Purpose: This project was created for a MintBean hackathon competition. Contestants were given 1-week to create an application that allowed for users to draw on a canvas. Then it was up to us to take that idea and make something with it. -- Enjoy!
Summary: Paintrest is a platform that allows users to create and save thier artwork to share with the world!
Live site: https://paintrest.surge.sh/
Video Walkthrough: https://youtu.be/An6BQbhSCnw
API & Database Schema: https://github.com/milanz14/Paintrest-backend
React (Router, FontAwesome, Bootstrap, Axios), Express, BCRYPT, JSON Web Tokens, Postgres, & Robust error handling
Ensure API is up and running locally to utilize full functionality
- Find those steps here: https://github.com/milanz14/Paintrest-backend
Clone repository and enter directory of repo:
git clone https://github.com/milanz14/Paintrest
cd Paintrest
Initialize npm package & install required libraries:
npm init -y
npm install
Set environment variable to call API:
REACT_APP_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:3001'
Run the app:
npm start
Your project should be up and running, with a homescreen as seen below:
The create route allows users to paint on a canvas and upload their creations to their profile.
Users are also able to see the gallery of beautiful creations submitted by others.
If you have any creative ideas, submit a pull request for review explaining what the change is and what you think it would benefit the project.