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Ordinary least

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34 lines (23 loc) · 1.38 KB

Ordinary least squares (OLS). Suppose you have a datset of $n$ examples $\{(x_i, y_i)\}_{i=1}^n$ where each $x \in \RR^d$ and $y \in \RR$. You suspect that the relationship is linear, i.e. $y = w^\mathsf{T}x$ for some weight parameter $w \in \RR^d$. OLS tells you how to find the $w$ with the lowest mean squared error.

For ease, we put the examples into a [[design matrix]] $X \in \RR^{n \times d}$ and the labels in a vector $y \in \RR^n$.

$$ w^\star = \arg\min_w \lVert y - Xw \rVert^2_2 $$


We can find the optimal $w$ by setting the gradient equal to 0.

\begin{gather*} \nabla_w \langle y - Xw, y - Xw \rangle = 0 \\ \nabla_w \left[ {\langle y, y \rangle} - 2 \langle Xw, y \rangle + \langle Xw, Xw \rangle \right] = 0 \\ -2 X^\mathsf{T}y + 2(X^\mathsf{T}X)w = 0 \end{gather*}

Rearranging, we get a closed-form solution.

$$ w^\star = (X^\mathsf{T}X)^{-1}X^\mathsf{T}y \tag{OLS Solution} $$

This trick for making an "inverse" out of a non-rectangular matrix comes up often enough that it has its own name, the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse. In that notation, we just write

$$ w^\star = X^\dagger y $$


  • The matrix $X^\mathsf{T}X$ is only invertible when the rank of $X$ is $d$, i.e. each of the columns is linearly independent.
  • [[Ridge regression]] is also an important extension to least squares.