interval: 15m
debug: false
type: text
enable: false
path: default.log
host: http://localhost:9200
ssl_certificate_verification: true
enable: false
username: elastic
password: secret
- name: '*'
rollover_pattern: '[0-9]{4}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}'
host: http://localhost:5601
ssl_certificate_verification: true
enable: false
username: elastic
password: secret
enable: false
- name: global
pattern: '*'
timestamp: timestamp
enable: false
- name: global
pattern: '*'
timestamp: timestamp
Type: string
Description: Interval Duration between current and the next job execution for scheduled job or cron job. Example: 30s, 5m, 1d.
Type: boolean
Description: Enable debug log.
Type: string
Description: Choose the log format type plain 'text' or 'json'.
Possible values:
- text
- json
Type: boolean
Description: Enable to store log to file.
Type: string
Description: Full path of the location where the logs will store.
Type: string
Description: The host of elasticsearch (full url with protocol and port if necessary).
Type: boolean
Description: enable or disable ssl certificate verification.
Type: boolean
Description: enable or disable authentication when connecting to the elasticsearch.
Type: string
Description: Username to be used for authentication.
Type: string
Description: Password to be used for authentication.
Type: string
Description: Provide the pattern (regex) for getting the list of indexes from elasticsearch. For example:
pattern will get all index names.'log.core'
pattern will get all index names starting from 'log.core'.
Type: string
Description: Provide the pattern (regex) for filter the rollover pattern from the index name, so the result for the index pattern will be clean instead of creating multiple index patterns for each rollover index. For example:
pattern will match and truncate the rollover index from index name, for example:log.nginx-2021.07.01
will belog.nginx
Type: string
Description: The host of kibana (full url with protocol and port if necessary).
Type: boolean
Description: enable or disable ssl certificate verification.
Type: boolean
Description: enable or disable authentication when connecting to the kibana.
Type: string
Description: Username to be used for authentication.
Type: string
Description: Password to be used for authentication.
Type: boolean
Description: Enable sync kibana using default provider or xpack.
Type: string
Description: Space name for sync the index, if you are not using any kibana space, please write it with global
to sync with the global space.
Type: string
Description: Second filter for filtering the index name, sometimes you need it when syncing to multiple spaces. For example:
pattern will store all index names matched.'log.core'
pattern will store all index names starting from 'log.core'.
Type: string
Description: Index pattern needs timestamp to use for display the data in kibana, you need to provide it, by default is using @timestamp
. For example:
will use 'log.timestamp' field for the index pattern.
Type: boolean
Description: Enable sync kibana using opendistro tenants.
Type: string
Description: Tenant name for sync the index, if you are not using any opendistro tenant, please write it with global
to sync with the global tenant.
Type: string
Description: Second filter for filtering the index name, sometimes you need it when syncing to multiple tenants. For example:
pattern will store all index names matched.'log.core'
pattern will store all index names starting from 'log.core'.
Type: string
Description: Index pattern needs timestamp to use for display the data in kibana, you need to provide it, by default is using @timestamp
. For example:
will use 'log.timestamp' field for the index pattern.