<game folder>/Mods/NpcAdventure/config.json
Before you first run game with NPC Adventures mod, config.json is not present. Run game first and the you can found config.json
here. It's a SMAPI feature.
Bellow you can see a configuration schema with default values
"ChangeBuffButton": "G", // {string} Key to change prosthetics buff (like Maru's)
"HeartThreshold": 5, // {int} Minimum amount of friendship hearts required to successfully recruit a companion (by player)
"HeartSuggestThreshold": 7, // {int} Minimum amount of friendship hearts required to be offered a recruitment (by an NPC)
"ShowHUD": true, // {boolean} Show companion HUD?
"EnableDebug": false, // {boolean} Allows debug (cheat) commands in SMAPI console. Of course, only for development purposes :)
"AdventureMode": true, // {boolean} Enables an adventure mode. If this is false then mod has the same usage as version 0.9 and older.
"AvoidSayHiToMonsters": true, // {boolean} Disables/Enables the bubble speech above companions saying "Hi" to the monsters while fighting
"RequestsWithShift": false, // {boolean} Enables/Disables "ask to follow" dialogs with shift key. If it's enabled, player must hold a shift key before right-click for ask to follow or show companions's choices dialog. Shift key can be user-defined. (disabled by default)
"RequestsShiftButton": "LeftShift", // {string} Which key is a shift key for hold to recruit
"AllowGainFriendship": true, // {boolean} Enable or disable friendship points gain every whole hour while adventuring with companion.
"FightThruCompanion": true, // {boolean} Disable showing companion dialogue while fighting (on left-click). If the player wants to show it, they must do a right-click on a companion.
"UseCheckForEventsPatch": true, // {boolean} Use patched SDV method `GameLocation.checkForEvents()` for check NPC Adventures events instead of SMAPI's player warped event
"AllowEntryLockedCompanionHouse": true, // {boolean} Allows player enter companion's house any time if player has recruited this companion.
"UseAsk2FollowCursor": true // {boolean} Use NPC Adventures ask2follow cursor. If this option is disabled, then will be used propirental dialogue cursor.
"Experimental": { // WARNING! This section enables experimental features which can affect gameplay and cause errors or unstability.
"UseSwimsuits": false // {boolean} Allow companions to change to swimsuit in bathroom (disabled by default). Not all companions has own swimsuit!