This is a list of TODO's for skrf. Feel free to add to this list via pull request.
- is_reciprocal, is_passive, is_symetric
- comments support
- isolate features in tests (ie dont use touchstones to test cascading)
- make operators symetric
- add interpolation of arbitrary network parameters
- make interpolation functions more clear
- incorperate support for c, and connect_s_fast, or remove
- ABCD parameters
- add tests
- fix pickling problem.
- Citi files
- .nmf or similar data-base like set
- touchstone - ansoft style z0/gamma
- pickling of media objects
- simplify module, consolidate files, simplify docs into one page
- fixed biased error to not depend on names of calibrations
- clean up CalibrationSet, maybe merge into Calibraiton class
- use NetworkSets to implement biased vs. unbiased errors
- add write() method
- re-write VNA's coherently
- use consistent method names so VNA's are inter-changable as much as possible
- make a generic VNA that uses IDN? to load the correct class (durrants idea)
- switch to BSD license similar to scipy/numpy/etc
- use doctests or ipython doctests
- change ininstance() calls so that the we dont depend on module name
-- see Network.frequency.setter upon change of skrf to skrf2 or similar
- have plots return the plot object