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474 lines (330 loc) · 22.7 KB

ZChecker v2.8.3

ZTF moving target checker for short object lists.

Attribution and license

Written by Michael S. P. Kelley (University of Maryland), with contributions from Quan-Zhi Ye (IPAC/Caltech). Thanks to James Bauer, Dennis Bodewits, Tony Farnham, and Matthew Knight for some design comments.

If ZChecker is useful to you, please cite Kelley, M. S. P., Bodewits, D., Ye, Q. et al. 2019. ADASS XXVIII, ed. P. Teuben, M. Pound, B. Thomas, and E. Warner, ASP Conf. Ser., 471, 305.

ZChecker is licensed with the BSD 3-clause license. See LICENSE for details.


Support for ZChecker was provided by the NASA/University of Maryland/Minor Planet Center Augmentation through the NASA Planetary Data System Cooperative Agreement NNX16AB16A, NASA Near-Earth Objects Observations grant NNX15AD99G, and NASA Solar System Observations grant 80NSSC20K0673.


  • Python 3.8+
  • astropy v4
  • sbsearch v0.1
  • sbpy 0.3
  • requests
  • astroquery 0.4.6
  • sqlite
  • wget
  • sep

Optional packages

  • Montage and montage_wrapper, optional, for image reprojection with zproject
  • oorb and its Python wrapper for Minor Planet Center Possible Comet Confirmation Page (PCCP) checking
  • photutils 0.5+, sep for measuring photometry with zphot
  • matplotlib for quick look plots with zphot


Create a file with your preferred locations for the database, log file, etc.. The file may be placed in the current directory (./zchecker.config) or in a user configuration directory ($HOME/.config/zchecker.config). If both exist, the former takes precedence. To see the file format and current allowed configuration parameters::

$ zchecker --help

"database": "/path/to/zchecker.db",
"log": "/path/to/zchecker.log",
"user": "IRSA account user name",
"password": "IRSA account password",
"cutout path": "/path/to/cutout/directory",
"cutout size": "5arcmin",
"stack path": "/path/to/stack/directory"


  1. (Optional) Make a list of objects: objects.list.

  2. Update local database with ephemerides, specifying objects through the list or on the command line::

    zchecker eph-update objects.list --start=YYYY-MM-DD --stop=YYYY-MM-DD

    zchecker eph-update "C/2017 Y1, C/2017 Y2" --start=YYYY-MM-DD --stop=YYYY-MM-DD

    Broad date ranges are best. Ephemerides can be updated as the orbital elements are refined.

  3. Delete ephemerides from the database::

    zchecker eph-update --clean objects.list

    zchecker eph-update --clean objects.list --start=YYYY-MM-DD --stop=YYYY-MM-DD

    zchecker eph-update --clean "C/2017 Y1, C/2017 Y2" --start=YYYY-MM-DD --stop=YYYY-MM-DD


  1. Update local database with ZTF observations from a single night::

    zchecker ztf-update --date=YYYY-MM-DD

    Over a range of nights:

    zchecker ztf-update --start=YYYY-MM-DD --stop=YYYY-MM-DD

    Or to simply check the last night::

    zchecker ztf-update

  2. Summarize nights in the local database::

    zchecker list-nights

  3. Get ephemerides for an object::

    zchecker eph-update 60558 --start=YYYY-MM-DD --stop=YYYY-MM-DD

  4. Add/remove alternate name for object::

    zchecker update-object 60558 174P

    Remove it::

    zchecker remove-object 174P

    The primary designation will always be used for ephemerides.

    Experimental Rename object's primary designation::

    zchecker update-object --rename 'P/2000 S4' 'P/2019 K2'

    No cutout files, etc. will be updated, but new ones will use the new name.

  5. Find observations of your targets from the last night::

    zchecker search

    For a specific date::

    zchecker search --date=YYYY-MM-DD

    Over a range of dates::

    zchecker search --start=YYYY-MM-DD --stop=YYYY-MM-DD

    For all dates in the local database::

    zchecker search --full

    For a subset of targets saved to the file subset.list::

    zchecker search subset.list --full

    For a subset of targets specified on the command line::

    zchecker search "C/2017 AB5" --full

    zchecker search "C/2017 Y1,C/2017 Y2" --full

    Using a different V magnitude limit::

    zchecker search "C/2017 Y1,C/2017 Y2" --full --vmax=18

  6. Report previously found objects::

    zchecker list-found "C/2017 Y1,C/2017 Y2"

    For a specific date / date range::

    zchecker list-found --date=2018-11-01

    zchecker list-found --start=2018-11-01 --stop=2018-11-12

  7. Clean the found object database and associated cutout files, if they exist::

    zchecker clean-found "C/2017 AB5"

    zchecker clean-found "C/2017 AB5" --start=YYYY-MM-DD --stop=YYYY-MM-DD

  8. Download cutouts around each found target::

    zchecker download-cutouts

    For specific targets::

    zchecker download-cutouts "C/2017 Y1,C/2017 Y2"

    Use a different size::

    zchecker download-cutouts 6478 --size=20arcmin

  9. ZChecker's database tracks files that have been downloaded, but accidents (and bugs) can happen. If so, verify and fix the downloaded file repository with::

    zchecker download-cutouts 'P/2011 S1' --missing

  10. Reproject downloaded cutouts to align projected velocity vectors and comet-Sun vectors along the +x axis::


    Use a different size::

    zproject --size=20arcmin

  11. Make nightly and bi-weekly stacks by object::


    Check integrity of stack archive and fix errors::

    zstack --clean-missing

  12. Measure object photometry::

    zphot measure 46P

    Without an object name, zphot would measure all missing photometry.

  13. Plot object photometry::

    zphot plot 46P

Image data


Cutouts around each object are downloaded to the cutouts directory specified in the configuration. Files are sorted into sub-directories by object name. Cutout file names are lower-case with the format: desg-yyyymmdd_hhmmss-rh-ztf.fits, where rh is the heliocentric distance with the prefix 'pre' or 'post' depending on which side of perihelion it is on (based on heliocentric radial velocity).

The FITS file format for cutouts:

Extension name HDU type Source Description
SCI Primary IRSA Original science data cutout
MASK Image IRSA Source mask
PSF Image IRSA Science image point source function
DIFF Image IRSA Reference subtracted image cutout
REF Image IRSA Reference image cutout
SANGLE Image zproject Science or diff image aligned with projected Sun vector
SANGLEMASK Image zproject Source mask for SANGLE
SANGLEREF Image zproject Reference image aligned with projected Sun vector

If the SANGLE image is based on DIFF, the SANGLE extension header keyword DIFFIMG will be True.


Stack files are downloaded to the stacks directory specified in the configuration, organized by object name. File names are lower-case with the format: desg-yyyymmdd-rh-ztf-stack.fits:

Extension name HDU type Source Description
PRIMARY Primary IRSA Original science data header
NIGHTLY Image zstack Nightly stack of SANGLE data
NIGHTLY REF Image zstack Nightly stack of SANGLEREF data
COMA BL Image zstack Baseline image from SANGLE data using coma model
COMA REF BL Image zstack Baseline image from SANGLEREF data using coma model
SURF Image zstack Nightly stack of SANGLE data using surface model
SURF REF Image zstack Nightly stack of SANGLEREF data using surface model
SURF BL Image zstack Baseline image from SANGLE data using surface model
SURF REF BL Image zstack Baseline image from SANGLEREF data using surface model

The coma model is $r_h^{-4} \Delta^{-1}$ and the surface model $r_h^{-2} \Delta^{-2}$.



Summary of ZTF observations by night, as downloaded from IRSA.

Column Type Source Description
nightid integer zchecker unique night identifier
date text user UT date
exposures integer IRSA number of exposures
quads integer IRSA number of image quadrants
retrieved text zchecker date observations were retrieved from IRSA



Column Type Source Description
objid integer zchecker unique object identifier
desg text user target designation



Column Type Source Description
crossid integer zchecker unique identifier for cross-ID
objid integer zchecker unique object identifier
desg text user target alternate designation


Object ephemerides. The default time step is 1/day, with smaller time steps for objects closer to the Earth.

Column Type Source Description
ephid integer zchecker unique ephemeris identifier
objid integer zchecker unique object identifier from obj table
jd float zchecker ephemeris epoch (Julian date)
rh float JPL/MPC heliocentric distance (au)
delta float JPL/MPC observer-target distance (au)
ra float JPL/MPC Right Ascension (radians)
dec float JPL/MPC Declination (radians)
dra float JPL/MPC Right Ascension * cos(Declination) rate of change (arcsec/hr)
ddec float JPL/MPC Declination rate of change (arcsec/hr)
vmag float JPL/MPC brightness estimate (magnitude)
retrieved text zchecker date of ephemeris retrieval


R-tree of object ephemerides.

Column Type Source Description
ephid integer zchecker unique ephemeris identifier from eph table
mjd0 float zchecker time bounding box (modified Julian date)
mjd1 float zchecker
x0 float zchecker spatial bounding box in Cartesian coordinates on the unit sphere
x1 float zchecker
y0 float zchecker
y1 float zchecker
z0 float zchecker
z1 float zchecker


Basic observation parameters.

Column Type Source Description
obsid integer zchecker unique observation identifier
source text zchecker data source (ztf)
jd_start float IRSA exposure start time
jd_stop float zchecker exposure stop time (jd_start + exptime)
fov blob IRSA ra, dec of center and four corners


R-tree of observations.

Column Type Source Description
obsid integer zchecker unique observation identifier from obs table
mjd0 float zchecker time bounding box (modified Julian date)
mjd1 float zchecker
x0 float zchecker spatial bounding box in Cartesian coordinates on the unit sphere
x1 float zchecker
y0 float zchecker
y1 float zchecker
z0 float zchecker
z1 float zchecker


ZTF observation metadata.

Column Type Source Description
obsid integer zchecker unique observation identifier from obs table
pid integer ZTF science product ID, unique
obsdate text zchecker observation mid-time (UT)
infobits integer ZTF info bit flags, see Section 10.4 of the ZTF Science Data System
field integer ZTF ZTF field number
ccdid integer ZTF detector chip ID (1, ...16), see Fig. 1 of ZTF Science Data System
qid integer ZTF CCD quadrant ID (1, 2, 3, 4), see Fig. 1 of ZTF Science Data System
rcid integer ZTF readout channel ID (0, ...63)
fid integer ZTF filter ID
filtercode text ZTF abbreviated filter name: zr, zg, zi
expid integer ZTF exposure ID
filefracday integer ZTF fractional time of day of exposure (UT)
seeing float ZTF seeing FWHM (arcsec)
airmass float ZTF telescope airmass
moonillf float ZTF Moon illuminated fraction
maglimit float ZTF magnitude limit


Found objects and observation geometry at image mid-time.

Column Type Source Description
foundid integer zchecker unique identifier
objid integer zchecker unique object identifier from obj table
obsid integer zchecker unique observation identifier from obs table
obsjd float zchecker mid-point of the observation and epoch for ephemeris
ra float JPL Right Ascension (degrees)
dec float JPL Declination (degrees)
dra float JPL Right Ascension * cos(Declination) rate of change (arcsec/hr)
ddec float JPL Declination rate of change (arcsec/hr)
ra3sig float JPL Right Ascension 3σ uncertainty (arcsec)
dec3sig float JPL Declination 3σ uncertainty (arcsec)
vmag float JPL brightness estimate (magnitude)
rh float JPL heliocentric distance (au)
rdot float JPL heliocentric distance rate of change (km/s)
delta float JPL observer-target distance (au)
phase float JPL phase angle (degrees)
selong float JPL solar elongation (degrees)
sangle float JPL projected comet-sun vector position angle (degrees E of N)
vangle float JPL projected comet velocity vector position angle (degrees E of N)
trueanomaly float HORIZONS true anomaly based on osculating elements (degrees)
tmtp float HORIZONS T-Tp, time from perihelion, based on osculating elements (days)


Column Type Source Description
foundid integer zchecker unique identifier from found table
stackid integer zchecker unique identifier from ztf_stacks table
programid integer ZTF queue program ID from header
retrieved text zchecker date cutout was downloaded
archivefile text zchecker file name
sciimg integer zchecker flag for science image presence
mskimg integer zchecker flag for mask image
refimg integer zchecker flag for reference image
scipsf integer zchecker flag for science image PSF
diffimg integer zchecker flag for difference image
diffpsf integer zchecker flag for difference image PSF
vangleimg integer zchecker flag for projected image aligned with velocity angle
sangleimg integer zchecker flag for projected image aligned with sun angle


Column Type Source Description
stackid integer zchecker unique identifier
stackfile text zchecker file name
stackdate text zchecker date data was stacked

There is a one-to-many mapping of stackid to foundid that should be preserved upon multiple runs of zstack.


Column Type Source Description
foundid integer zchecker unique identifier from found table
dx float zchecker centroid x offset from ephemeris position (pixel)
dy float zchecker centroid y offset from ephemeris position (pixel)
bgap integer zchecker presently unused
bg float zchecker estimated background (ADU/pixel)
bg_area integer zchecker number of pixels used to estimate background
bg_stdev float zchecker standard deviation of background values (ADU)
flux blob zchecker background subtracted source flux in circular apertures (ADU)
m blob zchecker calibrated magnitude for each aperture
merr blob zchecker estimated uncertainty on m
flag integer zchecker quality and error flags
m5 float zchecker magnitude in 5" radius aperture
ostat float zchecker outburst statistic

flux, m, and merr are arrays of single-precision floats.

Photometry flags:

Bit Value Description
0 1 Ephemeris outside image
1 2 Centroid failure
2 4 Centroid outside uncertainty limit
3 8 Ephemeris too uncertain to measure source
4 16 Image uncalibrated
5 32 Non-zero info bit flag, see Section 10.4 of the ZTF Science Data System

Schema summary



In sbsearch v0.1.2 and earlier, a bug allowed observations to be added twice. If the database only contains ZTF observations, the number of duplicates may be identified with: