MikroORM uses the Identity Map pattern to track objects. Whenever you fetch an object from
the database, MikroORM will keep a reference to this object inside its UnitOfWork
This allows MikroORM room for optimizations. If you call the EntityManager and ask for an entity with a specific ID twice, it will return the same instance:
const authorRepository = orm.em.getRepository(Author);
const jon1 = await authorRepository.findOne(1);
const jon2 = await authorRepository.findOne(1);
// identity map in action
console.log(jon1 === jon2); // true
Only one SELECT query will be fired against the database here. In the second findOne()
call MikroORM will check the identity map first and will skip the database round trip as
it will find the entity already loaded.
The identity map being indexed by primary keys only allows shortcuts when you ask for objects by primary key. When you query by other properties, you will still get the same reference, but two separate database calls will be made:
const authorRepository = orm.em.getRepository(Author);
const jon1 = await authorRepository.findOne({ name: 'Jon Snow' });
const jon2 = await authorRepository.findOne({ name: 'Jon Snow' });
// identity map in action
console.log(jon1 === jon2); // true
MikroORM only knows objects by id, so a query for different criteria has to go to the database,
even if it was executed just before. But instead of creating a second Author
object MikroORM
first gets the primary key from the row and checks if it already has an object inside the
with that primary key.
The identity map has a second use-case. When you call EntityManager#flush()
, MikroORM will
ask the identity map for all objects that are currently managed. This means you don't have to
call EntityManager#persistLater()
over and over again to pass known objects to the
. This is a NO-OP for known entities, but leads to much code written that is
confusing to other developers.
The following code WILL update your database with the changes made to the Author
even if you did not call EntityManager#persistLater()
const authorRepository = orm.em.getRepository(Author);
const jon = await authorRepository.findOne(1);
jon.email = 'foo@bar.com';
await authorRepository.flush(); // calling orm.em.flush() has same effect
MikroORM is a data-mapper that tries to achieve persistence-ignorance (PI). This means you map JS objects into a relational database that do not necessarily know about the database at all. A natural question would now be, "how does MikroORM even detect objects have changed?".
For this MikroORM keeps a second map inside the UnitOfWork
. Whenever you fetch an object
from the database MikroORM will keep a copy of all the properties and associations inside
the UnitOfWork
Now whenever you call EntityManager#flush()
MikroORM will iterate over all entities you
previously marked for persisting via EntityManager#persistLater()
. For each object it will
compare the original property and association values with the values that are currently set
on the object. If changes are detected then the object is queued for a UPDATE operation.
Only the fields that actually changed are updated.
When you call EntityManager#flush()
, all computed changes are queried inside a database
transaction (if supported by given driver). This means that you can control the boundaries
of transactions simply by calling EntityManager#persistLater()
and once all your changes
are ready, simply calling flush()
will run them inside a transaction.
You can find more information about transactions in Transactions and concurrency page.
Since MikroORM v3, default value for
. That means you need to callem.flush()
yourself to persist changes into database. You can still change this via ORM's options to ease the transition but generally it is not recommended.
Originally there was only EntityManager#persist(entity, flush = true)
method, that was
automatically flushing changes to database, if not given second false
parameter. This
behaviour can be now changed via autoFlush
option when initializing the ORM:
const orm = await MikroORM.init({
autoFlush: false, // defaults to false in v3, was true in v2
// ...
orm.em.persist(new Entity()); // no auto-flushing now
await orm.em.flush();
await orm.em.persist(new Entity(), true); // you can still use second parameter to auto-flush
When using driver that supports transactions (all SQL drivers), you should either keep auto-flushing
disabled, or use persistLater()
method instead, as otherwise each persist()
call will immediately
create new transaction to run the query.
This part of documentation is highly inspired by doctrine internals docs as the behaviour here is pretty much the same.