All your base are still belong to Rowling.
- note
- reference
- link
A reference to All Your Base Are Belong To Us, and also the author's
note from the previous chapter (9/All your base
And now you will sit through the Sorting Hat singing its version of
Evanescence's "My Immortal", which has never happened before.
just kidding
- reference
A common meme is that bad fanfiction has to include at least one song by a band that highschool kids liked a lot at the time it was written.
Its song had implied so: Oh, I'm the Sorting Hat and I'm okay, I sleep
all year and I work one day...
- reference
- link
This is not the actual sorting hat song, but instead it is a reference to The Lumberjack Song by Monty Python:
can you tell me anything about how to rediscover the lost magics that created you?
- spoiler
- callback
Harry is worried by his discussion with Draco (7/Our powers have grown weaker
) that magic may be draining from the world, so he is
looking for a way to stem the tide. This is not far from how
Voldemort rediscovered lost magic from the basilisk guarding the
Chamber of Secrets (49/He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named began his climb to power
), but it is unlikely the Sorting Hat could pass much knowledge
to Harry due to the Interdict of Merlin.
Godel, Escher, Bach.
- reference
- link
A book about recursion/self-reference in math, art, and music. Very accessible and widely read within a certain subset of the college-aged population.,_Escher,_Bach
And don't meet anyone's eyes while you're thinking about this
later. Some wizards can read your thoughts if you do.
- original
This is a reference to Legilimency, which plays a large role in HPMOR.
I can tell you that there is definitely nothing like a ghost - mind,
intelligence, memory, personality, or feelings - in your
scar. Otherwise it would be participating in this conversation, being
under my brim.
- subtle
- spoiler
The intelligence/personality/etc. of the dark lord is participating in this conversation, since it's just rolled into Harry. See the topic page on his mysterious dark side.
I am not Dark Lord material!
"Yes, you are. You really, really are."
- spoiler
Considering Harry's mysterious dark side comes from a Dark Lord, this is a really big clue.
"When I spoke of your anger, you remembered how Professor McGonagall
told you that she sometimes saw something inside you that didn't seem
to come from a loving family. You thought of how Hermione, after you
returned from helping Neville, told you that you had seemed 'scary'."
- spoiler
- backref
mysterious dark side
TODO: backref
No, what you remembered was how you considered lining up all the blood
purists and guillotining them.
- spoiler
- backref
Harry actually does decapitate all the Death Eaters (114/(Black robes, falling.)
), but in more of a semi-circle than a line.
TODO: backref
what you did this morning to Neville Longbottom
- backref
TODO: backref
But the prophecy...
- backref
TODO: backref
Apparently there were safeguards to prevent you from saying anything
out loud by accident, while you were under the Hat talking about
things you would never tell another soul for the rest of your life.
- original
Pretty sure this is different from the original. TODO: cross-check
House of Doom
- spoiler
- foreshadowing
Harry later generals the Chaos Legion, whose battle cry is "DOOM", chanted to the tune of the Imperial March (TODO: reference).
Harry gave a mental nod. To himself, he seemed pretty normal - just
responding to the situations in which he found himself, that was
all. But Professor McGonagall seemed to think that there was more to
it than that.
- callback
Callback to the fundamental attribution error (5/fundamental attribution error
"That you don't like yourself when you're angry. That it is like
wielding a sword whose hilt is sharp enough to draw blood from your
hand, or looking at the world through a monocle of ice that freezes
your eye even as it sharpens your vision."
- spoiler
mysterious dark side
"I cannot give you exact statistics. I cannot know them so I cannot
count them. I just know that your chances don't feel good. They feel
very not-good."
- spoiler
It's possible this is affected by Harry's mysterious dark side.
If you could do it this very moment and no one would ever know, you
- spoiler
This is an interesting statemnt, because Harry ponders this question
at some length later in the series (85/batman
) and eventually comes
to the conclusion that he will at least try to achieve all of his
goals without killing anyone, so long as nobody dies because of his