a simple application developed using the Qt framework. This project implements a application with various functionalities.
- Keyboard Layout: Supports qwerty and Korean keyboard layouts.
- Caps Lock and Shift Keys: Toggles between uppercase and lowercase.
- Text Input: Displays input text in a
. - Keypress Capture: Captures key press event and display.
- Special Functions: Handles Backspace, Tab, Enter, Windows key, and other special functions.
- CMake
- Qt 5 or Qt 6 -> Qt Docs
- X11 & XTest (required only for Linux)
$ sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxtst-dev
Clone the Source Code
$ git clone https://github.com/mjlee111/qt_example.git
- Linux
$ cd qt_example/Keyboard $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make
- Windows
$ cd qt_example/Keyboard $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" .. $ cmake --build . --config Release
- Linux
- Windows
Double-click the executable generated after building, or run it from the Command Prompt.
- Text Input: Click on the buttons to input text. Special keys like Backspace, Tab, and Enter perform their respective functions.
- Language Switching: Use the "Kor" or "영어" button to switch between Korean and English keyboard layouts.
- Caps Lock: Toggle Caps Lock to switch between uppercase and lowercase text.
- Serial Port Communication: Establishes communication with serial devices using various baud rates.
- Data Reception: Reads and displays incoming serial data in a
. - Data Transmission: Allows sending data to the serial device via the
methods. - Device Management: Lists available serial ports and allows opening or closing the connection.
- Automatic Scroll: Ensures the
view automatically scrolls to the latest received data. - Status Indication: Changes the background color of a status label based on serial activity.
- CMake
- Qt 5 or Qt 6 -> Qt Docs
- For Windows: Ensure the Qt installation includes the Qt Serial Port module.
- For Linux: Install the libqt5serialport5 package (or 6).
Clone the Source Code
$ git clone https://github.com/mjlee111/qt_example.git
- Linux
$ cd qt_example/Serial $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make
- Windows
$ cd qt_example/Serial $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" .. $ cmake --build . --config Release
- Linux
- Windows
Double-click the executable generated after building, or run it from the Command Prompt.
- Simple test with arduino. (returns NONE when no data to read, READ: ${DATA} when data available per 1 seconds.)
Connect to Serial Device:
- Select a serial port from the dropdown menu.
- Set the desired baud rate.
- Click "OPEN" to establish the connection.
Data Reception:
- Incoming data will be displayed in the QTextEdit widget.
- The widget scrolls automatically to show the latest data.
Data Transmission:
- Use the
methods to send data to the connected serial device.
- Use the
Device Status:
- The status label will turn green when data is received.
- The status label will return to its default color when no data is present.
Clear Display:
- Click the "CLEAR" button to clear the data from the display
- Grid-Based Pathfinding: Implements the A* pathfinding algorithm to find the shortest path on a grid.
- Dynamic Grid Visualization: Displays a dynamic grid in the GUI where users can set obstacles, start, and end points.
- Interactive Controls: Allows users to interactively set the start and end points and obstacles through the UI.
- Path Display: Visualizes the calculated shortest path in the grid using color-coding.
- Error Handling: Provides feedback when a valid path cannot be found or if the start and end points are not set.
- CMake
- Qt 5 or Qt 6 -> Qt Docs
- For Windows: Ensure the Qt installation includes the necessary Qt modules.
- For Linux: Install the relevant Qt packages.
Clone the Source Code
git clone https://github.com/mjlee111/qt_example.git
- Linux
cd qt_example/Astar mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make
- Windows
cd qt_example/Astar mkdir build && cd build cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" .. cmake --build . --config Release
- Linux
- Windows
Double-click the executable generated after building, or run it from the Command Prompt.
Initialize Grid:
- Set the number of rows and columns using the provided input fields.
- Click "Generate" to create the grid.
Set Start and End Points:
- Click "Set Start" and select a cell to define the starting point (marked in green).
- Click "Set End" and select a cell to define the ending point (marked in red).
Place Obstacles:
- Click on any cell to toggle obstacles (marked in black).
Find Path:
- Click "Start A*" to execute the A* algorithm and display the shortest path (highlighted in blue).
Clear Grid:
- Click the "Reset" button to clear all points, obstacles, and reset the grid.
Error Feedback:
- If no valid path is found or if the start/end points are not set, a message will be displayed.
- Serial Port Communication: Extends the functionality of the Serial project to communicate with EBIMU sensors. Allows communication over various baud rates, with support for up to 115200.
- Data Reception & Packet Analysis: Reads incoming data from EBIMU sensors via serial communication, decodes sensor packets, and displays the values of parameters like acceleration, gyroscope, and magnetometer.
- Real-time Data Visualization: Utilizes OpenGL to render a 3D cube that reacts in real-time to changes in roll, pitch, and yaw values, providing visual feedback on the sensor's orientation.
- Device Management: Lists available serial ports and allows opening or closing the connection with EBIMU sensors. Automatically handles packet structure and parsing for seamless communication.
- Automatic Scroll: Ensures that the
view, used for displaying raw data, automatically scrolls to the latest received data from the sensor. - Status Indication: Provides visual feedback on sensor data reception by changing the background color of the status label.
- Roll, Pitch, and Yaw Calculation: Automatically computes roll, pitch, and yaw values from IMU sensor data, translating raw measurements into meaningful orientation angles.
- CMake
- Qt 5 or Qt 6 -> Qt Docs
- OpenGL for 3D visualization of IMU data
- EBIMU sensor (or any 9DOF sensor with compatible communication protocols)
- For Windows: Ensure the Qt installation includes the Qt Serial Port and OpenGL modules.
- For Linux: Install the libqt5serialport5 (or 6) and OpenGL libraries.
Clone the Source Code
$ git clone https://github.com/mjlee111/qt_example.git
- Linux
$ cd qt_example/IMU $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make
- Windows
$ cd qt_example/IMU $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" .. $ cmake --build . --config Release
- Linux
- Windows
Double-click the executable generated after building, or run it from the Command Prompt.
- Test the real-time visualization with an EBIMU sensor to see live changes in the orientation of the 3D cube.
Connect to IMU Sensor:
- Select the EBIMU sensor's serial port from the dropdown menu.
- Set the desired baud rate and communication parameters.
- Click "OPEN" to establish the connection.
Data Reception:
- Incoming IMU data, including acceleration, gyroscope, and magnetometer values, will be displayed in the
widget. - The widget automatically scrolls to the latest data.
- Incoming IMU data, including acceleration, gyroscope, and magnetometer values, will be displayed in the
3D Visualization:
- As the sensor's orientation changes, the 3D cube rendered using OpenGL will react in real-time, rotating to reflect the changes in roll, pitch, and yaw.
Device Status:
- The status label will turn green when data is received from the IMU.
- It will return to its default color when no data is present.
Clear Display:
- Click the "CLEAR" button to clear the data from the display.
- Robot Arm Control: Control the angles of a 3DOF robotic arm using QSlider.
- Link Length Customization: Adjust the length of each arm link using QSpinBox.
- Real-Time Visualization: Displays the robotic arm in a
with real-time updates. - Joint and End Effector Visualization: Each joint is marked with a blue circle, and the end effector is marked with a red circle.
- Reset Functionality: Reset the arm's position and link lengths to default values.
- CMake
- Qt 5 or Qt 6 -> Qt Docs
Clone the Source Code
$ git clone https://github.com/mjlee111/qt_example.git
- Linux
$ cd qt_example/3DOF_robot_arm $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make
- Windows
$ cd qt_example/3DOF_robot_arm $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" .. $ cmake --build . --config Release
- Linux
- Windows
Double-click the executable generated after building, or run it from the Command Prompt.
- Joint Angle Control: Use the sliders to adjust the angles of the three joints. The corresponding angle value is displayed in real-time next to each slider.
- Link Length Customization: Adjust the length of each link using the spin boxes labeled
, andlink3
. The arm will update dynamically based on the entered values. - Generate Arm: Click the "Generate Arm" button after setting the link lengths to visualize the updated robotic arm.
- Reset Arm: Click the "Reset" button to reset the arm's position and link lengths to their default values.
- File Open: Opens
, and.cpp
files using a file dialog. - File Save: Saves the opened file or saves it under a new name.
- File Editing: Displays file content in a
widget, allowing for easy text editing. - Read-Only Mode: Files can be opened in read-only mode or edited based on the user's actions.
- Folder Selection: Allows folder selection through a folder dialog.
- GUI Components: Uses a clean and simple GUI with
, andQLabel
Qt 5 or Qt 6 -> Qt Docs
X11 & XTest (required only for Linux)
$ sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxtst-dev
Clone the Source Code
$ git clone https://github.com/mjlee111/qt_example.git
- Linux
$ cd qt_example/TextEditor $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make
- Windows
$ cd qt_example/TextEditor $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" .. $ cmake --build . --config Release
- Linux
- Windows
Double-click the executable generated after building, or run it from the Command Prompt.
- Opening a File: Use the "Open" button to browse for
, or.cpp
files and display their content in the editor. - Editing a File: Once a file is opened, its content can be modified in the text editor. The "Save" button is enabled to allow saving changes.
- Save As: Use the "Save As" button to save the current file under a new name or location.
- Close File: Clears the text editor and disables saving functionality if no file is open.
- Folder Selection: Click the "Open Folder" button to select a folder and retrieve its path.
Feel free to submit issues, feature requests, and pull requests to improve the package.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
For any questions or feedback, please contact menggu1234@naver.com.