If J. K. Rowling asks you about this story, you know nothing.
- note
- reference
This doesn't appear to be a well-known reference. It's either obscure, or a reference to the shaky legal status of fanfiction.
"But then the question is - who?"
- title-quote
- spoiler
This is not a flash-forward like the others. This quote appears in
the third paragraph of the chapter: "Am I - could I be - maybe - you never know - if I'm not - but then the question is - who?"
. In the
context of the rest of the chapter this is probably supposed to make
the reader wonder who Harry really is (with the weak implication from
the phrasing that he might be You Know Who).
"I had the strangest feeling that I knew him..." Harry rubbed his
forehead. "And that I shouldn't ought to shake his hand." Like meeting
someone who had been a friend, once, before something went drastically
wrong... that wasn't really it at all, but Harry couldn't find words.
- spoiler
More hints about Harry's mysterious dark side, and the first minor occurance of the sense of doom surrounding Professor Quirrell.
Bounce Boots ("Made with real Flubber!")
A reference to The Absent-Minded Professor, where the professor discovers a humorous substance known as "Flubber" which has various bouncing-related properties.
"Knives +3! Forks +2! Spoons with a +4 bonus!"
- reference
Dungeons and Dragons reference.
There were goggles that would turn anything you looked at green
- reference
Possibly a reference to the Wizard of Oz, where everyone entering the Emerald City is made to wear green-tinted glasses in order to make the city appear green.
Harry desperately didn't want to miss a single item for sale, in case
it was one of the three you needed to complete the cycle of infinite
wish spells.
Apparently the author did not have a particular set of three items in mind. The most common infinite wish hack in modern times uses a single candle of invocation, but infinite wishes can be achieved with only two items even in first edition Dungeons and Dragons.
"Voldemort?" Harry whispered. It should have been funny, but it
wasn't. The name burned with a cold feeling, ruthlessness, diamond
clarity, a hammer of pure titanium descending upon an anvil of
yielding flesh. A chill swept over Harry even as he pronounced the
word, and he resolved then and there to use safer terms like
- speculation
- spoiler
It is unclear whether this is a magical property of the name or related to Harry's mysterious dark side.
The bystander effect
- reference
- link
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect .
And somewhere in the back of his mind was a small, small note of
confusion, a sense of something wrong about that story; and it should
have been a part of Harry's art to notice that tiny note, but he was
- spoiler
Several things are obviously wrong with this story. If it was just Voldemort and the Potters in the home, how does anyone know that happened? See the real story behind the scar.