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File metadata and controls

284 lines (223 loc) · 13.3 KB


GeIST (Genomic Integration Site Tracker) provides the scripts used to identify integration sites from the assay described in Varshney et al. 2013 ( and LaFave et al. 2014 ( GeIST is currently capable of identifying integrations from MLV, AAV, Tol2, or Ds-based vectors.

Note that the version of the assay used in LaFave et al. 2014 involved mixing the barcodes in such a way as to be able to identify multiple integrations in the same integration site. The current version of GeIST does not automatically assume that barcodes have been mixed in this way. If you wish to apply this script to an experiment in which the barcodes have been mixed, please refer to the calculations used to print the BED file in the previous version of GeIST, hosted at, and make the appropriate modifications to your barcode file (see below).


  • Perl (all scripts use version 5.8.8)
  • cutadapt version 1.3
  • bowtie version 1.0.0, along with the relevant index
  • samtools version 0.1.19
  • bamtools version 1.0.2, if starting with a BAM instead of a FASTQ file
  • Sufficient RAM to load indexes/hold intermediate values in memory (many of the perl scripts store the contents of large files in hashes). 32 GB of RAM should be sufficient when analyzing a 50 GB FASTQ input file.
  • Sufficient disk space to hold the output files. The amount needed depends on the input; if the input is 50 GB, at least 150 GB free space will be needed.
    If intermediate files are not kept (the default - see below), less space is needed, but it will likely still be over 100 GB.

Running the script

There is a single main shell script,, that executes the workflow. It starts with either a FASTQ or BAM file of sequencing reads, and ends with a BAM of aligned, trimmed reads and a BED file of integration locations.

The script was developed to be run on an SGE cluster; as such, it can be submitted using 'qsub', but doing so it not required. Output files will have the job number assigned by the queue included in their name; if qsub is not used, that part of the name will remain blank.

Run the program with the following command (should be run from within the GeIST directory):

qsub -l mem_free=32G [ -v ] -r barcodes -b index -i insert [-c cutoff] [-n name] [ -k ] reads.[fastq | bam]

More information on the elements of the command:

  • If 'qsub' is used, -l can be specified to request memory resources. This isn't required, but it may be helpful to request a large amount of memory when working with a large FASTQ file. For a 50 GB FASTQ file, 32 GB of memory is suggested (if available).

  • Any files specified in the command - such as the bowtie index, the barcode file, or the input sequences - can be specified as either relative or absolute paths.

  • After specifying the name of the shell script, the order in which the remaining files are entered is not important, with the exception that the input FASTQ or BAM file must be listed last.

  • If '-v' is used, GeIST will print the current version number to standard output and exit.

  • The file specified with the '-r' option is the file in which the barcodes are listed.

The file must be of the following format:

GAAAAAA	1	plate1	A01	LINE1	A
GAAAATT	1	plate1	A01	LINE1	A
GAAAAGG	1	plate1	A02	LINE1	B
GAAAACC	1	plate1	A02	LINE1	B
GAAATAT	1	plate1	A03	LINE1	C
GAAATTA	1	plate1	A03	LINE1	C
GAAATGC	2	plate1	A04	LINE9	A
GAAATCG	2	plate1	A04	LINE9	A

* The first column contains the barcode sequence, starting with the 5' base
as viewed on a read in which the linker is on the rightmost side of the
* The second column is an integer that indicates the "group" to which the
barcode belongs.  For example, the barcodes can be used to multiplex
different samples, and each sample should have an integer associated with
it so the program knows how to separate them back out.  If everything is
from the same sample, just set this column to 1 on ever line.  The integers 
in this column need to be sequential, and the first integer in the sequence 
needs to be 1.
* The third column is a string indicating which plate the sample came from.
If they're all the same, just set them all to "plate1".
* The fourth column is a string showing the well associated with the
* The fifth column is a string that shows the name of the "group". This can
be used to indicate flask number, organism/cell line, etc.  The values in
this column correspond to those in column 2.
* The fifth column is a string indicating the relevant subset of the group
from the fourth column.  If using model organisms, this is a useful place
to put a character indicating which individual this barcode was associated
  • Use the -b option to enter the path to the Bowtie index to be used, ending with the basename of the index. The basename is the portion of the name common to all six index files (the part that comes before the first period).

  • Use the -i option enter which type of integration you want to detect. The four options are mlv, aav, tol2, and ds.

  • Use -c to enter a "cutoff" value. This specifies the minimum number of sequenced fragments that constitute an integration. The default is 0, which allows all integration sites regardless of fragment count.

  • Use -n to enter a name without spaces. This will be used in the name of the working directory, the output directory, and the tarball of intermediate files. It's a good way to tell different runs apart, especially if the job number won't be printed (such as when the script is run without qsub). The default is "GeIST".

  • The -k entry is optional. By default, the script will remove unnecessary temporary files as it goes along. If you would like to examine these temporary files (for example, to see how the final output was derived), use -k.

  • The last file should be either a BAM file or a FASTQ file of LM-PCR paired-end sequencing data. If a BAM file is submitted, it is automatically converted to a FASTQ file by bamtools. If starting from a FASTQ file, ensure that the names of paired reads end in /1 and /2. Bamtools does such processing automatically. GeIST accepts only a single file for sequence input, so if the user needs to analyze multiple files (for example, if the paired-end sequence data was returned in two separate files), those files should be concatenated prior to running GeIST.

The script will create a working directory into which it will create the intermediate files. The fastq (or BAM) file and the barcode file are not copied into the working directory. As such, they should remain in the same directory for the duration of the run of the program. When the script is finished, relevant files are moved to an Output directory, and the working directory is deleted.

Testing the script

qsub -l mem_free=2.5G -r BC1-9_barcodes+G_4_groups_example -b ~/indexes/hg19 -i mlv -n example -k script_test.fastq

script_test.bam can be used in place of script_test.fastq, and should produce identical results.

The above assumes that you're using a human genome index with basename "hg19", such as the one available from the bowtie website at The "indexes" directory in this example is located in the $HOME directory, but that doesn't have to be the case.

These settings will identify MLV integrations in the human genome, based on a few reads in script_test.fastq or script_test.bam. It uses a fragment cutoff of 0. The expected output can be found in the Output_expected/ directory.

Understanding the output

The main output file will have the form ${fastq_file}_1-${group_number}-grouped_not-in-5_cutoff${cutoff}_${insert}_job${JOB_ID}.bed.
The name indicates the file submitted, the number of barcode groups used, that integrations within 5 bp of another integration with more reads were removed, the cutoff used, the type of integration detected, and the job number (if qsub was used to submit the script). The format is that of a typical BED file. The first line is a track header, useful if you want to examine the output on the UCSC genome browser. The columns are as follows:

Column 1: Chromosome name
Column 2: Start position (0-based)
Column 3: End position (1-based)
Column 4: The plate, well, line, and individual, according to barcode detected.  
Column 5: "Score".  This field doesn't mean anything in this context, so I set everything to 0.
Column 6: Orientation of the integration
Column 7: thickStart.  Only used for visualization purposes.
Column 8: thickEnd.  Only used for visualization purposes.

Information on the individual reads can be found in ${fastq_file}_combo_split_grouped_uniq_1-${group_number}.not_in_5_cutoff${cutoff}_island_barcodes_sort_grouped_job${JOB_ID}_header.bam.
Note that this file only contains the reads in which part of the integration itself (the "LTR") was detected. While not all of the elements detected by GeIST have long terminal repeats, "LTR" is used throughout the code as shorthand for the amplified portion of the end of the integrated element.

This BAM file can be converted to SAM format by using samtools view. The first fourteen columns are standard SAM entries. The final four columns contain information specific to the assay:

* XO: Indicates the orientation of the integration, relative to the end
used for sequencing.  For a given fragment, both read /1 and read /2 will
have the same entry in this field.  Note that this orientation is not
necessarily the same as the orientation in column 2.  Column 2 is the
orientation of the read, and column 15 is the orientation of the entire
fragment.  Note that this is only informative if the primer used for insert
amplification could only bind to one end of the insert.  For example, AAV
has identical termini on both ends, in which case this column is not
* BC: The sequence of the barcode detected on this fragment.
* XP: Indicates if the barcode was detected on the read itself
(bc_from_read) or from the paired read (bc_from_pair).  Typically, short
fragments will be bc_from_read and long fragments will be bc_from_pair, but
sometimes quality scores make it such that this is not the case.
* XG: The group number.

${fastq_file}_combo_split_grouped_uniq_1-${group_number}.not_in_5_cutoff${cutoff}_island_barcodesum_${insert}_job${JOB_ID} simply indicates the number of fragments on which each barcode occurred. This file can be useful in determining which barcodes are over- or under-represented.

Adding additional integrated elements

If you would like to use GeIST to recover an element not among the four currently supported, you can modify to do so. In the section labeled "Set parameters for the indicated insert", add the following line:

echo $insert | grep -i -q -w '(some_name)' && insert=(some_name)

Add the following code between the elif statements near the top of the script (around line 215):

elif [ "$insert" = "(some_name)" ]
   echo "(some_optional_statement)"

The details for the placeholders are as follows:

  • (some_name): A string without whitespace, used to indicate your element. This is the part that you would specify with the -i flag when running GeIST. For example, if you were trying to recover HIV, this field could be hiv.
  • (some_optional_statement): A message printed as the script runs, reporting which element was used.
  • (3'_end_of_element): The reverse complement of the sequence of the 3' end of the integrated element. Typically, this consists of the sequence of the primer used in the final round of LM-PCR, followed by any bases appearing between the end of the primer and the end of the element. For example, the primer used in our Ds experiment was TTTACCGACCGTTACCGACCGTTTTCATC, and the sequence of the 3' end of the provirus was GAGGTATTTTACCGACCGTTACCGACCGTTTTCATCCCTA. The combination of the primer and the four additional bases between the end of the primer and the end of the element is TTTACCGACCGTTACCGACCGTTTTCATCCCTA, the reverse complement of which is TAGGGATGAAAACGGTCGGTAACGGTCGGTAAA, which is the sequenced used for analyzing Ds integrations. Only use sequence that you know will be present in every fragment. If using an element with a variable 3' end (like AAV), this field should only contain the stable portion of the element.
  • (integration_footprint_size): The number of bases directly affected by the integration. For example, MLV integrates into sets of four basepairs, creating a 4 bp duplication on either side of the virus. See Fig. 1 of for more examples. If your element integrates between bases without creating a duplication, set this value to 1.


If you use GeIST in your work, please use the following reference to cite it:

LaFave MC, Varshney GK, Gildea DE, Wolfsberg TG, Baxevanis AD, Burgess SM. MLV integration site selection is driven by strong enhancers and active promoters. 2014 Apr;42(7):4257-69.


Matthew C. LaFave, Ph.D., Developmental Genomics Section, Translational and Functional Genomics Branch, NHGRI, NIH

Email: matthew.lafave [at sign]