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Movies / TV / Anime
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Download, stream, torrent and binge all your favourites movies or shows!
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Music / Podcasts / Radio
<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#5DADEC" d="M14.182.168L7.818 1.469A1.07 1.07 0 0 0 7 2.471v15.857A6.226 6.226 0 0 0 5 18c-2.762 0-5 1.741-5 3.889c0 2.147 2.238 3.889 5 3.889c2.713 0 4.908-1.683 4.985-3.777H10V6.477l4.182-.855A1.07 1.07 0 0 0 15 4.62V.835c0-.459-.368-.76-.818-.667zm21 4l-6.363 1.301c-.451.092-.819.543-.819 1.002v15.857A6.198 6.198 0 0 0 26 22c-2.762 0-5 1.741-5 3.889c0 2.147 2.238 3.889 5 3.889c2.713 0 4.908-1.683 4.985-3.777H31V10.477l4.182-.855A1.07 1.07 0 0 0 36 8.62V4.835c0-.459-.368-.76-.818-.667z"/><path fill="#5DADEC" d="m23.182 10.167l-6.363 1.301c-.451.093-.819.544-.819 1.003v15.857A6.198 6.198 0 0 0 14 28c-2.762 0-5 1.741-5 3.889s2.238 3.889 5 3.889c2.713 0 4.908-1.683 4.985-3.777H19V16.477l4.182-.855A1.07 1.07 0 0 0 24 14.62v-3.785c0-.459-.368-.76-.818-.668z"/></svg>
Stream, download and torrent songs, podcasts and more!
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Games / Emulation
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Download and play all your favourite games or emulate some old but gold ones!
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Book / Comics / Manga
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Whether you're a bookworm, otaku or comic book fan, you'll be able to find your favourite pieces of literature here for free!