro") install.packages("picante") install.packages("ggpubr")

Hope this solves the setup. If not then google them and see how to install these packages.   

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