I learnt many new concepts through this app and so I have divided it into 2 parts. In the 1st part of the app I got to know :-
How to navigate between different activities of an app through Explicit Intent
How to store data in a list and when to use Array and ArrayList
What is RECYCLER VIEW and how is it used using ListView and ArrayAdapter
Defining my own CustomArrayAdapter and implementing it
How to include audio files in my app
How to play audio files using MediaPlayer class and when to release resources held by its objects
About AUDIO FOCUS and its methods which plays a vital role in any app
Download the pre-release version of the app APK to have a glimpse of it!!
In the 2nd part of the app, I learnt about :-
How users can navigate between different acticities of an app using ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter
How to have Ripple Effect for buttons
Methods of FragmentPagerAdapter and also creatd my own CustomPagerAdapter
Adding TabLayout to ViewPager so that clicking on tabs changes the ontent of ViewPager or swiping the activity changes the text of the respective tab
Download the final version of the app APK to have a run at it :)