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Releases: mixpanel/mixpanel-android

Release v6.5.1

26 Jul 17:53
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v6.5.1 (2022-07-26)

  • Add the following new configs for you to optimize the Mixpanel tracking (#795):
     * Set maximum number of events/updates to send in a single network request
     * @param flushBatchSize  int, the number of events to be flushed at a time, defaults to 50
    public void setFlushBatchSize(int flushBatchSize);

     * Set an integer number of bytes, the maximum size limit to the Mixpanel database.
     * @param maximumDatabaseLimit an integer number of bytes, the maximum size limit to the Mixpanel database.
    public void setMaximumDatabaseLimit(int maximumDatabaseLimit);

You can also set them in AndroidManifest.xml, i.e.

        <meta-data android:name=""
            android:value="5" />

        <meta-data android:name=""
            android:value="100000000" />

Release v6.4.0

30 Jun 22:46
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v6.4.0 (2022-06-30)


  • Support defining multiple instances by specifying instanceName in getInstance #792

This release adds the following APIs to MixpanelAPI:

 * @param instanceName The name you want to uniquely identify the Mixpanel Instance.
   It is useful when you want more than one Mixpanel instance under the same project token.

getInstance(Context context, String token, String instanceName)
getInstance(Context context, String token, boolean optOutTrackingDefault, String instanceName)
getInstance(Context context, String token, JSONObject superProperties, String instanceName)
getInstance(Context context, String token, boolean optOutTrackingDefault, JSONObject superProperties, String instanceName)

Please note: If you are going to add instanceName to getInstance on your existing implementation. getInstance will start using instanceName as the instance identifier rather than token, so you might lose some of the stored properties including the distinct Id under the token. We'd recommend using it when you need to create more than one instance under the same project token. You won't lose any events and user profile updates.

Release v6.3.0

24 Jun 20:07
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v6.3.0 (2022-06-24)


  • use millisecond precision for event time property #791

Release v6.2.2

20 May 23:07
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v6.2.2 (2022-05-20)


  • remove survey #787

Release v6.2.1

07 May 04:47
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v6.2.1 (2022-05-07)


  • Fix Mixpanel DevX internal tracking #786

Release v6.2.0

05 May 21:53
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v6.2.0 (2022-05-05)

From this version, calling People.identify is deprecated, please use MixpanelAPI.identify() and set 'usePeople' to true instead


  • Make getAnonymousId public. #784
  • Deprecating 'People.identify' and merge it into 'MixpanelAPI.identify' #781

Release v6.1.1

11 Apr 17:47
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v6.1.1 (2022-04-11)


  • Deprecate automatic property for "Radio($radio)" #782

Release v6.1.0

08 Mar 18:58
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v6.1.0 (2022-03-08)


  • Add clearTimedEvent() and clearTimedEvents() #779


  • Fix MPConfig.UseIpAddressForGeolocation gets ignored #780

Release v6.0.0

02 Jan 05:49
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v6.0.0 (2022-01-02)

  • Remove Messages & Experiments feature, for more detail, please check this post:
  • Deprecate both the Mixpanel default property $google_play_services and tracking Install Referrer in favor of not being marked as containing Ads.

Release v6.0.0-beta2

18 Dec 07:25
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Release v6.0.0-beta2 Pre-release

v6.0.0-beta2 (2021-12-18)

  • Deprecate both the Mixpanel default property $google_play_services and tracking Install Referrer in favor of not being marked as containing Ads.

On Jan 1, 2022, we’ll remove the Messages & Experiments feature from Mixpanel. For now, you can choose to opt into our beta version without the Messages & Experiments feature support.

The beta version v6.0.0-beta2 is in parity with v5.9.6 but without the Messages & Experiments feature support. For more details, see our changelog

To install this SDK, see our integration guide