From 3b0b2f818a1209c868317607c9f66fade0f5d449 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MODX Bot Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 22:18:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] New Crowdin updates (#16611) --- core/lexicon/ar/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/be/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/bg/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/cs/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/da/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/de/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/de/ | 4 ++-- core/lexicon/de/ | 2 +- core/lexicon/de/ | 6 +++--- core/lexicon/el/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/es/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/et/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/fa/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/fi/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/fr/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/he/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/hi/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/hu/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/id/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/it/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/ja/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/nl/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/pl/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/pt/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/ro/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/ru/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/sl/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/sv/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/th/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/tr/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/uk/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/yo/ | 4 ++++ core/lexicon/zh/ | 4 ++++ 33 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/lexicon/ar/ b/core/lexicon/ar/ index 7308d7c17ae..5637423205a 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ar/ +++ b/core/lexicon/ar/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'اختياري. قيمة حقل القيد الذي يجب التحقق منه.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'حقل القيد'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'الاختياري. الحقل الذي ينبغي أن يطبق هذا القيد عليه.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'الوحة الحاوية'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'المعرف الخاص بلوحة النموذج الحاوي التي الحقل ضمنها. في بعض الأحيان هذا ضروري لقواعد معينة، لكي يستطيع النظام أن يعرف أي لوحة أو نموذج بداخلها الحقل.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'تبطيل'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/be/ b/core/lexicon/be/ index f066509abd9..83242960c3a 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/be/ +++ b/core/lexicon/be/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Неабавязкова. Значэнне абмежавальнага поля, па якім будзе адбывацца праверка.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Абмежавальнае поле'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Неабавязкова. Поле, па якім гэтае абмежаванне павінна быць ужыта.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Бацькоўская панэль'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'Ідэнтыфікатар формы панэлі, у якой змяшчаецца поле. Гэта часам неабходна для пэўных правілаў, каб сістэма магла вызначыць у якой форме ці панэлі змяшчаецца поле.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Дэактываваць'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/bg/ b/core/lexicon/bg/ index 68d26c4a34b..e57babe11bc 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/bg/ +++ b/core/lexicon/bg/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'По избор. Стойността на полето за ограничение ковто трябва да се провери.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Поле на ограничение'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'По избор. Полето към което трябва да се приложи това ограничение.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Съдържащ панел'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'ID на съдържащия Форм Панел, в който е полето. Това понякога е необходимо за някои правила, така че системата може да разбере в коя форма или панел се намира полето.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Деактивирай'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/cs/ b/core/lexicon/cs/ index de764c76fa7..4f48955be1e 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/cs/ +++ b/core/lexicon/cs/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Volitelné. Hodnota políčka omezení proti, které by mělo být políčko zkontrolováno.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Určení políčka omezení'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Volitelné. Políčko, na které by tato omezení měla být použita.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'Pro použití omezení musí být specifikováno omezení, aby toto pravidlo fungovalo správně.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Nastavení #%d v profilu přizpůsobení formuláře s názvem „%s“ nemusí fungovat podle očekávání, protože bylo nastaveno pole omezení, ale chybí omezení.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'Pro použití omezení musí být specifikováno pole omezení, aby toto pravidlo fungovalo správně.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Nastavení #%d v profilu přizpůsobení formuláře s názvem „%s“ nemusí fungovat podle očekávání, protože bylo nastaveno pole omezení, ale chybí omezení.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Obsahující panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'ID formulářového panelu, kde se nachází políčko. Občas je pro některá pravidla nezbytné, aby systém poznal, ve kterém formuláři nebo panelu se dané políčko nachází.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deaktivovat'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/da/ b/core/lexicon/da/ index 29924a1e320..234939a0ee0 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/da/ +++ b/core/lexicon/da/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Valgfri. Værdien af begrænsningfeltet, der skal kontrolleres mod.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Begrænsningsfelt'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Valgfri. Feltet som denne begrænsning bør anvendes af.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Overordnet panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'ID\'et for det overordnede panel dette felt befinder sig i. Det er nogle gange nødvendigt for visse regler, så systemet kan vide hvilken form eller panel feltet er i.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deaktivér'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/de/ b/core/lexicon/de/ index 36282749ffe..52553b1b757 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/de/ +++ b/core/lexicon/de/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. Der Wert der Einschränkungs-Bedingung, der mit dem Wert des Feldes verglichen wird.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Feld für Einschränkung'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. Das Feld, von dessen Wert die Einschränkung abhängig ist.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'Um Einschränkungen anzuwenden, muss Einschränkung angegeben werden, damit diese Regel richtig funktioniert.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Die Einstellung #%d im Formular-Anpassungsprofil mit dem Namen „%s“ kann nicht wie erwartet funktionieren, da ein Einschränkungsfeld gesetzt wurde, aber die Einschränkung fehlt.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'Um Einschränkungen anzuwenden, muss das Feld zur Einschränkung angegeben werden, damit diese Regel richtig funktioniert.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Die Einstellung #%d im Formular-Anpassungsprofil mit dem Namen „%s“ kann nicht wie erwartet funktionieren, da eine Einschränkung gesetzt wurde, aber das Einschränkungsfeld fehlt.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Enthalten in'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'Die ID des Formulars, das das Feld enthält. Diese wird manchmal für bestimmte Regeln benötigt, damit das System weiß, in welchem Formular oder Bedienelement das Feld zu finden ist.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deaktivieren'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/de/ b/core/lexicon/de/ index f5ecbb512b9..2c0969cf8c0 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/de/ +++ b/core/lexicon/de/ @@ -765,8 +765,8 @@ $_lang['setting_upload_translit'] = 'Namen von hochgeladenen Dateien transliterieren?'; $_lang['setting_upload_translit_desc'] = 'Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird der Name einer hochgeladenen Datei gemäß den globalen Transliterationsregeln transliteriert.'; -$_lang['setting_upload_translit_restrict_chars_pattern'] = 'File Name Character Restriction Pattern'; -$_lang['setting_upload_translit_restrict_chars_pattern_desc'] = 'A valid RegEx pattern for restricting characters used in an uploaded file’s name.'; +$_lang['setting_upload_translit_restrict_chars_pattern'] = 'Dateinamen-Zeichenbeschränkungsmuster'; +$_lang['setting_upload_translit_restrict_chars_pattern_desc'] = 'Ein gültiger regulärer Ausdruck zur Einschränkung der in einem Namen einer hochgeladenen Datei erlaubten Zeichen.'; $_lang['setting_use_alias_path'] = 'Suchmaschinenfreundliche Alias-Pfade'; $_lang['setting_use_alias_path_desc'] = 'Wenn Sie diese Einstellung auf „Ja“ setzen, wird der komplette Pfad zur Ressource angezeigt, wenn diese einen Alias hat. Wenn z.B. eine Ressource mit dem Alias „kind“ in einer Container-Ressource mit dem Alias „eltern“ abgelegt ist, wird der komplette Alias-Pfad zu dieser Ressource als „/eltern/kind.html“ angezeigt.
HINWEIS: Wenn Sie diese Option auf „Ja“ setzen (also Alias-Pfade aktivieren), verwenden Referenz-Elemente (wie Bilder, CSS- und JavaScript-Dateien etc.) absolute Pfade, also z.B. „/assets/images” im Gegensatz zu „assets/images“. Dadurch wird verhindert, dass der Browser (oder der Webserver) die relativen Pfade an die Alias-Pfade anhängt.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/de/ b/core/lexicon/de/ index 179f8165070..2027cd896d9 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/de/ +++ b/core/lexicon/de/ @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ * @subpackage lexicon */ $_lang['about'] = 'Über MODX'; -$_lang['about_desc'] = 'Help!'; +$_lang['about_desc'] = 'Hilfe!'; $_lang['access_permissions'] = 'Zugriffsrechte'; $_lang['access_permissions_desc'] = 'Verwalten Sie die Benutzergruppen-Zugriffsmöglichkeiten auf Ressourcen und Kontexte.'; $_lang['acls'] = 'Zugriffssteuerungslisten (ACLs)'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/de/ b/core/lexicon/de/ index 183f0a13dbf..3998ac04e41 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/de/ +++ b/core/lexicon/de/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ $_lang['password_gen_specify'] = 'Ich gebe das Passwort ein:'; $_lang['password_method'] = 'Art der Passwort-Mitteilung'; $_lang['password_method_screen'] = 'Passwort auf dem Bildschirm anzeigen.'; -$_lang['password_gen_user_email_specify'] = 'Let the user choose their own password via email'; +$_lang['password_gen_user_email_specify'] = 'Lassen Sie den Benutzer sein eigenes Passwort per E-Mail wählen'; $_lang['notify_new_user'] = 'Schicken Sie diesem Benutzer eine E-Mail mit den neuen Zugangsdaten für diese Website.'; $_lang['password_new'] = 'Neues Passwort'; $_lang['password_notification'] = 'Passwort-Benachrichtigung'; @@ -198,5 +198,5 @@ $_lang['users'] = 'Benutzer'; $_lang['user_createdon'] = 'Erstellt am'; $_lang['user_createdon_desc'] = 'Das Datum, an dem der Benutzer angelegt wurde.'; -$_lang['user_password_email_subject'] = 'Set up your password'; -$_lang['user_password_email'] = '

Set up your password

We received a request to set up your MODX Revolution password. You can set up your password by clicking the button below and following the instructions on screen.

Set up my password

If you did not send this request, please ignore this email.

'; +$_lang['user_password_email_subject'] = 'Richten Sie Ihr Passwort ein'; +$_lang['user_password_email'] = '

Richten Sie Ihr Passwort ein

Wir haben eine Anfrage erhalten, Ihr MODX-Revolution-Passwort einzurichten. Sie können Ihr Passwort einrichten, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten klicken und den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm folgen.

Mein Passwort einrichten

Wenn Sie diese Anfrage nicht gesendet haben, ignorieren Sie bitte diese E-Mail.

'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/el/ b/core/lexicon/el/ index ad6a2a20ae9..50edb00524d 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/el/ +++ b/core/lexicon/el/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Constraint Field'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Containing Panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/es/ b/core/lexicon/es/ index 8a6bb3e8826..26a7d4b63d8 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/es/ +++ b/core/lexicon/es/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Opcional. El valor del Campo de Restricción con el cual será comparado.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Campo de Restricción'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Opcional. El campo al cual deberá aplicarse esta restricción.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Panel Contenedor'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'El ID del Panel Contenedor del Formulario donde está el campo. Es necesario para ciertas reglas, para que el sistema pueda identificar en qué formulario o panel situar el campo.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Desactivar'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/et/ b/core/lexicon/et/ index 0a05e4452f5..9dac769291e 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/et/ +++ b/core/lexicon/et/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Valikuline. Constraint Välja väärtus, mille vastu kontrollida.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Constraint Väli'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Valikuline. Väli, mille kontrollimisel seda constrainti tuleks kasutada.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Containimise Paneel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'Contain vorm Paneeli ID milles väli asub. See on mõnikord vajalik kindlatele reeglitele, nii süsteem teab milline vorm või paneel on.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deaktiveeri'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/fa/ b/core/lexicon/fa/ index 6df266d97aa..e90a0b59d30 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/fa/ +++ b/core/lexicon/fa/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Constraint Field'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Containing Panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/fi/ b/core/lexicon/fi/ index 6dc51542cd5..3ff80f338d7 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/fi/ +++ b/core/lexicon/fi/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Rajaava kenttä'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Containing Panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/fr/ b/core/lexicon/fr/ index c7613bee54b..83d7494bf16 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/fr/ +++ b/core/lexicon/fr/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Facultatif. La valeur par rapport à laquelle le champ de contrainte doit être vérifié.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Champ de contrainte'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Facultatif. Le champ sur lequel cette règle doit être appliquée.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'Pour appliquer des contraintes, la contrainte doit être spécifiée pour que cette règle fonctionne correctement.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Paramétrer #%d dans le profil de personnalisation du formulaire nommé “%s” peut ne pas fonctionner comme prévu car un champ de contrainte a été défini mais la contrainte est manquante.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'Pour appliquer des contraintes, la contrainte doit être spécifiée pour que cette règle fonctionne correctement.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Paramétrer #%d dans le profil de personnalisation du formulaire nommé “%s” peut ne pas fonctionner comme prévu car un champ de contrainte a été défini mais la contrainte est manquante.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Panneau de contenu'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'L\'identifiant du panneau de contenu du formulaire dont le champ fait partie. Ceci est parfois nécessaire pour certaines règles, afin que le système puisse savoir de quel formulaire ou panneau de formulaire le champ fait partie.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Désactiver'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/he/ b/core/lexicon/he/ index e4320861c00..e269e6f88aa 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/he/ +++ b/core/lexicon/he/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Constraint Field'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Containing Panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/hi/ b/core/lexicon/hi/ index 5036df6db95..4b83a34e86d 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/hi/ +++ b/core/lexicon/hi/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'वैकल्पिक। बाधा फ़ील्ड के खिलाफ जाँच की जानी चाहिए के मूल्य।'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'बाधा फ़ील्ड'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'वैकल्पिक। फ़ील्ड जो द्वारा इस प्रतिबंध लागू किया जाना चाहिए।'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'पैनल युक्त'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'युक्त प्रपत्र पैनल की ID फ़ील्ड में है। ताकि सिस्टम पता कर सके की किस प्रपत्र या पैनल में फ़ील्ड हैं यह कभी कभी कुछ खास नियमों के लिए, आवश्यक है।'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'निष्क्रिय करें '; diff --git a/core/lexicon/hu/ b/core/lexicon/hu/ index a7217ebcbf4..34f20202c38 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/hu/ +++ b/core/lexicon/hu/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Megszorítási mező'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Megszorítási panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Kikapcsol'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/id/ b/core/lexicon/id/ index e2ddbd0a4ff..200946bf062 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/id/ +++ b/core/lexicon/id/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Opsional. Nilai dari bidang kendala harus diperiksa terhadap resikonya.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Kendala lapangan'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Opsional. Bidang yang kendala ini harus diterapkan.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Yang mengandung Panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'ID terkandung dari Panel dimana bidang berada didalamnya. Hal ini kadang-kadang diperlukan untuk aturan-aturan tertentu, sehingga sistem dapat mengetahui apa bentuk atau panel bidang ini di.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Nonaktifkan'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/it/ b/core/lexicon/it/ index 7a155c966c4..13656899eeb 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/it/ +++ b/core/lexicon/it/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Facoltativo. Inserire il valore del Campo Vincolo con cui dovrebbe essere confrontato.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Campo Vincolo'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Facoltativo. Il Campo a cui applicare il vincolo (es. Template, menutitle ecc.).'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Pannello che lo contiene'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'Inserire il nome (ID) del pannello nel quale il campo (sopra) è contenuto. A volte è necessario per determinate regole, in modo che il sistema possa sapere in quale form o pannello è contenuto il campo stesso.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Disattivare'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/ja/ b/core/lexicon/ja/ index 9fe84f235d1..69a743f6edb 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ja/ +++ b/core/lexicon/ja/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = '任意。有効条件と見なす値をセットします。たとえば「テンプレートIDが4の場合にこのルールを有効にする」の場合「4」をここにセットします。Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = '制約フィールド'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = '任意。制約条件としたいフィールドの名前を記述します。たとえば「template」など。'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'これを含む領域'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = '対象オブジェクト(フィールドやタブ)を含むDIV領域のID名。modx-panel-resource・modx-page-settings・modx-resource-tabsのうちのいずれか。This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = '無効化'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/nl/ b/core/lexicon/nl/ index 946e548c2dd..45ccabc5be4 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/nl/ +++ b/core/lexicon/nl/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optioneel. De waarde van het voorwaarde veld dat gecontroleerd moet worden.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Veld voorwaarde'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optioneel. Het veld waar deze voorwaarde op toegepast moet worden.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Bevattend paneel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'Het ID van het bevattende formulier paneel waar het veld zich bevindt. Dit is soms nodig voor bepaalde regels, zodat het systeem weet in welk formulier paneel het veld in zit.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactiveer'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/pl/ b/core/lexicon/pl/ index 5f0cff5d7b7..2e690781e5f 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/pl/ +++ b/core/lexicon/pl/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Ogranicz Pole'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Zawierające panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Dezaktywuj'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/pt/ b/core/lexicon/pt/ index 289f3b5adea..6fc45893da2 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/pt/ +++ b/core/lexicon/pt/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Opcional. O valor do Campo Limitador deve ser marcado contra.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Campo Limitador'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Opcional. O campo onde o limitador deve ser aplicado.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Painel de Destino'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'O ID do Painel de Destino onde o campo se encontra. Isto é necessário para algumas regras, para que o sistema saiba em qual painel de formulário o campo se encontra.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Desativar'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/ro/ b/core/lexicon/ro/ index 81906bb3bee..8a82072130e 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ro/ +++ b/core/lexicon/ro/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Constraint Field'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Containing Panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/ru/ b/core/lexicon/ru/ index 21b23a253fa..f7b2240996c 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ru/ +++ b/core/lexicon/ru/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Необязательно. Значение ограничивающего поля, при наличие которого правило будет работать.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Ограничивающее поле'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Необязательно. Поле при наличии которого правило будет работать.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Родительская панель'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'ID панели формы, в которой находится область. Необходим в некоторых правилах для того, чтобы система могла понять в какой форме или панели находится область.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Выключить'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/sl/ b/core/lexicon/sl/ index 38d0abdfd30..d9cc680cfad 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/sl/ +++ b/core/lexicon/sl/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Constraint Field'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Containing Panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/sv/ b/core/lexicon/sv/ index 1b1b81ce842..556ae7b33d3 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/sv/ +++ b/core/lexicon/sv/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Valfri. Värdet på det restriktionsfält som kontrollen ska göras mot.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Restriktionsfält'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Valfri. Det fält för vilket denna restriktion ska användas.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Omslutande panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'ID:t på den formulärpanel som omsluter fältet. Det här behövs ibland för vissa regler så att systemet ska veta vilket formulär eller vilken panel fältet finns i.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Avaktivera'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/th/ b/core/lexicon/th/ index 47e5c751453..d7f2bc8bd9e 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/th/ +++ b/core/lexicon/th/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'ตัวเลือกเสริม ค่าของฟิลด์ข้อจำกัดที่ควรถูกตรวจสอบด้วย'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'ฟิลด์ข้อจำกัด'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'ตัวเลือกเสริม ฟิลด์ซึ่งข้อจำกัดนี้จะถูกประยุกต์ใช้'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'แผงบรรจุ'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'ไอดีของแผงรูปแบบที่บรรจุฟิลด์ไว้ภายใน ในบางครั้งจำเป็นต่อการบรรจุกฎ เผื่อว่าระบบจะรู้จักว่ารูปแบบหรือแผงของฟิลด์อยู่ภายใน'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'ปิดการใช้งาน'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/tr/ b/core/lexicon/tr/ index 823a3956873..cedd0b991c8 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/tr/ +++ b/core/lexicon/tr/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'İsteğe bağlı. Kontrol edilmesi gereken kısıtlama alanı değeri.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Kısıtlama alanı'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'İsteğe bağlı. Bu kısıtlamanın uygulanacağı alan.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Panel İçeren'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'Alanın bulunduğu Form Panelinin kimliği. Bu bazen belirli kurallar için gereklidir, böylece sistem alanın hangi form veya paneli içerdiğini bilebilir.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Devre dışı bırak'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/uk/ b/core/lexicon/uk/ index efcf15a8ba3..2232cc13178 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/uk/ +++ b/core/lexicon/uk/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Не обов\'язково. Значення обмежуючого поля, при наявність якого правило буде працювати. '; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Обмежуюче поле'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Не обов\'язково. Поле при наявності якого правило буде працювати. '; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Батьківська панель '; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'ID панелі форми, в якій знаходиться область. Необхідний в деяких правилах для того, щоб система могла зрозуміти в якій формі або панелі знаходиться область. '; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Деактивувати'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/yo/ b/core/lexicon/yo/ index 38d0abdfd30..d9cc680cfad 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/yo/ +++ b/core/lexicon/yo/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Constraint Field'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Containing Panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/zh/ b/core/lexicon/zh/ index 57a1b1915e3..9a15ac1ff43 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/zh/ +++ b/core/lexicon/zh/ @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ $_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.'; $_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Constraint Field'; $_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_constraint_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint Field was set but the Constraint is missing.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_err'] = 'To apply constraints, the Constraint Field must be specified for this rule to work properly.'; +$_lang['constraint_incomplete_field_warn'] = 'Set #%d in the Form Customization profile named “%s” may not work as expected because a Constraint was set but the Constraint Field is missing.'; $_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Containing Panel'; $_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.'; $_lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate';