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Parser Combinator

This library provides a DSL which you can use to easily generate parsers in Ruby.

At it's core, it's a parser combinator library, but you don't need to worry about that. You build more complex expression based on simple ones, and match any formal language you want.

Here's what the grammars look like, this demo will parse JSON:

parser = do
  rule(:bopen)       { (one "{") > whitespace }
  rule(:bclose)      { whitespace < (one "}") }
  rule(:semicolon)   { whitespace < (one ":") > whitespace }
  rule(:comma)       { whitespace < (one ",") > whitespace }
  rule(:quote)       { one '"' }
  rule(:true)        { str "true" }
  rule(:false)       { str "false" }
  rule(:null)        { str "null" }

  # string
  rule(:hexdigit)           { anyChar %w[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f] }
  rule(:hexdigits)          { (one "u") >> (exactly(4) { (rule :hexdigit) }) }
  rule(:any_escaped_char)   { (one "\\") >> ((anyChar %w[" \\ / b f n r t]) | (rule :hexdigits)) }
  rule(:any_unescaped_char) { (anyCharBut %w[" \\]) }
  rule(:string_char)        { (rule :any_unescaped_char) | (rule :any_escaped_char) }
  rule(:string)             { match (many0 { (rule :string_char) }), between: [(rule :quote), (rule :quote)] }

  # number
  rule(:decimal)              { (one '.') >> many1 { anyNumber } }
  rule(:cientific)            { (anyChar %w[e E]) >> (anyChar %w[+ -]) >> many1 { anyNumber } }
  rule(:decimal_or_cientific) { (rule :decimal) > (rule :cientific) }
  rule(:positive_number)      { ((one "0") | many1 { anyNumber }) > (rule :decimal_or_cientific) }
  rule(:number)               { (one "-") < (rule :positive_number) }

  # array
  rule(:array_body) { (rule :value_group) | empty }
  rule(:array)      { match (rule :array_body), between: [(one "["), (one "]")] }

  rule(:value_group) { ((rule :value) >> (rule :comma) >> (rule :value_group)) | (rule :value)  }
  rule(:value)       { (rule :string) | (rule :number) | (rule :object) | (rule :array) | (rule :true) | (rule :false) | (rule :null) }
  rule(:pair)        { (rule :string) >> (rule :semicolon) >> (rule :value) }
  rule(:pair_group)  { ((rule :pair) >> (rule :comma) >> (rule :pair_group)) | (rule :pair) }
  rule(:pair_body)   { (rule :pair_group) | empty }
  rule(:object)      { match (rule :pair_body), between: [(rule :bopen), (rule :bclose)] }

  # The last rule is always the starting rule, but let's make things clear
end'{ "foo": "bar" }').ok? # => true'{ "foo": }').ok?       # => false'not even json').ok?    # => false

It might look a bit cryptic at first but the power combinators give us is well worth the initial learning curve! Don't believe me? Let me show you.


Okay let's do this! I'll show you how to use this library and why it's awesome. Let's say we want to match an assign statement:

foo = 1

We can start right away!

# this uses minitest, see `test/test_turorial.rb`
parser = do
  rule(:assign) { (str "foo = 1") }

end"foo = 1").ok?.must_equal true

That was almost cheating wasn't it. Let's say we want to be able to match any number now:

NOTE That looks like RSpec doesn't it? Well it's what most Ruby DSLs look like, and if you've ever worked with any, you'll feel right at home. If not, don't worry a DSL is a tiny language afterall!

parser = do
  rule(:assign) { (str "foo = ") >> anyNumber }

end"foo = 1").ok?.must_equal true"foo = 3").ok?.must_equal true"foo = 9").ok?.must_equal true

It works! It really is that easy. But what is that >> thing over there? It just means "match this AND THEN match this other thing". If any of them fails, the rule fails.

Okay now let's say we want real identifiers, not just foo:

parser = do
  rule(:assign) { many1 { anyLetter } >> (str " = ") >> anyNumber }

end"foo = 1").ok?.must_equal true"bar = 3").ok?.must_equal true"baz = 9").ok?.must_equal true

Oh! Almost too easy right? many1 is a parser provided for you, it takes a block. The block must return a parser which will be run on the input one or more times. It's the same as saying anyLetter+.

We also use something called anyLetter. It is a parser provided by the library and it matches [a-zA-Z]+.

NOTE As you might have guessed, you are also provided of a parser called many0. many0 { anyLetter } is the equivalent of anyLetter*.

Now, let's tidy up the grammar a bit:

parser = do
  rule(:equals) { whitespace < (one "=") > whitespace }
  rule(:assign) { many1 { anyLetter } >> (rule :equals) >> anyNumber }

end"foo = 1").ok?.must_equal true"bar =3").ok?.must_equal  true"baz= 9").ok?.must_equal  true

Nice! What is > and < you ask? Well, they are similar to >>, and they are called combinators. This is a parser combinator afterall right? That whole concept is borrowed from functional programming, you don't really need it to use the library at all though, so don't worry.

The combinator > means "take whatever is on the left, and the right is optional". As you might have guessed, < means the exact opposite, "take whatever is on the right, and the left is optional". We can combine those two in a hacky way to write

whitespace < (one "=") > whitespace

You can think about it as "surround (one "=") with optional stuff".

And that's it! Not bad for a 5 minutes intro huh?


The documentation is a WIP, and reflects the actual API as much as possible, the true API lives in the tests, so it's highly recommended to check them out. Tests can be found in test/test_*.rb.

Base Parsers

The library provides several base parsers for you. Those are used to constuct bigger, more complex parsers.

Binary Combinators

Logical OR: |

let(:foo) { rule(:bar) | rule(:baz) }

Logical AND: >>

let(:foo) { rule(:bar) >> rule(:baz) }

Unary Combinators


  • and +


$ bundle install


A parser is an instance of Parser, an object with a run method which takes some input and returns a ParserResult.

Running tests

$ ruby -Ilib:test test/test_parser.rb


Decent syntax error reporting, eg: Which line, which column failed.