diff --git a/core/lexicon/ar/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/ar/context.inc.php index 10fc88b6304..b80b5dcd323 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ar/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/ar/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'السياق غير مخصص.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'الرجاء تخصيص مفتاح صالح من أجل السياق.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'حصل خطأ أثناء حفظ السياق.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'مفتاح السياق'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/ar/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/ar/user.inc.php index 270caf61be7..469909ec61f 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ar/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/ar/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'إذا تم الضبط، سيتم حظر المستخدم حتى هذا الوقت.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'تم تغيير بياناتك. الرجاء تسجيل الدخول مرة ثانية.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'مفتاح صف مودكس لهذا المستخدم. لا تقم بتغيير هذا إلا في حالة معرفتك بما تقوم به.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'تم إنشاء المستخدم. كلمة المرور هي: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'البلد'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'تاريخ الميلاد'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'ذكر'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'هنا يمكنك اختيار المستخدم الذي ترغب في تعديله.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'رقم الهاتف الجوال'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'تم تغيير كلمة المرور بنجاح إلى: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'رقم الهاتف'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'صورة المستخدم'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'أدخل URL الصورة لهذا المستخدم أو استخدم زر الإدخال لاختيار أو رفع ملف الصورة إلى المخدم.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'إذا تم الاختيار، سيملك هذا المستخدم وصول كامل لكل الموقع كما سيتجاوز أي صلاحيات وصول مختارة. *لا تقم* بالاختيار إلا إذا كنت تقصد أن تفعل ذلك!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'إنشاء/تعديل المستخدم'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'آخر'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'تمت ترقية المستخدم.كلمة المرور هي: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'إذا رغبت في إيقاف هذا المستخدم من رفع أي نوع من الملفات في هذا التصنيف، قم بالتأكد من أن صندوق الاختيار \'استخدم إعدادات التهيئة الرئيسية\' غير معلم واترك الحقل فارغ.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'استخدام إعدادات تهيئة النظام'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'المعرف الفريد لهذا المستخدم، والاسم الذي سيتم من خلاله تسجيل الدخول إلى الموقع.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/be/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/be/context.inc.php index 0dd0dac17de..bd4904496dd 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/be/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/be/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Кантэкст не пазначаны.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Калi ласка, пазначце дапушчальны ключ для кантэкста.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'Адбылася памылка пры спробе выдаліць кантэкст.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Адбылася памылка пры захаванні кантэксту.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'ID кантэксту'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Ключ кантэксту'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/be/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/be/user.inc.php index 0bb4a9829af..2161aeb2a60 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/be/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/be/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Калі ўсталявана, то карыстальнік будзе заблакаваны да гэтага часу.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Вашы дадзеныя былі зменены. Калі ласка, ўвайдзіце зноў.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Ключ класа для гэтага карыстальніка. Не змяняйце яго, калі не ведаеце, што менавіта вы робіце.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Карыстальнік быў створаны. Пароль: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце назаўсёды выдаліць гэтага карыстальніка?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Краіна'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Дата нараджэння'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Мужчына'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Тут вы можаце выбраць, якога карыстальніка вы жадаеце рэдагаваць.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Нумар мабільнага тэлефона'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Пароль паспяхова зменены на: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Нумар тэлефона'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Фота карыстальніка'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Калі ласка, увядзіце URL малюнка для гэтага карыстальніка або націсніце кнопку ўстаўкі, каб выбраць або загрузіць файл малюнка на сервер.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Калі сцяжок усталяваны, карыстальнік будзе мець поўны доступ да ўсяго сайту і будзе абыходзіць любыя праверкі дазволаў доступу. *НЕ* чапайце яго, пакуль вы не ўпэўнены ў неабходнасці зрабіць гэта!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Стварыць/рэдагаваць карыстальніка'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Іншы'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Карыстальнік быў абноўлены. Пароль: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Калі вы жадаеце забараніць гэтаму карыстальніку запампоўку ўсіх тыпаў файлаў у гэтай катэгорыі, пераканайцеся, што сцяжок \'Выкарыстоўваць галоўныя сістемныя налады\' не ўсталяваны і пакіньце гэтае поле пустым.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Выкарыстоўваць сістэмную наладу'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Унікальны ідэнтыфікатар гэтага карыстальніка і імя, з дапамогай якога ён будзе ўваходіць на сайт.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/bg/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/bg/context.inc.php index 25412c009d5..eb4d83a17bb 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/bg/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/bg/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Не е посочен Контекст.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Моля, посочете валиден ключ за Контекста.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Възникна грешка при запазване на Контекста.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Контекст ключ'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/bg/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/bg/user.inc.php index b22d87bbdb3..0b73d189d29 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/bg/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/bg/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Мъж'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Phone number'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/cs/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/cs/context.inc.php index cb42c5f6905..81048b11ce5 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/cs/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/cs/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Kontext neurčen.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Zadejte platný klíč pro kontext.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Nastala chyba při ukládání kontextu.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'ID kontextu'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Klíč kontextu'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/cs/topmenu.inc.php b/core/lexicon/cs/topmenu.inc.php index 4f2b1da82e3..cfb41d034cc 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/cs/topmenu.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/cs/topmenu.inc.php @@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ $_lang['import_site_desc'] = 'Dávkové importování HTML souborů do portálu.'; $_lang['installer'] = 'Instalátor'; $_lang['installer_desc'] = 'Spravovat doplňky a distribuce'; -$_lang['language'] = 'Toggle language'; -$_lang['language_desc'] = 'Select the appropriate manager language'; +$_lang['language'] = 'Přepnout jazyk'; +$_lang['language_desc'] = 'Vyberte příslušný jazyk správce obsahu'; $_lang['lexicon_management'] = 'Správce slovníků'; $_lang['lexicon_management_desc'] = 'Úprava všech jazykových záznamů pro MODX.'; $_lang['logout'] = 'Odhlásit'; @@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ $_lang['messages_desc'] = 'Zobrazení zpráv a možnost jejich poslání ostatním uživatelům.'; $_lang['namespaces'] = 'Jmenné prostory'; $_lang['namespaces_desc'] = 'Zacházení se jmennými prostory, které rozlišují mezi různými přidanými komponentami.'; -$_lang['new_document'] = 'Create Document'; +$_lang['new_document'] = 'Nový dokument'; $_lang['new_document_desc'] = 'Vytvoření nového dokumentu.'; -$_lang['new_resource'] = 'Create Resource'; +$_lang['new_resource'] = 'Nový dokument'; $_lang['new_resource_desc'] = 'Vytvoření nového dokumentu.'; -$_lang['new_static_resource'] = 'Create Static Resource'; +$_lang['new_static_resource'] = 'Nový statický dokument'; $_lang['new_static_resource_desc'] = 'Vytvoření nového souborově orientovaného statického dokumentu.'; $_lang['new_symlink'] = 'Create Symlink'; $_lang['new_symlink_desc'] = 'Vytvoření nového symbolického odkazu na existující URL adresu, bez přesměrování.'; @@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ $_lang['refresh_site_desc'] = 'Vyprázdnění cache celého portálu.'; $_lang['refreshuris'] = 'Aktualizovat URI'; $_lang['refreshuris_desc'] = 'Přegenerovat URI pro systémové zdroje.'; -$_lang['remove_locks'] = 'Delete Locks'; +$_lang['remove_locks'] = 'Odstranit zámky'; $_lang['remove_locks_desc'] = 'Delete all locks on Manager pages'; -$_lang['remove_locks_error'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the locks.'; +$_lang['remove_locks_error'] = 'Při pokusu odstranit zámky nastala chyba.'; $_lang['reports'] = 'Hlášení'; $_lang['reports_desc'] = 'Administrátorská hlášení pro tuto MODX instalaci'; $_lang['resource_groups'] = 'Skupiny dokumentů'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/cs/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/cs/user.inc.php index 97f011a4ae3..69e588dbf36 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/cs/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/cs/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Je-li toto datum nastaveno, uživateli bude od tohoto data opět povolen přístup do správce obsahu.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Vaše data byla změněna. Přihlašte se prosím znovu.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Třída obsahu MODX pro tohoto uživatele. Toto nastavení ponechte nezměněné pokud si opravdu nejste jisti co děláte.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Uživatel byl vytvořen. Heslo je: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Země'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Datum narození'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Muž'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'V této části můžete zvolit uživatele, kterého chcete upravit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobilní telefon'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Heslo změněno na: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Telefonní číslo'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Fotografie'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Zadejte adresu obrázku pro tohoto uživatele nebo použijte tlačítko pro vložení obrázku nebo pro nahrání na server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Je-li nastaveno Ano, pak se na tohoto uživatele nebudou vztahovat žádná omezení přístupových práv. *NENASTAVUJTE* pokud si nejste opravdu jistí co tato volba způsobuje!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Vytvořit/Upravit uživatele'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Ostatní'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Uživatel byl aktualizován. Heslo je: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' Pokud chcete tomuto uživateli zamezit nahrávání jakéhokoliv typu souborů do této kategorie, ujistěte se, že nemáte zaškrtnuté políčko "Použít nastavení systémové konfigurace".'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Použít nastavení systémové konfigurace'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Unikátní identifikátor tohoto uživatele a přihlašovací jméno tohoto uživatele.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/da/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/da/context.inc.php index 964439ad322..935e6033409 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/da/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/da/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Kontekst ikke angivet.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Angiv venligst en gyldig nøgle for konteksten.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Der skete en fejl mens konteksten blev gemt.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Kontekstnøgle'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/da/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/da/user.inc.php index 8dd24eef445..03b48ac9e85 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/da/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/da/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne bruger permanent?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Mand'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Phone number'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/de/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/de/context.inc.php index 5663e0d046d..6df50a3497e 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/de/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/de/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Kontext nicht angegeben.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Schlüssel für den Kontext ein.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'Beim Versuch, den Kontext zu löschen, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'Der von Ihnen gewählte Kontext-Schlüssel ist nur für die Systemnutzung reserviert. Bitte geben Sie einen anderen Schlüssel an.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Beim Speichern des Kontexts ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ktx-ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Kontext-Schlüssel'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/de/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/de/user.inc.php index 35caf256f19..cf29bd5f520 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/de/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/de/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Wenn hier etwas eingegeben wird, wird der Benutzer bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt geblockt.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Ihre Daten haben sich geändert. Bitte loggen Sie sich erneut ein.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Der MODX-Klassen-Schlüssel für diesen Benutzer. Bitte ändern Sie diese Einstellung nur, wenn Sie genau wissen, was Sie tun.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Der Benutzer wurde angelegt. Das Passwort lautet: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Der Benutzer [[+username]] wurde erstellt.
Das Passwort lautet: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Benutzer dauerhaft löschen möchten?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Land'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Geburtsdatum'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, hat dieser Benutzer vollständigen Zugriff auf die gesamte Site und umgeht alle Zugriffsberechtigungs-Checks. Aktivieren Sie diese Einstellung *NICHT*, wenn Sie sich nicht wirklich sicher sind!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Benutzer erstellen/bearbeiten'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Anderes'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Der Benutzer wurde aktualisiert. Das Passwort lautet: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Der Benutzer [[+username]] wurde erstellt.
Das Passwort lautet: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Wenn Sie diesen Benutzer davon abhalten möchten, irgendwelche Dateitypen in dieser Kategorie hochzuladen, stellen Sie sicher, dass die Checkbox "Globale Konfigurations-Einstellung verwenden" nicht mit einem Häkchen versehen ist, und lassen Sie das Feld leer.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'System-Konfigurationseinstellungen verwenden'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Die eindeutige Bezeichnung dieses Benutzers und der Name, mit dem er sich in die Site einloggt.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/el/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/el/context.inc.php index 405adb938f3..7352df973c2 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/el/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/el/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the Context.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Context Key'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/el/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/el/user.inc.php index e4939cfe9a4..1b2c51f9da3 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/el/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/el/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Άνδρας'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Phone number'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/es/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/es/context.inc.php index 1c24575c56a..362227de1bb 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/es/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/es/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Contexto no especificado.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Por favor, especifíca una clave válida para el Contexto.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Ocurrió un error mientras se guardaba el Contexto.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'ID de Ctx'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Clave del Contexto'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/es/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/es/user.inc.php index f0cfff4fc5f..277c7103a7e 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/es/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/es/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Si se configura, el usuario será bloqueado hasta la fecha seleccionada.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Tus datos han cambiado. Por favor, inicia sesión de nuevo.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'La Clave de la Clase de MODX para este usuario. No cambiar si no se sabe lo que se hace.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'El Usuario ha sido creado. La Contraseña es: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'País'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Fecha de nacimiento'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Hombre'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Aquí se pueden editar usuarios.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Número de teléfono móvil'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'La contraseña cambiada con éxito a: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Número de teléfono'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Foto del Usuario'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Introduce la URL de la imagen para este usuario o usa el botón de insertar para seleccionar o subir un archivo de imagen al servidor.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Si se marca, el usuario tendrá acceso completo a todo el sitio pasando por alto cualquier comprobación de los Permisos de Acceso. ¡*NO MARCAR* a menos que se sepa lo que se está haciendo!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Crear/Editar usuario'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Otros'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'El Usuario se ha actualizado. La contraseña es: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Si quieres impedir que éste usuario suba cualquier tipo de archivo en ésta categoría, asegúrate de que "Usar Configuración Principal" no esté activado y deja el campo en blanco.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Usar Configuración del Sistema'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'El identificador único de este Usuario y el nombre con el cual iniciará sesión en el sitio.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/et/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/et/context.inc.php index 7d53d054f52..f7616cd519e 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/et/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/et/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context-i ei olnud määratud.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Palun määrake kehtiv võti sellele Context-ile.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Tekkis viga Context-i salvestamisel.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Contexti võti'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/et/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/et/user.inc.php index 7f14295664f..2e1fb87c332 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/et/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/et/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Teie andmed on muutunud. Palun logige sisse uuesti.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Kasutaja on loodud. Parool on: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Sünnikuupäev'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Mees'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Siit saate valida, millist kasutajt soovite muuta.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobiiltelefoni number'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Parool edukalt muudetud: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Telefoni number'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Kasutaja Foto'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Sisesta pildi url slle kasutaja jaoks või kasuta sisestus nuppu et valida või üleslaadida pildi fail.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Loo/Muuda Kasutaja'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Kasutaja on uuendatud. Parool on: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' Kui soovite peatada seda kasutajat faile üleslaadmiast sellesse kategooriasse, olge kindel, et \'Kasuta Põhi Konfiguratsiooni Seadet\' checkbox ei oleks valitud ja jätke see väli tühjaks.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Kasuta Süsteemi Konfiguratsiooni Seadet'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/fa/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/fa/context.inc.php index 405adb938f3..7352df973c2 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/fa/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/fa/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the Context.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Context Key'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/fa/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/fa/user.inc.php index a00bbbfe83f..c596c9b29f0 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/fa/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/fa/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'تاریخ تولد'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'آقا'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'شماره تلفن'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'عکس کاربر'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'ایجاد/ویرایش کاربر'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'استفاده از تنظیمات پیکربندی سیستم'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/fi/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/fi/context.inc.php index 22ca96fcfcf..46efa934e64 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/fi/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/fi/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Kontekstia ei ole määritelty.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Määrittele voimassaoleva avain Kontekstille.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Kontekstia tallennettaessa tapahtui virhe.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Kontekstin ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Kontekstin avain'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/fi/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/fi/user.inc.php index b23fdf027b2..448a5e1c200 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/fi/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/fi/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Mies'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Matkapuhelimen numero'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Salasana vaihdettu: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Phone number'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Muut'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Käyttäjä on päivitetty. Salasana on: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Käytä järjestelmän asetuksia'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/fr/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/fr/context.inc.php index 90887265dc5..eb041337e5f 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/fr/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/fr/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Contexte non spécifié.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Veuillez entrer une clé valide pour le contexte.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'Une erreur s\'est produite en essayant de supprimer le contexte.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Une erreur est survenue lors de la sauvegarde du contexte.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Clé de contexte'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/fr/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/fr/user.inc.php index 99eaae34de1..f72425517f7 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/fr/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/fr/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'L\'utilisateur sera bloqué jusqu\'à cette date.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Vos données ont été modifiées. Veuillez vous reconnecter.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'La clé de classe MODX pour cet utilisateur. Ne modifiez pas ceci à moins de savoir ce que vous faites.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'L\'utilisateur a été créé. Le mot de passe est : [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer définitivement cet utilisateur ?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Pays'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date de naissance'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Homme'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Choisissez ici les utilisateurs que vous souhaitez modifier.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Mot de passe changé avec succès en : [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Téléphone'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Photo de l\'utilisateur'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Entrez l\'URL de l\'image pour cet utilisateur ou cliquez sur le bouton insérer pour sélectionner ou téléverser une image sur le serveur.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Lorsqu\'activé, l\'utilisateur aura accès à tout le site et outre passera toutes les vérifications de permissions/droits. NE PAS ACTIVER, à moins que vous ne soyez sûr des conséquences !'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Créer/modifier un utilisateur'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Autres'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'L\'utilisateur a été mis à jour. Le mot de passe est : [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' Si vous souhaitez empêcher cet utilisateur de télécharger tous les types de fichiers dans cette catégorie, assurez-vous que la case "Utiliser les paramètres principaux de configuration" ne soit pas cochée et laissez le champ vide.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Utiliser les paramètres de configuration du système'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'L\'identifiant unique de cet utilisateur ainsi que le nom qu\'il utilisera pour se connecter au site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/he/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/he/context.inc.php index 7ace9d40044..cb933794584 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/he/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/he/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the Context.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Context Key'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/he/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/he/user.inc.php index 673d802c731..4bdfa611abb 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/he/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/he/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'זכר'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Phone number'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/hi/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/hi/context.inc.php index 5206f4785b4..6e9365fad1b 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/hi/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/hi/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context निर्दिष्ट नहीं किया गया।'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'कृपया कोई मान्य key के लिए Context निर्दिष्ट करें।'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'प्रसंग को हटाने का प्रयास करते समय कोई त्रुटि उत्पन्न हुईं |'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Context को सहेजते समय कोई त्रुटि उत्पन्न हुई।'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'सिटिएक्स आईडी'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'प्रसंग कुंजी'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/hi/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/hi/user.inc.php index 2df6b0ff06a..aeccb166525 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/hi/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/hi/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'अगर सेट करें, user इस समय तक अवरुद्ध हो जाएगा।'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'अपने डेटा को बदल दिया गया है। कृपया फिर से log in करें।'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'MODX Class Key इस user के लिए। जब तक तुम जानते हो कि तुम क्या कर रहे हैं यह परिवर्तन नहीं है।'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'User बनाया गया है। पासवर्ड है: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'देश'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'जन्म तिथि'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'पुरुष'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'यहाँ आप जो user संपादित करना चाहते हैं चुन सकते हैं।'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'मोबाइल फ़ोन नंबर'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'पासवर्ड सफलतापूर्वक परिवर्तित करने के लिए: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'फोन नंबर'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'User तस्वीर'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'इस user के लिए छवि का URL दर्ज करें या का चयन करें या सर्वर पर कोई छवि फ़ाइल अपलोड करने के लिए सम्मिलित करें \' बटन का उपयोग करें।'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'यदि की जाँच की है, इस user पूर्ण पहुँच सभी साइट के लिए किया जाएगा और किसी भी पहुँच अनुमतियाँ चेक बाईपास होगा। * जब तक आप ऐसा करने के लिए मतलब नहीं है * यह जांच करते हैं!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'उपयोगकर्ता बनाएं / संपादित करें'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'अन्य'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'User अद्यतन किया गया है। पासवर्ड है: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'यदि आप इस user अपलोड करने के किसी भी filetypes इस category में रोकने के लिए चाहते हैं, तो सुनिश्चित करें कि \'उपयोग मुख्य कॉन्फ़िगरेशन सेटिंग\' चेकबॉक्स चयनित नहीं ticked है और फ़ील्ड रिक्त छोड़ दें।'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'सिस्टम कॉन्फ़िगरेशन सेटिंग का उपयोग करें'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'इस user के अद्वितीय पहचानकर्ता, और नाम है जिसके द्वारा वे साइट में प्रवेश करेगा।'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/hu/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/hu/context.inc.php index 474eef3d75a..e47996f3089 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/hu/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/hu/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Környezet nincs megadva.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Adjon meg egy érvényes kulcsot a környezethez.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'Hiba történt a környezet törlése közben.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Hiba történt a környezet mentésekor.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Környezet azonosítója'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Környezet kulcsa'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/hu/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/hu/user.inc.php index b43c8b32a28..e0e7e089e43 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/hu/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/hu/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Ha be van állítva, a felhasználó tiltva lesz eddig az időpontig.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Az adatai megváltoztak. Kérjük, jelentkezzen be újra.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Ennek a felhasználónak a MODX osztálykulcsa. Csak akkor változtassa meg, ha tisztában van a következményekkel.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'A felhasználó létrehozva. A jelszó: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Biztosan véglegesen törli ezt az elemet?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Ország'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Születésnap'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Férfi'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Itt választhatja ki a módosítani kívánt felhasználót.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobil telefonszám'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'A jelszó sikeresen módosult erre: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Telefonszám'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Felhasználó fényképe'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Adja meg a felhasználó képének URL-jét, vagy nyomja meg a beillesztés gombot egy képállomány feltöltéséhez vagy a kiszolgálóról való kiválasztásához.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Ha be van jelölve, ez a felhasználó teljes hozzáférést kap az egész webhelyhez és elkerül minden jogosultsági ellenőrzést. *NE* jelölje be, csak ha ezt akarja!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Felhasználó létrehozása, módosítása'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Egyéb'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'A felhasználó módosítva. A jelszó: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Ha nem akarja engedélyezni ennek a felhasználónak tetszőleges állomány feltöltését ebbe a kategóriába, ellenőrizze, hogy a \'használja a kategória fő beállításait\' jelölő nincs bejelölve, és hagyja üresen.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Használja a rendszerbeállításokat'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'A felhasználó egyedi azonosítója és belépési neve.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/id/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/id/context.inc.php index 8c65dd1e4f1..02e1f69cbf4 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/id/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/id/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Konteks tidak ditentukan.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Silakan tentukan sebuah kunci yang berlaku untuk konteks.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan konteks.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'CTX ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Konteks Key'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/id/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/id/user.inc.php index 4bbe22104ff..0b9a08b0726 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/id/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/id/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Jika diset, pengguna akan diblokir sampai saat ini.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Data anda telah berubah Silahkan login lagi.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Tombol Kelas MODX untuk pengguna ini. Jangan ubah ini kecuali Anda tahu apa yang Anda lakukan.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Pengguna telah dibuat. Kata sandinya adalah: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Negara'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Tanggal lahir'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Laki-laki'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Di sini Anda dapat memilih pengguna mana yang ingin Anda edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Nomor GSM'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Kata sandi berhasil diubah menjadi: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Nomor Telepon'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Foto'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Masukkan URL gambar untuk pengguna ini atau gunakan tombol sisipan untuk memilih atau mengunggah file gambar di server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Jika dicentang, pengguna ini akan memiliki akses penuh ke semua situs dan akan melewati pemeriksaan Izin Akses. * JANGAN * periksa ini kecuali Anda bermaksud melakukannya!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Buat/Perbaharui User'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Lainnya'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Pengguna telah diperbarui. Kata sandinya adalah: [[+ password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Jika Anda ingin menghentikan pengguna ini mengunggah filetype dalam kategori ini, pastikan kotak centang \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' tidak dicentang dan biarkan bidang kosong.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Gunakan Setting dari Konfigurasi Sistem'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Pengenal unik Pengguna ini, dan nama tempat mereka akan masuk ke situs ini.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/it/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/it/context.inc.php index e44f4e97ad3..2603ee0ef5a 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/it/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/it/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Contesto non specificato.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Specifica una Chiave (nome univoco) valida per il Contesto.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di eliminare il Contesto.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Si è verificato un errore tentando di salvare il Contesto.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID (ID Contesto)'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Chiave (nome univoco) Contesto'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/it/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/it/user.inc.php index 5118aa94461..0096aa7fd2c 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/it/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/it/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Se impostato, l\'utente sarà bloccato fino a questo orario.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'I tuoi dati sono stati cambiati. Per favore esegui nuovamente il log in.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'La Chiave della Classe MODX per questo utente. NON cambiare questo valore a meno che tu non sappia cosa stai facendo.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'L\'utente è stato creato. La password è: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare permanentemente questo utente?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Stato'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Data di nascita'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Maschio'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Qui puoi scegliere quale utente vorresti modificare.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Numero Tel. Cellulare'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password correttamente modificata in: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Numero Tel. Fisso'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Foto Utente'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Inserisci l\'indirizzo url dell\'immagine per questo utente o usa il pulsante inserisci per scegliere o caricare un\'immagine sul server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Se selezionato, questo utente avrà completo accesso a tutto il sito e bypasserà qualsiasi controllo dei Permessi di Accesso. *NON* selezionarlo a meno che non sappia esattamente cosa stai facendo e tu abbia veramente intenzione di farlo!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Crea/Modifica Utente'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Altro'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'L\'Utente è stato aggiornato. La password è: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' Se vuoi impedire a questo utente di caricare qualsiasi tipo di file in questa categoria, assicurati che l\'opzione \'Usa Impostazioni di Configurazione Principali\' non sia spuntata e lascia il campo vuoto.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Usa Impostazioni di Configurazione del Sistema'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'L\'identificatore univoco di questo Utente, e il nome con cui eseguirà il login nel sito.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/ja/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/ja/context.inc.php index 6666d6f794a..0585ebd5646 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ja/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/ja/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'コンテキストが指定されていません。'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'コンテキストの有効なキーを指定してください。'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'コンテキストの保存中にエラーが発生しました。'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'コンテキストID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'コンテキストキー'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/ja/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/ja/user.inc.php index 4dd0dad43cf..4dc57fdcb31 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ja/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/ja/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = '指定した日時までの間、ユーザーのログインはブロックされます。'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'ユーザー情報が変更されました。もう一度ログインしなおしてください。'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'このユーザーのMODXクラスキー。この値の役割を理解していない限り、変更しないでください。'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'ユーザーを作成しました。 パスワードは[[+password]]です。'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = '国'; $_lang['user_dob'] = '誕生日'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = '男性'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'サイト(管理画面も含む)を利用できるユーザーの情報を編集します。'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = '携帯電話番号'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'パスワードは正常に変更されました: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = '電話番号'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'ユーザーの写真'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'このユーザーの写真イメージファイルのURLを入力してください。か、挿入ボタンをクリックします。ファイルマネージャーでファイルを選択したり、イメージファイルをサーバーにアップロードしたりできます。'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'チェックされている場合、このユーザーは任意のアクセス権限チェックを迂回し、全てのサイトへフルアクセスが可能になります。※この設定の意味を理解していない限り、チェックしないでください。'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'ユーザーの作成/編集'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'このユーザーはアップデートしています. パスワードは[[+password]]です。'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' このユーザーに対してこのカテゴリーに含まれるファイルタイプのアップロードを禁じたい場合、「システム設定を使用」をチェックせず、このフィールドを空白にしておいてください。'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'システム設定を使用'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'ユーザーの識別子であり、ログイン時にも使用します。既存のユーザー名と重複しない、ユニークな値を入力してください。'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/nl/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/nl/context.inc.php index e7bb2c1841c..cd20b91c57e 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/nl/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/nl/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context niet opgegeven.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Geef een geldige sleutel voor de context.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het opslaan van de Context.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Context Sleutel'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/nl/login.inc.php b/core/lexicon/nl/login.inc.php index 76e5f3bfc76..89645fefce6 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/nl/login.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/nl/login.inc.php @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ $_lang['login_message'] = 'Vul je inloggegevens in om jouw Manager sessie te starten. Je gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord zijn hoofdlettergevoelig, dus vul het met zorg in!'; $_lang['login_password'] = 'Wachtwoord'; $_lang['login_password_reset_act_sent'] = 'Als de gebruiker of het e-mailadres bestaat, ontvangt u spoedig een e-mail.'; -$_lang['login_remember'] = 'Houdt mij ingelogd voor [[+lifetime]]'; +$_lang['login_remember'] = 'Houd mij ingelogd voor [[+lifetime]]'; $_lang['login_send_activation_email'] = 'Stuur activatie e-mail'; $_lang['login_title'] = 'Aanmelden'; $_lang['login_user_err_nf_email'] = 'Als de gebruiker of het e-mailadres bestaat, ontvangt u spoedig een e-mail.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/nl/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/nl/user.inc.php index 24b6bcb9fcd..7e2e19ec459 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/nl/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/nl/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Indien gezet, de gebruiker wordt tot deze tijd geblokkeerd.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Jouw gegevens zijn gewijzigd. Je moet opnieuw inloggen.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'De MODX Class Key voor deze gebruiker. Wijzig dit alleen als je weet wat je wat doet.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'De gebruiker is aangemaakt. Het wachtwoord is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Land'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Geboortedatum'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Man'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Hier kun je kiezen welke gebruiker je wilt aanpassen.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobiel telefoonnummer'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Wachtwoord met succes aangepast naar: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Telefoonnummer'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Gebruikersfoto'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Vul een URL van de afbeelding van deze gebruiker in of gebruik de invoegen knop om een afbeelding te selecteren/uploaden op de server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Indien aangevinkt, zal deze gebruiker volledig toegang hebben tot de site en Toegangsrechten worden genegeerd. *NIET AANVINKEN* tenzij je weet wat je doet!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Maak/wijzig gebruiker'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Overige'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'De gebruiker is aangepast. Dit is het nieuwe wachtwoord: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' Indien je wenst dat deze gebruiker geen bestandstypen kan uploaden in deze categorie, controleer dan dat de \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox niet is aangevinkt en laat het veld leeg.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Gebruik systeem configuratie instelling'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'De unieke identificatie voor deze gebruiker en de naam waarmee ze kunnen inloggen op de site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/pl/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/pl/context.inc.php index b3b4e748c6b..9a7695c1f92 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/pl/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/pl/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the Context.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Cth ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Klucz kontekstu'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/pl/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/pl/user.inc.php index 1ecf1dfce9f..8739d780db5 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/pl/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/pl/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Data, do upływu której logowanie będzie zablokowane.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Kraj'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Data urodzenia'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Mężczyzna'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Komórka'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Hasło zostało zmienione na: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Telefon'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Zdjęcie użytkownika'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Utwórz/Edytuj użytkownika'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Inne'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Unikalny identyfikator tego użytkownika i nazwa, przy użyciu której będzie się logować.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/pt/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/pt/context.inc.php index 65db32e8777..f771e033556 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/pt/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/pt/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Contexto não espeficifado.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Por favor, especifique uma chave válida para o contexto.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Um erro ocorreu enquanto tentava salvar o Contexto.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'ID Contexto'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Chave Contexto'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/pt/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/pt/user.inc.php index e9c13f752c4..370035cf22e 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/pt/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/pt/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Caso definido, o usuário será bloqueado até este momento.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Seus dados foram alterados. Por favor, entre novamente.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'A Chave Classe MODX para este usuário. Não mude isto a menos que você saiba o que está fazendo.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'O Usuário foi criado. A senha é: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'País'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Data de Nascimento'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Masculino'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Aqui você pode escolher quais usuários você deseja editar.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Número do Celular'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Senha alterada com sucesso para: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Número de Telefone'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Foto do Usuário'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Digite o URL da imagem para este usuário ou use o botão de inserir para selecionar ou enviar uma imagem no servidor.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Se marcado, este usuário terá acesso total a todos do site e irá ignorar qualquer verificação de permissões de acesso. *NÃO* verificar isso, a menos que você quer mesmo fazê-lo '; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Criar/Editar usuário'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Outros'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'O usuário foi atualizado. A senha é: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' Se você deseja impedir que este usuário envie algum tipo de arquivo nesta categoria, tenha certeza que \'Usar Configurações do Sistema\' não esteja marcado e deixe o campo em branco.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Usar Configurações do Sistema'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'O identificador único deste usuário, e o nome pelo qual se fará o login no site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/ro/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/ro/context.inc.php index 2f1b860b669..685da2bfa50 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ro/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/ro/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'S-a produs o eroare în timpul salvării contextului.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Identificator context'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/ro/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/ro/user.inc.php index bb85c3fe0d4..836b625d62a 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ro/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/ro/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Data nașterii'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Masculin'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Aici puteți gestiona utilizatorii din sistem.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Număr de telefon mobil'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Număr de telefon'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/ru/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/ru/context.inc.php index d0fa0be2e2e..f4b2d260619 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ru/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/ru/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Контекст не указан.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Пожалуйста, укажите действительный ключ для контекста.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'Произошла ошибка при попытке удалить контекст.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Произошла ошибка при сохранении контекста.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'ID контекста'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Ключ контекста'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/ru/tv_widget.inc.php b/core/lexicon/ru/tv_widget.inc.php index ec96dcc0832..55575f5d760 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ru/tv_widget.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/ru/tv_widget.inc.php @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
diff --git a/core/lexicon/ru/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/ru/user.inc.php index c136c74b0e1..d9a716795ed 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/ru/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/ru/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Если установлено, то пользователь будет заблокирован до этого времени.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Ваши данные были изменены. Пожалуйста, войдите в систему еще раз.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Ключ класса для этого пользователя. Не изменяйте его, если вы не знаете, что вы делаете.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Пользователь создан. Пароль: [[+password]] '; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этого пользователя?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Страна'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Дата рождения'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Мужчина'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Здесь вы можете выбрать пользователей, данные которых вы хотели бы изменить.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Номер мобильного телефона'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Пароль успешно изменен на: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Номер телефона'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Фотография пользователя'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Введите URL адрес изображения или воспользуйтесь кнопкой для выбора или загрузки изображения на сервер.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Если установлено, пользователь будет иметь полный доступ ко всему сайту и проходить любые проверки прав доступа. НЕ ОТМЕЧАЙТЕ без необходимости!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Создать/Редактировать пользователя'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Скрыт'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Пользователь обновлён. Пароль: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Если вы хотите запретить этому пользователю загрузку любых файлов в эту категорию, убедитесь в том, что флажок «Использовать основные настройки» не отмечен, и оставьте поле пустым.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Использовать системные настройки'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Уникальный ID этого пользователя, и имя, под которым он будет входить на сайт.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/sl/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/sl/context.inc.php index 405adb938f3..7352df973c2 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/sl/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/sl/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the Context.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Context Key'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/sl/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/sl/user.inc.php index 63d2d6828c0..b142626be84 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/sl/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/sl/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Male'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Phone number'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/sv/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/sv/context.inc.php index 20a8b00f1db..9f6910b0558 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/sv/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/sv/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Kontext ej angiven.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Ange en giltig nyckel för kontexten.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'Ett fel inträffade när kontexten skulle tas bort.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'Kontextnyckeln du valde är reserverad för endast systemanvändning. Ange en annan nyckel.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Ett fel inträffade när kontexten skulle sparas.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ktx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Kontextnyckel'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/sv/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/sv/user.inc.php index ed7cba69ab8..33bf748fec7 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/sv/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/sv/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Om du anger ett klockslag här kommer användaren att vara blockerad fram tills den tidpunkten infaller.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Dina användardata har ändrats. Var snäll och logga in igen.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'MODX-klassnyckeln för denna användare. Ändra inte här om du inte vet vad du gör.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Användaren har skapats. Lösenordet är: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Användaren [[+username]] har skapats.
Lösenordet är: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna användare permanent?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Land'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Födelsedatum'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Man'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Här kan du skapa nya användare av innehållshanteraren eller välja en redan befintlig för redigering. Dessa användare kan logga in i innehållshanteraren.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobilnummer'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Lösenordet ändrades till: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Lösenordet ändrades till: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Telefonnummer'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Användarfoto'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Skriv in sökvägen till bilden för den här användaren, eller använd "Infoga"-knappen för att öppna ett nytt fönster där du kan välja en bild och ladda upp den till servern.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Om du markerar den här kommer denna användare att ha full tillgång till hela webbplatsen och kommer att kringgå alla behörighetskontroller. Markera *INTE* den här om du inte verkligen menar det.'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Skapa/redigera användare'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Annat'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Användaren har uppdaterats. Lösenordet är: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Användaren [[+username]] uppdaterades.
Lösenordet är: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' Om du vill hindra denna användare från att ladda upp några filtyper i den här kategorin, se då till att "Använd systemets konfigurationsinställning" inte är förbockad och lämna fältet blankt.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Använd systemets konfigurationsinställning'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Användarens unika identifierare och det namn som användaren ska använda för att logga in på webbplatsen.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/th/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/th/context.inc.php index c5e806db728..69d1fd19e50 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/th/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/th/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'ไม่มีการระบุบริบท'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'กรุณาระบุคีย์ที่ถูกต้องสำหรับบริบท'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะกำลังบันทึกบริบท'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'หมายเลขบริบท'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'คีย์บริบท'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/th/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/th/user.inc.php index cedfa85babf..7a407413034 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/th/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/th/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'ข้อมูลของคุณได้รับการเปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบอีกครั้ง'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'สร้างผู้ใช้แล้ว รหัสผ่านคือ: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'ประเทศ'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'วันเกิด'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'ผู้ชาย'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'เลือกสิ่งที่คุณต้องการแก้ไขที่นี่'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'หมายเลขโทรศัพท์เคลื่อนที่'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'รหัสผ่านถูกเปลียนเป็น: [[+password]] เรียบร้อยแล้ว'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'หมายเลขโทรศัพท์'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'รูปประจำตัวผู้ใช้'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'ใส่ url ของรูปภาพสำหรับผู้ใช้นี้หรือเลือกที่ปุ่มแทรกเพื่อเลือกและอัพโหลดรูปภาพจองเซิร์ฟเวอร์'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'สร้าง/แก้ไข ผู้ใช้'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'ผู้ใช้ถูกปรับปรุงแล้ว รหัสผ่านคือ: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' หากคุณต้องการจะหยุดการอัพโหลดไฟล์บางประเภทของผู้ใช้ในหมวดหมู่นี้ ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่า \'ใช้การตั้งค่าหลัก\' checkbox ต้องไม่ถูกเลือกและปล่อยให้ค่าฟิลด์ว่างไว้'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'ใช้การตั้งค่าของระบบ'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/tr/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/tr/context.inc.php index 22d58747e49..93135bc74dd 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/tr/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/tr/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'İçerik belirtilmemiş.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Lütfen içerik için geçerli bir anahtar belirtin.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'İçeriği kaydederken bir hata meydana geldi.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx Kimliği'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'İçerik anahtarı'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/tr/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/tr/user.inc.php index 84a442ab65c..512a984e3a3 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/tr/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/tr/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Eğer ayarlanırsa, kullanıcı bu zamana kadar engellenecek.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Verileriniz değiştirildi. Lütfen tekrar giriş yapın.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Bu kullanıcı için MODX Sınıf Anahtarı. Eğer ne yaptığınızı bilmiyorsanız bunu değiştirmeyin.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Kullanıcı oluşturuldu. Parola: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Ülke'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Doğum tarihi'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Erken'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Burada hangi kullanıcıyı düzenlemek istediğinizi seçebilirsiniz.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Cep telefonu numarası'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Parola başarıyla şuna değiştirildi: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Telefon numarası'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Kullanıcı Fotoğrafı'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Bu kullanıcı için görüntü URL\'si girin veya sunucudaki bir görüntü dosyasını seçmek veya yüklemek için ekle düğmesini kullanın.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'İşaretlenirse, bu kullanıcı tüm siteye tam erişime sahip olur ve Erişim İzinleri kontrollerini atlar. Bunu yapmak istediğin sürece bunu kontrol edin *ETMEYİN*!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Kullanıcı Oluştur/Düzenle'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Diğer'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Kullanıcı güncellendi. Parola:[[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Eğer bu kullanıcının bu kategoriye herhangi bir dosya türü yüklemesini durdurmak istiyorsanız, \'Ana Konfigürasyon Ayarlarını Kullan\' kutusunun tikli olmadığına ve boş bırakıldığına emin olun.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Sistem Yapılandırma Ayarlarını Kullan'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Kullanıcının özgün tanımı, ve siteye giriş yapacağı isim.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/uk/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/uk/context.inc.php index d74d7ddedf7..712ce416935 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/uk/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/uk/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Контекст не вказаний.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Будь ласка, вкажіть коректний ключ для контексту.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'Сталася помилка під час спроби видалення контексту.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Сталася помилка при збереженні контексту.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'ID контексту'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Ключ контексту'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/uk/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/uk/user.inc.php index 2cac5d245c3..3a9c160d9a6 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/uk/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/uk/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Якщо вказано, користувач буде заблокований до цього часу.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Ваші дані змінено. Будь ласка, увійдіть до системи знову.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Ключ класу MODX для цього користувача. Не змінюйте його, якщо Ви не знаєте, що Ви робите.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Користувача створено. Пароль: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цього користувача? '; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Країна'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Дата народження'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Чоловік'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Тут Ви можете вибрати користувачів, дані яких Ви хотіли б змінити.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Номер мобільного телефону'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Пароль успішно змінено на : [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Номер телефону'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Світлина користувача'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Введіть URL зображення для цього користувача або скористайтеся кнопкою "Вставити" для вибору або завантаження зображення на сервер.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Якщо встановлено, користувач матиме повний доступ до усього сайту і проходитиме будь-які перевірки доступу. НЕ ВІДМІЧАЙТЕ, якщо не впевнені у необхідності цього!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Створити/Редагувати користувача'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Інше'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Дані користувача оновлено. Пароль: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Якщо Ви хочете заборонити даному користувачеві завантаження будь-яких файлів у цю категорію, переконайтеся в тому, що прапорець "Використовувати основні налаштування" не відмічений, і залиште поле порожнім.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Використовувати системні налаштування'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Унікальний ідентифікатор користувача і ім\'я, під яким він буде входити на сайт.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/yo/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/yo/context.inc.php index 405adb938f3..7352df973c2 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/yo/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/yo/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the Context.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Context Key'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/yo/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/yo/user.inc.php index 63d2d6828c0..b142626be84 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/yo/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/yo/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Male'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Phone number'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/zh/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/zh/context.inc.php index 405adb938f3..7352df973c2 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/zh/context.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/zh/context.inc.php @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the Context.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Context Key'; diff --git a/core/lexicon/zh/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/zh/user.inc.php index ceafb736f98..0c6a6133e4c 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/zh/user.inc.php +++ b/core/lexicon/zh/user.inc.php @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Country'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = '先生'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = '电话'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Other'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.';