Dimension reduction of multi-dimensional elevation data for DEMs optimization & evaluation.
- References: Miliaresis G. 2019 Dimension reduction of multi-temporal elevation data, Applied Geomatics, (online first), 1-9 pages. DOI 10.1007/s12518-019-00271-w . Online access to this article is available through the link (Springer Nature ShareIT): https://t.co/nYtoakMVd7
- A win python program (https://winpython.github.io/) consisting of 3 modules dmr_mg.py and the 2 library MODULEs dmr_data_headers, & dmr_myf.py.
- 2-d DEM optimization method presents an alternative to DEM comparison by elevation differences modeling. In it's general version (3.d, 4.d etc., etc.) is not limited to the comparison/evaluation of only 2 DEMs but can handle 3 DEMs, 4 DEMs at the same time, etc. etc.
- A video is available at https://vimeo.com/253018987
- 2d case study (ALOS median & ALOS mean elevations for Zagros Ranges-Iran, just stretching the method to it's limits): https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/z4nxdjdyys/4
- 2d (ALOS & SRTM DEMs for Zagros Ranges): https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/k9zpyh8c9k/5
- 3d (ALOS, SRTM & ASTER DEMs, Zagros Ranges): https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/bd2cdf833m/8
- 3.5d (Zagros Ranges-Iran, enlarged study area): https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/bswsr3gpy2/15
- 3.5d (Zagros Ranges smaller & sligthly shifted study area): https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/cy6wzz5f76/6
- 4d (ALOS, SRTM, ASTER, & NED DEMs of Death Valley-CA-USA): https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/fbd9pd6hnx/10