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File metadata and controls

110 lines (66 loc) · 2.35 KB

Instructions for creating an SQLite database from CTA GTFS data

The data can be found here.

This file is updated roughly once a month.

1. Database structure setup


Import the routes table.

Remove rows with no route_short_name:

DELETE FROM routes WHERE route_short_name = ''

Create a column called route_sequence, so columns are as follows:

route_sequence		INTEGER
route_id			TEXT
route_long_name		TEXT

Give each route a number and add it to that route's route_sequence.

This is so the routes can be sorted properly:

49, 49B, X49...


Import the stop_times table.

Columns are as follows:

trip_id	INTEGER
stop_id	INTEGER


Import the stops table.

Remove rows with no stop_code:

DELETE FROM stops WHERE stop_code = ''

Remove extra data from stop_desc:

UPDATE stops SET stop_desc =
			LENGTH(stop_name) + 3,
			INSTR(SUBSTR(stop_desc, LENGTH(stop_name) + 3), ',') - 1

Use sqlitebrowser to find and fix the stop names of stops 572, 606, and 2990 (as of January 31, 2018).

Use sqlitebrowser to remove stops 2248, 9333, 16123, 17031, 17353, 17508, 17509, 17538, 17673, and 18219 (as of January 31, 2018).

Rename stop_desc to stop_dir.

Columns are as follows:

stop_id		INTEGER
stop_name	TEXT
stop_dir	TEXT
stop_lat	REAL
stop_lon	REAL


Import the trips table.

Columns are as follows:

route_id	TEXT
trip_id		INTEGER
direction	TEXT

2. Index creation (to speed up the following queries)

CREATE INDEX `stop_id_index` ON `stops` (`stop_id` )

CREATE INDEX `stop_id_trip_id_index` ON `stop_times` (`trip_id` ,`stop_id` )

CREATE INDEX `trip_id_route_id_index` ON `trips` (`route_id` ,`trip_id` )

3. Data migration (this is the long, tedious part)

CREATE TABLE route_1_stops AS
	SELECT DISTINCT stop_id, direction
	FROM stops NATURAL JOIN stop_times NATURAL JOIN trips NATURAL JOIN routes
	WHERE route_id = '1'

Repeat for every route (probably either 126 or 128).

4. Final steps

  1. Remove all three indices.

  2. Remove trips table and stop_times table.

  3. Compact the database (it should be around 1 MB).

  4. Move the database to app/src/main/assets/databases/cta.db.

  5. Add the date of the data to R.string.data_last_updated.