This document describes the Python API to connect to Mixer's Interactive service. We assume you're already somewhat familiar with Interactive. If you're not, check our reference guide.
To connect to Interactive, you first need to have an Interactive project and some means of authentication. You'll want to create an Interactive project on Mixer and register an OAuth client while you're there. For most integrations, you can leave the OAuth "redirect URLs" empty, and you should not request a secret key.
You can now use the OAuthClient class with your OAuth client ID to get an access token.
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.OAuthClient :members: :undoc-members:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.OAuthShortCode :members: :undoc-members: .. attribute:: code The short six-digit code to be displayed to the user. They should be prompted to enter it on ` <>`_.
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.OAuthTokens :members: :undoc-members: .. attribute:: access The OAuth access token to use in :func:`~interactive_python.State.connect`. .. attribute:: refresh The OAuth refresh token that can be used to re-grant the access token. .. attribute:: expires_at The datetime at which the access token expires.
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.State :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. attribute:: connection The underlying :class:`~interactive_python.Connection` to the Interactive service. You should not need to deal with this most of the time.
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.Discovery :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.Scene :members: :show-inheritance: .. attribute:: controls A dict of control IDs to :class:`~interactive_python.Control`s in the scene.
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.Control :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.Button :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.Joystick :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
.. data:: interactive_python.keycode Keycode is an instance of a class that helps translate keycodes from their textual representation to their corresponding numeric code, as represented on the protocol. For example:: from interactive_python import keycode print(keycode.up) # => 38 print(keycode.a) # => 65 getattr(keycode, '⌘') # => 91
.. autoclass:: interactive_python._util.ChangeTracker :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python._util.Resource :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.DiscoveryError :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.NoServersAvailableError :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.ShortCodeError :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.UnknownShortCodeError :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.ShortCodeAccessDeniedError :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.ShortCodeTimeoutError :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.Connection :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: interactive_python.Call :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
.. automodule:: interactive_python.encoding :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: