Mirage-SQL is an easy and powerful SQL centric database access library for Java (or JVM based languages) which provides dynamic SQL templates in plain SQL files.
You can get Mirage-SQL from the Maven Central Repository. Add the following fragment into your pom.xml
or in a Gradle based project add to your build.gradle
the following line:
compile 'com.miragesql:miragesql:2.0.0'
If you are updating your application from a previous Mirage-SQL version, see the Migration Guide.
This is a simple example of a SQL template:
/*IF author != null */
AUTHOR = /*author*/'Naoki Takezoe'
/*IF minPrice != null */
AND PRICE >= /*minPrice*/20
/*IF maxPrice != null */
AND PRICE <= /*maxPrice*/100
In Mirage-SQL, you can embed variables or conditions using special
SQL comments, so it's a plain SQL that can be run with any SQL client tool directly.
This feature used in the Mirage's SQL template it's called 2Way SQL.
- A detailed documentation is provided in the Wiki.
- Support in English is provided in the Gitter Chatroom.
- If you find any bugs or issues, please report them in the GitHub Issue Tracker.
- Mirage-SQL has integrations with other JVM based languages too: