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Agent impact on ListObjectsAsync
HAR of the chrome request (which works fine): {
"log": {
"version": "1.2",
"creator": {
"name": "WebInspector",
"version": "537.36"
"pages": [],
"entries": [
"_initiator": {
"type": "other"
"_priority": "VeryHigh",
"_resourceType": "document",
"cache": {},
"connection": "61843",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://localhost:5001/User/Picture/10014",
"httpVersion": "http/2.0",
"headers": [
"name": ":authority",
"value": "localhost:5001"
"name": ":method",
"value": "GET"
"name": ":path",
"value": "/User/Picture/10014"
"name": ":scheme",
"value": "https"
"name": "accept",
"value": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7"
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"value": "gzip, deflate, br, zstd"
"name": "accept-language",
"value": "en-US,en;q=0.9,de-DE;q=0.8,de;q=0.7"
"name": "cache-control",
"value": "no-cache"
"name": "cookie",
"value": "userId=10014"
"name": "pragma",
"value": "no-cache"
"name": "priority",
"value": "u=0, i"
"name": "sec-ch-ua",
"value": "\"Not)A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"127\", \"Chromium\";v=\"127\""
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"value": "?0"
"name": "sec-ch-ua-platform",
"value": "\"Linux\""
"name": "sec-fetch-dest",
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"name": "sec-fetch-mode",
"value": "navigate"
"name": "sec-fetch-site",
"value": "none"
"name": "sec-fetch-user",
"value": "?1"
"name": "upgrade-insecure-requests",
"value": "1"
"name": "user-agent",
"value": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
"queryString": [],
"cookies": [
"name": "userId",
"value": "10014",
"path": "/",
"domain": "localhost",
"expires": "2024-11-16T16:50:12.648Z",
"httpOnly": false,
"secure": false
"headersSize": -1,
"bodySize": 0
"response": {
"status": 200,
"statusText": "",
"httpVersion": "http/2.0",
"headers": [
"name": "content-disposition",
"value": "attachment; filename=\"Profile_10014/34ff287483408ad6078427605e6d0503.webp\"; filename*=UTF-8''Profile_10014%2F34ff287483408ad6078427605e6d0503.webp"
"name": "content-length",
"value": "3052"
"name": "content-type",
"value": "image/webp"
"name": "date",
"value": "Mon, 19 Aug 2024 15:08:14 GMT"
"name": "server",
"value": "Kestrel"
"cookies": [],
"content": {
"size": 0,
"mimeType": "image/webp"
"redirectURL": "",
"headersSize": -1,
"bodySize": -1,
"_transferSize": 3289,
"_error": "net::ERR_ABORTED",
"_fetchedViaServiceWorker": false
"serverIPAddress": "[::1]",
"startedDateTime": "2024-08-19T15:08:14.361Z",
"time": 436.0949999972945,
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"_workerStart": -1,
"_workerReady": -1,
"_workerFetchStart": -1,
"_workerRespondWithSettled": -1
} |
I just updated to
There is still a question left: My API is launching the HttpClient and is directly communicating with the Object Storage; why should my end-user impact this communication? |
I DO NOT face this problem using Screencast.from.2024-08-20.20-32-59.webmMinIO Method: public class ObjectStorageService : IObjectStorageService
private IConfiguration configuration;
private readonly IMinioClient minioClient;
public ObjectStorageService(
IConfiguration configuration,
IMinioClient minioClient
this.minioClient = minioClient;
this.configuration = configuration;
public async Task<List<string>> ListDirectories()
var bucketName = configuration.GetSection("AWS:BucketName").Value;
var listObjectsArgs = new ListObjectsArgs()
var objectNames = new List<string>();
var observable = minioClient.ListObjectsAsync(listObjectsArgs);
foreach (var item in observable)
return objectNames;
public async Task<List<(string ObjectName, string MimeType)>> List(string directory)
var bucketName = configuration.GetSection("AWS:BucketName").Value;
var listObjectsArgs = new ListObjectsArgs()
var objects = new List<(string ObjectName, string MimeType)>();
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<List<(string ObjectName, string MimeType)>>();
var observable = minioClient.ListObjectsAsync(listObjectsArgs);
var subscription = observable.Subscribe(
onNext: item =>
var stat = minioClient.StatObjectAsync(new StatObjectArgs()
objects.Add((stat.Result.ObjectName, stat.Result.ContentType));
onError: ex => { tcs.TrySetException(ex); },
onCompleted: () => { tcs.TrySetResult(objects); });
return tcs.Task.Result;
public async Task<MemoryStream> Get(string objectName)
var bucket = configuration.GetSection("AWS:BucketName").Value;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
await minioClient.GetObjectAsync(
new GetObjectArgs { }
.WithCallbackStream(s => s.CopyTo(ms))
ms.Position = 0;
return ms;
public async Task Put(MemoryStream ms, string objectName, string contentType = "application/octet-stream")
var bucket = configuration.GetSection("AWS:BucketName").Value;
await minioClient.PutObjectAsync(
new PutObjectArgs { }
} S3 Method: public class ObjectStorageService : IObjectStorageService
private IConfiguration configuration;
private readonly IAmazonS3 client;
private readonly string bucketName;
public ObjectStorageService(
IConfiguration configuration,
IAmazonS3 objectStorageClient
this.configuration = configuration;
this.client = objectStorageClient;
this.bucketName = configuration.GetSection("AWS:BucketName").Value;
public async Task<List<string>> ListDirectories()
ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest
BucketName = bucketName
var output = new List<string>();
// Build your call out to S3 and store the response
ListObjectsResponse response = await client.ListObjectsAsync(request);
// Filter through the response to find keys that:
// - end with the delimiter character '/'
// - are empty.
var folders = response.S3Objects.Where(x =>
x.Key.EndsWith(@"/") && x.Size == 0);
// Add response to the output
output.AddRange(folders.Select(x => x.Key));
// If the response is truncated, we'll make another request
// and pull the next batch of keys
request = null;
if (response.IsTruncated)
request.Marker = response.NextMarker;
} while (request != null);
return output;
public async Task<List<(string ObjectName, string MimeType)>> List(string directory)
var request = new ListObjectsRequest
BucketName = bucketName,
Prefix = directory
var response = await client.ListObjectsAsync(request);
var objectList = response.S3Objects
.Select(obj => (obj.Key, "application/octet-stream"))
return objectList;
public async Task Put(MemoryStream ms, string objectName, string ContentType)
var request = new PutObjectRequest
BucketName = bucketName,
Key = objectName,
InputStream = ms,
ContentType = ContentType
await client.PutObjectAsync(request);
public async Task<MemoryStream> Get(string objectName)
var request = new GetObjectRequest
BucketName = bucketName,
Key = objectName
using var response = await client.GetObjectAsync(request);
using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
await response.ResponseStream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
return memoryStream;
} |
Package Reference:
In depth details of the issue:
I have an strange problem with a code base. There is a private object storage behind my API, which is in common with other clients, and some devices such as cURL are not able to download files because of a back-end error (Authorization Exception).
Why a client device (maybe headers sent by the device or connection type) has such effects on a server-side request?
Demonstration of the issue:
Dependency Injection:
Exception trace:
The Inner Exception:
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: