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#+begin_igo vs. #+begin_src sgf. #2

RNAer opened this issue Aug 17, 2024 · 10 comments

#+begin_igo vs. #+begin_src sgf. #2

RNAer opened this issue Aug 17, 2024 · 10 comments


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RNAer commented Aug 17, 2024

@misohena , thank you for developing this fantastic Go package for integration with Org-mode. I'm curious about your decision to use a special #+begin_igo block instead of a new language #+begin_src sgf. Could you share the considerations behind this choice? Is it challenge to implement all the modes it currently has? For a new language, :tangle could be nice feature to have.

Additionally, do you have any future plans for the development of this package?

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(Translated by Google Translate)
The reason for using "#+begin_igo" instead of "#+begin_src sgf" is probably because of the following (although it was a long time ago so I don't remember the details):

  • SGF is not a format limited to Go. SGF is used for chess, backgammon and many other games, so we can't make all source blocks in SGF languages ​​into Go boards. Of course, I think this problem can be solved by identifying the type of game (GM property).

  • If we use a source code block in SGF language (#+begin_srg sgf), I couldn't imagine what the following should be:

    • Evaluation result of the source code block
    • Export output of the source code block
    • Should the source code block itself be replaced with an inline board, or should the image of the evaluation result be replaced with an inline board?

In the general use of source code blocks in org-mode, I think that the result of evaluating the source code is often an image (dot, mermaid, plantuml, R, gnuplot, etc.). So it seems good that the evaluation result of an SGF language should be an image of the game board represented by the SGF (preferably the image can be manipulated interactively in Emacs and HTML). In other words, the game board should be displayed after "#+RESULTS:".

For example, suppose you want to write a document explaining the SGF format. In that case, wouldn't you want to display and export the SGF text and the resulting game board side by side?

The following SGF shows black and white players placing stones at the star positions.

#+name: sgf-example1
#+begin_src sgf
#+end_src sgf

The result is:

#+RESULTS: sgf-example1
(Display the game board here)

In this case, we should not replace the source code block with the game board because the text of the SGF language is important. Of course, it's good to be able to edit in a temporary board view by explicit commands.

But I wanted to take notes to study the life and death problems of Go, so I didn't want to see the SGF text.

But at the same time, I'm also a developer, so I might introduce the SGF language on my blog (written in org-mode).

I think the solution would probably be something like this:

  • Make it possible to specify an option to replace the inline board for each source code block.
  • Add a command to temporarily edit the source code block displayed as text with an inline board state.
  • Display the evaluation results and their export results in an interactive board style somehow. The easiest way is to make the evaluation results a "#+begin_igo" block.
  • If the evaluation results don't need to be interactive, it would be fine to have an option to simply output them as images (.svg).

This is much more complicated and difficult than what I want for the time being, so I went with "#+begin_igo".

If these problems can be solved, I think source code blocks in the SGF language would be good.

At the moment I have no plans to make any changes to el-igo.

I hope it translates well into English.

(Original Message)
「#+begin_src sgf」ではなく「#+begin_igo」にした理由ですが、次のようなことを考慮したのだと思います(かなり前のことになるので詳しくは覚えていませんが)。

  • SGFは囲碁に限った形式では無いこと。SGFはチェスやバックギャモンの他様々なゲームで使われてみたいなので、SGF言語のソースブロックを一律囲碁の盤面にするわけには行きません。もちろんゲームの種類(GMプロパティ)を判別すれば解決する問題だとは思います。
  • SGF言語のソースコードブロック(#+begin_srg sgf)にした場合、次のことがどうなるべきなのかうまく想像できませんでした:
    • ソースコードブロックの評価結果
    • ソースコードブロックのエクスポート出力
    • ソースコードブロック自体をインライン盤面に置き換えるべきか、それとも評価結果の画像をインライン盤面に置き換えるべきか




#+name: sgf-example1
#+begin_src sgf
#+end_src sgf


#+RESULTS: sgf-example1





  • インライン盤面に置き換えるかのオプションをソースコードブロック毎に指定出来るようにする。
  • テキストで表示しているソースコードブロックを一時的にインライン盤面で編集するコマンドを追加する。
  • 評価結果やそのエクスポート結果を、何らかの方法で、インタラクティブな盤面スタイルで表示する。評価結果を「#+begin_igo」ブロックにしてしまうのが一番簡単。
  • 評価結果にインタラクティブ性が必要ないのであれば、単に画像(.svg)で出力するオプションがあっても良い。





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(Translated by Google Translate)
It might be a good idea to display the source code block as an inline board only when "#+begin_src sgf :exports results" is specified. When it is set to other (none, code, both), the SGF code text needs to be readable, so the inline board is not displayed by default (only when #+RESULTS: is specified, the results are displayed as an inline board).

(Original Message)
「#+begin_src sgf :exports results」の時だけそのソースコードブロックをインライン盤面として表示してしまうというのは良いかもしれません。その他(none、code、bothの時はSGFのコードテキストが読める必要があるので、デフォルトではインライン盤面にはしないというわけです(#+RESULTS:があるときのみその結果部分をインライン盤面として表示する)。

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RNAer commented Aug 17, 2024

Thanks for the explanation! I was thinking of something like below (can hard code :wrap igo as a default header argument so users wouldn't have to type it out each time). This approach could offer two advantages:

  1. Users could easily tangle the SGF file. It would be a nice feature if one want to use el-igo to manage a SGF library.
  2. SGF and board image can both be displayed at the same time. If users manually edit the SGF code, the SVG image update can be seen together with SGF change.

All the issues should not be a problem (e.g. reporting errors on non-Go game SGF evaluation; export can be set to skip code or evaluation results). However, I'm not sure if it’s feasible to retain all the functionality of your current implementation with this approach. Would it be possible to sync changes made on the game board image back to the SGF code block?

#+begin_src sgf :tangle /file/path.sgf :wrap igo

Description of Image

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misohena commented Aug 18, 2024

(Translated by Google Translate)

Would it be possible to sync changes made on the game board image back to the SGF code block?

It would be possible. Currently, a igo-editor object overlays a region, hiding the text underneath and showing the game board image instead. When GUI editing is performed, the igo-editor-update-on-modified function is called, so it would be a good idea to customize the behavior at that time. You can force it to extend with advice, or you can add a hook to notify the igo-editor object of edit changes. Next, igo-org.el uses this mechanism to define org-mode-specific processing when GUI editing is performed. Under org-mode, when the igo-editor object is GUI-edited, and if it is under "#+RESULTS:", find the corresponding source code block and rewrite its contents.

However, I feel uncomfortable with the operation method of editing the game board image displayed in the result section and changing the source code block above it. In other languages, you can directly change the text in the result section, but this does not change the source code. This is because there is a sense that the results are merely rewritten by the evaluation of the source code (org-babel-execute-src-block). If I want to edit the SGF in the source code block with the GUI, I would like there to be a board image in that location. I don't think there's any need to see the SGF text while editing in the GUI.

Of course, if you are not bound by preconceptions, one way may be to reflect the editing results of the evaluation results in the code block.

(I feel like some of the translations are questionable. I hope it doesn't seem unpleasant.)

(Original Message)

Would it be possible to sync changes made on the game board image back to the SGF code block?





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RNAer commented Aug 25, 2024

Thanks. You are right about #+results - it is not a good idea to change the sgf code by clicking on the board in the results. it is a wrong logic flow direction. It should be a direct overlay on the code block. In terms of evaluation, I don't worry about what the sgf evaluation means. org-mode code block already has some special meaning block types like begin_src org or begin_src conff. I think it is fine to do similarly. And then one can use the org-mode block handling code instead of maintaining custom-made code after switching to sgf code block.

would you mind if I continue the development from where you have left off? I may change some design like #+begin_src sgf.

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misohena commented Aug 26, 2024

As you say, the meaning of "evaluation" in org-babel is ambiguous. When I created ob-html, I wondered what the evaluation result of html was. The behavior of org language is actually useful. I think it's fine as long as it outputs a result that is convenient for us.

would you mind if I continue the development from where you have left off? I may change some design like #+begin_src sgf.

That's fine.

If it were me, I would add igo-org-babel.el (ob-sgf.el? ob-sgf-igo.el? You could consider making it a separate package) and write org-babel-execute:sgf (:sgf-igo? :igo?) etc. in it. As I wrote before, if you use sgf, you have to take into account games other than Go.

It seems that the code to overlay "#+begin_src sgf" actually already exists (I had completely forgotten about it!). In the igo-org-hook-fontify-block function in igo-org.el, there is a place that says ;;(advice-add #'org-src-font-lock-fontify-block :around #'igo-org--fontify-src-block-advice). Enabling this will make the code blocks overlays, but currently it will unconditionally make all sgf code blocks overlays, which is bad as we discussed earlier.


would you mind if I continue the development from where you have left off? I may change some design like #+begin_src sgf.


私だったらigo-org-babel.el (ob-sgf.el? ob-sgf-igo.el? 別パッケージにすることも考えられる)を追加してその中に org-babel-execute:sgf (:sgf-igo? :igo?) 等の関数を書くと思います。sgfにすると囲碁以外のゲームの場合を考慮しなければならないのは前に書いたとおりですね。

「#+begin_src sgf」をオーバーレイにするコードは実は既に存在しているみたいです(すっかり忘れていました!)。igo-org.el内の igo-org-hook-fontify-block 関数に ;;(advice-add #'org-src-font-lock-fontify-block :around #'igo-org--fontify-src-block-advice) と書かれている場所があります。これを有効にすると、コードブロックがオーバーレイになります。しかし今のところ全てのsgfコードブロックを無条件でオーバーレイにしようとしてしまいます。この動作が良くないのは前に話したとおりですね。

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RNAer commented Sep 13, 2024

I have a question regarding the cool undo tracking system you implemented. I noticed that it reverts both the SGF string and the game state to a previous state. However, I'm struggling to understand exactly how it works. Does the Emacs undo command first revert the SGF string and then synchronize the game state with it? How does the Emacs undo command trigger the game state undo process? Could you explain the logic and implementation behind this system? I’d really appreciate your insights. Thank you!

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That may indeed be a confusing point. I had forgotten about it too, and I was surprised when I looked it up just now.

In conclusion, the reflection of text to the board is triggered by the fontify process in font-lock-mode. In org-mode, it is the igo-org-fontify-block function, and in igo-sgf-mode, it is the igo-sgf-mode-fontify function. If you execute M-x font-lock-mode in org-mode, you will see that undo is no longer reflected. "Adjusting the appearance of the text" is the job of font-lock-mode, and the idea seems to be that the go board image is included in that "appearance". When igo-editor is in text mode, it does not create an image, and if there is an error in the SGF, it will highlight that part.

I think it would be possible to use modification-hooks ( ), but I may have thought that it would be simpler to consolidate the process of reflecting text to the board in fontify. After writing the fontify process, I may have realized that undo was also possible.


結論から書くと、テキストから碁盤への反映はfont-lock-modeのfontifyの処理がトリガーになっています。org-modeではigo-org-fontify-block関数、igo-sgf-modeではigo-sgf-mode-fontify関数です。org-modeでM-x font-lock-mode を実行すれば、アンドゥが反映されなくなることが分かります。「テキストの見た目を整える」というのはfont-lock-modeの仕事であり、碁盤画像もその「見た目」に含まれるという考え方をしているのでしょう。igo-editorがテキストモードの時は画像にしませんし、もしSGFにエラーが含まれていた時はその部分をハイライトするようにもなっています。

modification-hooks( )を使う方法も考えられると思うのですが、テキストから盤面へ反映する処理はfontifyにまとめた方がシンプルだと考えたのかもしれません。fontify処理を書いた後、偶然アンドゥも出来ていることに気がついた気がします。

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RNAer commented Sep 14, 2024

cool. overlay's modification-hooks is also a good idea. Ok, after the SGF text change triggered the fontify process and your igo-editor-update function, how did you make sure to move the game state to the right state? Did you move thru the game tree to the right move number by tracking which move number was before SGF text change?

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I think it's best to read the igo-editor-update function and the igo-editor-update-model function that is called from it to find out more about this. I thought that any board state not written in the SGF would be lost, but now that I've read it, it doesn't seem to be the case. It seems to do a minimum amount of restoration processing. There is a part where the path from the root of the game tree to the current position is obtained and then traced in the new game tree. So if the entire game tree is drastically changed by replacement or something, it may move to an unexpected board state.

その辺りのことは igo-editor-update関数とそれから呼ばれる igo-editor-update-model関数を読んでいただくのが一番だと思います。私はSGFに書いていない盤面状態は失われると思っていたのですが、今読んでみるとそうではないようですね。最低限の復元処理はしているようです。ゲーム木のルートから現在の位置までの経路を取得し、新しいゲーム木でそれを辿っている箇所があります。なのでゲーム木全体が置換などで大幅に変わると見当外れの盤面状態に移動してしまう可能性があります。

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