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Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

Our Pledge

As members, contributors, and leaders of this community, we aim to foster an inclusive environment where everyone can participate without fear of discrimination or harassment. We pledge to respect and support the diversity of our community, including but not limited to differences in age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity, and expression, level of experience, education, political views, vaccination status, socio-economic status, nationality, place of birth, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. We will actively work to create a safe and respectful space for all members of the community and will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment.

Our Standard

Creating and maintaining a positive and inclusive community environment requires the active participation of all members. We encourage the following behaviors to contribute to this goal:

  • Speak and act with empathy, understanding, and kindness towards others;
  • Actively listen to and acknowledge the perspectives and experiences of others, regardless of their background or beliefs;
  • Encourage and support open communication and constructive feedback, always given and received in a respectful manner;
  • Taking responsibility for our actions and apologizing when necessary;
  • Prioritize the well-being and success of the community as a whole over individual gain.

In order to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all members of the community, the following behaviors are strictly prohibited:

  • Any form of sexual harassment or misconduct, including but not limited to making unwanted sexual advances, using sexually explicit language or imagery;
  • Any form of verbal or written abuse, discrimination, or harassment, including but not limited to making offensive or derogatory comments, attacking others on the basis of their personal characteristics, or engaging in political or personal attacks;
  • Any form of stalking, bullying, or intimidation, either publicly or privately;
  • Sharing or distributing others' personal information without their explicit consent;
  • Any other conduct that would be considered inappropriate or unprofessional in a workplace setting.

In addition to the general principles outlined above, it is also important to adhere to specific technical rules and guidelines when contributing to the community. These may include:

  • Adhering to established coding standards and conventions to ensure consistency and readability of the codebase;
  • Thoroughly testing your code before submitting it to shared dependencies, to minimize the likelihood of introducing bugs or errors;
  • Documenting your code clearly and in a consistent format, to make it easier for others to understand and maintain;
  • Using version control effectively, including adhering to best practices for branching and merging, to facilitate collaboration and maintain the integrity of the codebase, and to track changes to the shared dependencies;
  • Communicating with others about your work and being open to feedback and suggestions from others, to ensure that everyone is aware of the changes made and that they align with the project goals.

Enforcement Responsibilities

As leaders of this community, it is our responsibility to set and enforce standards of acceptable behavior. If we observe behavior that we consider inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful, we will take fair and appropriate corrective action. We have the right to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that do not align with this Code of Conduct. We will provide explanations for moderation decisions when appropriate. Additionally, we will actively work to create a culture of accountability, where community members take responsibility for their actions and work to create a safe and inclusive environment for all. We encourage community members to report any violations of the code of conduct, and to work together to create a culture of mutual respect and understanding.


This Code of Conduct applies to all areas of the community, including online and offline spaces where community members may be representing the community, such as through official email addresses, social media accounts, or as a representative at events.


Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement through established channels such as email, a reporting form, or on the Discord by messaging a @Staff or @Moderator. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. The investigation process will be carried out in a confidential manner, and all parties involved will be treated with respect and dignity. All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident and will maintain confidentiality except in cases where safety or legal concerns require otherwise. We encourage those who experience or witness any form of misconduct to come forward with their concerns, and will take all necessary steps to ensure that all reports are handled with the utmost care and sensitivity.


This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.1, with modifications and additions made to suit the specific needs and values of our community. We are grateful for the work of the Contributor Covenant organization in providing a foundation for creating an inclusive and respectful community.